January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    It blows me away how different all of us are (besides being massively awesome, of course.) For example, I'm starting to have a tough time with my 90 lb squats, but can throw 80 lbs in a bench with little arm-quake. My lower body is way stronger too...I blame my crappy knees and hips.

    Also, Tameko, you look amazing--and not anywhere close to 160-whatever. It's funny, I'm a (short) size 8 too. Women's bodies are weird.

    I skipped lifting last night. I was in the car for almost an hour in the snow last night, and the last thing I wanted to do was cook, eat, put the kid to bed, and then venture in the muck to lift. Tonight though, for sure.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok, I'm a little behind with things. Yay for Haybales spreadsheet! I've been using it for several weeks now, although I'm sad because it has me eating at BMR. I guess that's what I get for being lazy and having a ****ton of weight left to lose.

    I'm not having problems with my lifts yet, but it's starting to bother me that I don't have any weight on my squats yet. Going to add weight on Sunday. In fact, contemplating increasing only on Sundays to make sure I preserve form and don't re-injure my knees. Unfortunately, I know that I can do higher so I want to increase faster, but I have a feeling that's how I got into trouble in the first place. Just so frustrating. Back in college I was doing incline leg presses at 4x6 of 600lb, so I know my legs can be powerful... Ugh.

    In other news, bench and rows are going well. Not sure how, but I ended up with the same weight for both, so did both today at 65lbs.

    Had more entertainment at the gym. We've lost one of the guys already (no clue how long he'd been going in the mornings since I just switched to mornings at the new year), but a few new ones are trickling in. There was a younger kid in today who seemed like he had the right idea but then it went awry. He was doing what looked like reverse dead lifts with dumbbells (start standing up then bend down), but he didn't get that low and his feet were together. Like touching (I would have fallen over). He also did what I guess was plyometrics but at the top of his jump, his feet just dangled. So he jumped about 5 inches off the ground. Granted, my gym doesn't have boxes, but I would think you would still try to lift your knees. Oh well. It was entertaining to watch in my rest periods.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Welcome new people!!!!

    Is there anything wrong with using the smith for the bench press??? Cause if there's not??? I'm moving over for my higher weights - especially after my roll of shame last week.

    Which....I've been bad and haven't lifted since last wednesday. But I'm going back to it Thursday. I've been trying to play around with a new workout schedule and am in the process of switching over my lifting days.

    So no numbers till thursday!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I have nothing constructive to add as I'm just writing to whine because now the first place I come to vent is this thread (sorry all!)

    It looks like I am no longer dating the guy I was dating....mr work out of town :sad:

    Just when I think I found a legit guy to spend time with things go all wonky. Funny though, I think it's when he realized that I really am a strong, independent woman. Ugh! Why are guys such pansies!

    I might be over-reacting but I've been to this rodeo before and know the signs lol

    Anyway....carry on.....rant over....:laugh:
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I used to play wow with a nice Albertan plumber. How do you feel about gaming gingers?
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I have nothing constructive to add as I'm just writing to whine because now the first place I come to vent is this thread (sorry all!)

    It looks like I am no longer dating the guy I was dating....mr work out of town :sad:

    Just when I think I found a legit guy to spend time with things go all wonky. Funny though, I think it's when he realized that I really am a strong, independent woman. Ugh! Why are guys such pansies!

    I might be over-reacting but I've been to this rodeo before and know the signs lol

    Anyway....carry on.....rant over....:laugh:

    Aw hun. That sucks!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I used to play wow with a nice Albertan plumber. How do you feel about gaming gingers?

    Awww that's so sweet :smile: I'm not really a gamer though so I'm afraid it might be doomed from the start lol
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    bar path on a bench press isnt always straight down - so that would be the issue with using the smith.

    Its also, in my opinion, nigh on impossible to set yourself up correctly and then end up with the bar in the right place, unless you can move the bar.

    The way I set up for the bench, I lie down a bit lower than I think I need to be, settle my shoulder blades back and under me (squeezed back), set my feet on the ground, then I push backward a little until my shoulders are in the right position. AT that point I move the bar so its in the right place.

    With the smith machine, since you can't ever move the bar, you either have to reset your body til you're in the right place, or you probably will end up benching with bad form because you can't move the bar where it needs to be. Bad form on the bench means damaged shoulders - no joke. Power rack is safer, from that perspective, but more of a hassle and in my gym, impossible (due to our set up) so I would either not go for a rep you can't make or just ask someone to spot when you start to hit your limits.

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I used to play wow with a nice Albertan plumber. How do you feel about gaming gingers?

