*NEW TEAM DELPHINIUM (MarAprMay 2013 Brides :)



  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    Congrats to all of us for the Team win this week!!. I am following up on the Week 2 Results post that mentions changing how we report in for Week 3 and forward where I mentioned a Team Captain.

    After struggling to track down weight and challenge results for 100+ brides for 2 sequential weeks, I think that the weekly tracking and reporting of weight and challenges will go much more smoothly if each bride reports in to their own team. From other challenges I've observed, messaging one member of your team (the "team captain") is the easiest and most efficient way to do this. You may pick anyone you wish to collate and report the info each week.

    Once you have decided who is reporting in, let me know and I will send you the tracking form through email.

    Also, the following is the current list of our brides:

    andonsmama (Kim)
    crazygirl1972 (Christy)
    emmaleevictoria17 (Emily)
    jkcrawford (Kate)
    jmarton1977 (Janice)
    kenyabenya (Kenya)
    Lawyerette (Elizabeth)
    Learning2Love (Liz)
    leilaphoenix (Leila)
    lharpl (Lee)
    lizeclare (Eliza)
    nickyeatrunread (Nicky)
    Sarahsarahsarahk (Sarah)
    SmartFunGorgeous (Tonya)
    Tinker1208 (Bridgette)
    votrvoman (Margarita)

    I will follow-up and let you know who is still participating on our team. I think one or two brides may be travelling or having family crisis, but with several thousand messages in my inbox I've lost track. With that in mind, we'll give everyone one more week to check in.

    Let me know who you'd like to be the Team Captain :)

    Thanks so much :)

  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Team Captain doesn't matter to me, if nobody else wants to I don't mind stepping up.

    I think we need to clear off people who haven't checked in at all since sign-up though. They may have forgotten or fallen off the wagon.
  • lharpul
    lharpul Posts: 14 Member
    Keep me in. Was late to report, sorry.
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Good morning, Delphiniums!

    I have now updated our team roster. We've down-sized a little, but still have 17 Brides actively participating in the challenge. Let's work hard to stay engaged for the full 12-weeks, ladies. We are SO close to our upcoming Spring weddings and many of you are making great strides toward your 12-week goals. It's early, so we all still have 10 weeks to get there!

    It looks like Liz (Learning2Love) is going to be the Team Captain (thanks for volunteering, Liz!) so please send your information to Liz this Sunday:

    1. Current Actual Weight (in pounds unless we've agreed on an alternate unit of measurement)
    2. Total Challenge Points earned for the week (do not need breakdown, just total)

    Liz will be forwarding me the list of brides names and information so I can get the results out on Monday :)

    Also, the updated spreadsheet will be posted tonight (I can't access googledocs behind the firewall here at work).

    Have a great Week 3!!!

  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Thanks Liz for stepping up and being our leader. Let's Git-R- Done ladies, we can do this.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Ok ladies, I'll be sending you reminders saturday night to send me your weight and challenge points on sunday. :flowerforyou:
  • Votrvoman
    Votrvoman Posts: 14 Member
  • nailtechbec
    nailtechbec Posts: 93 Member
    I did it ! I am now 12 stone something instead of 13 stone something ! So proud of me, 3lbs down so far this week ! Yay ! X
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks for being our fearless leader, Liz!

    Checked in on the scale today and if things keep going how they are, I should have at least a 2 pound loss to report! Makes gaining 1# last week worth it!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I keep having wedding nightmares.. sometimes there's no cake, food isn't right, wedding is completely different, missing groom, etc. Am I the only one or is totally normal with only a few months left to go?
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    No Liz, no nightmares for me, just be glad when it's over. Hope all works out for you.
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Oh Liz, I've totally been there. I actually woke up once and thought I'd gotten married and that somehow it really had gone down the way it was in my dream (i.e. ALL wrong). That said, I just can't wait to for it to be over! Bought some more stuff today, so it's SLOWLY coming together!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Ok Team Delphinium is about 58% reported in so far. Way to go ladies!

    If you haven't reported in yet, please send me a message with your weight & points for the week. Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Votrvoman
    Votrvoman Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Liz! I have weird anxiety dreams every once in a while. Totally normal!
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Congrats, Delphiniums on the 3rd Place Week 3 results and 1st place challenge win. We probably would have snagged 2nd overall, but we were short 4 brides. DO let me know if Liz or I missed your info or your drop request:

    kenyabenya (Kenya)
    leilaphoenix (Leila)
    msroxanne07 (Roxanne)
    SmartFunGorgeous (Tonya)

    Thanks :)
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    I think I must be the only one of us who had never watched The Biggest Loser on television before... at least until last night!!!! I only caught the weigh-in portion at the end, but wow! It was so much fun to see them in person doing what we are doing online :)

    One thing I thought was interesting was the friendly competition between teammates and the mutual encouragement based on the previous week's results. It got me thinking that we might be more effective as a team if we are more cohesive in our support of one another and, perhaps, by challenging one another to see which of us can be the top loss on our team. At the start of Week 4, we are actually in a dead heat with the Black-Eyed Susans overall. Wouldn't it be fun to pull ahead by not just a pound or two, but by a mile???

    With that in mind, I'm posting our internal team rankings. I will be providing the same sort of info to the other teams as well. Let me know what you all want to do to see amazing results this week. I'm willing to help out on the nutritional side if anyone wants help, but I'm sort of inexperienced with the exercise/weights side of it.

  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Wow, looks like I need to step it up! I've been struggling not being able to cook the last 5-6 days (our gas was shut off), I'm pretty surprised I maintained the last week. I'm so excited to cook tonight finally! lol
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member

    I'm glad you feel inspired to take it up a notch, but don't feel bad. You're right in the middle of the pack.

    Everyone- DO let me know if you want help with the meals thing. I've helped a few of you work through the food side of the lifestyle change and I am happy to walk each and every one of you through it IF/WHEN you decide you want help :)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member

    I'm glad you feel inspired to take it up a notch, but don't feel bad. You're right in the middle of the pack.

    Everyone- DO let me know if you want help with the meals thing. I've helped a few of you work through the food side of the lifestyle change and I am happy to walk each and every one of you through it IF/WHEN you decide you want help :)

    I might take you up on the food help, if you can handle me being a picky eater. :laugh:
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    No problem. Picky is fun :)

    And ask Evette! We figured out some good stuff she wanted to eat that would boost her metabolism and she started losing weight like it was nothing! (PS- SOOOOO excited for you, Evette!)