How's your day?



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Failed week I only lost half a pound :frown:

    That is a banner week for me! I would go 2 or 3 weeks without any change and then bam! Several pounds would fall off! Pat yourself on the back and stick with it!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Hello All,

    Another weekend is coming to a close. Why do the weekends go SO fast?? I skipped boot camp and official weigh in yesterday. I just didn't want to go out in the cold. I did weigh myself here and am down another pound or so. I seem to be having several PV days in a row. I have decided not to stress about it as long as I'm not eating loads of carbs. All my veggies seem to be tomatoes, mushrooms & cabbage. I did have broccoli yesterday which tasted good. Leafy greens have been absent from my diet and I still cannot eat chicken. Ever since I had the stomach "bug", chicken just does not sound good at all. Anyway, I'm doing the best I can as I tend to get sort of depressed at this time of year. I'm so tired of being cold! I figure as long as I stay away from the breads & sugars, I'll be ahead of the game!

    Off to boot camp tomorrow morning.....have a good start to your week!

  • Michelleanon
    Michelleanon Posts: 40 Member
    Well week 3 of Dukan and I must say I am getting used to it. Have lost a total of 10lbs since I started. Only another 50lbs to go...ugghhh.....I am on the 1/1 and i have to be honest I am really missing my carbs....When I make toast for the kids I drool...hahahaha...was a little naughty yesterday and had a few glasses of red wine but hey that's not gonna kill me...(at least that's what I'm convincing myself". I really do need veggies stomach is calling for them. Yesterday I was a bit creative and made chicken breast stuffed with a creamy spinach yogurt sauce. Was very nice but maybe fat free sour cream will work better next time.
    My aim is to at least get to half of my goal by easter as we are going camping and I really do want to feel a bit more comfy in my swimsuit....:blushing:

    No gym today as I am just plain tired....looking forward to going home and couching it with a nice cup of tea and several episodes of NCIS..hahaha
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Good work & good for you for listening to your body! Some days you just need the rest! Congrats on the 10 lbs!!!

  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    U were right pkw58 !!!

    One more to go :bigsmile:
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Good Morning friends!

    Had a good day yesterday starting with boot camp. Day at work flew by and then we went out for dinner for our son's birthday. I had 2 shrimp cocktails & a caesar salad with no croutons. Oh...I had a low carb beer too. Tasted yummy! Some of my golfing friends were at the Inn for the regular "Martini Monday" group. It was good to see all of them. I was actually still hungry when we got home so I had a fat free cappucino yogurt......oh good. I just can't stomach plain yogurt, so I eat lemon, lime, vanilla etc. Not perfect, but I really enjoy it.

    Skipped boot camp this morning because we had snow overnight. Just a small amount, but I was afraid it was enough to make the roads slick. Tomorrow is another day.

    Have a good one!

  • Santhony79
    Hi Everyone - I just restarted Dukan today - so Day 1 of Attack - I am wondering if anyone else used a little more onion and broth and spices than recommended to make Protein days more bearable..... I dont want to cheat myself, I just need something to make myself get through these 7 days and I am hoping the sodium/salt etc doesnt messs it up for me. Anyone else cheat like me? :) I guess I will find out in the next couple of days! Any snack suggestions for Attack would be much appreciated too I am used to munching on trail mix and carrots and stuff all day and need something to occupy me! Good Luck everyone!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Good Morning!

    On my PP days, I still use a bit of tomato or tomato sauce and sometimes even mushrooms if I have fresh ones. It doesn't seem to hurt my weight loss any. Each person has a different tolerance........test it out and see how it works for you!

    Went to boot camp this morning and it was a killer. Seems I always post that! How is it that EVERY workout is killer? Sigh........What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? ;-)

    PV day today...hooray! That means a nice bowl of my beanfree chili for lunch. Can't wait!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey all! Happy Thursday. I am traveling on business and sticking close to the Dukan Plan - mostly on consolidation substituting an apple or avocado or banana for some of the other adds you get on consolidation. The client I am on has some silly political stuff going on which is additional stress to my world. The best thing about going through all 4 phases of the dukan plan is that the consolidation phase really helps you discipline yourself when under stress.

    My sleep pattern is all out of whack due to the travel plus 9 hour work days.
  • IoTheo
    IoTheo Posts: 24 Member
    You can use alcohol, wine or beer for calf, coniac and lemon for chicken. Just let the lid open for a few minutes so that it will evaporate leaving only the taste.

    my personal favorite is lemon zest along with a bit of lemon juice and louisa herb > perfect for fish

    orange zest with a bit of orange juice and wite balsamic vinegar> perfect for chicken
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Finally Friday!! YAY for the weekend. I'm tired! 3rd day in a row of boot camp today. We got to box hitting that heavy bag!

    Weight loss seems to be stuck right now, but 13 pounds in 5 weeks is nothing to sneeze at! I'm looking forward to a bit of rest this weekend. I need some time to decompress!

    Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

  • divaonadiet
    divaonadiet Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all, I restarted Dukan yesterday and was down 3.5 lbs this am. A great motivator to keep going. I lost 40lbs doing Dukan Sep 2011 thru May 2012 but fell off the plan AND stopped exercising so I gained 20lbs back. Glad to see this support group on here. Hopefully this time I will go all the way to maintenance and learn how to keep my wight under control. Hope you all have a great Dukan weekend.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Hi Diva! Glad to have you here. You had great success with Dukan in the past and I'm sure you'll get back to your goal in no time.

    I went to boot camp yesterday morning and it was really rough. 4 days in a row is just too much for this old body! ;-) I made it thru, but wow. We had our official weigh in for the challenge yesterday morning and I'm down 14.4 lbs so far. I'd really like to lose 20-25 lbs in the 12 weeks of the challenge. The first 8 lbs came off in the first week and its been slow since then. There are 45 people in the challenge so my chances of winning are not great. There are a couple men in the group and we all know that they can lose weight faster than we can. Of course, they have to do it! I can't control what they do, only what I do. I forget what all the prizes are for the winner of the challenge, but the main one is an iPad mini. I don't really need one, but who doesn't like a new gadget? LOL!

    Just doing domestic stuff today. Laundry & groceries etc. I actually love a day of just puttering around the house.

    Have a good one all!

  • Santhony79
    Thank you for the tips - found some Lemon Seasoning which is great in the oat Bran Pancakes and have been using lots of marinade and seasoning - never though of wine and beer - will definitely try some of those. Last day of my attack phase - so excited for some veg tomorrow - only down 4 pounds which I found a bit disappointing but will soldier on! Have a great week everyone!
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Good Morning!

    Another rest day for me as we had freezing rain early this morning and I wasn't about to drive...or try to walk! in that. I'll be back at it tomorrow morning.

    Scale is slowly inching down. 14.5 gone now since Jan 5. Would love to be down another 7 or 8 by the end of February, but I'll have to take what I get.

    Hope you all have a great beginning to your week!

  • Michelleanon
    Michelleanon Posts: 40 Member
    Well the start of week 4 on Dukan and after 7 days of the attack I am on the p/p and p/v! Down 14lbs in total since I started. Of course, VERY happy that I have gotten rid of this but I am now at the weight when I started on MFP. Hence the reason you don't see any updates on the loss amount. Still another 50lbs to get where I really want to be and I must say there are good days and bads with the motivation though not cheating.
    What is really strange is that I try to weigh every friday and not jump on and off the scale daily though Dukan does say that you should so you can see the variation with the weight and water retention etc..anyway last wednesday, I got on and it had not moved so felt REALLY deflated then got on friday and 4lbs were gone. I thought I was seeing wrong, I kept pressing reset just to make sure.
    Anyway, that's where I am at!!!!
    Have a great week everyone......
  • divaonadiet
    divaonadiet Posts: 24 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am on day 6 of attack and down 6#s - really happy with that. I am going to stay on attack until Friday when I head to Chicago for a 4 day weekend. I'm pretty sure I will be able to stay on program although I may do for veg & protein days in a row and then do 4 pure protein days when I get back. Glad to hear everyone else is doing well.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Awesome job on the Attack phase people!! You are rockin' it! Good luck as you move forward.

    Great, sweaty workout this morning at boot camp. Looking forward to tomorrow's "torture" LOL!

    Not much else going on with me. Making some sort of fish for dinner tonight as its a PP day for me. Hmmm.........maybe I shouldn't be having tuna for lunch? Oh well..........its a fishy day! ;-)

    Make it a good one!

  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    My husband cooked nice dukan style roast chicken tonight! Very nice to come home to nice freshly roasted chicken.
  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 604 Member
    Crazy day at boot camp. I did my best, but it was nuts!! Extra credit for going on my birthday, right? ;-)

    Out for dinner tonight to celebrate. I'm planning broiled seafood & salad.......oh and at least 1 low carb beer! Scale was down 2 lbs today, but I know they'll be back after today so I'm not recording them. I'll wait till I see that number again.

    Have a great day!
