January Chat



  • cdsicgal
    cdsicgal Posts: 9 Member
    Good idea going to Applebee's... I love that they post the calories ....for those of you who like gluten free did you know they have a complete list of their menu with calories. ( you have to ask to see those that are not listed as 500 or less)
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    @ Gramanana: Winter is hitting the Phoenix area also. We were down to 27 last night with 27 again for tonight. All the plants will stay covered till Wednesday and then we'll see if they made it or not. I read last time Phx had 4-freezing nights in a row as 1988.


    @sealisle: This is a single link to a bunch of restaurant menus nutrition facts. I try to select what I'll order prior to going out; however, most of the time it's a case of looking it up after the damage is done-LOL!!


    Attended a beautiful Sunday brunch at church. I even ate breakfast at home to help me not pig-out on all the home baked goods! I was good…kindof.


    Good Night!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    We went to Chilli's last night--they have a gluten free menu and I didn't even know it. It was wonderful. It's good to know about Applebees because I was wondering about that on the way home. I love that they have the calories listed and that you can get food for 500 calories or less. We went there once when I was on WW before I found that I needed to go gluten free and I loved the shrimp and rice dish I had, so I can't wait for date night to go again.

    @wooken3: I'll take Phoenix temps over ours any day in the week. Our high today was 27!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Last big cleaning push...guests arrive tonight!
    I vow to keep up with house cleaning in 2013!
    Right...I can hear my daughter laughing from here :)

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    @wooken3 -- you can probably hear me laughing, too. Of course, I'm right there with you so I shouldn't laugh too much.

    Four deer were just outside by the road. I wasted 10 minutes watching them before they ran off. They're beautiful animals; I love to watch them. Now it's back to finishing the laundry and making dinner--broiled shrimp with jasmine rice and crispy edamame. Never had this edamame recipe before, but it sure sounds good and, more importantly, easy.
  • Mrsmartin61
    Thanks for the good wishes and prayers. Hubby got home this afternoon....with new meds (blood thinner & bp med). Hope this will solve some of the issues. They did mention low sodium diet too. So, this is a plus for us -- we don't normally use a shaker with out meals and my cooking usually consists of mostly onion, pepper, and garlic. But, I think we can both do better now that the doctor has ordered this for him!!

    I love shrimp....your mention of them makes my mouth water!!! Although, I usually prepare fresh from our coast....so its a time consuming process (but well worth the work).

    I also ordered the Zumba tapes .... dear daughter and her friend want to do this. The dance studio here charges $70 per month for twice a week sessions. I think we can do them at home or in the back room of the antique shop (hehe!) I was willing to buy them on amazon for $59. She is getting married at the end of April -- so she wants to get in a little better fit in The Dress!!

    Must get dinner and put my feet up! All have a great evening!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    @gramanana: Deer are so fun to watch!! Over the summer on the UMN-Duluth campus we watched a Doe & two fawns grown-up. These critters took full advantage of the safety the campus offered and were everywhere!

    I'm gonna try to post a photo…


    If that doesn't work, here is the link:

    The photo was taken from our 3rd floor dorm room.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes and prayers. Hubby got home this afternoon....with new meds (blood thinner & bp med). Hope this will solve some of the issues. They did mention low sodium diet too. So, this is a plus for us -- we don't normally use a shaker with out meals and my cooking usually consists of mostly onion, pepper, and garlic. But, I think we can both do better now that the doctor has ordered this for him!!

    I love shrimp....your mention of them makes my mouth water!!! Although, I usually prepare fresh from our coast....so its a time consuming process (but well worth the work).

    I also ordered the Zumba tapes .... dear daughter and her friend want to do this. The dance studio here charges $70 per month for twice a week sessions. I think we can do them at home or in the back room of the antique shop (hehe!) I was willing to buy them on amazon for $59. She is getting married at the end of April -- so she wants to get in a little better fit in The Dress!!

    Must get dinner and put my feet up! All have a great evening!

    So glad you are both home and things are ok with the husband.

    I hear zumba is an excellent way to burn calories. I might try it one day. Good idea on getting the tapes and doing at home. Congrats on your daughter's wedding coming up. How awesome is that.

