Over 50 and Single



  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Good Morning Friends!
    I see that I am still stress eating, and eating right before bed. It's nice to have this site to really get the visual on my habits. I like the weight lifting suggestions to use cans and things. There is so much in our everyday lives we can use. If you are doing laundry, pick it up and put it down several times. Lift grocery bags up to shoulders and down. If you have small children pick them up and put them down and repeat. They will love it too! I used to watch Biggest Loser (in bed while eating cookies!) and saw interesting things they would do, like picking up a log and carrying it on their shoulders while walking down the beach. More than I can do with my bad back, but an interesting idea. Youtube is great for learning things, but I haven't looked at it for exercises. That's a great suggestion. Well, it's the start of a new day and a fresh start for me too. Each of us is a treasure and worth it!!
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Having a depressing day. It's hard to realize that many time friends and family just aren't there for you. It can be a lonely place.
  • Hang in there. Feelings of loneliness and depression are very difficult but they will pass. When I am feeling like that and use food for comfort, I just end up feeling even worse.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Things are calming down at this point. I'm going to take a nap......... Donna
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    So, I am noticing that I am eating more and exercising less! I am blaming this on the fact that I signed up for a class, so I now have less time and more stress. I am usually more stressed at work, but eat more when I am at home. I haven't figured that one out just yet. Maybe just the fact that I am home and there is food here is the problem. Sometimes I will have a craving about something, like I have been making BLTs lately. They are so good! I can't focus on anything else until I have one, even if it's not part of my "plan" for the day.
    I also find that I eat more when I haven't had enough water. I always thought I drank enough, but now that I am counting the glasses, I am really only drinking half. If I can drink the water and get some walking in I stay on track for my calorie count. I also have a hard time getting enough steep. Is anyone else having these problems?
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member

    I know exactly what you mean. I'm the same way. I don't drink enough either. Never did. I would say go with your cravings as long as you log it. Add extra lettuce to your sandwich! I'm of the firm belief that, changing your lifestyle is REALLY hard and near impossible for me so I'm trying incorporate the changes slowly. I eat the way you do. Not much at work, but it builds up and then I go nuts when I get home.

    I read a really good plan somewhere. Here it is:

    1. Make a list of everything you want to change where eating is concerned.
    2. Put the list in order of easiest to hardest.
    3. Do the first thing on the list for 6 months. (I read it takes 6 months to CEMENT a habit and 30 days to firmly break a habit)
    4. This list can change. (I put "no eating after 6" at the top of my list which supposedly meant it was an 'easy' thing to do. OMG It was sooo hard. I moved it further down the list. Actually It was almost 2nd to last it t was THAT hard.)

    It took a long time for us to get as heavy as we are so it will take time to get back to some kind of shape.

    Small steps. Good luck everyone.

  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    OMG!!! I've been eating steadily from the time I got up. I can't stop. What is wrong with me?
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Donna,

    That happened to me yesterday! Couldn't stop.... I think partly it was lack of drinking enough water. Go fill up with some water, lemon water, or even Crystal Light if you have to... I wish I had.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm trying. I'm sitting here stuffed like a turkey. Argh! Thanks.
  • sjeannie
    sjeannie Posts: 23 Member
    I second that. Any loss is GREAT!!!♥
  • sjeannie
    sjeannie Posts: 23 Member
    Don't be afraid of change, embrace it! And give yourself a hug for being brave!

    I love this and I am embracing it more and more each day.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    “The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.”
    ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    I am doing better. I realize I can't keep doing the same things that I have been doing. I never told myself I can't have something. I thought it was great not to have limits. But now I am seeing that limits and boundries are a good thing! Just like I set them as a parent, I am now imposing them on myself.
    Steel sharpens steel!
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    How is everyone doing this week?
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm up and down. It's so hard after eating anything and as much as I want to try to curb that. How is everyone else?
  • happy valentines! i am doing wonderful today, yesterday no exercise, but back on track today!
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    I see that my calorie count goes up and down from day to day, but is seldom under my recommended allocation. It gets worse on the weekend when I'm home. I hardly have time to do any exercising and I don't count walking through the grocery store! I can really see how my food choices are impacting weight loss, and am starting to make different choices. Like eating more salad and less cookies. Ok, no cookies. It's starting to change and that's the good thing.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm just having such a hard time. Bagels have been my downfall lately. I'm so tired of this.
  • 413bb
    413bb Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. New to MFP. 52 and single. I have family around but not as much support as I would like to have. I've been overweight my entire life and have lost and gained more weight than I care to think about. I joined MFP just over a week ago and have logged my meals every day and plan to continue as a way to hold myself accountable to ME! I've lost 25 pounds this past year and have about 85 more to go. Needing to work on increasing the exercise, but have at least started walking 10 minutes at a time a couple of times a day at work. Looking forward to being active in this group and working "together" towards a goal.