Whats the longest anyone has gone with no period?



  • kaylacyr123
    kaylacyr123 Posts: 74 Member
    about a year for me!
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    eight months .... and no bun in the oven...
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    9 months... only started because doc prescriped provera

    provera was dangerous for me .... very dangerous... I wouldn't stop bleeding three transfusions later they changed me to magace.
  • healthby40
    healthby40 Posts: 17 Member
    I really urging everyone that has gone a long time without a period to go to the doctor. You can have uterine cancer and not know. I had no symptoms ecept no period.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    6-9 months was the norm, but I went an entire year without one when I hit my heaviest weight. When I finally got it a year later, I thought I was going to die.
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    If I'm not on birth control I can go up to 6 months without one! The less I weigh the more regular I become. I actually started birth control when I was 14 because I had gone over a year without one and my mom got worried.

    ETA: Another one of my friends has PCOS. She's 28 and has NEVER had a period unless she was on birth control, but she hopes that her pregnancy will help with that.
  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    When I wasn't on birth control, I went 13 months without a period. Then another 12. With birth control I've been regular for 10 years, except my last period never came and I'm not pregnant.... I hate it. I feel so broken!
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    I should say that I got it every month while on BCP. Once I went off those, it went back to 6-9 months or so. I don't take BCP anymore because the estrogen screws with my insulin resistance and I already have suuuuuuuper low progesterone. My doctor pretty much freaked out over the fact every other doctor had put me on BCP trying to treat my condition when, in reality, it made it worse.

    Now that I've been on metformin and progesterone supplements, it comes every 34-35 days like clockwork. I never thought I'd be relieved to have a normal cycle, since I hate getting my period (who doesn't?), but it is nice to know my body is functioning properly again. :) Also, now that I've been having them regularly, they're getting a bit lighter and I only cramp on the one heavy flow day.
  • BlondeNklutzi
    BlondeNklutzi Posts: 25 Member
    Right now I'm on day 103. I've taken several HPTs, but just a lot of negatives. This wasn't unusual for me before I had my son, but when I went off birth control about 16 months ago, I started having 14 day cycles. This is my first long cycle since then. I went to the doctor who said he would give me a referral to my ob/gyn, but I never got any pre-authorization from my insurance so I can go. I will be due for my yearly exam next month, so I'm just going to talk to him then instead of having to go to the doctor for a second referral. Stupid HMO.
  • BlondeNklutzi
    BlondeNklutzi Posts: 25 Member
    EDIT: double post
  • Mistyamaya
    HI I'm new here, The longest for me is recent, in May it will be 3 years!
  • JustRenea
    JustRenea Posts: 82 Member
    Hey, I go months and months without one...and then BAM one appears. Usually 2-6 months no period, one week period, 2-6 none. Except when I start really working out. Then its like a never ending period :grumble:
  • bailuna
    bailuna Posts: 56
    I believe I went about six months without one before I went to the doctor and got diagnosed with PCOS. I was put on Metformin right away and I've had a regular period every month since.
  • Qfrump
    Qfrump Posts: 64 Member
    Starting provera today. My longest so far was 63 days, I think, but they keep getting longer every time. Lots of wasted pregnancy tests and disappointment before we figured out there was something wrong. That whole "your body has to adjust to not being on the pill" line was a load of crap. Fortunately, I went to the gyn 5 months after stopping the pill and started getting some tests done.
  • Fhoover
    Fhoover Posts: 62 Member
    I went almost 10 months without a period and when I finally did get into the dr she said oh don't worry it will come when it comes. Now I have my period soo bad.
  • nekol88
    nekol88 Posts: 33
    I have gone 6 months without, would have been a lot longer (i don't get a period unless I am on birth control or someother pill form) But once I hit that 6 month mark I knew that couldn't be healthy and thats when my doctor put me on a monthly medication.
  • maddhare
    maddhare Posts: 9 Member
    I've never had a period on my own. Once I hit puberty it never came and I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world! When I was 20 I was diagnosed with PCOS and we've been trying to get pregnant ever since. We've never tried preventing it so I've never taken birth control.. I have to take Provera.. which is basically progesterone so that my body with "flush". (Haha, they best way my doctor could put it.)
  • michelledawnt
    michelledawnt Posts: 20 Member
    I went for almost 3 years and nothing helped until I went on Metformin and Apri 28. In combination with weightloss, I was regular until I had uterine ablation done.
  • shannonsky
    shannonsky Posts: 75 Member
    The last unmedicated period I had was in....2002. I had it like 3-4 times on my own ages 14-16, then was put on the pill at 16, and the only times I've had it since going on the pill in 2002 have been when I've been prescribed provera and when I'm doing fertility treatments.
  • JSchepens19932013
    Mine are very unpredictable......my longest was 5 months....and then I get a couple Ina row.....typically about 2 or 3 months