Level 1

If you don't have the money to go out and buy the DVD "30 day shred" then you can go to YouTube and type in "30 day shred level 1" and continue from there. Let me know if you have any questions.


  • NatalieSkywalker
    NatalieSkywalker Posts: 231 Member
    I have done the shred before but lose focus and stop somewhere around level 2 so I'm keen to give it another go.

    When is Day 1?
  • ReneeBackSewell
    ReneeBackSewell Posts: 9 Member
    Monday will be my day one, level one, of 30 day shred. I don't do videos while my house is filled with kids and husband :) I remember laughing when I saw my mom doing a home work out video and I know Karma ..... so when the house is empty Monday morning I will pop it in! Best of results everyone!
  • shelmac
    shelmac Posts: 82 Member
    Im on Day 7 of level one. And enjoying it, I have already lost inches. Very chuffed with the results
    Still a little useless at the skipping lol x
  • xxTracey
    xxTracey Posts: 85 Member
    I started the 30DS yesterday :) done day 2 this morning, im getting along okay with it so far, a little sore but I never do any upper body workouts so my arms are killing me! & I find these workouts the most challenging part of the DVD so im really hoping these are going to get easier! Lol x
  • Day 9 and pushups are STILL killing me haha. Im excited to see what level 2 brings!
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    I have done the shred before but lose focus and stop somewhere around level 2 so I'm keen to give it another go.

    Me too! It's been about a year since I last tackled 30DS, so its time. :-) I'm going to start today so I don't procrastinate and put it off "til tomorrow."
  • zvezda11
    zvezda11 Posts: 13 Member
    I'll start day one on Sunday (today) or Monday (tomorrow) if I can get some alone time. I go back to school on Monday though and my roommate comes back in a week and I'm not sure what I'll do then, but I'm excited to do this. Good luck everyone!!! :)
  • karietate
    karietate Posts: 39 Member
    Starting the 30 day shred tomorrow..am sooo excited and looking forward to getting some if this weight off..so I'm in :-)
  • Hey :) so do you have to excercise in the consecutive days of the week. or can I do it on mon, wed, fri, sat and sun? Many thanks x
  • I'm starting this tomorrow (again!) . I got to day 9 a few years ago then promptly abandoned it. I have been doing some basic aerobic training lately and I am wondering if this 30 day shred makes one muscular. Any tips from the other side?! I don't fancy being to 'built' looking.
  • katisere
    katisere Posts: 34 Member
    Today is my day 4, I had yesterday as a rest day to let my muscles repair because my body was sore. As mentioned previous, my upper body strength is poor, so I am looking forward to seeing an improvement in this area. I feel loads better about myself already. I have seen loads of before and after pictures and I found these so encouraging.

    Be sure to take rest days, I have read loads of posts that this is essential to enable your muscles to repair and body recover.

    Add me as a friend if you like :)
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    Monday will be my day one, level one, of 30 day shred. I don't do videos while my house is filled with kids and husband :) I remember laughing when I saw my mom doing a home work out video and I know Karma ..... so when the house is empty Monday morning I will pop it in! Best of results everyone!

    I feel the same way. I watched my older sister do a Jane Fonda workout years ago and I laughed hysterically. Avoiding Karma at all costs. My first day is going to be Tuesday.
  • Im on day 13. 3rd day of level 2. level 2 is fun but very hard for me. My back is so sore to the point i slept on a heating pad last night. Im hoping it gets easier for me. I love the 30 day shred. I have already lost about 6 pounds and many inches throughout my body.

    I liked level one minus the push ups, butt kicks, and jump rope.

    I cant wait to finish these 30 consecutive days.
  • Thank you! I was wondering where I could gain access to the workout. Day 1, level 1 here I come!
  • cjacole
    cjacole Posts: 69 Member
    I have also started this DVD once before but didn't stick with it. I am going to try and start tomorrow (Monday) and really try to do it til the end. Wish me luck :)
  • Slimspady
    Slimspady Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah! I am starting tomorrow as well!! :happy:
    Pretty excited! I am going to include an hour of cardio as well cause I am training for a half marathon DX
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    Tomorrow is day 1 for me and i know i will be doing it monday-friday while kids r not here. might try saturday if I can banish everyone from the house long enough. lol Sundays will be a no go as its family day after church
  • ElanorRigby
    ElanorRigby Posts: 8 Member
    I've been eyeing this program for a while. I can get it on my Roku through Amazon Prime, and I think now is the time to start.
    I always work out in the evening, because it works best for me, but I've read a lot recently about working out in the AM, or even splitting your workout into two parts.

    Here's my plan: get up a little earlier and do Shred before work. Do my regular cardio and lifting with hubby in the evening. Lose weight and look amazing. I guess we'll see how much Jillian kicks my butt. ;)
  • fungal3
    fungal3 Posts: 1 Member
    Today was Day 1 for me!
  • Day 1 for me Tomorrow :-)