rice and quinoa?



  • I just want to add, since my grandma was from Tokyo, this weighs on my mind (and diet) often. Japanese live longer and are overall slimmer than Americans. Their diet consists of eating white rice multiple times a day, for every meal.

    I understand the 'science' behind not eating rice, but facts are facts. The second I'm off of my Whole30, my diet will primarily consist of white rice, and I'll be eating a Japanese diet as much as possible.
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    I just want to add, since my grandma was from Tokyo, this weighs on my mind (and diet) often. Japanese live longer and are overall slimmer than Americans. Their diet consists of eating white rice multiple times a day, for every meal.

    I understand the 'science' behind not eating rice, but facts are facts. The second I'm off of my Whole30, my diet will primarily consist of white rice, and I'll be eating a Japanese diet as much as possible.

    This has already been covered in the AHS videos from the 2012 conference. Also Robb Wolf has gone over this. The fact is not all Japanese eat this way, and often the ones that do have poorer body composition, etc.

    But it's your ride.

    EDIT: Let me also add, which was part of the lead-in to a comment in the video, this concept of the Japanese eating vast quantities of rice can only be some bizarre cultural fairytale we have in the US. I've worked in a Japanese restaurant for years and have studied martial arts for decades. Some of the people I've encountered in these situations are "right off the boat" from Japan. As in, little to no ability to communicate in English. NONE have eaten large quantities of rice. If you want to talk a macrobiotic diet a la O'Sensei, that's another story. It's just dumb.
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Maybe a pudding would work, though. Mmm... Thanks for the idea! :D

    Rice pudding is AMAZING. Seriously. My general recipe, before I cut out rice (because I used to eat way too much rice; I found that I often used it in place of veggies at meals :frown: ) was about 2 cups of almond milk, 1/3 cup of rice, 1 egg, and vanilla extract, golden raisins, cinnamon, honey, and nutmeg to taste. Just boil the rice, egg and almond milk together until the rice is squishy, add in whatever flavorings you want, and you have rice pudding :drinker:
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Maybe a pudding would work, though. Mmm... Thanks for the idea! :D

    Rice pudding is AMAZING. Seriously. My general recipe, before I cut out rice (because I used to eat way too much rice; I found that I often used it in place of veggies at meals :frown: ) was about 2 cups of almond milk, 1/3 cup of rice, 1 egg, and vanilla extract, golden raisins, cinnamon, honey, and nutmeg to taste. Just boil the rice, egg and almond milk together until the rice is squishy, add in whatever flavorings you want, and you have rice pudding :drinker:


    Ma'am, you have inspired me to have rice pudding for dessert.

    I'll use I cup (roughly 250ml) of milk, 100g rice and a tablespoon of honey. Cheers :D
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I don't eat rice or quinoa, but I have noticed that some people do eat one or the other, or even both. Cool if that works for you, but it's not the way forward for me, at this point.
  • I just want to add, since my grandma was from Tokyo, this weighs on my mind (and diet) often. Japanese live longer and are overall slimmer than Americans. Their diet consists of eating white rice multiple times a day, for every meal.

    I understand the 'science' behind not eating rice, but facts are facts. The second I'm off of my Whole30, my diet will primarily consist of white rice, and I'll be eating a Japanese diet as much as possible.

    This has already been covered in the AHS videos from the 2012 conference. Also Robb Wolf has gone over this. The fact is not all Japanese eat this way, and often the ones that do have poorer body composition, etc.

    But it's your ride.

    EDIT: Let me also add, which was part of the lead-in to a comment in the video, this concept of the Japanese eating vast quantities of rice can only be some bizarre cultural fairytale we have in the US. I've worked in a Japanese restaurant for years and have studied martial arts for decades. Some of the people I've encountered in these situations are "right off the boat" from Japan. As in, little to no ability to communicate in English. NONE have eaten large quantities of rice. If you want to talk a macrobiotic diet a la O'Sensei, that's another story. It's just dumb.

    It's not a fairytale; it's fact. My grandma ate white rice every single day, as did all of her friends, as did my entire family because we were raised eating Japanese style. The thing is that they know portion control, and their primary carb source is the rice. It's not rice covered in fat served with sugary drinks and dairy. It's just rice.

    And I'm not sure how you evaluated that these people you have met fresh off the boat from Japan have not eaten large quantities of rice. THAT'D be bizarre. Sorry, but you are severely misinformed.
  • Okay, I just read what Robb Wolf just said about Okinawans being taller than the rest of Japan due to their non-consumption of rice. Wow. A couple problems here.

    1) They're not taller. They're shorter overall.

    2) Why would anyone ever determine short stature as being less healthy?

    3) I guess we can all just spout off random facts without research and credibility like Robb Wolf does.