Reactions to gluten



  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    For me its digestive distress for up to a week afterward. Most of mine is mental issues. I can become extremely depressed, anxious, and lethargic. Also have short term memory issues, and trouble concentrating. I was on Cymbalta for a while for the anxiety/depression, before we figured out what the real problem was.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    I just started looking into gluten-free. I looked at and those are current positive signs (few more applied in the past):
    •Craving baked goods (cake, cookies, brownies)
    •Craving high sugar foods
    •Frequent intestinal bloating or gas especially after eating (*definitely after eating certain carbs)
    •frequent headaches and migraines
    •poor memory
    • difficulty recalling words (*ha English is my third language so I wonder)
    •Brain fog
    •Poor concentration
    •Depression/anxiety/mood swings (*depending on cycle)
    • Inability to lose weight
    •Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
    • Menstrual problems – PMS (*PMDD)
    • Endometriosis
    • frequent colds (every 1.5-2 months this year)
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    Cramps, bloating, my depression worsens, headaches, joint aches. In short, everything hurts.
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    Also brain fog and fatigue.
  • I'm not sure if I am gluten intolerant/Celiac, but these are my symptoms that I believe are associated with gluten:

    Sinus pressure/pain
    Sore, achy feeling all over (flu like)
    Brain fog
    “Crackly” sounds in ear
    Ear “pounding” – this drives me nuts !
    Fatigue (although taking a liquid B complex has helped a little)
    Joint pain (right shoulder/neck area)
    Tinnitus - don't know if this is related to gluten ?

    I have had most of these symptoms for about 7-8 years now. Some for longer, like headaches and tinnitus. I've never had much of the digestive issues, but when I was eating wheat/gluten on a regular basis, I had a lot of bloating, I could look normal in the morning and by the end of the day, I looked pregnant !

    I went off gluten for about 3 weeks a while ago, and was feeling SO much better. Then, during the holidays, I slipped up quite a few times and had gluten, and I started feeling bad again.
    I am starting another one month (at least !) trial as of this week to see if it helps.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Those can also be symptoms of a wheat allergy which is what I have. I get them if I eat wheat. You'll want to try taking Magnesium, B12, Zinc and Vitamin C and D. I know some vitamin deficiencies can cause tinnitus (ringing of the ears) as I've had it come and go and vitamins seem to help me.
  • LetsMakeupXtina
    LetsMakeupXtina Posts: 627 Member
    It starts for me with cramping usually 15-30 minutes after eating it.. then that leads to severe cramping (the worst cramping I have ever experienced!) and gas, vomiting, I usually experience flu like symptoms too and break out in a cold sweat... I rarely experience these symptoms these days as I have 100% removed gluten from my diet.. though there has been once or twice I ate something that I thought was gluten free when in fact it was not.. and got all of these horrible symptoms... Hate it!
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Hi everyone, new to MFP, and gluten free since August, thought I'd just jump right in.

    I've been to doctor after doctor since my daughter was born 10 years ago. 10 YEARS of trying to find out why my iron levels would drop so severely and nothing we did brought them up, I had problems with my hemoglobin levels, major mood swings, diarrhea, constant nausea....10 years and 2 very serious hospitalizations later, they figured it out.

    I refuse to do the Celiac test because the treatment is the same and there is no doubt about what is going on. My symptoms before being diagnosed were:

    Mood swings. OMG I was miserable. My poor kids.
    The biggest was the mas-absortion of iron/nutrients. That was the cause for concern.
    Brain fog
    Trouble concentrating
    Really heavy, painful periods (tmi, sorry)
    diarrhea - so much worse the last 2 years.

    In the months before being diagnosed I had 3 separate joint "injuries" My flexor muscle was so injured that I couldn't lift my leg or walk for a week, I couldn't lift my shoulder, and I had "tendonitis" so badly in my arm that I couldln't bend it. It all magically went away after I went off gluten.

    Now if I ingets something with gluten, like candy (oops) I get nausous, stomache pains, gas, bloating, diarrhea (though I'm on meds to control it because they think I also have a fairly rare reaction to having no gall bladder) brain fog, headaches, severe fatigue, mood swings, joint pain, back pain, dizziness....its not fun. Damn candy.

    I also have an intolerance to corn and dairy, and a peanut/tree nut allergy. I don't like rice, so I"m 90% grain free. Once in awhile I"ll bake cookies with rice flour and have some.

    And, since my kids are unlucky enough to not only have me, but my mom who is Celiac, they are also gluten free. For sure 2 of the kids need to be, my son (3) gets stomach pain, diarrhea, mood swings and dark allergy circles under his eyes, my oldest gets joint/neck pain and major behavioral issues. We're not sure about my middle child yet. My son also has an issue with corn.
  • I kind of wish that my reactions to gluten had been as immediate of reactions as most of you describe. Because my gluten intolerance is a slow onset reaction that builds up, I had no idea for a very long time that gluten was the problem. I had ulcerative colitis since I was 15 and tried everything. I even got tested for celiacs and tested negative. My ulcerative colitis got so bad that when I was 21 I had to have a complete colectomy (had my full colon removed). Thankfully due to modern medicine, I do not have to wear an ileostomy since they made a "fake colon" out of my small intestines. However I do have some nasty scars that make me feel very ugly sometimes and I still have bad stomach problems.

