Due September 2013



  • Congrats to all of you! I'm due September 4 with my second. I gained 30 lbs with my first and did not manage to lose it before conceiving again. I have been doing well in eating habits and excersise in hopes of not gaining too much weight this time around. If anyone needs a buddy, don't hesitate to send a request! I wish everyone a healthy pregnancy! :)
  • I'm due with my first baby on Sept 8th according to an online calculator but I don't go to the dr's office until the 31st! The wait is killing me. And then I wont get to hear the heartbeat until Feb 14. It feels like forever! But I have been overweight in the past and I am really paranoid about gaining too much weight. So I am here to track my calories and keep up with my workouts.

    Its so early on but I already feel bloated and my pants seem a little tight. That is frustrating. So I need to be s little more strict. I am a vegetarian but lately I have been craving meat, especially chicken, it's so odd! Any other veggies out there having this problem? And what do you do about it? I relied on eggs for my source of protein but now jsut the thought of them makes me ill.
    It reminds me of an episode of Friends when Phoebe, a vegetarian, eats meat while she's pregnant because it was the only thing that sounded good to her. LOL!
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Thankyou :) Just trying to relax and not overanalyse every little cramp. I know cramping in the early stages is normal, and I know that statistics-wise, there's every reason to beleive this pregnancy will result in a healthy, full-term baby. I just have to eat well, take regular exercise, and do what I can to look after myself and the baby. I'm hoping that because of my history, my ob will do an early scan just to give me some peace of mind.

    Make sure you dont do heavier exercise than what you did prepregnancy, thats a baddy.
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all! Im 7 weeks now and boy am i hungry! finding it so hard not to eat every second of the day!
  • Hi all! Im 7 weeks now and boy am i hungry! finding it so hard not to eat every second of the day!

    I agree.. I get hungrier sooner than normal. I get plenty of fiber and I am constantly thirsty so I get plenty of water but I still get hungry sooner. Maybe its normal?
  • Hi ladies!

    I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first, due Sept 5! I am so excited but I'm nervous because I keep hearing about gaining 25-35 lbs. NO THANKS! That would put me at my heaviest ever....I want a healthy pregnancy but I'm scared of all that weight!

    Looking forward to getting to know y'all through this group!:smile:
  • Hey guys! September 15th here, with my very first. Irritatingly, that's the very day I had planned to run my first olympic distance triathalon. I plan to continue training, although perhaps not with the same level of intensity. What's the word on running during pregnancy? Go or no go?

    I'm so glad I found this group, as I have a million questions/worries/concerns. :)
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    From what i've heard as long as you lkeep your exercise consistant its ok. Just dont go doing more than you did before you got pregnant. Keep up the good work though!

    And no you dont need to put on that much weight! I put on 10kg (20 pounds) with my first but lost all of it at birth! So no wories. Breast feedign helps get rid of baby weight too :)
  • Hey there!
    Not sure of my due date, as I'm not due to the OB until 8 weeks, however, I've calculated and it's somewhere in mid-September (I can't recall my 1st day of my last menstrual cycle and it's irking me!) lol

    I had my first child back in 2006 and started out at 125 and ended up around 155. Yikes! With this pregnancy, seeing as though I'm starting at 175 and not 125, I do estimate not gaining as much as the first go-round, but I still want to ensure baby is healthy and growing well, which is why I decided to stay on MFP (I was a member trying to lose weight previously, anyway) to make sure I'm eating the right foods.

    Nice to meet ladies who are right on track with me in their pregnancy - I will definitely be in here for support and chatting. See you soon!
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Just 4 weeksish today, need to get the early dating scan to be sure, but I'm so hungry. Luckily, very little nausea.. just tried at the drop of a hat, and hungry all the time. Eating chocolate now while the potato gratin bakes. Oh well...
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    I've had 3 positive pregnancy tests so far and if I go by menstrual cycle I'll be due Sept 6th. Just went to the OB for a blood test this morning and now waiting on results. We've been trying 2 years so I am beyond excited and can't wait for confirmation!
  • BrooksMum
    BrooksMum Posts: 12 Member
    Hey ladies! I am due with my second bub on the 2nd September (my baby boy will be FIVE by then! Lol big age gap)
    I have lost 34kg in the past year so I must admit, being pregnant is a bit scary for me, as I am happy with where I am at the moment, but I know weight gain is inevetable and its the best thing for our babies, so hopefully with the help and support of you ladies we'll all be able to still be sexy mamas!!
    (I am also a bridesmaid in November so wont have much time to lose the weight before the wedding lol). NEED support to keep hitting the gym and keeping active (because I know we all just want to be sleeping right now!)
    Im currently eating 1500 and my midwife said theres no need to eat any more than that until the second trimester, and even then, your baby needs just an extra 300-500 calories a day. So much for eating for two huh!
    Conrats to all of you lovely ladies, and goodluck!!!
  • Jillian52
    Jillian52 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been pretty sick during the day! I don't have an appetite at all!! I try to eat small meals so that I don't have an empty stomach but sometimes I can't make myself do it!! The only time I feel like eating is in the evening and then I feel ravenous because I barely ate all day! I always have plenty of calories left at night so that's not neccessarily an issue and I know that studies now show that eating later doesn't effect weight, but I feel so blah when I have alot of cals in the evening!! Any ideas or advice?
  • Jillian, I've been the same way. Not necessarily sick, but zero appetite during the day, and then finally hungry after 8pm. The last two nights what has helped was a nice walk after eating, and then a cup of peppermint tea.
  • toonces80
    toonces80 Posts: 23 Member
    Mine only advice is to do what you have to, to survive the first 10 weeks or so. IMO, these are the worst. I really hate being nauseated.

    Eat well and not junk but just eat when you can and drink lots of water.
  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    Hey girls,

    I'm so excited I get to join this group (though apprehensive since I am coming off of a miscarriage. no worries, i'm doing well!)

    Anyhow, due mid-Sept. I'm nearly 35 and it will be my first. I was working on getting my weight down (but also TTC due to my age) so although I am not where I want to be, I'm at a lower weight than last time. I also have PCOS so I have some concerns about how this is going to turn out but keeping my hopes high!

    Congrats to all of you. Soon, I will go through this topic & add ya'll as friends :)
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi all!! I'm 37 and pregnant with my first. I'm due Sept. 24. I had a m/c in October so am really hoping for a sticky baby this time! Hope you are all doing well. I'm trying to eat healthy, but like lots of you, I am nauseous. I seem to be ok in the morning, but get more and more nauseous throughout the day. Definitely puts a damper on eating!!
  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    When did you all start getting nausea? I at at 6 weeks with my first and so far just have major bloating (thank you rubber-band trick!) and cramping. The cramping is pretty scary (miscarriage last year at just around 6 weeks), but I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed.

    I have been craving rice-krispie treats like CRAZY though! I haven't had one for years and years... I was a chocolate girl prior to getting pregnant and now I could care less about it. Marshmallows though.. weird!
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all, hope everyone is well today! I havnt been sick all day hoorayyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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