Daily Roll Call-Challenge



  • jansengirlnm
    jansengirlnm Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there. I'm in my first week of Turbo Jam. I did 1 Rotation of ChaLEAN Extreme and then 1.5 months of ChaLEAN Extreme Deluxe with TJ Fat Blaster so much - I decided I should get Turbo Jam. So far I love it. My plan is to do a month of TJ and then decide to go back to CE (Maybe start in Push Phase) or do another TJ Session....

    Tonight isTurbo Jam® / Punch, Kick & Jam. Off to change now. :flowerforyou:
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Just finished up Cardio Party 1. Love that workout!
  • Mom2mdv
    Mom2mdv Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!! We are all doing so well - let's keep it up!!! :bigsmile:

    Last night I did the Cardio party DVD - and had so much fun! Haven't done that one in a while. It was a struggle to get downstairs - but once I got there and did it I was glad I did. I realized at that moment that I really need to get up in the mornings and get my workout done so I don't have that temptation to skip my workout. I completely dislike getting up early in the morning - but I know if I do my workout it is done. It is so hard not hitting that snooze button and staying in my cozy bed,,,but I know the workout has to get done!!! With that said - I got up this morning and did the Turbo Jam 20 minute workout and walked/ran on treadmill for 30 minutes!! Got the workout done and happy that I did!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    Hi y'all.
    I'm new to the group and wrote on the introductions thread last night.
    I just finished the Learn & Burn. Wow! I can tell these last couple months of having little or no exercise really had a bad effect on me. As if I'd never done it before...
    Anyway, I repeated some of the Learn as I want to be sure that I do it right... don't want to hurt my lower back.
    During the kicks, I had to revert back to just some side-steps for a couple minutes as I could tell that I was overdoing it.
    My face is beat red and I realize that I am also recovering from having been sick since Sunday... I hope that I did not overdo it too badly. I walked around for a few minutes for additional cool down.
    I'm glad that I decided to join in on this, today.

    How are those doing that were reporting some back pain?

    Thanks for letting me join in.
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey everyone! Did the 20 minute workout as today is a busy day for me.

    Welcome Elbee1! I think it's great you're making sure to get the moves right before starting. I did the same thing and I haven't had any back pain. As you do the different workouts you'll find it easier to maintain the tuck position...if you don't get it for the first few times or if you forget to do it as you switch from move to move it's not a big deal. Like I said you'll get better at it with practice (and you'll still get a really good workout). I find the most important thing is to make sure to keep your shoulders back so you aren't hunched over. I think that would cause some back pain, if anything. For me, I find I feel it most in my abs. Hope you enjoy TJ!!

    Keep up the great work everybody!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    Hi y'all!

    beecee13 -- Thanks so much for the warm welcome!

    Well, today, I did Learn & Burn, again. Felt much better, today!

    I am determined to stick out this program and see what happens!

    Keep Jammin', y'all!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Ok I've officially "joined" this group! I wasn't able to get online yesterday to check (internet down around here) so its back up and running this morning. Most of the time I only go on MFP on my phone to do the calorie counts, but figured the extra support could be a GOOD thing. I'm not sure how these group things work, so bear with me!

    I wanted to put in that I did NOT get to exercise yesterday, but i made up for it today. I'm doing the original Turbo Jam videos and I'm on the beginner schedule. I completed week 3 on the schedule today, but officially I've only worked out for 2-1/2 weeks because the week I started was the day after Christmas.

    Anyway, so today I didn't do the scheduled DVD I was supposed to do yesterday (20 min workout and ab jam) because my back has been hurting and doing the floor ab exercises makes my back worse if its already hurting because of my hard wood floor. So instead I just did the cardio party and hoping that my back will feel better come Monday when I'm scheduled to do the 20 min and ab jam again. :)

    If I'm NOT doing this roll call thing right, please let me know! I'm brand new to all this stuff! :)
  • kelcity
    kelcity Posts: 27 Member
    Hey all! I just joined the group (read about me in the introductions post). I look forward to jamming with you! I'm doing the 4 week beginners rotation. I started last week, and kicked off week 2 today. I decided to make Thursday and Friday my rest days, so my workout week starts on Saturday. Today I completed the 20 min. workout. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    i got chalean extreme yesterday for a great deal 50.00 got a hook up so ill be rotating with clx turbo fire and turbo jam.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    Hi y'all! :smile:

    Welcome to Kelcity & mimitech. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Just checkin' in for today. I did the 20 min. workout today. I took it kind of easy since I have a cold, still.

    BTW, I started a new thread called "Back Pain?"... it is on page 2.

    Status: 3rd day, 1st week - beginner schedule.

    Have a great weekend, y'all!
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    Howdy everybody. Checkin'-in. :bigsmile:

    Today's workout consists of Ab Jam, TurboFire Core 20, and Turbo Jam 3T.
  • kelcity
    kelcity Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you're having a fab weekend. Today I completed the 20 min workout and the 1st 10 minutes of Ab Jam.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    Hi Y'all.

