
a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
Congratulations on completing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution!

Feel free to share your achievement pictures or measurements here. Plus any other comments or tips you would like to share.


  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Jillian Michaels Body Revolution combined with a calorie deficit as guided by MFP. Usually ate back at least half of my exercise calories, many times eating back all.

    Start Finish Difference
    Date Oct 29, 2012 / Jan 31, 2013 / 90 days
    weight 162 lbs / 140 lbs / 22 lbs
    waist 36.5" / 31.5" / 5"
    hips 39 / 36.75 / 2.25"
    arms 12 / 11.25 / 0.75"
    thighs 22 / 21 / 1"
    calfs 15 / 14.5 / 0.5"
    ribcage 34 / 32.5 / 1.5"
    boobs 41 / 37.5 / 3.5"
    neck 13.5 / 13 / 0.5"
    ankle 8.75 / 8.75 / 0"
    wrists n/a / 6.25 / n/a

    15 inches total lost and 22 pounds lighter!

    So proud of myself. I am a very determined person and this was difficult but doable. MAKE IT HAPPEN PEOPLE!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    MASSIVE congratulations Stacey! You are our first BR graduate, and what amazing progress you have had!

    you have every reason to be proud of yourself, 22lbs and 15" loss is just fantastic! it just goes to show what can be achieved with time, commitment and hard work! Jillian would be proud of you too, you'd be a great candidate as one of her "girls"!

    i hope everyone in this group will take inspiration from your massive achievements and use it to motivate themselves, i know i will!

    you are proof that this programme works! Thankyou for sharing your results with us and good luck on your next venture, whatever that will be. I hope to still see you posting in-group when you can, i think you will have some valuable advice and tips for us all!
  • claireplum
    claireplum Posts: 43 Member
    Woo! I feel there should be a prize for first person to finish! Do you have before and after pictures? x
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    Amazing Results!

    I am so glad that I ordered this program!!!
  • Did you follow her eating plan or your own. I am following the workout program and eating 1340 calories a day. I initially lost 5 pounds the first 10 days but haven't lost anything in over two weeks. Kind of getting discouraged, but I am not quiting. Thanks for any input.:)
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    What amazing results! Definitely deserved after such hard work, you are an inspiration to us all!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I think the most weight loss on the scale was in Phase 2. I did not follow Jillian's plan. I am mostly vegetarian (eat some canned tuna) so it would be hard. I just stayed within my MFP calorie goals. I also did it pretty much as scheduled. My rest day would not necessarily be on Sunday, but I would have one rest day per week. I got the flu and a stomach bug and had a few days off for that. I also progressed through each DVD even if I felt like I had not totally mastered the lower DVD's yet.

    I have a pic of me in a one piece bathing suit from early August, before starting my journey, at my heaviest. I didn't take pics through out the phases- wish I had now! I am going to put on the same bathing suit and try to pose the same way to get an After pic. I will certaintly post that when I get it, hopefully next couple of days.

    My plan for what's next is to do Ripped in 30, and try to do Killer abs in addition to that. My schedule does not really allow for a full hour+, part of why I love anything Jillian because it's always around 30 minutes. But that's the plan :happy:
  • brey1986
    brey1986 Posts: 35 Member
    That makes me so exited, and glad I started this too! I def can't wait to see before and after but 22 lbs! WOW Amazzzzingg =]
  • tbullock
    tbullock Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats Staceypunk, Way to get it!!!! You are a true inspiration that this can be done.
  • Gana1017
    Gana1017 Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats! Hearing that most of the weight loss happened in phase 2 has really motivated me to keep going since I haven't really lost anything in phase 1.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Jillian Michaels Body Revolution combined with a calorie deficit as guided by MFP. Usually ate back at least half of my exercise calories, many times eating back all.

    Start Finish Difference
    Date Oct 29, 2012 / Jan 31, 2013 / 90 days
    weight 162 lbs / 140 lbs / 22 lbs
    waist 36.5" / 31.5" / 5"
    hips 39 / 36.75 / 2.25"
    arms 12 / 11.25 / 0.75"
    thighs 22 / 21 / 1"
    calfs 15 / 14.5 / 0.5"
    ribcage 34 / 32.5 / 1.5"
    boobs 41 / 37.5 / 3.5"
    neck 13.5 / 13 / 0.5"
    ankle 8.75 / 8.75 / 0"
    wrists n/a / 6.25 / n/a

    15 inches total lost and 22 pounds lighter!

    So proud of myself. I am a very determined person and this was difficult but doable. MAKE IT HAPPEN PEOPLE!

    Here goes :) Pics

    Before, Early August 2012

    After, January 31, 2013
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Wow, wow, WOW!!! What an amazing transformation!!! You look like a different person!! I know your stats were impressive but omg, a picture speaks a thousand words.

    i am very proud for you, and of you. You have worked so hard and obviously reaped the benefits. Truly inspirational. You NEED to post this on the main message boards, share your brilliant results with everyone! Very well done Stacey!
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    I agree you definitely need to share these pictures with everyone, show them what results you can achieve if you set your mind to it! You look amazing and I'm sure you must feel amazing too!
  • claireplum
    claireplum Posts: 43 Member
    Fab to see the change! Be very proud! xx
  • JABGoochie
    JABGoochie Posts: 78 Member
    Did you follow her eating plan or your own. I am following the workout program and eating 1340 calories a day. I initially lost 5 pounds the first 10 days but haven't lost anything in over two weeks. Kind of getting discouraged, but I am not quiting. Thanks for any input.:)

    i was the same 5lbs in week one, then just stopped - hoping phase two will make a difference (but i know i need to be better with my food too)
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    This needed a BUMP!

    Everyone needs to see staceypunk's AMAZZZZING transformation!!
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    Great job! Your results are amazing! (Love those " guns")
  • harlychic
    harlychic Posts: 58
    Awesome results....Ive got a little over 4 weeks left I can only hope for such great results :smile:
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Errr staceypunk you are a badass!!!!!!!!!!

    You look freaking incredible, I would DIE to have arms like you - amazing work!!!!!!
  • 2007me
    2007me Posts: 6
    Amazing results! You look fab!! I love reading people's success stories, it definitely helps keep me going. Thank you for sharing. I also didn't see much movement on the scale during phase 1, but just started phase 2, so I'm hopeful things will pick up soon! Thanks and congrats again! :)
  • kayenne78
    kayenne78 Posts: 34 Member
    You look amazing!!!! What fabulous results!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Hey Dawn- you are up next! Can't wait to see some results posted!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hey Dawn- you are up next! Can't wait to see some results posted!

    Lol stacey,

    My results aren't going to be anywhere near as dramatic as yours as i'm in maintenance and my BR has been about "fine tuning" more than anything else. I really miss having the major changes like i had during 30DS, RI30 and 6W6P but as it's BF% i'm working on, i've read this takes time and effort...and lots of both!
  • Wow, so excited to come across this. Your b4/after pics are amazing. I am finishing week 3 and though I haven't dropped any real lbs, I feel fabulous. Excited to get into Phase 2! Thanks for posting, totally keeps me motivated!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Ok, well i finished my Body Revolution journey yesterday, and although my results do not compare with those of the fantastic Staceypunk, i thought i would still share them as i think it would be a useful insight to have results from someone who is in maintenance compared to someone who is looking for weight loss.

    Since reaching my goal weight my 3 main aims are:

    To "tone" my remaining wobbly bits, to concentrate on reducing BF% and to gain strength and stamina. I was hoping a combination of the 1st two aims would enable me to skim an inch or two off in the process!

    A quick note: I started BR just after Xmas with an over-indulgent gain, i was 135lbs, but i don't class that as true weight gain so will use the weight i recorded after my last workout program.

    .................BEFORE ............AFTER.........DIFFERENCE

    Weight.........132. 6............. 130.8.......... -1.6lb (I wasn't looking for any loss as i'm in maintenance)
    Bust..............35.....................34.................. -1

    I didn't record any change on my arm measurements, but i have improved "guns" (see pic) :laugh:

    My thigh measurements puzzled me, i had a sneaky measure after Phase 1 and they both measured in at 0.25" smaller, but today shows no change, i'm not sure if i measured incorrectly after Phase 1, or if the newly discovered muscle on the side of my thighs is the reason for a slight increase on the sneaky measurements.

    No change on under bust measurement.