    Awww that's so sweet :smile: I'm not really a gamer though so I'm afraid it might be doomed from the start lol

    AWw I'm sorry Vegas! Its ok though - there will be something better! Also re: gamers - gamers dating gamers is actually kind of terrible, you both end up really sedentary and fat (I have been to this land, and do not recommend it). On the flip side, when only one person games and the other person works out, that often leads to terrible imbalances in time management (I have *also* been to this land and recommend it even less.)
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    So I was doing good.
    Squats: 95lbs
    Deadlifts: 95lbs
    Overhead press: 50lbs
    Bench Press: 55lbs
    Barbell Row: 45lbs

    And then I hurt my back. Not exactly sure how but I have an idea. So I am banished from weight training for another three weeks which is really disappointing.

    In addition I received two major blows to my confidence. I was told "Why would you need more than 100lbs for the barbell, at some point you have to stop increasing the weight, focus on toning and increase your reps or you are going to get bulky." Ouch. I wish I could just be trusted, that I know what I'm doing and that the whole "female body builder look" and even the really cut/ripped women with around 15 - 18% BF aren't my goal either. I want to be about 23-25% BF and I don't think I'll look "bulky" or even overly muscular at that percentage. Especially since I am still eating at a deficit. I don't think you can bulk up with a calorie defict.

    And then again today, someone at work was discussing my back injury and said "I told you all that weight lifting was bad for you, if you want to lift like a man maybe you should just get the surgery." Wow. I didn't realize only men were allowed to lift weights.

    Anyhow between those three things I am feeling really down about myself and my goals and everything. Not a good couple days.
  • alwyndacara
    alwyndacara Posts: 30 Member
    Ouch, sorry to hear about your back jesspi :( I can't believe the comments you're getting either (well I can.....). As long as you're doing what you want to do, then screw what anyone else thinks.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I have nothing constructive to add as I'm just writing to whine because now the first place I come to vent is this thread (sorry all!)

    It looks like I am no longer dating the guy I was dating....mr work out of town :sad:

    Just when I think I found a legit guy to spend time with things go all wonky. Funny though, I think it's when he realized that I really am a strong, independent woman. Ugh! Why are guys such pansies!

    I might be over-reacting but I've been to this rodeo before and know the signs lol

    Anyway....carry on.....rant over....:laugh:

    So sorry to hear you are having relationship struggles. That can really be exhausting. It is worthwhile taking the time to find someone that can handle the person you want to be though. Hang in there.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I used to play wow with a nice Albertan plumber. How do you feel about gaming gingers?

    Awww that's so sweet :smile: I'm not really a gamer though so I'm afraid it might be doomed from the start lol

    AWw I'm sorry Vegas! Its ok though - there will be something better! Also re: gamers - gamers dating gamers is actually kind of terrible, you both end up really sedentary and fat (I have been to this land, and do not recommend it). On the flip side, when only one person games and the other person works out, that often leads to terrible imbalances in time management (I have *also* been to this land and recommend it even less.)

    This is kinda what I was thinking lol
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I was doing good.
    Squats: 95lbs
    Deadlifts: 95lbs
    Overhead press: 50lbs
    Bench Press: 55lbs
    Barbell Row: 45lbs

    And then I hurt my back. Not exactly sure how but I have an idea. So I am banished from weight training for another three weeks which is really disappointing.

    In addition I received two major blows to my confidence. I was told "Why would you need more than 100lbs for the barbell, at some point you have to stop increasing the weight, focus on toning and increase your reps or you are going to get bulky." Ouch. I wish I could just be trusted, that I know what I'm doing and that the whole "female body builder look" and even the really cut/ripped women with around 15 - 18% BF aren't my goal either. I want to be about 23-25% BF and I don't think I'll look "bulky" or even overly muscular at that percentage. Especially since I am still eating at a deficit. I don't think you can bulk up with a calorie defict.

    And then again today, someone at work was discussing my back injury and said "I told you all that weight lifting was bad for you, if you want to lift like a man maybe you should just get the surgery." Wow. I didn't realize only men were allowed to lift weights.

    Anyhow between those three things I am feeling really down about myself and my goals and everything. Not a good couple days.

    Awww :frown: everything about this post makes me sad (except for your numbers because those rock!!!!). Injuries suck but you will come back....better than ever! I only took 1 week break from all exercise and it was hard but when I got back to it, well, it was like BAM watch out!

    And those people are *kitten* and should receive a drop kick or something equally violent. Ignorant people drive me bat *kitten* crazy :explode: ! They know nothing and probably have the fitness level to prove it :laugh:

    Hang in there, you will feel better :smile:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I have nothing constructive to add as I'm just writing to whine because now the first place I come to vent is this thread (sorry all!)

