January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    I had a training session today at a powerlifting gym near me. I did the normal lifts I would do today, but not the same sets/reps. The trainer said my squat form was prosauce, and it was probably overuse that was causing me any pain. I got up to 5 reps of 135 =D I may be sore tomorrow. Did 5 sets of 85# bench, and some 75# rows. Wooo.

    awesomepossum, I still wnat to get a powerlifting trainer to watch me.

    for everyone else, someone just linked me this. looks pretty cool.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So totally off topic but I had to share with you guys.....I've been looking at going back to school so that I can up my computer programming skills. So I finally did that today....

    The major bonus was since I already went to this school that I don't have to reapply and pay fees - which makes it so stinking easy that I'm wondering why I didn't do that earlier.....

    yet I'm a little scared of going back to school in my mid 30's.....

    but yeah!!!

    back to the regularly scheduled programming....

    Good for you! That's so awesome! You will do fantastic and leave all those little kids in the dust :bigsmile:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @HIIT......those gym stories are classic! This is the kind of stuff I miss by not going to the gym :grumble: oh well, one day!

    @Fittree.....crack monkey :laugh: that's awesome! We're just a bunch of monkeys up in here.....


  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Tomorrow morning I hit the crack!!! Woot!!!!

    I was excited listening to you all talk about your jobs because I'm preeeeeety sure that's what my BFF does. :laugh: She's a "business analyst" and she is moving into "project management" and she interfaces between the product people and the code people. And now I feel a little better about not being exactly sure what she does, but I'm damn surprised so many other people do it.

    I bought a gorge pair of Converse One Stars at Target tonight. Purple. Can't wait to wear them tomorrow. I have very high hopes that they will revolutionize my lifting experience. :tongue:

    I'm also jazzed for you guys who are / thinking about going back to school. I would love to restart my career and financial life but I'm sunk in way too deep. I was meant to be in education and I made that totally impossible by going to law school.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Kicking *kitten* ladies! I've given up on lifting this week...I was waylaid by the plague that's circulating around my school.

    All of you computer people sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. :laugh:

    Sare, my current lass is Educational Law and I'm so gee king out on reading all the case law...I was thinking about whilst I was reading yesterday.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    That could always be your next step after principal! :drinker: <-- drinker, cause that's what you have to do to stand yourself when you're an attorney :wink:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I've heard of cognos but never used it. I'm a ...pff. I think I'm a Product/Technical Engagement Manager. Which, are two different jobs technically. But my product just went to pure maintenance mode in December (because we fired our offshore dev team, but oh my god that thing is a disaster, I can literally taste the bad code sometimes when I watch it hang on a process, ugh) so I'm not sure how much of the actual product management side I'm going to be doing? Maybe I'm just a TEM now. pff. But then why am I doing meeting minutes and project plans? WHAT IS THIS JOB I DON'T EVEN....

    My workplace is so nutty. My management is not real management, they're individual contributors with management titles, so we have like 5 good people and we herd along 10 medicore to crappy people, and a bunch of people in India, and there's no title in software dev that means "herder of people we really should try to replace with better folks"

    also, what kind of BSA has to read other people's C++? that sounds sucky like my job.... in a different way but still.

    I'm theoretically head of Product Management as well as a BA, but that's not a popular title for me to use because it means I might *shock!horror!* be telling Dev what to build to meet our customers' long-term needs, and what would I possibly know about that? That's slowly getting better, but it's hard graft at times.

    Re: reading C++. I know. I usually refuse on principle to reverse engineer requirements, but since I'm also trying to introduce the idea that requirements-dev-test-accept is a good software lifecycle, I'm making an exception. At least this way we'll know what the new API should do, even if we don't exactly know what the old one did because no-one bothered to document it...

    I feel your pain on managers and herding cats!
  • alwyndacara
    alwyndacara Posts: 30 Member
    First lifting injury last night!!!!

    I trapped my fingertip between a 15kg plate and the squat rack trying to deload from some other lazy b'stard's lift.

