July 2013 Babies

tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
Hey! I don't know if anyone else is in due in July 2013, but I wanted to say hi to the Firecracker mommies-to-be! This is my first, unexpected, but very excited. I'm due 7/7/13. I had to readjust my setting from loosing weight to maintaining and trying to get more calcium in my diet (HARD!).

So Hello and H&H 8 more months! :-)



  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I'm due on July 3rd!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I am due July 20th, so still hoping this baby sticks! This will be my first, and I also just switched calories to maintenance. Congrats to everyone :) Looking forward to supporting one another.
  • I'm due July 10th! Feel free to friend me if you're looking for pregnancy friends.
  • TRHuston
    TRHuston Posts: 69 Member
    July 4th! Kid probably will be a firecracker knowing mom and dad. Looking for friends too! Feel free to add me.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I'm due July 11 but my first 2 babies were born 2 and 3 weeks early so I'm anticipating a late June arrival. I'll have to wait and see. :-)
  • kramsgirl
    kramsgirl Posts: 38 Member
    I'm due July 27th!
  • McFelix57
    McFelix57 Posts: 28 Member
    Due July 27th with our first and SO incredibly excited!! No real symptoms other than being a little more tired than usual.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I am 5 weeks 3 days, and I have been very very tired and need to go to bed around 8:30, I also am not afraid to nap if I know I will need to stay up later. I have to pee alot, especially at night, and as of yesterday I have mild nausea most of the day. The nausea does seem to go away while I am in the act of eating. My breasts are mildly tender as well, but I have found if I wear a sports bra they don't really bother me.

    When do you ladies have your first appointments? Mine is at 9 weeks 2 days with a midwife group at a free standing birth center. They don't do an early ultrasound, so I am just really hoping that they will be able to hear a heartbeat with the Doppler. So hard to wait for the first appointment!
  • kramsgirl
    kramsgirl Posts: 38 Member
    I'm just over 4 weeks and haven't had symptoms yet. With my previous pregnancy, by 5 weeks I was feeling 'yucky' when I got hungry and by 6 weeks I was extremely tired. As luck would have it, 5 weeks will hit right around Thanksgiving and at 6 weeks we'll be going on a weekend trip with dh's co-workers. I'm hoping I don't feel half dead that weekend.
    I haven't scheduled my first appointment yet. Last time my OB didn't need to see me till 9 or 10 weeks so I'm waiting a couple more weeks to call in.
  • I haven't gotten an "official" EDD (go to the Dr on the 30th), but according to online calculators it's July 21st! I'm 5 weeks 2 days. My symptoms are tiredness and, um, sore boobs.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi there!!

    I am due July 14th!

    I actually already had an US because when i called the dr my last period was sept. so they thought i was closer to 8 weeks, but by measurements I am 6. weeks 5 days!
    This was such a huge surprise to me! I had tried for 5 years after i lost a baby at 20 weeks, and finally last year we stopped trying. Needless to say i am cautiously optimistic and very surprised!

    I have had nausea off and on throughout the day, and boobs are sore, and tired. I actually have alot of food aversions also. I cant stand the thought of hot beverages like coffee or tea. All my normal foods do not appeal to me at all! Weird!

    I have a 7 yo girl, and during that pregnancy I worked out the whole way through. I plan to do that with this one as well. I will run until I can anymore (last time ran through about 30 weeks, then maybe walk or elliptical...I also have been doing stronglifts, but I am not going to do that anymore unless my ob gives me the OK!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Beautiful_Ideal
    Beautiful_Ideal Posts: 69 Member
    I'm due for our first on July 18th! Would love to have some other pg friends :) My main symptom is nausea...turkey smelled horrible to me on Thanksgiving!

    Also, about calcium: I take Vitafusion Calcium Gummy Vitamins for Adults, $11 at Costco for two giant bottles, along with my daily prenatal. They provide an extra 500mg/day of calcium, per my OBGYN's advice. I highly recommend them, 30 calories per serving and very tasty!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Oops, turns out I counted wrong on my cell phone calendar! LOL I thought I was due in July but it turns out it's actually June 24. :-)
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Has exercise been difficult for anyone else? I had been doing so well with workouts before I was pregnant, but now I am so tired and often nauseous, that naps usually win over exercise. Today I did some resistance band work and I felt almost like passing out, and I had to keep sitting down. It seemed like standing work was alot more difficult than mat work. I just can't believe that walking is what I am going to have to stick to. Feeling discouraged. (I am 7 weeks today)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    dawn--We're twins! I'm due July 14th as well. My LMP was also in September but I didn't ovulate until around day 20, so I can't really go by the first day of my LMP either.

    I had my first sonogram today! We heard the heartbeat, which was so reassuring even though I don't have many symptoms (a little boob soreness and tiredness, but nothing all that dramatic). 134 beats per minute, so I'm guessing it's a boy. My doctor is going to let me know when to schedule the first "real" appointment, but the nurse who did the sonogram said that it will probably be at around 9 weeks (two weeks from now).

    How funny! When we had the us the heart rate was 130!! wow!