    About 3 months ago, even though I tested negative for celiacs, I decided to go gluten free and I have felt progressively better ever since. I have cheated a few times and it is obvious because I feel like crap. Also, I don't know about you guys, but I feel like anytime I eat gluten it creates a binge onset. It's so weird because here I am feeling like crap but wanting to eat everything around me. When I stay away from gluten, I have no problem sticking to my calories and not eating a bunch of junk food.

    I always wonder if I had tried gluten free as a teenager, would I have had to have my colon removed and live with these hideous scars? I feel like the answer is no, and I'm so glad that more attention has been called to gluten intolerance outside of celiacs. I just wish more doctors would emphasize that just because you test negative for celiacs doesn't mean you aren't gluten intolerant.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    does anyone have malabsorbtion syndrome related to their celiac?

    I have just recently discovered that my issues are caused by gluten issues...blood test neg, but will be having the other test....I am GF one day then reg one day, I don't want to go for the test if I will just be neg...over the last 15 years, I had diarrhea, incontenance...solved this by changing GENERic meds tp Brand...that was my first success...over the last year or so, I have had at first meds interactions, then sensitivities, then EXTREME fafigue, brain fog, clumsiness, excema on my ebow, etc...which I discovered at the time would be helped by eating something NUTRIENT RICH or double my multi, which was already 500 % B it...then I had the EVENT...the day before Thanksgiving I had a strong urge for French I found a small one at Walmart, small because I am trying to lose weight, afterall...and the next day I had major ZITS on my face and thigh, and I felt sick....and the excema was worse....I realized that the bread was a problem...I went to my family meal, but left early, and stayed in bed the rest of the whenever I eat reg I feel sick, but no vomiting, and the diarrea is back...and the brain fog...and headaches...2 days ago I had a day with my grandkids and had 3 slices of pizza, mac & ch, and breaded chicken...on the way home, my brain started to shut down....Just before Christmas, the same thing happened after drinking a high protein shake...and WAS in an accident...don't know if it was the SOY shake or from gluten the day before....anyway I am on vacation for the next 2 weeks, so I am resting and having family time....

    I have had some tests..overactive galbladder, minor gastritis, low thyroid, minor diverticulitis, low fat sol vits, high calcium, heart issues, kidney stones 8 yrs ago, so I am almost always having issues....

    also, since I got a cortosone shot when I was a teenager, I'm 61 now, I have been sensitive to soaps, dyes, perfumes, chemicals, etc...and now this..!!!!
  • I'm not sure if I am gluten intolerant/Celiac, but these are my symptoms that I believe are associated with gluten:

    Sinus pressure/pain
    Sore, achy feeling all over (flu like)
    Brain fog
    “Crackly” sounds in ear
    Ear “pounding” – this drives me nuts !
    Fatigue (although taking a liquid B complex has helped a little)
    Joint pain (right shoulder/neck area)
    Tinnitus - don't know if this is related to gluten ?

    I have had most of these symptoms for about 7-8 years now. Some for longer, like headaches and tinnitus. I've never had much of the digestive issues, but when I was eating wheat/gluten on a regular basis, I had a lot of bloating, I could look normal in the morning and by the end of the day, I looked pregnant !

    I went off gluten for about 3 weeks a while ago, and was feeling SO much better. Then, during the holidays, I slipped up quite a few times and had gluten, and I started feeling bad again.
    I am starting another one month (at least !) trial as of this week to see if it helps.

    These are similar to my symptoms! After the blood test I am not Celiac but do not tolerate wheat, or corn actually which is a huge pain. The blood test was helpful to see levels of intolerance. I eat a lot of veggies and rice, I am hoping this bard will have more food meal ideas too:)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Since you're off corn too, you might benefit from the Food Allergies board and the Grain Free Board:
  • lacogg
    lacogg Posts: 1 Member
    I have digestions issues, stomach cramps and get incredibly sleepy. I also (TMI) had white fatty or yellow slime stools. I thought this was normal when people ate until I was diagnosed with wheat intolerance. Also had constant headaches when I was eating wheat. My doctor has also stated malabsorption. Ironically, even though I am (still) overweight when I ate wheat it prevented my body from absorbing the needed nutrients so I was in a constant state of hunger. Seriously, I could eat a whole pizza and bread sticks and still be hungry. Now that I am gluten-free I have a normal appetite and am loosing weight.
  • I get instant headache and nausea and stomach pain. Runny nose, bloating severe anxiety, brain fog, muscle pain. I have been doing really well staying away from gluten but because it was undiagnosed for so long I also am vitimin B12 deficient and have monthly shot. I am also deficient in vitimin D and have a hashimotos. I am severely anemic to the point of having to have blood transfusions. But like I mentioned now that I know for sure it is Celiac's and know to stay away from gluten I am feeling better.
  • I'm allergic to gluten have IBS ,asthma and Raynaud's disease
    My reaction so far over the years have been
    cold sweats
    feeling ill like have a flu
    hand cramps(arthritis)
    hand and arm numbness to the point of i could hardly move it
    right arm only aching and painful,more so if cold weather
    turned grey and ill once after eating rice crispies while waiting for coeliac reasults
    Farting ,burping
    lips swell a lot after eating a trace amount and burn
    face burns and swells if contamination build up
    burning red rash appears under bottom lip
    itching all over the body but starts on head and face
    and had a rash that covered my whole body as itchy as hell that looked like i had rolled in stinking nettles.
    I start to fall asleep and fight to keep my eyes open.If i let myself go to sleep i sleep for hour and find it hard to wake and feel ill and horrible if do.
    I have to avoid even the tiniest trace,one bread crumb and i may become ill along with modified starches which seem to be in everything.