    Hurts like a mother.......
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok, I agree with the Charlie Brown adult talk... I have no clue about computers. I can install software and fix a lot of my boss's problems when she can't figure something out (thanks google!). As for schooling, I'm beyond done. But 22 years of school is enough to turn anyone off to schooling!

    I almost had the OHP at 50# today. I really thought I was going to do it, but failed on the last rep of the last set. I failed in my fourth set the last two times, so at least there's improvement. I guess I'm supposed to deload since I failed three times, but I think I'm just going to try and power through it (and there's not much weight to deload anyways).

    Knee is still a little tender, but I think I'll start slowly adding weight back in. And actually did 105# for DL today! Yay for correct adding!!

    Alwyn- sorry to hear about the injury. Sounds like it hurt! There really can't be more signs in my gym to rerack weights, but they might as well be in Cantonese...
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    Alwyn- sorry to hear about the injury. Sounds like it hurt! There really can't be more signs in my gym to rerack weights, but they might as well be in Cantonese...

    Wait, you're supposed to re-rack when you're done? Wow, no-one ever told the guys in my gym either!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I've heard of cognos but never used it. I'm a ...pff. I think I'm a Product/Technical Engagement Manager. Which, are two different jobs technically. But my product just went to pure maintenance mode in December (because we fired our offshore dev team, but oh my god that thing is a disaster, I can literally taste the bad code sometimes when I watch it hang on a process, ugh) so I'm not sure how much of the actual product management side I'm going to be doing? Maybe I'm just a TEM now. pff. But then why am I doing meeting minutes and project plans? WHAT IS THIS JOB I DON'T EVEN....

    My workplace is so nutty. My management is not real management, they're individual contributors with management titles, so we have like 5 good people and we herd along 10 medicore to crappy people, and a bunch of people in India, and there's no title in software dev that means "herder of people we really should try to replace with better folks"

    also, what kind of BSA has to read other people's C++? that sounds sucky like my job.... in a different way but still.

    I'm theoretically head of Product Management as well as a BA, but that's not a popular title for me to use because it means I might *shock!horror!* be telling Dev what to build to meet our customers' long-term needs, and what would I possibly know about that? That's slowly getting better, but it's hard graft at times.

    Re: reading C++. I know. I usually refuse on principle to reverse engineer requirements, but since I'm also trying to introduce the idea that requirements-dev-test-accept is a good software lifecycle, I'm making an exception. At least this way we'll know what the new API should do, even if we don't exactly know what the old one did because no-one bothered to document it...

    I feel your pain on managers and herding cats!

    Ugh herding cats....NOOOOOO I hate that term!!!! Only because a coworkers that I absolutely CANNOT STAND uses that analogy all the freaking time....drives me insane. Well it probably wouldn' drive me insane but she drives me insane, so the two have a relationship.

    I have a hard time getting people to understand what we're trying to accomplish. Our goal is to automate all of our client reporting, which is a necessity since we've had an insane amount of layoffs in the last year and probably more to come. Which is probably one of the reasons they don't like me....they see me coming and know my projects...."she's gonna take my job!!!". So yeah...I get it. But then people dont' understand which database to use - and then you build a report specifically for them to use and they don't use that because they think this other one some dumbass built for them is better or whatever. Even though that one is specifically for spend vs headcount.....yeah ok. Rant over.

    I'm learning C++ with my degree. I know some SQL right now and then our own internal systems and whatnot - Plus I just did six sigma and lean training. So I'm thinking within the next year I will be absolutely kick *kitten* on paper to match my actual self.

    The software I use predominantly which is where I do a lot of my development, tableau - it's pretty stellar - you should check it out. They have a free 2 week trial. But it's popular for doing any type of analytics and visualization - and if I had the other skills behind it to back it up, it really opens a whole new world of jobs to me. Especially ones on either coast that pay a lot more money.

    On a different note - I feel like absolutely crap today. Caught some stupid virus and having a raging case of PMS.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Here's the herding cat video that I would love were it not for my coworker.....

  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I'm learning C++ with my degree. I know some SQL right now and then our own internal systems and whatnot - Plus I just did six sigma and lean training. So I'm thinking within the next year I will be absolutely kick *kitten* on paper to match my actual self.

    The software I use predominantly which is where I do a lot of my development, tableau - it's pretty stellar - you should check it out. They have a free 2 week trial. But it's popular for doing any type of analytics and visualization - and if I had the other skills behind it to back it up, it really opens a whole new world of jobs to me. Especially ones on either coast that pay a lot more money.

    Cool I'll have a look, since we have basically zero budget for tools. Lean & Six Sigma training...now I'm jealous :)
  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi all!!! I am on my second week of SL 5x5 (yesterday was my 5th workout) and just joined this group a few days ago. I was nervous at first, but so far I am loving this program! I haven't increased my weights too much because I want to make sure I have my form down before I increase every workout. So far, so good!!

    Here are my weights right now:

    OP: 40
    Squat: 75
    BB Row: 50
    Deadlift: 85
    Bench Press: 50

    So glad I found this group! Feel free to add me, and I'm sure you'll see more of me on these message boards!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Welcome LaurenLou!

    Great day in the gym this morning!!!

    Squats 45 - but they felt FANTASTIC. I love my new Converse. :D Seriously, I felt so grounded, I think someone else had actually used that term to describe it. And I feel like I really nailed my form. I stopped thinking about Rip's stupid videos and focused on his words and pictures and Mehdi's video. ALSO - I remembered to use the thumb over grip. This was completely different. I had to move my grip much wider as a result, and I feel like that was an improvement too.

    OHP 55 - back to my prior high

    Deadlifts 115.

    Afterward I did Hip ad and ab, some ball crunches, push ups, butterfly stretches, unweighted glute bridges. I keep meaning to do some leg lifts in the captain's chair and I forget every.single.time.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Everyone is doing great this week!
    Fittree - I would really like to check out a class like that; its awesome that your form is spot on!

    Ladies - sorry but I glossed over all the chit chat about computer thingymabobs and whatnot...not my forte.

    I really think that after a couple more days, I will be ready to kick it in the weight room again and I can't wait!

    Sarah - glad that the converse shoes made lifting a magical experience. I would like to get a pair, but then I would feel like a poser at the gym, lol.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I feel like the fact that mine aren't All Stars makes me less of a poser. :laugh: I'm just in it for the crappy shoes.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Welcome Lauren!

    Alwyn....brutal injury! One time I dopped a plate on my lower abdomen while trying to prepare for weighted glute bridges. Hurt like a mofo!

    I also skipped through all the computer speak. I'm in sales.....that should tell you all you need to know :laugh:

    Lifting in my airwalk converse knock offs totally revolutionized my lifting experience. I have these wicked awesome real converse that I will save for when I start going to the real gym :bigsmile:

    Great day for me!
    Squat 5x5 @ 125#
    Bench 5x5 @ 57# (FINALLY!)
    Row 5x5 @ 87#

    Very happy with these numbers this morning :smile:

    In other news....turns out the out of town guy really is just clueless. I *may* have over-reacted :noway: Although with that being said, clueless really isn't that much of a turn on for me....so we'll see where this goes lol I'm still going to keep my options open :drinker:
  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, sarah! Have most of you ladies been doing the program for awhile?? I have some friends on MFP that have done it, and their success is amazing! I have muscles that are sore I didn't know I had, and didn't even realize I was using during the lifts! It feels amazing!

    Today is rest day for me, last day of week 2 tomorrow after work!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Last day of the month ladies! Welcome to all the new girls! Where are you gonna leave this month at?

    For me I'm leaving at
    175x4 deadlift
    75x3 ohp
    157.5x5 squat
    and 100x4 bench, although I am going tonight to do that and hope to knock it out of the water.