    @freeasharold: I am definitely not exercising like I used to. i was running about 25 miles a week, but now I am lucky to get 12 in, and I am running much slower and taking alot more breaks. I am also really tired aswell, and nauseaus at times. You should feel better in a few weeks!
  • MeccaLoves2Sleep
    MeccaLoves2Sleep Posts: 43 Member
    July 27th... I think. Find out the exact date next Tuesday!!!

    It's my first.
  • I"m due July 4th!! :)
  • Due mid-July and vomiting daily :) but not as bad as baby 1. Haven't been going to the gym normally because of sickness, so hopefully in a few more weeks I'll feel more up to it.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I have been feeling much better, and have been able to start getting back into mild exercise. I had my first ultrasound today and saw baby waving its arms and kicking its leg. It had a nice heart-rate of 168, so I am trying to relax and enjoy now. So weird and so cool! How is everyone else doing?
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    hi! i am heather, I am due July 24th with my second baby. my daughter is 19 months old so they will be just a tad over 2 years apart. no weight gain so far, but sooooooo tired and nauseous! I just upped my calorie goal a little bit to see if that helps :) Can't wait to hit the second trimester mark and hopefully feel a little better!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Has exercise been difficult for anyone else? I had been doing so well with workouts before I was pregnant, but now I am so tired and often nauseous, that naps usually win over exercise. Today I did some resistance band work and I felt almost like passing out, and I had to keep sitting down. It seemed like standing work was alot more difficult than mat work. I just can't believe that walking is what I am going to have to stick to. Feeling discouraged. (I am 7 weeks today)

    oh hun, I feel ya! I had every intention of keeping up my 20 miles a week running.... um... i think I have run about 9 miles in the past MONTH! it is just so hard first trimester. my main goal is to survive the next couple weeks (I am 10 weeks now, hoping the 12 week mark brings some relief!) and get back into it then. for now I am doing daily walks, chasing a toddler and doing little things like taking the stairs and such. hang in there!!!!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    12 weeks today and last week of the first trimester! So happy! Hope everyone is well.
  • lys617
    lys617 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I'm due July 25th!
  • MysteriousWays
    MysteriousWays Posts: 40 Member
    Hello! I am 14 weeks 1 day - due July 9th. My daughter was July 3rd. Guess we had our own little Rocktober.

    I have had terrible morning sickness this time around. Every time I eat, I feel ill - junk food or good food. I think I'm going to start exercising later this week hopefully. I used to run and do boot camp. Not since mid November!

    We have had 3 u/s because two were for dating. I thought I was due July 14th, but I'm measuring at the 9th. Heart rate has been 140-160.

    Is anyone finding out the gender? We should know by mod February. We have a boatload of girl stuff that we want to know if we should keep.

    Feel free to add me too!
  • meoneto
    meoneto Posts: 16
    Hi!! I'm 14 wks today and this is my first pregnancy, our little one is due July 11.

    Due to some difficulty in conceiving I also had to stop running those 3 mi that I was doing everyday and my first trimester was really sedentary. Now in my second tri and I am taking prenatal yoga twice a week and making sure I get to gym to get some light cardio in....and interested in trying swimming.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • sgeorge731
    sgeorge731 Posts: 20 Member
    So glad to find a July group! I'm due July 9th with my first. I just started my 2nd trimester and I'm hoping I can get some energy back and start my work outs again. Through the first trimester I worked out some but it was really hit and miss because of the exhaustion. Feel free to add me, I'd love the accountability!

    Mysterious: We're finding out the gender at 16 weeks. I'm going to pay to do the elective 3D/4D ultrasound. I just can't wait until 20 weeks! We'd love a boy but after a year of trying we'll be thrilled with a healthy baby girl as well : ) It helps that my best friend is pregnant with a little girl and is just a few months ahead of me : )
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I'm due July 2 and just over 15 weeks now. Feeling much better but still tired.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    We will find out the sex around week 20 or so. For awhile I thought I didn't really care at all what the sex of the baby was, but as of late I have been really hoping that it is a girl. I want to find out so I can start bonding with the baby early, and not get too excited one way or the other :)
  • kristapennie
    kristapennie Posts: 105 Member
    Hello All!
    14 weeks tomorrow and Due July 13th ahh! I may just have a Birthday Baby cause my B-day is the 20th!

    So glad to be over the first trimester, it wasn't very fun...i actually quit MFP for that time and now I'm back in action :)

    Going to prenatal yoga 1-2x per week and I plan to get back to the gym to get my walk on and hopefully some swimming

    feel free to add me :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hello All!
    14 weeks tomorrow and Due July 13th ahh! I may just have a Birthday Baby cause my B-day is the 20th!

    So glad to be over the first trimester, it wasn't very fun...i actually quit MFP for that time and now I'm back in action :)

    Going to prenatal yoga 1-2x per week and I plan to get back to the gym to get my walk on and hopefully some swimming

    feel free to add me :)

    I am due July 14th!!

    My daughter is 7 and I am actually hoping for another girl, but we should find out either way in a few weeks. I am going for US the first or second week of Feb and hoping they can tell us then!!