How's your day?



  • cjbbugs
    Hi all, I'm on day 7 here and doing well. No cravings to speak of, which helps! The scale is giving me good news which helps even more, haha. I bought some miracle rice (OK on all phases of Dukan) and made a stir fry with steak/rice/just a touch of soy sauce. FABulous! :happy:
  • JakBuddy
    I'm now on Day 3 and have lost over a kilo in two days! I'm pretty happy with that and hoping it continues with a great result at the end of the attack phase. I am contemplating doing 7 days of attack... but may pare that back to 5, I'm not sure yet. Yesterday was a struggle protein wise and as yet I haven't been able to stomach any meat based protein but have had eggs and my oatbran, I'm not too sure why I'm not very interested in meat these past couple days but I'm sure it'll pass!
    I'm feeling good, no cravings to speak of, no headaches that I can attribute to the Dukan Diet and I'm loving the light feeling going on and the decreasing number the scales. I FINALLY saw a new number.. I've lost 7.9 kilos in total now and I was waiting for this magical number, lowest in three years! Gem.
  • smoodgelly
    smoodgelly Posts: 38 Member
    That's fantastic motivation for you Jakbuddy, makes it easier to keep going doesn't it?
  • ForbiddenFruit
    ForbiddenFruit Posts: 62 Member
    Well done Gem!

    I'm feeling a bit miffed this morning. Ok so I was a bit naughty on Saturday. We had a curry. The meat was ok as I had tandoori chicken, which should have been very Dukan. I had to have something to go with it so I did lapse and have tarka dhall (lentils), which I know are wrong on Cruise but I reckoned was better than rice or bread. I did also have some red wine. This morning I'm back up 2lbs *scowl*. Why is it that it's so hard to go down 2lbs but it goes back on in the blink of an eye.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Congrats're doing great! How wonderful to see a new number on the scale!

    FF....don't worry about the slight gain, it will soon be gone. I had a good PP day yesterday and was hoping to see a loss this morning, but no such luck. Of course, my system is still not back to normal after being sick, so hopefully when things start "moving" the number will go down. ;-)

    I really wanted to go to boot camp this morning, but I knew that would be pushing it. Tomorrow morning for sure. I think I'll be doing good just to make it thru a full day's work today.

    Off to find something for breakfast. I'm on PV today, so I'm looking forward to a salad at some point!

  • triciawebb78
    triciawebb78 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi all! Im new to Dukan, started on the First and finished 10 days of Attack and now on 4th day of cruise. Im loving it so far.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hi & welcome Tricia! You are doing great by the looks of your ticker! WOW!

    I'm up early to head to boot camp. We're boxing today and I really didn't want to miss that. I took some Advil to combat this ever present headache. The headache started on Sunday and it just doesn't want to let up. I had a mega busy day at work yesterday catching up on being off last week. Finished month end reports and have myself back to somewhat normal. ;-)

    Back to PP today after my first PV day yesterday. Had a small bowl of chili for lunch yesterday. I make it with no beans and lots of chopped veggies...yummy. For dinner I had a big bowl of mixed greens with protein. Not sure what I'll eat today, as not all forms of protein sound good since I had my stomach issues last week. I'll probably eat lots of non-fat yogurt....easiest on my tummy. to boxing. Hope you all have a good Dukan day!

  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello everyone I'm on day 2 of the attack phase and 2.5 lbs lost wooooooooooo!!

    Im looking for good snacks I eat hard boiled eggs and plain yogart but it doesnt have that good of a there anything I can do to make it better?...and after my 5 days on the attack phase I go into it realistic to think I can go 9 months without a piece of fruit???
  • cjbbugs
    Hi KalebsMommy! Congrats on the weight loss! I am on day 9 (going for 10 days on the attack). I have been flavoring my plain non-fat yogurt with 1 pkg stevia and some extract (strawberry, coconut, or vanilla). Another "treat" I make is 1 C yogurt, 1 TBS powdered baking cocoa (unsweetened) and 1 stevia pkg. Very chocolate tasting (not a candy bar chocolate, tho) I think phase one allows for 1 individual container of yogurt with fruit on the bottom (not the same as a piece of fruit, but might help the craving).
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Good Morning,

    I love how we share tips and tricks here! Flavoring the yogurts is a great idea. I have been eating Chobani Greek yogurt. Non-fat in Lemon or Vanilla. To tell you the truth, yogurt is the thing that tastes best to me. I'm starting to have a bit of a problem eating meat. I don't know if its just because I was sick & am not completely over it, or what. Things that I always liked just "turn me". Chicken, beef, tuna.....I sure hope I get over this.

    I had trouble eating enough yesterday. I had to make some eggs at 8 o'clock last night cause I was starving. I was disappointed to get on the scale this morning and see a 1/2 lb gain. WHAT??? I know its a combination of things....first day back to boot camp probably has my muscles holding on to some water. Speaking of water...I didn't drink enough yesterday either.