    Hope you had a very relaxing evening.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    @Mrsmartin61: PTL!! That is wonderful news :smile: My Hubby has been on thinner and bp med for years. Like most things in life…if you pay attention, all is well.

    Sodium is hidden in everything!! I was shocked when I turned on the sodium counter in my food diary. It was back to reading labels looking for a low sodium.

    I've never done Zumba but have seen a few on YouTube. What fun to have your own private class and a wedding in April, you all better get to dancing!

    Again, glad that Hubby is home so you can both get some rest. Take good care of yourself as being the primary caregiver is often more work/stressful than being the sick one!
  • Mrsmartin61
    Wooken -- loves the pic of the deer! They are special. We got to watch similar mom and 2 babies grow here on our property.

    And that piggy -- eating the pie/desserts! I must remember this image when I'm tempted. Actually it was before I saw your posted image -- we had to go into town -- to get dog food ---- anyway, we ate salad and grilled chicken breast. I walked past the home-baked apple pie -- not once but twice.....thinking oh! that would be good with vanilla ice cream! I was really tempting my tastebuds, drooling at the though! But I didn't get any! A victory for this day!

    Goodness being away from home for those several days has reeked havoc on my brain !! I don't know where to start.....maybe sitting quitely and being sure to understand that I don't control everything!! I was so angy when son mentioned today that he didn't get registered for classes -- for goodness sake--he's going to be a forever student! Its was his laziness and the fact that he didn't go see his Dad on Sunday .... I was totally taken aback at his self-centeredness. Awww...frog on a lily pad!!! I need to let-go!!! It;s not the end of the world!!

    All have a great day! Blessings to each of you! :drinker: This is my coffee up and I am gonna spend a couple of hours relaxing by the fireplace!!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Grrrrrrrrr, this upsets me so much. I had maintained over the Holidays, according to my scale, which is the one I go by. Last week as I posted at the Docs office, I lost 3 pounds, I had lost 3 here also but was waiting until the end of the month to change it on my ticker. Well guess what? YEP those dang pounds are back. How on earth can I lose them then get them back this fast?? This is what makes me so mad and want to just quit being on here.

    Ok, venting is now over, you can put your hearing aids back in and enjoy the rest of your day. LOL

    Thanks to you all for being here and somehow I know it is ok for me to cry like a little baby on here and no one will make fun of me, oh don't get me wrong, you can laugh all you want, just don't make fun! ROFLOL

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    To MrsMartin: I have a 43 year old son who is the same way but it's because he is to laid back for his own good. About once a month when I talk to him on the phone I ask about school and get no answers. I think he dropped out after the first year, but paid for the start of the 2nd and hasn't yet asked for his money to be returned. I don't get it, but it's his money. I, too, have to learn to let go.

    To Californiagirl: I, too, thought I had maintained over the holidays, but it all caught up with me last week (was up 3 pounds), but I refuse to change the weight on MFP. I'm working real hard to lose those 3 lbs quickly. We'll see how it goes. Between stuff like this and how long it takes me to lose a pound to start with is why I sometimes want to give up. But then I force myself to look at this program as a health and fitness program for ME and relegate the losing weight to the back of my mind. It seems to work and I keep trying to get stronger and healthier.

    Good luck to us all with all our different challenges!

  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    @Mrsmartin: I'm glad you enjoy the images I find around the web plus my own photos. I enjoying the 'hunt' of just the right image. The piggy eating has been a perfect example of me since my company has arrived-LOL!!

    Adult children are a blessing and a curse! “Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” ~Deborah Reber, Chicken Soul for the Teenage Soul

    Please give yourself plenty of relaxing hours as Hubby's hospital/sickness has taken a huge toll on you both mentally and physical -- be extra good to yourself! :flowerforyou:

    @Californiagirl: I so understand you being upset! My weigh-in day is Sunday but I'm on the scale everyday just checkin' things out :wink: . So Saturday I'm a pound or even two down and I think YEA!! then Sunday morning…they pop back up. :grumble: I blame it on water…that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    I'm really enjoying my visitors but nothing like having guests in the house to shake-up your normal routine. It's been good to climb out of our daily rut and do something different. Sure wish the weather had been warmer, but whatcha gonna do? They leave tomorrow and I'm already missing them.