    It looks like I am no longer dating the guy I was dating....mr work out of town :sad:

    Just when I think I found a legit guy to spend time with things go all wonky. Funny though, I think it's when he realized that I really am a strong, independent woman. Ugh! Why are guys such pansies!

    I might be over-reacting but I've been to this rodeo before and know the signs lol

    Anyway....carry on.....rant over....:laugh:

    So sorry to hear you are having relationship struggles. That can really be exhausting. It is worthwhile taking the time to find someone that can handle the person you want to be though. Hang in there.

    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Jesspi, that shouldn't hurt YOUR confidence, it should make you think "they are *kitten* who know nothing about fitness." Stay strong girl! Hope that back heals up right quick.

    Vegas, boo. :( You know what though - he was a time and energy suck who wasn't around enough to make him worthwhile. You need a man who is available on demand.

    Damn, Tameko, you are totally right. I wonder though if I do it that way BECAUSE I have to lift the bar clear of the pegs.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Re - losing thigh fat (or any 'problem' area), I would recommend body recomposition if you're otherwise (mostly) happy with the rest of your body and at an already healthy BMI. As would Amber, http://gokaleo.com/?p=666

    In Wendler's book, he recommends a couple days of conditioning per week.

    His preferred method is hill sprints.

    I disagree with him on the hill sprints/prowler work being THE ONE TRUE CONDITIONING WORKOUT. Both fine, obviously. but look, if you wanna jog 3 times a week, go ahead. As long as you're not doing anything that's risking longer term muscle exhaustion (Like, very long runs, or high resistance elliptical/bike work for a long time) or repetitive use injuries you're good.

    But I wish I had a prowler. I totally want to do that once. Also I want to flip one of those giant cross fit tires.

    Re the original question about Cardio. Do some if you like it. If you don't, 30 minutes 3x a week is more than fine. And if you hate it, you don't have to do any

    I loved the Body recomposition blog!!!I I went in for a physical today and the doctor seemed to think I was at a good weight 165ish and that I shouldn't go lower than 157. I changed my MFP goal to 157 but I'm not going to worry about it because what I really need to do is Body Recomposition! This is brilliant!! Build muscle, eat lots, lose some jiggly fat! Perfect! Thanks Tameko!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Jesspi, that shouldn't hurt YOUR confidence, it should make you think "they are *kitten* who know nothing about fitness." Stay strong girl! Hope that back heals up right quick.

    Vegas, boo. :( You know what though - he was a time and energy suck who wasn't around enough to make him worthwhile. You need a man who is available on demand.

    Damn, Tameko, you are totally right. I wonder though if I do it that way BECAUSE I have to lift the bar clear of the pegs.

    Yes, an on demand man, that is exactly what I need. Primarily for one purpose....maybe two....but I won't go into that here :laugh:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I bought some one pound wrist weights today. I looked at the masking tape Vegas but I couldn't tell what to buy to get the right weight so I splurged on the expensive weights. (reward for putting up with Dr Appointment?) So now I am ready next time 5 lb is too much!

    I am thrilled to be part of this group! It is really inspiring to see so many ("badass") women getting even stronger. ("Badass" is my favourite new word!! LOL!)

    I think injuries are just bumps in the road. We need to be strong to avoid injuries. It really does work. I had way more back (and everything else) problems before I started working out. It is sometimes a balancing act though to know how far you can go. I have also found that when I do hurt myself it doesn't take nearly as long to get back on track is it used to. Persevere and don't let anyone tell you that men are the only ones who can have muscles that are strong enough to protect their joints!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Jesspi, that shouldn't hurt YOUR confidence, it should make you think "they are *kitten* who know nothing about fitness." Stay strong girl! Hope that back heals up right quick.

    Vegas, boo. :( You know what though - he was a time and energy suck who wasn't around enough to make him worthwhile. You need a man who is available on demand.

    Damn, Tameko, you are totally right. I wonder though if I do it that way BECAUSE I have to lift the bar clear of the pegs.

    Yes, an on demand man, that is exactly what I need. Primarily for one purpose....maybe two....but I won't go into that here :laugh:

    They make ...ahem. You know. Well. There are stores...and websites.....that you can visit....lots of fun, no emotional mess!
    I think injuries are just bumps in the road. We need to be strong to avoid injuries. It really does work. I had way more back (and everything else) problems before I started working out. It is sometimes a balancing act though to know how far you can go. I have also found that when I do hurt myself it doesn't take nearly as long to get back on track is it used to. Persevere and don't let anyone tell you that men are the only ones who can have muscles that are strong enough to protect their joints!!

    I agree! Actually Nick has always had weird knees (for those of you wiht knee issues) that are prone to popping and hurting, and he said that he feels like squats have done nothing but good for them (although he's never felt pain in his knees from squatting like some of you are, his were all hip issues).