Janurary Web Lifting Meet!



  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I propose anyone suggesting a red light at least give the reason. It seems like a nice thing to do- explain why you red light.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    First of all, it is a really good exercise to video yourself. I had only video'd my lifts once before about 8 months ago when I first started and was lifting way way less than I am now, so seeing the videos was really good re form critique.

    Anyhoo..my weight was about 155lb at the beginning of the month and is 151.5 now so, using 153.5lb seems fair.

    Deadlift - 280lb (wilks - 126.815)

    Yes, my form is crap - I am going to be working on my set up which I did not realize was so bad until I video'd my lifts:


    Squat - 200lb x 3 (I failed at trying for a PR so have to use the video I took for a form check last week) - using just one rep (wilks - 95.112)


    Bench - 135lb (wilks - 61.143). It may not look like it from the angle but I did touch my chest and pause it briefly.


    No points for the cr@p music in the background

    Total lifts: 585. Wilks: 283.07.

    I think they are all good, but I am not familiar with competition rules.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    there was no pause.
    not sure if that was stipulated in the first post??? if not it doesnt matter. :)

    was only a red light from a sanctioned comp perspective. momentum must cease. then a press call is made...then you press.

    squat was indeed the doubletake at the bottom. once you start rising you cant go back.

    i dont think it matters too much for an mfp comp, was more for if you all want to compete live.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    and i mentioned the lockout issue for the deadlift. you have to lock out the knees and hips
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Ok finally videoed my bench, squats, and deadlifts.... and for fun chin ups with 25lbs for 3 reps!!! I will have husband uploaded to youtube and i will share this afternoon or tonight!!! This was all just for fun since i just joined the group!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Ok i know this has ended but still wanted to share!!!

    Bench Press, I failed trying for a new PR of 125lbs and then my normal max of 120lbs i failed also so my 115lbs is kind of weak even though normal i can do 2 with no problem!!!! I should have taken my Squatting Neck Pad off but i forgot!!! :-/


    Deadlifts, I know i have a bad habit of looking in the mirror trying to check my form when i should just be feeling it and looking ahead, its only because once i hit 150lbs i start to loss form a little and im trying to correct it but I promised my go to guy in weight lifting i would turn away from the mirrors from now on so im not tempted to check!!! Also just a little heads up, i normally only work up to 165lbs for reps because i have outgrown my weights (need big boy plates, husband said he would get me some for V-Day ) so i improvised a little and tied a couple of dumbbells to bar and added some micro pace weights..... its not a normal practice so please don't scolded me!!! Oh and a little info on the room its partially below ground level and we had a leak that had to be fixed and so we had to pull out some of the paneling to get to it, haven't had time to fix it yet.... we don't live in a total dump!!! LOL!!!


    Squats, I only work up to 155lbs because i comfortable with that, i do have safety bars and will use them when im going for a true max one day!!!


    Chin Ups +25lbs, last one is a little weak!!!

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Nice lifts Gigi! Great form.
    I have to confess, I was skeptical of those chin-ups until I saw them. WOW!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Nice lifts Gigi! Great form.
    I have to confess, I was skeptical of those chin-ups until I saw them. WOW!

    LOL, yeah everyone looks at me crazy when i talk about weighted chins, i usually do work sets with 7.5-10lbs depending on if im doing wide grip pull ups, standard pull ups, chin ups, or neutral grip!!! I know a girl who can pull 100lbs x 2.... talk about impressive!!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Nice lifts Gigi! Great form.
    I have to confess, I was skeptical of those chin-ups until I saw them. WOW!

    LOL, yeah everyone looks at me crazy when i talk about weighted chins, i usually do work sets with 7.5-10lbs depending on if im doing wide grip pull ups, standard pull ups, chin ups, or neutral grip!!! I know a girl who can pull 100lbs x 2.... talk about impressive!!!

    Weighted chins are good stuff. I've seen more than one guy at my gym doing them with three plates on the chain. I've heard it's a pain getting any more than that on there, depending upon the make of the belt.

    Your lifts looked pretty damned good to me. Plus, bonus points for just wearing the plain old Chuck Taylors to lift. ^_^
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Nice lifts Gigi! Great form.
    I have to confess, I was skeptical of those chin-ups until I saw them. WOW!

    LOL, yeah everyone looks at me crazy when i talk about weighted chins, i usually do work sets with 7.5-10lbs depending on if im doing wide grip pull ups, standard pull ups, chin ups, or neutral grip!!! I know a girl who can pull 100lbs x 2.... talk about impressive!!!

    Weighted chins are good stuff. I've seen more than one guy at my gym doing them with three plates on the chain. I've heard it's a pain getting any more than that on there, depending upon the make of the belt.

    Your lifts looked pretty damned good to me. Plus, bonus points for just wearing the plain old Chuck Taylors to lift. ^_^

    Thanks so much, always working on them.... always room for improvement!!! I love my Chucks!!! ;-)
  • katherinepolumbo
    I competed in my first ever powerlifting meet today! I know it's 2 days late, but can I still play? :) If not, count these towards next month's if we do them!

    Competed raw, and weighed in at 136.

    Squat: 170 lbs (Wilks 84.151)
    (hubby only got the tail end of this squat in the video, but as you can hear/see - it was a good lift)

    Bench: 85 lbs (Wilks 42.075)

    Deadlift: 225
    (Wilks 111.376(this was a PR for me but I should've gone for more since it went up so easy!)
    Total: 480 lbs (Wilks 237.6)

    I've been squatting and DLing for 4 months, and benching for 3 months. I'm super happy with my progress and so proud of myself for competing in this meet! I was scared out of my mind going into it but everyone there was so nice and supportive. It was a great learning experience too. I went 8 for 9 in my lifts :)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I competed in my first ever powerlifting meet today! I know it's 2 days late, but can I still play? :) If not, count these towards next month's if we do them!

    Competed raw, and weighed in at 136.

    Squat: 170 lbs (Wilks 84.151)
    (hubby only got the tail end of this squat in the video, but as you can hear/see - it was a good lift)

    Bench: 85 lbs (Wilks 42.075)

    Deadlift: 225
    (Wilks 111.376(this was a PR for me but I should've gone for more since it went up so easy!)
    Total: 480 lbs (Wilks 237.6)

    I've been squatting and DLing for 4 months, and benching for 3 months. I'm super happy with my progress and so proud of myself for competing in this meet! I was scared out of my mind going into it but everyone there was so nice and supportive. It was a great learning experience too. I went 8 for 9 in my lifts :)

    Great lifts!!!!
    Ive never thought about competing, could be fun, but i dont like crowds watching me!!! :-/
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Forgot to share weight.... currently 128lbs just came off a bulk!!!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Great lifts!!!!
    Ive never thought about competing, could be fun, but i dont like crowds watching me!!! :-/

    You haven't been to many PL meets have you? Hehe. Crowds aren't much of a concern. It's not exactly a popular sport anymore. I was just at a meet a couple of weeks ago where several world record holders were competing, and there was maybe 30 people there, other than the lifters.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Great lifts!!!!
    Ive never thought about competing, could be fun, but i dont like crowds watching me!!! :-/

    You haven't been to many PL meets have you? Hehe. Crowds aren't much of a concern. It's not exactly a popular sport anymore. I was just at a meet a couple of weeks ago where several world record holders were competing, and there was maybe 30 people there, other than the lifters.

    Never been to one, but 5 is too many to me!!!! LOL.... this is the first time i have ever shared my lifts with a group.... only have one person other than husband who sees them and he is the one who critiques my form!!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    My wife didn't like the idea of competing either, until we went to the SPF meet. Once she realized that she could out lift quite a few of the women there, she was suddenly all about it. LoL.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Maybe if i hit my goals for the year i will think about it!!!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Maybe if i hit my goals for the year i will think about it!!!

    If nothing else, it would be an experience that you hadn't had before. Honestly, it can be all kinds of fun just talking to the various lifters there, and hell you might even meet someone inspirational. In my case, I got to meet Jamie Lewis, who is pretty much the guy my entire training regimen is modeled after...and the reason everyone swears I will die of overtraining one day. xD
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Maybe i should just attend one first and go from there..... get a feel for the atmosphere and all!!!!
  • katherinepolumbo
    My wife didn't like the idea of competing either, until we went to the SPF meet. Once she realized that she could out lift quite a few of the women there, she was suddenly all about it. LoL.

    Which state's SPF meets do you usually go to? The meet I competed at yesterday was run by the SPF. There were actually quite a few women there, I think there was 8 including myself. 6 of us were in raw, the other two in one of the ply divisions.

    There was a pretty big crowd, at least 60 people there I think. The crowd did make me VERY nervous! I almost bombed my first squat since it was my first time ever lifting in front of a crowd. It was 145 lbs, something that is EASY for me and I can usually hit 5-8 of (went really conservative since I knew I'd be scared) and it felt like 2000 lbs when I lifted it since I was SO nervous! After that all my lifts went much easier. You don't really SEE the people when you're in the moment doing it, you just know they're there. I scaled back on my second lift since the first one threw me off, so I went 155 for second and 170 for third. I smoked them both. Should've stuck to my original plan since I think I could've gotten 185 which would've been a PR. You live and learn!

    Bench was fine, you face away from everyone and can't tell anyone is watching you.

    Deadlift, you are facing the crowd again and are alone, but by then you really don't care. I had super high adrenaline then and loved having the crowd watch and cheer me on. I hit a PR on my 3rd deadlift and it felt like piece of cake. Could've put up way more!

    It was a really fun experience! I loved being around other female lifters and the experienced competitors really helped the newbies like me. Warmups were really well run and everyone was so supportive of each other. The only thing that kinda sucked was that me and 30ish other people we competing in the full powerlifting meet, but they also had bench press only and deadlift only and there were SO many bench press only people that there was a HUGE wait from my squat to bench and it honestly got really boring and left me a little cold even with warmups. It was a pretty big meet. I think there with all the categories there were something like 30ish squatters, 100 benchers, and around 60 deadlifters, and 4 bench for reps people. I was there from 8 am to close to 7 pm. It was a looooooong day. But definitely a worthwhile experience and I'm pretty sure I'll do it again. I have some goals I want to crush! :)