What were your changes since becoming Paleo/Primal.


My gf and I started Paleo about 3-4 weeks ago. We have noticed some good changes. She has lost 10lbs, I have lost about 5lbs.
We both have a tremendous amount of extra energy. We have been able to concentrate more. Overall we feel great.
I wanted to know what other benefits other people have had. Since we only been doing it for so little I wanted to get an idea of what to expect.
Please let me know how long you been doing it and what you noticed changed. Thank you all! Have a healthy day.


  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    I've been easing into a Primal diet (been about 75% Primal for the past ~3 weeks). Though it may be coincidence, I feel like the horrendous dark circles under my eyes aren't nearly as prominent.
  • megallegos
    megallegos Posts: 22 Member
    I have been about 80/20 and honestly I love it! I used to suffer from indigestion and a slew of tummy troubles and since being on paleo I feel good, energized and healthy. My sister, brother in-law and mother all started it at the same time and we've all seen results. My sister has high anxiety and suffers from bad acne and since Paleo her face has cleared up and she feels less anxious. Amazing how diet affects us.
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 192 Member
    I've been slowly easing into this for many months, and about a week ago I really tried to do 80/20 primal. I had some non primal stuff last night and it's been interesting to see the changes in my body's reactions.

    Primal dieting:
    -definitely helps me lose weight, particularly in my tummy area
    -helps with digestion. I go less frequently but easily.
    -gives me more energy. I always seem to want to work out! Weird!
    -I feel more confident and secure with myself. I just feel less afraid and anxious if that makes sense.
    -sleeping well (I seem to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier) and waking up ready to go.
    -reduces my appetite tremendously. I don't feel the need to snack much, when I do I feel in control. No crazy blood-sugar lows.

    That all said, maybe it's in my head! After all I haven't done it for very long (or even all that well :P) But that's what I've been experiencing, and whether that's something I've imagined or real---well I'll take it! :)
  • nayeliscastellanos
    Thank you all for sharing your changes. Reading this will help me stick to this new lifestyle. I am glad we are all seeing great results.
  • megallegos
    megallegos Posts: 22 Member
    Indeed, it says something about a diet if you see its health benefits within a short time period. YAY us...lets keep up the good fight!
  • Vmg773
    Vmg773 Posts: 49 Member
    I love this thread. I like that people are seeing changes without being 100% committed. It's been to hard for me to go 100%, but most weeks I'm between 60-80%. I definitely feel better when I'm doing it, it's just some weeks I don't have the time to prep all the meals!
  • nayeliscastellanos
    What I found to be very helpful with meal prep is the crock-pot. We put meat out the day before and put it in there so when we are at work the food is cooking. When we come home we have a meal prepared. We usually cook enough for lunch/dinner and sometimes even extra. We also cook it over night and have it ready in the morning. Without the crock-pot I don't think it would be as easy for us to do this.
  • each_day_stronger
    each_day_stronger Posts: 192 Member
    To other new folks like myself: I tell myself "I'm Doing this 100%" and of course the reality is closer to 80%. But after a slip up I say "ok no but really 100%!!" lol and it evens out. My biggest problem is when I'm at a friend or family member's and they offer me dinner or something. It's hard to be rude and say "uh I don't do carbs, sorry." Any tips? Otherwise I'm finding it easier than I thought.

    I think as I get closer to my goal, I will need to be stricter to really see changes. But right now I still have such a long way to go that any improvement can make a big difference on the scales or how I'm feeling. I would love to hear where others are at!
  • GnaBean
    GnaBean Posts: 112 Member
    I have been 100% grainfree since July, but occassionally (once or twice a week) I'll have a sweet treat. I have energy and a mental clarity that amazes me. I've lost 35 lbs. The most surprising change came with my routine blood test results last week. After being very anemic for a long time, my iron levels are in the normal range! I don't think I'm eating more spinach or red meat. I think this is a result of a healthy gut.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    I don't think I will ever go back. At least I hope not. I am happy to read everyones results. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    I've been primal for about 18 months now. Total of 30kg fat lost & 5kg of muscle gained. Almost at my goal body composition.

    Personally, since going primal/paleo I no longer suffer from:
    Hormonal acne
    Hayfever (was chronic before)
    Digestion issues including leaky gut and casein intolerance
    Sinus issues
    Frequent colds/flus

    and have seen dramatic improvements in:
    Overall attitude/outlook and mood
    Energy levels
    Sleep quality
    Healthier appetite (more satisfied and rarely have cravings)
    Skin not as dry, shiny hair and stronger nails
    Whiter teeth
    Less aches and pains.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    To other new folks like myself: I tell myself "I'm Doing this 100%" and of course the reality is closer to 80%. But after a slip up I say "ok no but really 100%!!" lol and it evens out. My biggest problem is when I'm at a friend or family member's and they offer me dinner or something. It's hard to be rude and say "uh I don't do carbs, sorry." Any tips? Otherwise I'm finding it easier than I thought.

    I think as I get closer to my goal, I will need to be stricter to really see changes. But right now I still have such a long way to go that any improvement can make a big difference on the scales or how I'm feeling. I would love to hear where others are at!

    I have come accross this same issue. What I do is just politely tell them no thank you. If there is anything that I can eat then I will but other than that most people understand. Its like offering someone who quit smoking a cigaratte, most people will understand that you quit and not ask you again. If someone gets offended when you decline don't feel guilty, you did nothing wrong.

    I have not been on it for long but I can notice a big difference that Is why I posted thir thread. Good luck in your Paleo journey.
  • kannd86
    I now have the ability to go much longer in between meals. This was a major problem for me because I was snacking throughout the day just to keep my blood sugar up because I felt like crap when I didn't eat for say 4 hours, and have passed out when I didn't eat for a longer period of time.

    I now think I know what hunger really feels like. I don't think I was letting myself get hungry, or at least whatever I equated with hunger.

    I lost somewhere around 15 pounds? I wasn't keeping close track at the beginning, so I'm not exactly sure.

    Since doing Whole30 (which eliminates dairy), my nose runs a heck of a lot less, and my eyes water less too.

    The hardest part was figuring out what to eat for breakfast instead of cereal. Turns out I really like eggs even though 3 months ago I would have told you I hate them. Turns out I really like vegetables too, when they're cooked the way I like them, not boiled into tasteless mush.

    I wasn't coming from a place of being extremely overweight, or sick. I've always been pretty healthy, but now my concept of healthy has changed. Paleo sets a new standard. There's really no turning back.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    I've been primal for about 18 months now. Total of 30kg fat lost & 5kg of muscle gained. Almost at my goal body composition.

    Personally, since going primal/paleo I no longer suffer from:
    Hormonal acne
    Hayfever (was chronic before)
    Digestion issues including leaky gut and casein intolerance
    Sinus issues
    Frequent colds/flus

    and have seen dramatic improvements in:
    Overall attitude/outlook and mood
    Energy levels
    Sleep quality
    Healthier appetite (more satisfied and rarely have cravings)
    Skin not as dry, shiny hair and stronger nails
    Whiter teeth
    Less aches and pains.

    That is amazing results! Looking forward to being at 18 months. Congratulations.
  • nayeliscastellanos
    I have been 100% grainfree since July, but occassionally (once or twice a week) I'll have a sweet treat. I have energy and a mental clarity that amazes me. I've lost 35 lbs. The most surprising change came with my routine blood test results last week. After being very anemic for a long time, my iron levels are in the normal range! I don't think I'm eating more spinach or red meat. I think this is a result of a healthy gut.
    Congrats on your weight loss! 35 lbs is a great accomplishment!
  • nayeliscastellanos
    I've been easing into a Primal diet (been about 75% Primal for the past ~3 weeks). Though it may be coincidence, I feel like the horrendous dark circles under my eyes aren't nearly as prominent.

    Now that you mentioned it I have also noticed that and my skin is not as pale looking... Congrats on your 3 weeks. I hope you plan to continue this and get more results.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Month 9 of paleo! Started out challenging myself to changing what I ate. Went from organic diet to organic highest quality diet and there is a difference.
    Acid reflux gone, sleep habits improved, always feeling bloated gone, palpitations gone, 97 lbs gone, self doubt gone, and that nasty overinflated wheat belly much improved! I started at 100 percent ( pretty darn strict) but am no about 90 percent. No intentions of going back to the SAD!
  • nayeliscastellanos
    Month 9 of paleo! Started out challenging myself to changing what I ate. Went from organic diet to organic highest quality diet and there is a difference.
    Acid reflux gone, sleep habits improved, always feeling bloated gone, palpitations gone, 97 lbs gone, self doubt gone, and that nasty overinflated wheat belly much improved! I started at 100 percent ( pretty darn strict) but am no about 90 percent. No intentions of going back to the SAD!

    That is amazing! Congratulations on such an accomplishment!!
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    I've been easing into a Primal diet (been about 75% Primal for the past ~3 weeks). Though it may be coincidence, I feel like the horrendous dark circles under my eyes aren't nearly as prominent.

    Now that you mentioned it I have also noticed that and my skin is not as pale looking... Congrats on your 3 weeks. I hope you plan to continue this and get more results.

    That was only the physical thing that I'd noticed. So far it's been remarkably easy- I'm not hungry and I'm eating way more fruits and veggies. Finding it a little tough to get as many calories as MFP says I should but I think that's small (sweet) potatoes. No plans to revert to my old oatmeal-laden diet!
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I've been eating primal for about 3 weeks now and I've noticed reduced cravings and hunger and a drop in headaches and stomach aches/bloating. I also lost 10lbs which is not too shabby :smile: