Over 50 and Single



  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome, welcome. You are right. I'm sitting here with some cookies I've saved all day for. I have no idea, if I ever get down to a goal weight, how I'm going to give up the good stuff. Oh well, one day at a time.
  • sjeannie
    sjeannie Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am over 50 and ♥LOVE♥ it. I have 20 more pounds to lose...although I recently lost 8 pounds in a WEEK. Nope, it wasn't a miracle diet...it was a STRESS diet. At age 54 years old, I was recently told that my job (that I've been at for 23 years) may be discontinued soon. Well, I am not a "stress eater". To the contrary, I am like a "stress anorexic"...I simply want to throw up if I eat something when I am stressed. THANK GOD...that after a 3-day trip to Vegas (and MUCH prayer)...the stress is gone, I have accepted that "It is what it is!!" Since I can't control it, I won't worry about it.

    With all of that said, I want to THANK YOU for creating this group...and let you know how HAPPY I am to be a part of it.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Jeannie, I'm so sorry to hear about your job issues. It's so hard! If you can hang in there through this, you can hang in through anything. We need to keep helping each other.
  • sjeannie
    sjeannie Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks, honey! I'm good right now and love the support.
  • jg6511
    jg6511 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone. 56 and single. Gained over 30 lbs in a short time. I quit smoking in November, menopause kicked in last month, and I am on hyperthyroid meds (to lower my metabolism). Ive been a size 2 most of my life (probably because my thyroid gland worked overtime) and suddenly I became a size 10. I lost my job in September and am on unemployment for the first time in my life. Quite distressing overall.

    I found this site last month and started using it 2 weeks ago. I'm on it all the time. I'm not losing weight much even though I am eating really healthily now, no processed food, 5-8 servings of fruits and veggies per day, and drinking 8-10 cups of water per day. My exercise is coming along. Since its getting towards springtime here in south Carolina, I'm using yard work as my exercise, I use light housecleaning, too. Today, I found a 20-25 minute workout on YouTube. It's called Jillian michaels 30 day shred. Supposedly you can lose something like 7 lbs, and 7 inches. Since I'm not losing much with what I'm doing, thought I'd try one of these workout things. I just started level 1; there are three levels for 10 days each. I thought I was going to die today. I went much slower than the girls on the video, and still had to modify it down a bit. But I kept moving. Day one of level 1 is over and I will keep this up.

    No matter what, I feel so much better that I have quit smoking and am exercising daily, eating well and drinking lots of water.

    I filled out all the blanks from this site and it put me on a 1200 calorie per day diet. I stuck to that but went nowhere. I read more about all of this, and found tHat I should be eating more calories. I'm now on about 1600 per day. More than enough. As long as I do not bring my bad foods into the house (chips, ice cream, candy), then I'm good with counting calories. I've slipped up three times since I started. But I just shrugged the slip ups off and kept going. You can really eat a lot if you stick to non processed foods. A whole can of spinach with a bit of Parmesan cheese is only 85 calories. Navel oranges are 45 calories. I cook batches of veggies then freeze them in large portions that I can eat at one sitting. I eat only brown rice. I cook up black beans from dry. Mixed with brown rice and some diced tomatoes is delicious, healthy, and about 300 calories. I've never been much of a meat eater, but I do cook up chicken breasts now and then, and white fish. I was eating catfish, but the fat and mercury content is much too high so i switched to tilapia. I just keep reading about health and slowly am making changes to my diet and exercise.

    I started at 141 lbs and today weighed 137.5. Not much of a loss, but I still feel better.
  • Hi, I'm 54 but I actually feel like 44, and I want to look like 44. I'm new to this program and I want to be successful and reach my goals.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hello Pelo & Ig,

    Welcome. Each day is a new start. It's so easy for me to say that but I ate a whole pack of 'Hit' cookies. About 700 calories. I ate them a lot when I was a child living in Germany (happiest time of my life) so those cookies bring back a lot of good feelings. And, of course, two cookies just won't do. <sigh>

    Anyway, I'm starting again today. I hope everyone can do well. Please check in and encourage each other. Log in as often as possible to get/give encouragement. It's so important.

    If you're having a rough day, think about what you would say to a best friend and then, say it to yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Go get 'em!!!!
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    NEVER EVER say "not much of a loss". Any loss is good.
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Fellow members!
    It is great to see all the posts and see how everyone is doing. We are all working on making a lifestyle change. We are all committed to taking better care of ourselves. I find it inspiring!
    In general I find that people are so critical of themselves, me too. When I remember, I try to see myself as a parent taking care of a child. I don't want to be mean to that child, I want to be caring and loving. I tell myself positive statements, you know, like "you can do this" and "you are getting stronger every day". It might sound silly, but I think it helps.
    I also went through a lay off a year ago, and have to say that it was a blessing in disguise. I moved to a new state to take a job and I love it here! I am making new friends, and more money. Don't be afraid of change, embrace it! And give yourself a hug for being brave!
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    Hello Pelo & Ig,

    Welcome. Each day is a new start. It's so easy for me to say that but I ate a whole pack of 'Hit' cookies. About 700 calories. I ate them a lot when I was a child living in Germany (happiest time of my life) so those cookies bring back a lot of good feelings. And, of course, two cookies just won't do. <sigh>

    Anyway, I'm starting again today. I hope everyone can do well. Please check in and encourage each other. Log in as often as possible to get/give encouragement. It's so important.

    If you're having a rough day, think about what you would say to a best friend and then, say it to yourself. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Go get 'em!!!!

    Hey Renate I lived in Germany too. A little town called Butzbach and I went to high school in Frankfurt. Where did you live?
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Jacci, I lived in Ludwigshafen, about an hour south of Frankfurt (across the river from Mannheim) but I was born in Heidelberg on the base. I actually had to learn english. My mom and I both. My mom did a lot of crossword puzzles.
  • Hello over 50 and Single! I am new to myfitnesspal. I have not been consistent entering my food and exercise on a daily basis, but I will get there. I too do not have any support at home. My adult daughter has not said a word to me and I have lost almost 40 pounds! Maybe it is because she has seen me do this before and gain it all back..on several occasions. A few of my co-workers have noticed and said something, but not many. Oh well, we must carry on and do it for us!
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi PR,

    I'm Donna. Guess we're all in the same boat. Just trying to carry on for ourselves. Stop in often. The only day I'm not on here is Tuesdays. I work from home, but have to go in on Tuesdays.

    Do your best to log in EVERYTHING you eat. I got a good digital food scale, keep some measuring cups on hand and a couple shot glasses (it's an ounce right?).

    It really makes you aware of what you're eating.
  • hello, and yep over 50 and single, day 3 here for me. in the beginning i thought if i took 25 lbs off, that would be perfect, but i have already lost about 15 lbs and now since i took those nasty hip and waist measurements here, i think i need to go another 35 lbs. i am determined, but this is really hard. the calorie counter here has helped a lot, since before i came to this site i basically stopped eating. i am going to a water aerobics class 4X a week and on those days i walk my dog at least a half hour and the days i don't go, it's a hour dog walk. from what i have been reading i should also be doing weight training, does that mean i need to buy a bench and weights? any suggestions would be much appreciated!
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member

    There are plenty of weight training things you can do without getting a bench. They have exercises on Youtube that you can follow. I used to keep my weights in a nice wicker basket on the floor and worked with them. You don't HAVE to buy weights. Look at some of the food cans in your cupboard and see how much they weigh. You can use a paint can with water in and a lid on to lift. If you have a decent scale you can add water to make 5, 10 or so pounds and work your way up.
  • tyvm renate, never even thought of using cans and i guess when i get home from work i will have to check out youtube
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    pick a part of your body you want to work on and do a google search or Youtube search. There's all kind of stuff out there. Don't start too crazy. I worked with a trainer several years ago and it's not how heavy the weights are, it's how may reps you do and doing them slowly and in a steady/smooth movement that works best.

    Do different parts of your body every other day. Another words, don't do the same arm area two days in a row. Stagger it. And make sure to take a day off from everything. If your body gets too used to the routine, you lose the effectiveness.
  • Thank you for responding to my post:smile: Take this journey one day at a time, if we mess up brush it off and start again! Keep in touch.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    I hope everyone has a really good day!!!!