Over 50 and Single

renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
I thought I'd start this out of frustration because I'm not getting any motivation at home or on this web site. Perhaps if a few of us can get together on here and help each other out, it would be helpful.

Hope it works. Kind of my last gasp for help with motivation though I'll not stop trying to lose weight.


  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello all.....We can do this!! Stop in and let's help each other.
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    I turned 57 yesterday (yeah me!!!). I have 52 more pounds to lose. I'm using TurborFire and have 2 weeks left of a 20 week program. Next I'm on to Supreme 90 Day.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Jacci! Happy Birthday and congrats! I've never heard of TurborFire. But good for you! What's Supreme 90 Day?
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Supreme 90 Day is a workout similar to Insanity or P90X -- but costs a LOT less (like $20; though I got mine for $9). Thanks for the birthday wishes.
  • I am here for you, as well as needing support. Sad thing is I have three adult children that give me no support at all. I started out at 231 and am down to 208. was so proud of that loss, told them and nada response at all.
    so lets cheer each other on, and be there for each other.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Bella, that's fantastic!!! Hang in there. Don't worry about your kids. Once they see you losing weight, doing your own thing and getting on with your life, they'll be clamoring after you. Don't always 'be there' for your kids unless it's an emergency (meaning blood, pestilence, natural disaster or disease) LOL

    I'm over 300 pounds so I have a long way to go. My first goal is 275.
  • Also over 50 and single but find it easier that way. It's so hard to lose weight when someone is munching sweets the other side of the room! Also it's better if there are no biscuits in the house. I'm doing low carb at the moment. Trying to stick to 20g of carbs a day but as many calories as I want. Anyone else doing that?
  • Bella, Well done you! :smile:
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi there. I'm just logging calories but I notice when I eat more protein, I'm not as hungry. As well as drinking more. Hang in there. You are right, it's somewhat easier when you don't have someone eating in front of you.
  • janecarol61
    janecarol61 Posts: 45 Member
    Good job!!! I am in the same boat as you. My grown daughters are supportive, but I kinda have to fish for a compliment. I think they are worried about putting pressure on me.
  • janecarol61
    janecarol61 Posts: 45 Member
    So happy to find this group - as it fits me perfectly! It is all too easy on those low-motivation days to just go home from work and veg. The dog doesn't seem to mind at all. :laugh:
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Those of you with kids, don't let them get you down. They have their lives and you have yours. Do your best to not depend on them for compliments. Play hard to get and see what happens. LOL
  • Hell all, Im single with 200pds to lose. I have no idea how to plan out a program for myself. Need help.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    LOL I have an 18 year old nephew living with me that I never see and 4 dogs that, as dogs are wont to do, adore me no matter what. It is hard when you don't have a lot of support. But I"m trying to be here. Tuesdays is the only day I'm away from my computer.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member

    First, DON'T diet. Start out by just trying to measure everything you eat and logging it. Don't try to stop eating at this point. Just get used to logging in. If you can, get a good digital food scale and keep measuring cups handy.

    2nd. See what you can do 2 or 3 times a week as far as exercise is concerned. For me it was standing up and sitting down on the couch several times. I also have over 150 to lose. Just moving is hard enough. I try to walk every day. Even slowly if it's to the mailbox and back.

    Take it slow. Don't go crazy. Do the non-dieting, logging until your comfortable that what you are doing is accurate. Then you can start cutting calories.
  • chrmel
    chrmel Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I as well are over 50 but I am married. My husband is a truck driver therefore hardly ever home...he is supportive when he is home though. Although a very bad influence...he eats bad and is overweight as well. I started at 235, went down to 208 and now back up to 219. Yikes, it is hard. Motivation is really hard.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Well, keep checking in. Do your best when he's around to not get roped in. In the meantime, we're here. Go back to basics and log everything. You can do it.
  • RandyHaybin
    RandyHaybin Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so far over 50 it's sad. I'm a fat and been on a diet my whole life. So with what time I have left I'm going to be thin and healthy.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Aw Randy!! Hang in there. I've been overweight since my mid teens. Hang in there. Log all your food and make sure you measure properly so you don't get discouraged.
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Everybody! I just started using this site and really love it. I am over 50, single and have about 85lbs I would like to lose. I used to jog 3 miles a day (years ago), but had a back injury and had to stop. Then I got sick, had a couple of surgeries... getting old bites!!
    I have a desk job and would rather read a book than take a walk, so I have to convince myself to get moving. I already am seeing that I don't drink enough water, and that just cutting back on a slice of cheese can make a big difference.
    I am trying to take more walks at work and drink more water. I saved reminders on my computer's calendar feature that pop up and remind me that I need to walk and drink.
    This is great that we have a little forum here where we can support each other. We have all taken the first step and logged in, so now we just need to stick with it. Give yourself credit for your progress and don't dwell on the failures. It's not how many times we fall, but how many times we get back up! That's a quote from somebody :-)