    I'm so glad we have this chat page to record our daily trials and tribulation regarding weight and everything else in life. And come tomorrow it's back to bike riding and staying within my calorie count!!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Sent my company off with a wave and kiss this morning. We had a wonderful visit even as Phx was setting cold spell records.


    And now it's time for me to get back on the bike and knock off some miles. I'm way behind in the January challenge.

    What does everyone else have planned for the weekend?

    Whatever, make it a great one :smile: :smile:
  • Mrsmartin61
    Just hit space bar and the entire post was gone! Now to start this again......our month is just about up! Going fast ! Ive still not lost
    weight. Up and down two pounds -- but I do feel better.

    I had a good day of Zumba dance and upstairs/downstairs cleaning - general household chores. I finally got the Christmas tree out of the house. I left some of the red candles out since they will move into the Valentines mood for February.

    Also, got a sack filled with jeans to take to the thrift store.....tried on a couple of pair that I will keep for my target -- but the rest had to go!

    Grocery shopping tomorrow Hubby will be reading labels more readily now that the doctor put him on a low sodium diet. He is supposed to limit to 1500 mg per day. He won't use this site -- but since I log my foods - I can sort of keep us both in line.

    All enjoy your week -- keep up your good exercise goals!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Thank you for posting MrsM because I was beginning to think everyone was chatted out :wink:

    Zumba and cleaning, now that will burn some calories. I'm sorry your still playing with that 2 pounds, but one of these days soon it will just fall off! Don't give up, you know how our bodies like to hang onto every ounce!

    Good on you for donating to the thrift store. Our church + five others operates a thrift store that benefit so many families. The volume of stuff that is available just boggles the mind.

    Sodium -- :grumble: Keeping under sodium is harder for me than keeping under calories! It's getting easier but since Hubby does all the shopping, I can't complain too loudly or I'll be invited to do my own grocery shopping! :noway:

    Regarding exercise, I'm way behind on bike miles :sad: and planning to peddle like mad to meet January's 250-mile goal. As Phx is to have a high of 80F tomorrow, I have a 23-mile bike ride planned. And to think a year ago a 2-mile ride almost killed me. :ohwell:

    Wishing you a good week and let's chat again soon. :drinker:

    I really like this biking image...
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Love the picture, Wooken3.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I've been playing with the same 2-3 lbs since Thanksgiving and it's driving me crazy. Because it always takes me between 6-8 weeks to lose 1 lb, I tend to get very frustrated, but this is nuts! I've decided to try to eat around 1200 calories per day and ignore the exercise calories. I will still exercise because it helps reshape the body and makes me stronger; I've already proven that to myself this past summer.

    Can't do anything outside this time of the year because it is just too cold so any exercising I do has to be done at home--can't afford a gym. But I have my treadmill, 1.5 lb weights, a LS Walking DVD and great music to work out with, so I'm set. Also, we tend to do mall walking at least once a week this time of the year. So I'm all set and remotivated to GET MOVING!:wink:

    I have a hard time with sugar because I love my sweets. My goal this year is to get better with that. If I can control the sugar, I think the fat will follow. Sodium doesn't seem to be too much of a problem unless I use table salt; a lifelong habit that I'm trying to break.

    Stay warm & keep moving!:laugh:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I finished crocheting my latest hat/cap/beanie, whatever you want to call it tonight. It's gray alpaca and I love it. Took longer than I expected because of a tendonitis flareup in my arm and hand. So I've been working on it a little every night for about a week; usually takes only a few hours because they are so simple. I love it!

    Hope everyone is having a great evening. 'night everyone.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Nestle - No Sugar Added Rich Chocolate Coca (50 cal), Kroger sugar free gelatin cups (5 cal), and Weight Watchers ice cream bars (80-100 cal) are my choice of sweets. I have to keep "good" sweets in the house or I get into trouble every time.

    My church group knit/crochet chemo caps. Using crochet cotton thread, I've been making adult sleeping caps that are unfortunately always in demand. Sorry to hear abort the tendonitis, I hope it calms down soon.

    Of course you can always come to warm Arizona (it was 81 today) so you can walk outside and I'm sure the heat will help the tendonitis :flowerforyou: