Introduce yourselves!



  • So I am probably a bit late to the game as well but I hope I do get someone. I am a 21 year old student who is working towards looking and feeling a lot better than I have since I started college. My goal is to get down to the lowest weight I have been at since I was a kid (154 lbs). :D nice to meet you all.
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm 21 years old, almost 22. I am a student at the University of Pretoria and I love excerise! I do weight training 4-5 days per week and 1-2 days cardio per week. I met my current boyfriend about a year ago and we have been dating ever since. He is the one who got me into being the fit and healthy person i am today!
    I would like to meet some new friends that also love being healthy and motivational. (Preferably female)
    I'm not that focused on losing weight, simply more toning and ripping. I am 1.64m and weigh about 56kg's.
    Hope to hear from you guys!
  • Hi All!

    I'm Caryl, lifetime WW member, but currently trying the 17-day Diet (and loving it!) because I have been stuck for a long time, despite eating healthy and exercising regularly (I love the outdoors). Would love to find my weight loss twin in this group!

    Age: 58
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 145
    CW: 140
    GW: 130
    Work: Full-time, sedentary (full-time & part-time job)
    Married w/two adult children
    Pets: 3 year old Border Collie, Tess (who keeps me moving!)
    Exercise: Daily (hiking, jogging, weight lifting, stationary biking, elliptical, treadmill, etc.)
  • Hi, I am Nichole. I am 40 and a mother of 4. I had the gastric bypass about 13 years ago and went from 354 to 220. I did not exercise and started getting a lot of attention and dated a lot. Most dates were dinner and drinks and I worked at a wholesale liquor distributor. I drank a lot over the last 10 years, I have had 2 more children since I met my husband and due to lack of exercise, poor food choices and empty alcohol calories, I have gained all of it back plus10 lbs.

    In November after many fights and attempts to quit drinking, I realized I was an alcoholic and my husband gave me an ultimatium, and unlike the many many he had given me before, I was quite sure this was it. I checked into a detox for 14 days, I came home and began attending church more often, keeping busy and a lot of praying.

    I started my new weight loss journey on December 19th, my doctor gave me Phentermine and some natural supplements to kick start me, but I don't care for the way I feel on them. I started a bootcamp/circuit training class daily and MFP. I am slowly losing weight but hurt my knee doing lunges and squats,therefore, I do a modified workout or simply walk about 2 miles before training. I feel my weight loss is slower than it should be , but in reality it is almost 1 lb every other day.

    My goal is to eat the recommended calories (I am always short) and not weigh myself everyday. Keep exercising.

    I have not had a drop of alcohol since Nov. 11, and not even a craving for it (Praise God!). I have cut out my huge Diet Coke habit. No rice, pasta, white breads, mayo, and even though I get full fast from my gastric bypass I am hungry again soon after. High protein foods that should keep me full do not. I try to eat every 2 hours about 200-300 calories at a time.

    I am 16 lbs down since Dec 19,

    Age: 40
    substitute teacher
    start: 361
    goal: 200
    lost 16 lbs
    Low impact exercise due to knee injury

    Anyone else like me? LOL

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm Brittany. I'm 23, 5ft 5in, 165lbs. My goal weight is 120lbs. I did weight watchers in 2010-2011 and lost 40 lbs but then shortly after moving to Japan I quit. I have now put back on about 15lbs and I have decided no more!

    I like to do a lot of walking. I walk my dogs constantly. I like the treadmill. And I love hiking when I can get up north to the parks and hills. I am not much for weight training. After I through out my back I haven't done any weight training. My back still twinges if I pick up something to heavy and if I hold something like a baby to long my back sends numbing feelings down my legs. So I choose not to lift anything to heavy. My husband and I do some workouts at home like Insanity & P90X but neither one have done much for me so I don't stick with them.

    I really need someone who can help get me motivated and keep me accountable. I don't have a twin yet so if I sound like you feel free to message me! Or if you are just looking for friends and someone to help keep you going too, get ahold of me!
  • Hellooo

    I'm Jess, 22, I live in sheffield and work in mental health. I weight 17 stone 2lbs at the moment, I'm 5' 8.5" and am pear shaped so I wear a size 16 on my top half and a size 20 on my bottom half!

