*NEW TEAM DAFFODIL (JuneJulyAug 2013 Brides :)



  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm sorry for being MIA ladies!! (I was one of the traveling brides this past weekend so I missed Weigh-in...lost 1lb so that's good at least ;)

    Getting married July 13th which is like ten minutes away. EEK! Also, I started school last week, am up for a promotion at work, and am planning a move within the next six months...so life is pretty stressful right now. I'm here to keep myself accountable, so I promise I'll make more time to do challenges, workouts and spend some time on here! Feel free to friend me, too :)

    Wow, that is a lot going on all at once. It kind of sounds like my early 2011. I was in school, going through a divorce, raising 2 kids, coaching soccer, and caring for my elderly grandmother all at once. I felt like I didn't know if I was coming or going. Good thing is that through all that, I didn't have time to eat junk. It was grab a meal and go. LOL. Best of luck through all of that, I'm sure it seems hectic now, but in the end- it'll seem like it flew by.
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    Okay... here comes the weekend!! Need to stay on track!! Need to keep meals at home so I can control what we eat and need to make time for workouts!! Tonight we're going to a comedy show and i'm having one drink before the show and that's it!! Then tomorrow we have a kids birthday party!! So hopefully they have a good lunch option if not i'll wait until after to eat lunch. They'll be serving cake which i will take but i'll balance out with a workout!! I can do this!! Just trying to motivate myself here hehehe!! Want a good weigh in on sunday and I want to start next week off not thinking I need to lose what I have gained during the weekend.

    I'll be coming back on here for support throughout the weekend. Alright girls... we need results on sunday!! Especially the amount of girls weighing in!!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I am late in the game I've sent off my last two weeks worth of weigh ins and I'm ready to participate :D Just 211 days left until I get married and I'd like to see 40lbs gone by then! Off to a slow start this week but there is still some time yet to redeem myself (and lots of wedding prep to do with my favorite exercise WALKING) so I hope for a number I can be proud of this week :)
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome to the summer brides jesyka. I am on my last night shift, then off work for the rest of the weekend. I have to be strict with the gym this weekend for weigh in on Sunday. Sunday we are going to our friends house for dinner. I am not sure what she is making. I was told not to bring anything. I am going to eat well all morning and get a good workout in. That way I don't have to worry about going over in calories. I have to really stick with it. This weigh in needs to be better then last weeks.
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    I admire your commitment, Daffodils. I can't wait to see your Sunday numbers!!! <3
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    Went to a kids birthday party today!! Logged in what i ate to the best of my knowledge but will be doing my workout soon to burn some of it off and eating well the rest of the weekend!! Hoping for a goodvweigh in!!!
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    Christine, it's only one day. With your plans on working out, hopefully you will be happy with your weigh in. Birthday Cake is my favourite dessert. I would have had a piece also.
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    Oh and the fact that it was homemade cake pops!! Couldnt resist!! After a little bridesmaid drama today i didnt think i would be working out any! Bawled my eyes out for hours today but it all worked out!! So jumped on the elliptical and got 50 mins in!! Hopefully that will balance things out a bit!! Have 5 glasses a water in me and planning on drinking water all night! Going out to friends tonight but have my water bottle with me hehehe!! Hope everyone else is doing well!!!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Had a banquet to go to last night but ate some fairly healthy food. I had some tortellini salad (I HAD TO!), california blend veggies, a very small piece of chicken which I only ate half of because it looked kinda pink (it was probably fine but I'm a freak), a roll (another carb overload ugh), and some mashed potatoes. Dessert was choc chip cheesecake and a piece of carrot cake. YUM! Fit it all into my calories so I'm happy with that!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    Thats great Amy!!

    So girls i hope we all weighed in and hoping we all reported it!! Lets get a higher percentage of girls weighing in and heres to another week of healthy choices and great workouts
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    We're only missing 6-7 girls who have weighed in last week or have said that they would like to still participate. If anyone else has any weigh ins, please send them over to me. I'll hold off on sending the list to Elizabeth until just before I go to bed, which is right around 930-10p EST.

    I need to hear from:
    Angela, Brandy, Cecilia, Megan, Jesyka, Julie, Kelley, Meike, Kellie,Carolyn, Miquela, Sarah, Kate and Kelly (rock_kowgirl).
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Awesome job on getting the weights to me everyone! Thank you!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    Thank you Amy for taking care of us this week :)

    I'm off for training now until Friday. Have packed all breakfast, lunch and dinners already!! Have no reason to eat out except once with my soon to be sister in law!! Will have nothing better to do at night than go to the gym so I should be on track all week!! I will keep logging in since i'm bringing my ipad with me!! Hoping for a great weigh in next sunday!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Wooohooo!! We won! We Won! We WON!!!! Well done Team! Proud of y'all!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Woohoo! We did it! How exciting.

    No need to thank for me for compiling the info for Elizabeth. Anything to make our lives easier. I only work 3 days a week so I've got nothing better to do..haha.