    So, not alot of inches lost, but i'm happy there is *some*. If i am completely honest with myself, i did expect a little more after working my *kitten* of for 90 days, especially in the thigh area, BUT i do need to remind myself that reducing BF% is a long, slow process... and i'm no longer able to achieve the massive transformations that i am used to having in my previous workouts when i was in weight loss mode. Also, i haven't logged my food for the duration of the program and my diet probably isn't as clean as it should be (vital for reducing BF%) :frown:

    The numbers may not be huge but i have still taken alot of other things away from BR:

    - I've never had saggy boobs, but i do think they seem a little more "pert" than they were before :bigsmile:
    - I have muscle definition on the outside of my thighs (stated above)
    - My bottom has shown quite a big reduction in size and shape, my husband was the first to notice it!
    - My saddlebags (Love handles) are much reduced :heart: :heart: (love this change - always a main problem area of mine)
    - I'm feeling generally tighter around the tummy/abs and have a little less "wobble" overall
    - My strength has increased enormously, i recently invested in some 5KGs!
    - I am no longer "bottom" heavy. My hips used to look huge in comparison to my small-ish waist, i now look more balanced
    - My clothes seem to fit better

    I do think that i am what you would call "Skinny-fat". I think i look fine clothed, but i still need more work to be happy with my nakedness. I find it hard to see past my terrible stretch marks too, especially one that i have right about my belly button...but it is improving, very slowly.

    I honestly think that my abs weren't worked nearly as much as I'd liked in BR, I know this is a full body conditioning program but I wish there had been a little more focus on some more controlled ab moves. This is probably me just being fussy after experiencing Jillian's hardcore six week 6 pack DVD.

    I did want to write about my Body Fat percentage but i'm unsure about how accurate the figures are. My previous calculator using fat2fit radio was 25.4.... i used two different calculators today and they gave me two very different results: 25.08 and 22! :frown: I am planning to buy a BF measuring tool so i can monitor this properly

    I did take some "before" pictures but they accidentally got deleted when I upgraded my old phone, but this is how I look now:


    Sorry about the poor quality of the pics, for some reason they went all grainy after they were cropped on my phone.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Dawn. You do need to post better pics! Don't be so hard on yourself. You are fit and beautiful! I agree though, it would be frustrating not to have much movement in numbers. YOU DID IT GIRL! 90 days! I think most people posted directly on your wall but we are all impressed!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Dawn. You do need to post better pics! Don't be so hard on yourself. You are fit and beautiful! I agree though, it would be frustrating not to have much movement in numbers. YOU DID IT GIRL! 90 days! I think most people posted directly on your wall but we are all impressed!

    Thank you Stacey.

    I wouldn't say I was "disappointed" with my numbers, I skimmed a little off so I'm happy. I may not have LOST much as far as ins and lbs go, but that's unimportant to me personally, it was never my aim, I feel like I have GAINED in so many other ways. My ONLY disappointment is that my chunky thighs have hardly budged since I first started on my weight loss journey, but I guess I'm just one of the unlucky ones who are made this way!

    One point I wanted to put forward though - the small amount of inches and pounds I lost does not reflect a small amount of effort put in! I worked my *kitten* off during every single workout!

    I thought it would be a good idea for me to post my results so that other people in maintenance who had similar results wouldn't feel disappointed, or think they had done something wrong because they don't have massive amounts of loss to report.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Stacey, I just noticed the dates on your pics... They're 5 months apart. Did you do an extended Body Revolution program?
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    The only before pic that I had that showed my body was vacation pics from Aug 2012. Then I did 30DS, I lost 15 pounds during the shred and I actually did 30DS for 45 days (after I finished I didn't know what to do next, then was waiting about a week for Body Revolution to come in the mail). I did BR for the 90 days straight, one week off when I had the flu. So probably like 100 days total. :)
  • harlychic
    harlychic Posts: 58
    I just seen the results today been busy....You done a great job I think you look great. Im sure when in maintance its hard not to see the extreme changes you were once used to seeing. Ive still got a few pounds to lose and if I hadnt taken pics and mesurements I would have been disappointed with the scales. Im a lucky on that could have BF measured before and after so those are the #'s Im looking foward to seeing in a few more weeks.
    Great Job :drinker: