
afv417 Posts: 466 Member
So as most of you know I started dating someone I met online in October. We have something great going on and I am extremely happy. However, there are days (like today) that he will say something that automatically triggers me to worry about something. "Is he going to cancel?" "Is he trying to come up with an excuse?" "Is he telling me the truth about enjoying my company, etc...?"

I didn't date anyone seriously after I broke up with my ex February of 2010. It was too much emotional chaos with him and it took me a while to get over it.

Now that I am in a relationship again, I guess my guard is up?

For the most part he doesn't text during the day because of his work (boat mechanic). Today he texted me (most likely on his lunch break) to ask me how my day was going. I automatically thought: "Oh no, he usually doesn't text. He's going to ask about my day and then non-chalantly cancel tonight for xyz reason." I responded with: "I am good baby. Counting down the hours till 6! lol How are you?" He responds: "Same here. lol I'm great. I can't wait to see you" I immediately felt relief.

My ex was cold, if we had plans sometimes he managed to get out of them, made up a lot of excuses.... to sum it all up we were together almost two years. I never met his kids (ages 12 and 14) during this time (although we signed for christmas gifts from both of us) and there were never any "I love you's" (I was afraid to say it bc didn't think he felt it). I always felt like I was walking on egg shells.

I decided I am doing things differently now. I am more open and honest and not afraid to say how I feel. It was worked wonders. But why do I still worry so much?


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Does new guy cancel all the time or do you think he is going to cancel? If he does bail, are his excuses valid? How is the time you spend together?
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    It sounds like you are mentally making that effort to let your guard down. I wonder if you are worrying because you realize your guard is down, making yourself vulnerable.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    It sounds like you are mentally making that effort to let your guard down. I wonder if you are worrying because you realize your guard is down, making yourself vulnerable.

    That is a very deep thought that could have some truth to it, depending on the man in question.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    New guy is perfect. No complaints. I just worry from time to time. I am assuming what happens is that when he does something similar to my ex it brings the memory back and my guard just shoots right up.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    So as most of you know I started dating someone I met online in October. We have something great going on and I am extremely happy. However, there are days (like today) that he will say something that automatically triggers me to worry about something. "Is he going to cancel?" "Is he trying to come up with an excuse?" "Is he telling me the truth about enjoying my company, etc...?"

    I didn't date anyone seriously after I broke up with my ex February of 2010. It was too much emotional chaos with him and it took me a while to get over it.

    That's what I've grown to hate about dating...after so many crappy relationships I tend to over analyze stupid things now and think of the worst. Any stupid little thing ends up making me wonder "is she bored with me?"..."is she seeing someone else?"...sometimes I even sabotage it by finding things I might not like just in case we do end the relationship I don't feel as bad...and if she does the breaking up I'll end up wondering what I did so wrong.

    Sometimes I think it would just be better to join ashleymadison.com and have NSA sex...but even then, i tend to easily fall for someone...so that could even backfire.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I over analyze too and I've never been in a relationship...

    Everyone does it and usually it's normal but if its really severe you should question why.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    It sounds like you are mentally making that effort to let your guard down. I wonder if you are worrying because you realize your guard is down, making yourself vulnerable.

    It's funny that you say that. I read a quote from Bob Marley yesterday and part of the quote says something like: being vulnerable is the only way you can allow your heart to feel true pleasure, that's so real, it scares you. And I thought to myself: "That's what I'm doing. I am opening my heart and I know that I am vulnerable but I have to do it this way. There is no sense in walking on egg shells" But then I thought: "What if this isn't real?"

    I don't know why it is so hard for me to believe that someone can actually like me as much as he does.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hon, you are over thinking. It happens to the best of us. Until this guy does something to warrant you questioning, let it go. You'll be much happier.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member

    That's what I've grown to hate about dating...after so many crappy relationships I tend to over analyze stupid things now and think of the worst. Any stupid little thing ends up making me wonder "is she bored with me?"..."is she seeing someone else?"...sometimes I even sabotage it by finding things I might not like just in case we do end the relationship I don't feel as bad...and if she does the breaking up I'll end up wondering what I did so wrong.

    Sometimes I think it would just be better to join ashleymadison.com and have NSA sex...but even then, i tend to easily fall for someone...so that could even backfire.

    I completely understand.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    Hon, you are over thinking. It happens to the best of us. Until this guy does something to warrant you questioning, let it go. You'll be much happier.

    I know and I am really trying hard... thanks!
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    I am the poster girl for over analyzing and jumping to conclusions and reading into everything. I do not act on it...but I still have the feelings. It is good. It means you feel something and that you really care. Imagine if you were numb to that!
    But..it can also point to vulnerability (good) and insecurity (not good).
    I think everyone is so scared of being hurt and rejected, we try to premptively destroy relationships and put up blockers so as to protect ourselves.
    I would say to try and look at it logically (which you are doing) and realize you may be overreacting. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with sharing info from your past and then saying something like.."and this is why I find it so important people follow through with what they say they will do and not break plans at the last minute. I will read this personally, unless you can really help me to understand that it isn't."
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    New guy is perfect. No complaints. I just worry from time to time. I am assuming what happens is that when he does something similar to my ex it brings the memory back and my guard just shoots right up.

    I do the same thing. In the past it caused problems. Now, I just breath and realize I'm being silly. He's given you no reason to worry, so don't let your imagination get the best of you. :flowerforyou:

    I, of course, say this feeling like a hypocrite. I've had a week of feeling insecure as well. I think it goes with the territory. You have to learn their behaviors and just realize that what is normal for some is not normal for others. :)
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    I am the poster girl for over analyzing and jumping to conclusions and reading into everything. I do not act on it...but I still have the feelings. It is good. It means you feel something and that you really care. Imagine if you were numb to that!
    But..it can also point to vulnerability (good) and insecurity (not good).
    I think everyone is so scared of being hurt and rejected, we try to premptively destroy relationships and put up blockers so as to protect ourselves.
    I would say to try and look at it logically (which you are doing) and realize you may be overreacting. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with sharing info from your past and then saying something like.."and this is why I find it so important people follow through with what they say they will do and not break plans at the last minute. I will read this personally, unless you can really help me to understand that it isn't."

    Thanks Danielle... I considered mentioning something but I honestly didn't want to bring up my past relationships with him...

    I'd like to hear a guys point of view on your gf talking to you about what triggers they have bc of past relationships?
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    New guy is perfect. No complaints. I just worry from time to time. I am assuming what happens is that when he does something similar to my ex it brings the memory back and my guard just shoots right up.

    I do the same thing. In the past it caused problems. Now, I just breath and realize I'm being silly. He's given you no reason to worry, so don't let your imagination get the best of you. :flowerforyou:

    I, of course, say this feeling like a hypocrite. I've had a week of feeling insecure as well. I think it goes with the territory. You have to learn their behaviors and just realize that what is normal for some is not normal for others. :)

  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    Hon, you are over thinking. It happens to the best of us. Until this guy does something to warrant you questioning, let it go. You'll be much happier.

    EDIT: This ^^

    Over analyzing will not help you,


    Ignoring red flags is also stupid. If he hasn't done anything that screams red flag, don't worry about it.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    I agree with Zach. First determine if it your insecurity or a red flag. I would only bring up what is very important or a potential dealbreaker. The other parts you have to sort of deal with on your own. He doesn't need to be held responsible for your past relationships.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    By a certain point, everyone has exes.

    There's a downside to that in the sense that there can be an expectation that patterns are repeated. So what you feel is something I perceive as normal and natural.

    At the same time, if things are going good in the current relationship, why dredge up the past?
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    why dredge up the past?

    How do I not? Especially when my last relationship was so hard on me emotionaly. Honest to God I am trying not to let it get in the way, but there are triggers that just make me think about it and I start to worry. I don't do it because I want to.
  • BelMckenzie
    why dredge up the past?

    How do I not? Especially when my last relationship was so hard on me emotionaly. Honest to God I am trying not to let it get in the way, but there are triggers that just make me think about it and I start to worry. I don't do it because I want to.

    I tend to think of every relationship as a new beginning. He is not my ex so why should I question him and fault him for things that are my own fears. So every time I feel I am looking at my new beau in a way that I am suspecting something of my ex- I try to move past it. I am not perfect, I catch myself comparing at times, but I try to remind myself that it is not right and I don't want him to fault me of his ex, why should I fault him of mine?
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    Oh boy, I never said I was faulting him nor I was questioning him about it. I said I didn't feel comfortable talking to him about my past relationships because of my "triggers" (someone else suggested I talk to him). All I was asking was how other people handle it. Just because it is easy for you to say, "the past is the past let's move on" it's not that easy for me.

    Since this is going in a compeletely different direction....