    I've struggled with my weight since I was a child, have always eaten the wrong things and avoided exercise. I signed up to take part in the yorkshire 3 peaks in april and since new year have been training in the gym 5/6 times a week and getting out on practice walks in the peak district.

    I stumbled across MFP on saturday and have fallen in love! haha! okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration but the tools on here are fantastic and I can see that they're really going to help me on my journey!

    I'd love to make some new friends who are facing similar challenges so we can help to motivate one another! Add me!!

    Jess :-)
  • fivecardstudpts
    fivecardstudpts Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all. My name is Jessica and am from Maine. I am 5'8" and currently 154.5lbs. My goal is 140 lbs. I discovered MFP a few weeks ago, and so far, couldn't be happier!
    I work full time as a phlebotomist, part time at a standardbred breeding and training farm, and full time seasonal at a race track where I get to eventually see 'my' horses race! I do have 2 horses of my own, which I do enjoy riding when I can. I just started MMA training this year as well, which I'm enjoying immensely. I used to train TKD years ago, but couldn't find the same style in the area, so I decided to try so etching new, plus it gives me that extra kick I needed:)
    I am currently working on trying to move out west from here, but I would like to make some MFP friends here, and 'bring' em with me.
  • coria723
    coria723 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! Just found this group! I am Cori and from Maine!
    Ht: 5'4"
    Wt: 158lbs
    Shirt size:med
    Pant size: 10-12 (juniors)
    I enjoy cardio and am just starting the p90x tonight! Would love to find someone of similar size and with similar goals. I would currently like to be around 130-135.
    Also feel free to friend me if youd like some extra motivation :)
  • frogsonice
    frogsonice Posts: 28 Member

    My name is Alli! Im 24 single and a mother of two wonderful boys Logan(4.5) Landyn (almost 3)... I lost my dad 1.5 years ago and since then my diet has just gone out the window!!! I want to get back in shape! I dont want to be single forever for 1 and for 2 I want to set a healthy example for my boys!! So my friend who has lost 50+ lbs on MFP said i should join!! So here I am and Im sticking to it!!! LETS DO THIS THING!!!!

  • dejtemplet
    dejtemplet Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm Donna, a 48 yr old wife, mom and nurse. I guess I too am joining this group kinda late in the "game" but Iwould love to find someone with stats close to mine so we could partner up in this weight loss adventure and help each other. I'm very tall for a girl 6 feet, to be exact. I weigh around 235. I've been fighting my weight problem most of my life. I want to get to somewhere around 165. Mostly now I want to lose weight to be healthy, of course, Id love to get into my skinny jeans too. Hope to find friends on here and hopefully my "twin"..
  • fattoothfairy
    fattoothfairy Posts: 6 Member
    Hi folks...I am a 55 year old mother of 4
    I am 5ft 7 inches and currently weigh 194lbs
    I exercise regularly 5-6 times per week at fitness classes which include zumba, body combat and body pump
    recently diagnosed with breast cancer and awaiting a partial mastectomy in MARCH and the definitive diagnosis of the cancer and thus future treatments from there.\
    I would like to lose 25 lbs before mid april as my husband and I will be going to Florida for 2 weeks after my first surgery.
  • sarahfergione
    sarahfergione Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Sarah. I work part-time as a nanny for twin 7 year old boys, and I also work from home making custom cloth diapers. In addition to that I run a large cloth diaper/children's items co-op, as well as a growing fabric co-op. I am in school for Zoology and hope to some day work with elephants.

    I have a 16 month old son named Boston, and we currently live in Oklahoma. My husband is in the Army and currently deployed. We are originally from Connecticut, and I have lived in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, California, Texas, and Oklahoma.

    I am 5'5 and currently weigh 130lbs. My post-pregnancy high weight was 161.4, I was stuck at this weight for the full year that I breastfed. Since November 3rd, 2013 I have lost 30lbs and have approximately 20lbs more to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. My goal is 108lbs (my pre-pregnancy weight). I wear a jeans size 5/6 and a shirt size S/M.
  • Biggy5890
    Biggy5890 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Liz. 28y/0

    I'm a nurse, and work mad hours in a hospital to the point of exhaustion. I don't have children, so never dealt with pregnancy weight... I've almost always been around 150lbs, but after RN school (5 years ago, hah) I gained about 40lbs....
    So, I've managed to lose 38 lbs over the course of 4-5 years and maintain. However, some chart in the nurse's station says my ideal weight is 134 lbs, and part of me believes that maybe I should naturally weigh 134......along with the part of me that thinks I should have been born tan with blonde hair...
    All joking and cynicism aside, I'm motivated to get to my goal and would love a twin or just some friends to ***** with about losing weight :)
  • What an awsome group this is! I just came across this group just a few minutes ago and I just filled out the match request form. My name is Kylee and I am 34. My big goal is to get from my current weight of 229 to 150!
  • robine182
    robine182 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 27, married for 5 years, always been the 'fat friend.' I am 5'9" and currently 187lbs. Ive had a gym memberhsip for well over 3 years. I stopped weighing in becuase i wasnt losing. I was closer to 200lbs then. I would love to see 160 but my ultimate goal would be 155. I LOVE FOOD! Of all kinds, except veggies! My hubby and I have tried to start eating 'real' and 'clean' food. I hate cooking and baking, so this has been a new challenege, but i have experenced NSV success in making clean foods at home (like mayo! for summer side salds).

    I am new to MFP (two weeks i think) (but not new to attempting to lose weight). I was feeling like the message boards were really encouraging but so massive in terms of people who are involved and people who already know eachother! So this is cool way to meet people with similar goals and such. I am looking foward to it. I tend to be high engery and postive (glass half full), and i love how good i feel after a work out. I am super CHEAP so i dont go to the greatest gym, no classes, no pool. Its basically a building with lots of equipment in it. In Febuary, i started using weight machines and doing planks. FIrst time ever doing any strengthen of any kind, not a fan, but i have read too much saying its good for you.
  • littlebutnice
    littlebutnice Posts: 83 Member
    <<<<< 4ft 11
    7half stone
  • Hello,
    I am 5'9 1/2", 20 years old from the big NYC. I am an aspiring actress and am constantly looking for motivation.
    I stay fairly active, workouts, sports, dance, etc. But it would be wonderful to have a partner in crime :). I am currently 140lbs and am hoping to lose 20lbs by July at the LATEST! I have many motivational blogs and tumblrs which I follow, and they have helped me a lot.
    I wish the best to all of you. Keep up the spirit!
  • I'm Britt. I'm 24, currently 135 lbs 5'6" 34"-27"-39". I have 2 kids youngest is just 1 year old. My goal weight is 115. I'm a photographer and "SAHM". I go to ballet class once a week but I am looking for a good daily workout routine.
  • artmomma77
    artmomma77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Erin I'm 35 and an art teacher and SAHM. I am getting fit under the guise of losing baby weight but I've really been at least 20 lbs over my ideal weight for about 7 years or so.

    I would love to find a match! I'm 5'7, 162 and my goal is to get back to 135. I'm running 3 days a week and doing yoga on the off days with rest on Sundays. I'm enjoying running and going to participate in my first 5K this May.

    Hope to find my twin and we can support each other!
  • HI... I'm a soon to be 37 year old, mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, friend.

    I work as an Office Manager (and can totally tell that I sit on my rear a lot now, as my previous job was a Service Advisor at a Dodge dealership - where I was on my feet and walked all day long).

    I love to play darts, volleyball and softball.

    I quit smoking 7 months ago when my son asked me to quit. I told him "for you I will" and now have a pernament reminder of that promise as I got that saying tattoo'd on my left wrist.

    My next goal is to lose all or most of the weight I have gained over the years. (I am heavier now then I was when I went in to give birth to my son).

    My husband (of 18 years) says he loves me the way that I am, but I wanna be happy with the way that I look.

    So, here it goes!