    Its a process & we'll get step at a time! Have a good day everyone!

  • JakBuddy
    I'm on Day 6 now... can't believe I've actually done this for so long, when I first started I thought I would struggle through, just getting there everyday but it hasn't been like that at all, I've really enjoyed it and now I'm nervous to move on to Cruise, mostly because I've enjoyed the weight loss of attack :)

    I'm going to do, I think, 7 days of attack at this stage but I might extend that depending on how I weigh in tomorrow morning.

    I am at my lowest weight for 2 years and wearing jeans I haven't worn since late 2010! It's rather unbelievable but feels a-mazing.

    Primalgal, sorry to read you had a half pound gain, you're probably right with it being a combination of you getting back into your normal daily routine... as for the meat being a problem for you, I hear you! After about 2 days I went off meat, unless it's chicken breast cooked just one way that I can handle.... for some reason I went off turkey slices and even chicken bacon (a product we have here in NZ) really quickly, just the idea of eating it makes me feel a bit funny. I think it's because I haven't been adding enough flavour or spices so I've been focusing on "meat" all too much!
    Yoghurt is also tasting amazing to me, I'm loving it so you're really not alone!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Good Morning!

    Woke up WAY early this morning so I just got up and am easing into my day. I'm heading to boot camp at 5:45. Today is another protein day.....hope I can choke some down. Actually, I feel like I will be able to eat a can of tuna today. Tonight I'll brown some lean ground beef and do something with it.

    I'll check back in later. Time for a wee bit of breakfast before boot camp!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Good Morning All! As this is my first month of year two on Dukan, I reached for the recipe book this morning to get some new ideas in my head for food. I am going to explore using fresh squeezed lemon juice and capers on some fish today. Also try some plain greek yogurt with chopped garlic as a sauce on chicken salad. Anyone else have a few ideas for some Dukan friendly flavors for our food? Even though I am on stabilization, I tend to stick to a cruise PP or PV day as I have to eat out a lot.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    I hope everyone will share any recipes or simple ideas for spicing up our food! I have to get creative with sauces etc if I'm going to stick with this(and I really want to!). I have been trying to eat fat free cottage cheese, but its a struggle. This morning I sprinkled less than a 1/2 pack of Truvia on it and it was yummy! I'm thinking of getting a jar of sugar free jam and stir just a bit into my cottage cheese. It'll be like dessert!

  • cjbbugs
    Today I started the Cruise! WOW, I have inhaled my veggies today.

    Love the idea of using Greek yogurt with garlic as a sauce. I'm a dipper and LOVE dipping my chicken (ok everything) in ranch dressing. This could be a good sub, thank you!

    Tomorrow's lunch is sheritaki noodles sauteed with tilapia and one scrambled egg. A few shakes of light soy sauce.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Had another grueling Boot camp session this morning. I keep thinking it should soon get easier! ;-)

    I'm going to my sister's for the weekend, so there will be some modifications to my diet. She is buying many Dukan friendly foods, but one thing I am going to have is a couple low carb beers. Mich Ultra has 2.4 carbs per bottle and I'll be having a couple of those! I know.....shame on me! I'll be sorry when I weigh myself on Monday morning, but I'll sure enjoy it this weekend!

    Have a good one!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    How has your weekend gone? I'm very proud of myself for this weekend. While at my sister's I kept pretty well to plan. Very low carb and lots of good protein & veggies. I had 2 PV days, so I'm back on PP tomorrow. I was going to do 2 PP days in a row, but I think I'll just get back to the alternating schedule.

    Hoping to drop a couple pounds this week as last week was kind of a "stay the same" week. Let's make it a good week!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I had a good weekend primal gal. I didn't get the exercise in I wanted to, but I kept my world Dukan Phase 4 friendly and drank all my water. I think I am almost over the yucky bug I caught traveling.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    I'm happy to report that the low carb beer didn't hurt me a bit as the scale was down 1.5 lbs this morning! Very happy girl here!

    I had 2 PV days so today is a PP day. Boot camp was rough this morning as usual. I'm going to try to go Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat. this week. Whew!

    Have a good one!

  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Options freakin' cold this morning. Actually, they predicted it would be even colder than it is. It's about 16 degrees. We had a couple inches of snow yesterday afternoon that caused all kinds of problems on the roads. My husband got stuck for 2 hrs on the highway not moving because of an accident. At least he was not involved! I decided to skip boot camp this morning cause the roads are still slick. Tomorrow is another day.

    Today is a PV day and I'm looking forward to my "chili" for lunch. I make it with all kinds of veggies & lean ground beef, but no beans. It is so thick and good. I also put a dollop of lite sour cream in it....yum! Not sure what I'll have for breakfast...just black coffee so far.

    Hope you have a good day!
