January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Bahahahah! Best internet group ever!

    And I love that BADA$$ is sticking!
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    I find myself coming here everyday to read the goings on. Thanks girls for the entertainment. Did my B? Workout today. Too scared to load up the full weight on the dead lift because I don't trust my form yet.

    What I do t understand is with the overhead press I don't seem to have a problem lifting 40lbs on a preloaded bar. however as soon as i try to do the regular bar at 45lbs i almost break my back. once that weight is above my head i start to fail. not sure why.

    thats it for today. l
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    Yes, an on demand man, that is exactly what I need. Primarily for one purpose....maybe two....but I won't go into that here :laugh:

    They make ...ahem. You know. Well. There are stores...and websites.....that you can visit....lots of fun, no emotional mess!

    I agree! Actually Nick has always had weird knees (for those of you wiht knee issues) that are prone to popping and hurting, and he said that he feels like squats have done nothing but good for them (although he's never felt pain in his knees from squatting like some of you are, his were all hip issues).

    Squats are the best thing that's ever happened to my weak knee!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I agree! Actually Nick has always had weird knees (for those of you wiht knee issues) that are prone to popping and hurting, and he said that he feels like squats have done nothing but good for them (although he's never felt pain in his knees from squatting like some of you are, his were all hip issues).

    My knees have been popping all the time lately. They popped before, but not this often. It's not going to stop me from squatting though.

    Jesspi, I know how you feel a little about the non-support for lifting. I haven't gotten a "see I told you so", but I get lots of crazy looks, and "that sounds like a bad idea" or "you're adding too much weight too quickly". I just decided to tell people "I'm lifting weights" and don't go into it beyond that. Not worth feeling down because I know people won't agree with me. Just like it's not worth discussing my eating habits. My friend is on WW and eats small amounts of food (except she's currently on a 3 day binge fest right now) and thinks I'm doing it wrong.

    Vegas, sorry to hear about the guy. But, if you were going to spend weeks on end missing him, maybe it's a good thing. The only two guys I know who work on rigs in the Gulf are kind of crazy. One of them put a GPS tracker on his wife's car because he thought she was lying to him about going out with friends...
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    Thanks for the support everyone! :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I find myself coming here everyday to read the goings on. Thanks girls for the entertainment. Did my B? Workout today. Too scared to load up the full weight on the dead lift because I don't trust my form yet.

    What I do t understand is with the overhead press I don't seem to have a problem lifting 40lbs on a preloaded bar. however as soon as i try to do the regular bar at 45lbs i almost break my back. once that weight is above my head i start to fail. not sure why.

    thats it for today. l

    I think it's because the OHP is just a really tough lift for a lot of us. I tend to progress at only 1 or 2lbs each time, instead of 5 because I just can't do it and feel more prone to injury. That is where those fractional weights (or masking tape rolls in my case :laugh: ) come in handy!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    WOW - January has been busy!!!

    I've been MIA for about a month now due some hip alignment issues. It was making squatting and deadlift very uncomfortable. After many visits to the Chiro, I am finally feeling better and was able to squat this morning with no pain or discomfort. Basically started back at the beginning since I'd been gone for so long and don't want to push too fast so that I injure myself.

    So here's where I am after 2 workouts

    Squat - 70 lbs
    BP - 50 lbs
    Row - 65 lbs
    OHP - 50 lbs
    Deadlift - 95 lbs
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Hi All,

    Just did my B workout yesterday... here are my most recent numbers:
    Squat: 90lbs
    OHP: 45lbs (stalled, sigh)
    Deadlift: 105lbs (woot woot! First time over 100lbs!)
    BP: 65lbs
    Row: 65lbs

    Starting to have some issues with squats, I may be close to stalling, so far haven't had any issues progressing at 5lbs each time (except OHP :grumble: )

    Sorry to hear about the guy, that really sucks.

    Thanks for sharing the spreadsheet!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Wow, you miss a lot when you don't check in for a couple days! We are a bunch of Chatty Kathy's, lol.

    Jennie, good to have you back - I am going through the same thing right now, its a bummer.

    Kit_Katty - Those OHP's are a pain in the butt! Congrats on breaking 100lbs!

    Vegas - Looks like Vegas might be more fun now, eh? But no, really...it sucks but you will be better off without him!

    So the horrible nerve pain/shocks have subsided in the right side...but my shepherd barral rolled into my in the kitchen yesterday (from behind). I had a glass in my hand so I couldn't catch myself and went down, hard. Landed on my tailbone and rolled my ankle. Ankle is ok...but now I have nerve pain on the left side of my back...grr!

    ETA: A NSV - a friend from police academy (also on MFP) emailed me telling me that my abs were sick and she wanted to know my secrets. She's a beachbody coach in another town. I think that's kinda funny! I told her there was no secret...just heavy effing weights and a lot of protein!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    ETA: A NSV - a friend from police academy (also on MFP) emailed me telling me that my abs were sick and she wanted to know my secrets. She's a beachbody coach in another town. I think that's kinda funny! I told her there was no secret...just heavy effing weights and a lot of protein!

    THIS ^^^^^^^ is so super effing awesome!

    And they are. I'm so jealous. :wink:
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    So the horrible nerve pain/shocks have subsided in the right side...but my shepherd barral rolled into my in the kitchen yesterday (from behind). I had a glass in my hand so I couldn't catch myself and went down, hard. Landed on my tailbone and rolled my ankle. Ankle is ok...but now I have nerve pain on the left side of my back...grr!

    ETA: A NSV - a friend from police academy (also on MFP) emailed me telling me that my abs were sick and she wanted to know my secrets. She's a beachbody coach in another town. I think that's kinda funny! I told her there was no secret...just heavy effing weights and a lot of protein!

    Sorry to hear about your fall! That really sucks!

    That's a great NSV! You should be proud!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    So totally off topic but I had to share with you guys.....I've been looking at going back to school so that I can up my computer programming skills. So I finally did that today....

    The major bonus was since I already went to this school that I don't have to reapply and pay fees - which makes it so stinking easy that I'm wondering why I didn't do that earlier.....

    yet I'm a little scared of going back to school in my mid 30's.....

    but yeah!!!

    back to the regularly scheduled programming....
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member

    yet I'm a little scared of going back to school in my mid 30's.....
    Congrats! You will do great; just think of all the awesome life skills you have aquired since the last time! Those 19 years won't have *kitten* on ya!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    ETA: A NSV - a friend from police academy (also on MFP) emailed me telling me that my abs were sick and she wanted to know my secrets. She's a beachbody coach in another town. I think that's kinda funny! I told her there was no secret...just heavy effing weights and a lot of protein!

    THIS ^^^^^^^ is so super effing awesome!

    And they are. I'm so jealous. :wink:

    I don't understand how you could get visible abs without Shakeology and muscle confusion. Plz explain.

    Darwin - what school? What do you do for work now? My husband is a programmer. I'm in software too but not on the programming side.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    ...Did that Peachee person just come in to the group and drop a promotional thread for herself or is that a legitimate non-self-promoting facebook page? >_> I can't see fb at work.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Tameko - It's a local technical school round these here parts. My degree will be in IT Programming/Analysis. I'm a business analyst with an analytics department right now. So I do a lot of metrics reporting and report building, database stuffs. It's really exciting - but I'll get more into the actual programming, business intelligence end of it, which I bridge a bit, but not from a programming stand point.

    I use a software called Tableau a lot and cognos.

    do you know those at all?
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Tameko - It's a local technical school round these here parts. My degree will be in IT Programming/Analysis. I'm a business analyst with an analytics department right now. So I do a lot of metrics reporting and report building, database stuffs. It's really exciting - but I'll get more into the actual programming, business intelligence end of it, which I bridge a bit, but not from a programming stand point.

    I use a software called Tableau a lot and cognos.

    do you know those at all?

    Hey, I'm also a Business Analyst! I tend to try to steer more to the business side than the coding size, but one of my tasks for this week is read the C++ code of our API so I can write the "requirements" for when we port it to a new framework.

    </IT geek speak>

    Today, I made that 35lb BP My B1tch. P0wned it. Made it mine. Hugged it, squeezed it, and called it George (OK, maybe not that one...) And I'll do it again next time. Then I'm thinking of trying the Oly bar, because right now I have to pick the 35lb bar off the floor, sit on the edge of a Step Aerobics step, lower myself so I'm lying along it with my feet on the floor, move the bar up my body, THEN lift the bar to lock-out before I can do the set. Clearly, at the end of the set I have to do the opposite and it's that first push up from dead that I'm finding so hard.

    Squats - back to 53lbs dumbells.

    Pendlay - first go with the unloaded Oly bar! yay! and it was easy. I did the final set at 55lbs because I mis-calculated the lb/kg split, and that was too much. But next time, totally increasing to 50lb.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    so I suppose what Im doing is a hybrid/modified SL program...at least for the Month of February

    I will add weights once weekly instead of at every workout.... on Mon-Wed-Fri I do squats, OHP, bench press, barbell row deadlifts plus thigh adductor and leg press machine

    Tues & Thurs I do an hour of combo cardio ( c25K, cycling, and/or swimming)

    I have a decent Yoga app on my phone that I will use a coupe of times a week as well...
    the problem is going to be eating enough calories to keep it up....
    Im working on building recipes so I can pack lunch for work and cook higher protein meals at home..... Pinterest is going to be my other BFF for a while
    today's gym session was mediocre.....I took an an antihistimine which slowed my performance down tremendously.... I usually take 45 minutes... I was closer to 90 minutes...nothing was too hard, just seems like I was moving in slow motion

    I did get a few laughs in though....like the dude who tried to talk me into goin higher on weights and then proceeded to load his bar up and ended up barfing....

    then there was the creeper who between sets kept looking into his underpants....
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I've heard of cognos but never used it. I'm a ...pff. I think I'm a Product/Technical Engagement Manager. Which, are two different jobs technically. But my product just went to pure maintenance mode in December (because we fired our offshore dev team, but oh my god that thing is a disaster, I can literally taste the bad code sometimes when I watch it hang on a process, ugh) so I'm not sure how much of the actual product management side I'm going to be doing? Maybe I'm just a TEM now. pff. But then why am I doing meeting minutes and project plans? WHAT IS THIS JOB I DON'T EVEN....

    My workplace is so nutty. My management is not real management, they're individual contributors with management titles, so we have like 5 good people and we herd along 10 medicore to crappy people, and a bunch of people in India, and there's no title in software dev that means "herder of people we really should try to replace with better folks"

    also, what kind of BSA has to read other people's C++? that sounds sucky like my job.... in a different way but still.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Jessip I sorry those people are such jerks! I know it's cheesy, but the saying "those who matter don't mind, and those who do mind don't matter" is totally applicable here. Unless ignorant misogynist *kitten* matter to you? (Well it could be family in which case selectively ignoring works well.)

    Grats everyone on your lifts!

    I feel like for being such I nerd I should know more about computery stuff. I programmed a UofM "M" in 6th grade using whatever code was awesome in 1993. It was beautiful blue and maize. Ofc it only printed in grayscale though. I can commiserate with hating dev teams based on my video game and android app usage. Beautiful widgets update just effed my phone UI, and they're not fixing it fast enough. /shakes fist.

    Darwin I've been thinking of going back to school as well. I've never had a job relating to my degree. My last job was in sales, and I'm currently job hunting. I've been thinking about going for physical therapy assistant (the person who actually does your physical therapy.) It's in super high demand right now, and only 2 years of schooling. I've been pretty much thinking of going back to school since I graduated the first time though so who knows. Lol. Be brave (and let me know how it works out..)

    I had a training session today at a powerlifting gym near me. I did the normal lifts I would do today, but not the same sets/reps. The trainer said my squat form was prosauce, and it was probably overuse that was causing me any pain. I got up to 5 reps of 135 =D I may be sore tomorrow. Did 5 sets of 85# bench, and some 75# rows. Wooo.

    I feel like every time I post after I get home from the gym I feel like a crack monkey (not to be confused with a juice monkey.) Chatty chat chat chat.