    I struggled with the STAR challenge last week but am hoping I do better this week. Gotta work on my water intake for sure. I do good for a few days and then fall off that wagon. Back on though!

    Wedding related- I am going to order my daughters flowergirl dress this week with my incentive gift card from work. As soon as I get my income tax refund, I'm send $1K over to the reception/ceremony venue. We pay monthly on the photographer so we're knocking that out too.
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Hello Daffodils!

    I think I might be the only one of us who had never watched The Biggest Loser on television before... at least until last night!!!! I only caught the weigh-in portion at the end, but wow! It was so much fun to see them in person doing what we are doing online :)

    One thing I thought was interesting was the friendly competition between teammates and the mutual encouragement based on the previous week's results. It got me thinking that you all might feel more like a team if you are more cohesive in our support of one another and, perhaps, by challenging one another to see which of you can be the top loss on your team.

    With that in mind, I'm posting your internal team rankings. I will be providing the same sort of info to the other teams as well. I hope you will work together to encourage one another. Also, if no one on your team is experienced in diet/nutritional planning, I'm willing to help out with that. Good luck, ladies!

  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    Ahhhhh help me i dont know wat to do!!!!! I'm so excited about how well we all did this past week. but this week is leading up to that time of the month and its attacking me!!!! I don't know wat to do. I just cant stop eating!!!! and its getting worse every day. i'm just soooooo much more hungrier than usual. It's getting so frustrating cause i feel like i've been doing soo well. Eating healthier and being more consistent in my workouts. And doin this challenge is making me so much more accountable when it comes to wat i put in my body. But if i get my hands on some cake or some cheesecake i'm going to go crazy. Any suggestions about wat i can do to stay on track????
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Ahhhhh help me i dont know wat to do!!!!! I'm so excited about how well we all did this past week. but this week is leading up to that time of the month and its attacking me!!!! I don't know wat to do. I just cant stop eating!!!! and its getting worse every day. i'm just soooooo much more hungrier than usual. It's getting so frustrating cause i feel like i've been doing soo well. Eating healthier and being more consistent in my workouts. And doin this challenge is making me so much more accountable when it comes to wat i put in my body. But if i get my hands on some cake or some cheesecake i'm going to go crazy. Any suggestions about wat i can do to stay on track????

    So far, when this happens, I start with a tall glass of cold water and give myself 15 minutes. Then, I eat a fun size chocolate or hershey kiss (NOM!). I take it really slow and let the chocolate disolve in my mouth so I can really savor the texture and flavors. You might also try 100 cal packs of Milano cookies or Brownie Bites the same way. I also really like the Kellogg's Fiber Plus Antioxidants Protein Chewy Bars (peanut or mixed nut). They aren't too terrible nutritionwise and are delicious with chocolate or carmel. 170 calories, 8g fat, 9g sugar, 10g protein. Even if you just eat half, they are satisfying.

    Just take it slow to give your body the time to really enjoy it. I've read that most of the pleasure and satisfaction come from the first 2-3 bites of food. After that, your body is just on automation to finish eating. If you are still a ravenous fiend like I am, try something filling with protein or take a short walk to break the food interface and distract from eating an entire pie.

    Finally, it is OKAY to have a day or two a month when you are super hungry. It's part of our hormones and metabolism. I would just encourage you to gorge on healthier alternatives - whole grains, protein, nuts/fruits/veggies. And drink lots of water. It will help with any bloating.

    PS- have you tried JM's water recipe for that time of the month?? It uses natural diuretics to help process the bloat. My sister swears by it :)

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Ahhhhh help me i dont know wat to do!!!!! I'm so excited about how well we all did this past week. but this week is leading up to that time of the month and its attacking me!!!! I don't know wat to do. I just cant stop eating!!!! and its getting worse every day. i'm just soooooo much more hungrier than usual. It's getting so frustrating cause i feel like i've been doing soo well. Eating healthier and being more consistent in my workouts. And doin this challenge is making me so much more accountable when it comes to wat i put in my body. But if i get my hands on some cake or some cheesecake i'm going to go crazy. Any suggestions about wat i can do to stay on track????

    You are not alone. We've all been there. I don't have such fantastic willpower that I can just ignore the cravings. Instead, I hide anything that I might decide to indulge in. Out of sight, out of mind for me. I just keep telling myself, I only need to make it through today without going overboard. I take it day by day because I can't look at the bigger picture when I'm hormonal like that. If you do have a day where you don't eat so great, you just pick yourself up and dust yourself off the next day.
  • kelly_gelinas
    kelly_gelinas Posts: 137 Member
    Well Hope everyone is having a good week so far. drkchyld as for the eating, sometimes some weeks are worse then others for me too. Escpecially before my period starts. maybe pick up on your exercise to compensate?

    I have made it my mission to run a 10km (6.2 miles) race before the end of the year. I haven't found one yet, and have just started looking. I ran 10km on sunday in 67 min and 4.25 miles today in 43 min. I want to build up speed these next few weeks. How is everyone else doing in thier workout routines?
