01/20/13 to /1/26/13 Run, Walk or Crawl

reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
"I always loved running...it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs."
Jesse Owens

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds."
Orison Swett Marden

15 miles starting Sunday and ending Saturday... Yep that easy and you know you can do it! Just log your daily miles, the total miles for the week and encourage your fellow challengers to make their goals, yep it's that easy.

"Run when you can. Walk when you must. Crawl if you have to. Just never give up." Dean Karnazes, the Ultramarathon Man

For the folks returning you know that the 15 miles is not the main goal. The main goal is just to get up and get moving, if you don't meet it that's fine and you surpass it, well that just freaking rocks.

For new comers the preferred method of posting miles would be:

Sunday-miles-what you did Monday-miles-what you did Tuesday-miles-what you did So on and so forth, posted daily or when the miles occur...

Total- Running total for the week thus far

As always this is not set in stone, if you post every other day or whatever fits into your schedule, but please try to stay close to the above format.

For those folks that don't do miles


for conversion to be made easy (Thanks Nonafit)

Now let's get moving folks :)

"Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started."
Steve Prefontaine


  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    New week, new start!

    Sunday: 10.33 miles outside at a 10:22 pace

    WTD: 10.33 miles
  • sunday: 4 miles on crossramp
  • awesome Deedsie
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sunday: 3 miles hiking in the woods (at least)

    WTD: 3 miles hiking
  • PosiesforRosie
    PosiesforRosie Posts: 24 Member
    Sunday: 4.49 miles walking
  • sunday: 4 miles on crossramp
    monday 3.5 mile run (.5 cooldown) and crossfit)
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    hey early birdies (posies, deedsie, thinktank, natalie) - GREAT JOB - first posters for the week! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Sunday ~ 0 miles
    Monday ~ 1.1 miles (walking)

    Total ~ 1.1 miles
  • PosiesforRosie
    PosiesforRosie Posts: 24 Member
    Sunday: 4.49 miles walking
    Monday: 4.49 miles walking

    Total: 8.98 miles
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sunday: 3 miles hiking in the woods (at least)
    Monday: 3.1 miles running

    WTD: 3.1 miles running, 3 miles hiking
  • carobert
    carobert Posts: 34 Member
    Sunday- 0
    Monday 2 miles on treadmill run/walk
  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    Wow, did I get behind with posting! Here goes:

    Sunday: 2.88 miles outdoor running
    Monday: 7.15 miles stationary bike
    Tuesday: 2.90 miles outdoor running (7-minute mile! woo hoo!)

    Week to day: 12.93 miles

    Good week so far, people! Nice work!
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    thinktank32k- Great job with your 7.5 miles ramping it up!
    natalie412- I bet it was nice to be out in nature on that hike. Nice 5k!
    PosiesforRosi- Where’d you walk to? Or for my grammar friends: To where did you walk?
    Melkadee- 1.1 down!
    Carobert- Nice time on the dreadmill! I know 2 miles there is like 6 miles outside.
    debi_f- Well it took you so long because you were moving around too much to stop. You are at the top with 12.93 miles already on Tuesday!

    Here’s mine:
    Sunday: 10.33 miles outside (balmy 25 degrees Fahrenheit) at a 10:22 pace
    Monday: rest, watch inauguration, complete 6 loads of laundry and stare menacingly at the remaining 10 loads of laundry, clean out my daughter’s closet.
    Tuesday: 45 minutes of free weights, while being watched by no less than 16 guys. Where are all the ladies? I guess not lifting free weights.
    Wednesday: Oh God no, tomorrow is hills.

    WTD: 10.33 miles
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    Sunday ~ 0 miles
    Monday ~ 1.1 miles (walking)
    Tuesday ~ 1.2 miles (walking)

    Total ~ 2.3 miles
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    Sun: 8mi Run
    Mon: Nada
    Tue: 4.09mi Run

    12.09mi ~ Run/Walk/Crawl
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    @Deedsie, RoseyRose (Melkadee), Wiglet - keep up the good work!

    (no offense to anyone else - I can't remember more than 3 names!)

    This Week:
    Sun - 0
    Mon - 0 (strength)
    Tues - about 4 miles. 8 hill repeats this evening in cold weather. o_O,
    - - -
    Week So Far: 4miles.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 1.452
    Tuesday - 2.222

    Week total - 3.674
    YTD - 27.351
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 1.452
    Tuesday - 2.222

    Week total - 3.674
    YTD - 27.351

    Great job so far :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    @Deedsie, RoseyRose (Melkadee), Wiglet - keep up the good work!

    (no offense to anyone else - I can't remember more than 3 names!)

    This Week:
    Sun - 0
    Mon - 0 (strength)
    Tues - about 4 miles. 8 hill repeats this evening in cold weather. o_O,
    - - -
    Week So Far: 4miles.

    Nicely done on those hills my Slothy friend :drinker:
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Sun: 8mi Run
    Mon: Nada
    Tue: 4.09mi Run

    12.09mi ~ Run/Walk/Crawl

    Incredible as always!!!
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