
  • Wish I could say I had some success. I worked out more this week than I ever have but the scale barely moved. Last couple days we we went out to eat. So I think I know why.

    Last week- 204.8lbs
    This week- 204.4lbs
  • 2 lb since last Friday. Really sick and not able to eat so I'm not sure if it'll come back once I'm feeling better.
  • neudeb12
    neudeb12 Posts: 76 Member
    Last week: 178.1
    This week: 176.3
  • this week 154, last week 153.7-ughh!! Need to work out more...but still trying, not quitting. hoping for a loss next week! Thanks for the reminder too
  • one15ts
    one15ts Posts: 91
    CW: 138.2
  • joanne70
    joanne70 Posts: 68 Member
    :smile: Lost 1.5 pound this week :):smile:
  • Week 3 loss -2.5lb

  • purpleangelst1
    purpleangelst1 Posts: 104 Member
    Super excited i lost another pound this week.

    SW 230
    Week 1: 229
    Week 2: 228
    Week 3 this weeks weight: 227.
  • 1/1-1/8 = 2 pounds lost
    1/9-1/15 = 2 pounds lost
    1/16-122 = 4.8 pounds lost

    Total Lost = 18.8 pounds lost

    1st Short Term Goal = 15 pounds lost = Goal Met :-)
    2nd Short Term Goal = 25 pounds lost
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    SW 1/2/13 - 232.6
    CW 1/19/13 - 227.6

    Total lost - down 5 lbs

    I've had an erratic schedule the last couple weeks and been up and down. Have't been able to weigh in on my normal days and been on business trips. Got back on track this week and it showed. So I didn't lose a pound every week, but I'm down 5 pounds total since the beginning of the year so the net result is good!
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    I lost 3 lbs this week!

    Lost a total of 6 lbs in the 3 weeks.
  • no loss this week, no gain. lost 4.5 last week, and this is kind of what my body does, but I had a good week so that is what I'm focusing on not the number on the scale.
  • good job!
  • cherll
    cherll Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone!
    Well 1 lb lost this week!

  • trishp95
    trishp95 Posts: 18 Member
    Wt last week:159 lbs
    Wt this week:155.8
    A total of 3.2 pounds!!!
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    gained 3.6 pounds this week due to TOM and all that includes. Oh, well, back on track and hopefully see a big difference at next week's weigh in.

    last week's weight: 219
    this week's weight: 222.6
  • 213.2 this morning down 214 4
    Im working on changing weigh in day I think
  • babyskunkles
    babyskunkles Posts: 86 Member
    I received the IMMUNITY IDOL for this weeks weigh in. Although it is awesome, I will not be needing it. At this point, I would like to give my immunity to "jnlynn." Enjoy another week on fitness island!
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    I lost 3 pounds! Yippee!!!!
  • I hate to post this.......Gained 3.5 lbs this week.