    I did the 20 minute workout, again, today. I worked it harder & my recovery was still better than yesterday's.

  • tlatrice13
    tlatrice13 Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome all our new Jammers!!! SO glad you found us!

    Well, last Wednesday was my first day back at work. Usually the first day back is kinda slow. But I was SLAMMED back into work! WOWZA! Long BUSY days. On top of that I was UBER sluggish (TTOM). I hadn't worked out since Tuesday. :sad:

    SO I dragged myself out of bed this morning and did 30 minutes of Cardio Party 3. I'm SO not a morning person, but this is the only way. I just can't fit it in any other time.
  • PeloMichelle
    PeloMichelle Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Welcome goomio, jansengirlnm, elbee1, mimiteh35 and kelcity! :flowerforyou:

    Looks like everyone has been busy!

    momwasix-have you started ChaLEAN Extreme yet? I'm in my 2nd month and love it. That's the program that introduced me to Chalene. Who knew lifting weights was so darn much fun?!

    tlatrice13-hope things have slowed down a bit for you at work. You are doing great with your workouts!!

    Hey Linda! You're doing awesome with your workouts!! What'ya got on tap for today?

    Kelcity-how was AB Jam? I'm doing a hybrid of sorts with ChaLEAN Extreme so I haven't done TJ's ab dvd. Abs scare me so I've been reluctant to try a new routine.:frown:

    Hey beecee, Monica, tntmom and mom2mdv- hope you had a great weekend!

    You go Mary!! Yesterdays workout was awesome! I have Turbo Fire but feel like I'm always one step behind :embarassed:

    Hope I haven't forgotten a shout out to anyone. I've got a Cardio Party planned for today. Hope you gals have a terrific day!!
  • kelcity
    kelcity Posts: 27 Member
    Ab Jam was fun! I completed the first half (standing), and failed miserably at the second half (traditional floor work...crunches, etc). I'm going to keep working on it!

    I'm posting in advance, but the plan is to go home and do Cardio Party. This weather has me feeling kinda blah today, but since I've shared my intent with you all, I have no choice but to go home and workout!
  • PeloMichelle
    PeloMichelle Posts: 100 Member

    You're going to keep me accountable on the Ab Jam. I popped it in today after my Cardio Party. Started a few minutes and then turned it off. I NEED some ab work so I'll try it again. Hope your Cardio Party is just what you need on this dreary day :bigsmile:
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Did my cardio party today. I'm on day 1 of week 4 on beginner schedule because I only did 3 days of week 1 so technically this is only the beginning of my 3rd full week, but I'm getting it done! I also weighed in today, but I'm having a decision crisis of sorts, or a "when do I..." crisis...

    See, i work midnights. I also have 3 kids (all 11 and 12) and I don't always fall asleep at the right times, and don't always get more than 4 hrs of sleep at the same time of day, etc. Its been like this since i moved in with my fiance and his twins. Anyway, so I never know WHEN to measure myself! Everyone says same time of day every day, but the only time I'm regularly awake is on the days I have to work midnights, and depending on how much or if I can sleep during the morning part of the day, I am usually up by 5 pm and then I start my day, like today. But, sometimes I'm up as late as 8 am or as late as noon, depending on when I can get into bed with everything that is going on. So, when do you all weigh in? I've been told after I get up after I use the bathroom is the best time, but like I said, some days I only get 3 hrs sleep, some days I'm very lucky and get 6, and sometimes I only get 5 hrs but its divided into 3 and 2 hr increments...

    Any suggestions? The reason why I bring this up is because I don't know when to weigh myself. When I weighed myself this morning before I went to bed around 10 am it was 226, which would've been a weight gain from my last weigh in, but when I went to bed and actually got 6 hrs sleep, I woke up, went to the bathroom, and then weighed myself and I was 224.2. So, which do I use???

    Any advice is more than welcome!! :)

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    3boys -- Today would be my last day of Week 1 Beginners. It seems that 3 Rest Days are the last 3 days of the 1st week. I wasn't originally planning on taking those rest days, but I guess my body needed it. I'm not sure if I'll end up taking the last Rest Day, today, or going ahead and starting Week 2.

    KelCity -- How was Cardio Party on Monday?

    Mimiteh -- Wow! You are almost done with the Beginner Schedule! It sounds like you have a busy schedule! As far as weighing in, I only weigh in once a week and it is whenever I wake up. Yes, it's good to try to do around the same time of day, but I think after what is considered your sleep time, that would be the best time to weigh in. Good luck! You are doing absolutely fantastic!!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,053 Member
    Tlatrice13 -- Thanks for the welcome. I'll probably be joining you in the mornings... right now, it is whenever I get a round tuitt. I am a morning person if I get to sleep early enough the night before... which is hard with the night owls I live with.

    How are all our other fellow Jammers? Hope to hear more frequent updates from you all! Gotta keep each other going.

    Have a great day to day, y'all!