How's your day?



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    One of my favorite proteins is cold boiled shrimp or prawns.... I even make shrimp omlettes! Today is shrimp day!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Another PP day for me today. I'm actually so exhausted from boot camp that I don't care whether I eat or not! Sure hope I pep up soon or its going to be a long day!

    What's everyone been up to? Come on gang.......fill us in!

  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    Today was my first day at work after three years when I had and raised my 2 baby boys.
    I missed my family, I even missed the dog and all of them went crazy when I came back home. I guess we'll have to get used to it but it's hard.
    I'm only 2 kilos away from my goal and the thing that worries me the most is that I have to prepare food in advance now and carry it with me if I'm ever gonna reach my true weigh and keep it up.
  • Michelleanon
    Michelleanon Posts: 40 Member
    Hello there,

    I'm Michelle and new to the Dukan diet and to the group....I am on day 4 of the "attack" phase and finally no headaches or hunger pangs...I did, however, weigh myself yesterday and the scale had not moved....I had to take a few deep breaths and tell myself don't give up!!!! I think I am going to push on the attack plan for 7 days....I will weigh tomorrow and REALLY REALLY hope the scale has moved. Never have I done a diet where I have stuck to every single rule in the book...will be gutted if no loss. Great to see so many of you have had success me hope. Anyway, I will check in tomorrow after I weighed and let you all know. Glad to have some support behind me.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    I'm sure going back to work after being at home with your babies was hard! You'll all get into a routine and things will work out, but as you said, it will be hard at first.

    Hi Michelle! Glad to have you join us. Don't despair, follow the plan and your body will catch up and reward you with a lower number on the scale!

    PV day for me. I love these days as I can eat my "chili" that I make with loads of veggies & meat, but no beans. Sure tastes good on a cold day like today!

    A few more days of this terrible cold weather and then its supposed to moderate a bit. I have to force myself out to boot camp tomorrow morning as I took today off. Hard to go out at 5:30AM when its 3 degrees(F)!!

    Hope you're all having a good week!

  • Michelleanon
    Michelleanon Posts: 40 Member
    Good morning from the sunny Caribbean.......Did my weigh in and lost 4lbs!! now on day 5 of "attack".
    I am wondering whether I should continue it until monday....How do I know how long to do it for....I have another 40/50 pounds to loose!!! Any suggestions??? Is the next stage the real loosing part as I thought the "attack" was?
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey Michalleanon... I lost 45 pounds, and my attack was 4 days. and the cruise phase is unique to everyone as far as how the weight comes off. Mine would be tiny or no weight loss for 2-3 weeeks, then 2-4 pounds would just dissappear.

    I follow cruise most days ( but count calories) and add a few fruits or nuts or avocados in to get to my calories. You can eat anything you want on maintenance, but I like eating mostly cruise style. Just easier to follow and I feel great.
  • Michelleanon
    Michelleanon Posts: 40 Member
    Hey long did it take to loose the 45 pounds?
    I have a feeling its a long road yes I know, I know everyone tells me "well you didnt put it on in a day..." hahahahaha. I just want to get rid of it....I dont like fruit but looove veggies so I am happy...I'm applying the same motto as I did when giving up smoking....I had stopped in my second pregancy and figured that i stopped for 9 months so why start again...using this for the carbs mental's been 6yrs since I gave up smoking. Thanks for all the advice...
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Happy Weekend Dukaners!

    Heading to boot camp in about an hour. We have "weigh-in" this morning for the transformation challenge. I may be down a small amount.....we'll see. are in the Caribbean?? On vacation or do you live there?? Either way...I envy you! It is freezing here & I love sun and the beach.

    Busy day today after boot camp. Have to go to the meat market, Sam's club & grocery store to stock up. Also want to change the bed & wash sheets. I got some new flannel sheets that I want to wash & put on the bed.....soft & warm....can't wait to go to bed tonight! LOL!

    Scale was down 2 lbs from yesterday.....yay!

    Have a great weekend!

  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    I was officially down 3 lbs this week for a total of 11.5 lbs so far(3 weeks). I was planning to go to boot camp tomorrow morning, but we're supposed to get snow/ice/freezing rain sometime early tomorrow morning. I'm not keen on going out at 5:30AM on slippery roads. Also don't want to break my neck trying to walk across an icy parking lot!

    Hope you've all had a great weekend and are ready for the new week! Make it a good one!

  • Michelleanon
    Michelleanon Posts: 40 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Yes, Primalgal I live in Antigua in the Caribbean...Have been here all my life apart from going away to boarding school and college. I work for a reasonably sized catamaran company called "wadadlicats". Check out our website:

    Great place to live but as with everywhere you have good days and bad days, however, the sun seems to make it all ok at the end of a rough day.

    I get to do alot of walking up and down as we work with the cruise ships and I meet the guests and escort them to our cats so alot of back and forth. Definitely more than the 20 minute required by Dukan and then I still go to the gym...So this weight BETTER come off.
    I was quite proud of myself this weekend as we had a birthday party on saturday where I was surrounded by pizza, sandwiches, chicken wings and loads of alcohol. I did have 1 1/2 glasses of red merlot but that was it....Then yesterday we had another bbq function at a friend's house around the pool. I took my own seasoned chicken breast and got my hubby who was on grill duty to cook it for me. Must say my mouth was watering for the baby back ribs and the nice salads BUT I resisted. Did have 2 glasses of Merlot

    Yesterday I completed my 7 days of the "attack" phase. I weighed in and have lost 5.5 on to 1/1 and must say I am really looking forward veggies!!! I did a stir fry of cabbage and zuchinni...

    So there you have it!!!! Have a great day everyone and even better week....
  • JakBuddy
    I haven't been here much lately, was on MFP but not checking into the group, had a horrendous week with my dog having two operations in two days. He died early yesterday morning (he's the dog in the profile pic and his name was Jak Buddy) so I've been really down. Last week I threw in the towel on Dukan and managed to gain back the weight but now I am back, I've got a newfound resolve and I'll do it for him and me.

    I hope everyone is doing great, will read all of your posts!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey long did it take to loose the 45 pounds?
    I have a feeling its a long road yes I know, I know everyone tells me "well you didnt put it on in a day..." hahahahaha. I just want to get rid of it....I dont like fruit but looove veggies so I am happy...I'm applying the same motto as I did when giving up smoking....I had stopped in my second pregancy and figured that i stopped for 9 months so why start again...using this for the carbs mental's been 6yrs since I gave up smoking. Thanks for all the advice...

    It took about 4 momths to get to the dukan calculated "true weight" of a 35 pound weight loss and amazingly enough I continues to lose weight on consolidation-- the last 10 pounds took about 4 more months. My motto in 2012 was ... " ican do this lifestyle for at least one year, all those foods I use to eat will be waiting on me anytime" ... At the end of year one, I just re-upped the dukan plan and am getting more activity into my life.
  • Kimmybean13
    Kimmybean13 Posts: 18 Member
    Today started off very hungover following a night with my dining club... Very much not the ideal for when you're dieting. However I worked out LOADS yesterday and will workout today as well to mitigate any effects. The scales actually saw a teeny loss this morning which was great, and I decided to have a virgin bloody Maria to get myself back on my feet for the rest of the day!

  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Good morning!

    First of all Jak....I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. They are like our kids and it hurts so badly when we lose them. Hugs. are an inspiration to me and countless others here. You are the poster child for Dukan!! :-)

    Went to boot camp at 5:45AM and wow was it tough. The workout was called "Thunder Thighs" and my thighs sure are booming!

    Today is a PP day. Yesterday for my PV day, I sauteed some shredded cabbage in just a tiny bit of coconut oil with salt, pepper & smoked chipotle paprika. It was good, but a bit too spicy! I'll have to ease up on the hot stuff! LOL!

    Hope you all have a great Dukan day!!

  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Good Morning!

    Another boot camp session. Wasn't sure I'd live thru it, but here I am!! ;-) Today was mostly shoulders......yikes! Tomorrow is favorite!!

    Scale was up a 1/2 lb this morning, but no worries. A few digestive issues need to clear up before the scale will drop again.

    Tired pup here.......wish I could go home and go back to bed!

  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    I'm feeling loads of fatigue, headaches ect.
    I think It's due to lack of sleep :yawn: , baby is teething again.
    The thing is I haven't had a pp day since weekend, I start well but at the afternoon I feel I'm gonna faint so at the evening I dig in a huge bowl of crunchy greens.
    I'm such a disappointment to myself and above all at this point when I'm so close to my goal.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I'm feeling loads of fatigue, headaches ect.
    I think It's due to lack of sleep :yawn: , baby is teething again.
    The thing is I haven't had a pp day since weekend, I start well but at the afternoon I feel I'm gonna faint so at the evening I dig in a huge bowl of crunchy greens.
    I'm such a disappointment to myself and above all at this point when I'm so close to my goal.

    It always helped if I ate more protein as well as the greens.. and lots of water!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 601 Member
    Good Morning!

    Up early for boot camp......ready to box!! I sure am stiff & sore from all the workouts this week! I'm looking forward to my day off from exercise tomorrow!

    I'm doing ok with my eating this week, but I don't feel like any weight is shifting. I guess its just going to be one of those weeks. Yesterday was a PV day and I'm going to make today one too. I want Friday to be PP since I weigh in on Saturday morning. Hoping for another loss this week, but I can't be greedy! ;-)

    Time to stretch before boot camp.......have a wonderful day everyone!

  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    Failed week I only lost half a pound :frown: