The 'before' photos



  • Hello everyone! I am on day 9 of Insanity... never thought I would actually do it! :) I am so excited. I just have one problem, I am not using the results and recovery formula and not sure what is a good substitute... any suggestions? and is there like a regular food alternative?

    i usually drink a whey powder, 1/2 banana and 1 tblsp ground flaxseed shake after my workouts
  • lindajeanross
    lindajeanross Posts: 2 Member
    I'm joining! What perfect timing. I have started Insanity over again and again - something always happens that messes me up - injury, travel or something. This time I will continue to push play! Even if I have a skip - just keep moving forward onto the next day.

    I have before photos. Not sure how to post. Will hold onto them and hopefully have great results!
  • I dont think it matters what recovery drink you use...Ive been using Amplified recovory. Good protien and not bad tasting!
  • Sisina87
    Sisina87 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Guys,

    So I started again last night, didn't do the fit test so I went straight into the plyo cardio circuit......OMG :sad: I nearly threw up But I think it was because I had dinner than worked out, not a good idea, :sick: I definitely think mornings are better for me. Don't feel as sore as I thought I would but I'm ready to push harder today.

    I'm kinda embarrassed to put my before pics up to all to see, they are horrid......

    Anyway keep pushing play guys, today is cardio and resistance.......we can do this

  • Deffinatly have to let your food settle before getting into Insanity. I have been doing my after dinner each night but learned I have to wait for about 30 -45 minutes. A lot of jumping and fast paced movement.

    Keep up the good work and keep your meals down!
  • Sisina87
    Sisina87 Posts: 12 Member
    Definitely have to let your food settle before getting into Insanity. I have been doing my after dinner each night but learned I have to wait for about 30 -45 minutes. A lot of jumping and fast paced movement.

    Keep up the good work and keep your meals down!

    Hey Kevin,

    Thanks for the heads up, I waited about 1hr or so and my meal was kinda light but I guess I'm a morning person, Just finished my cardio power and just had a herbalife shake, so I feel so much better.

    Hope your getting on ok with your workout :wink:

  • My Insanity package has finally arrived. Officially start tomorrow - woop.

    Have had a bad food day today so it couldnt come at a better time to keep me on track.

    Am intrigued what my fit test results will be.

    Hope you are all getting on okay x
  • Done the ninth day today: Pure cardio - now for the second time. It was hard, but I made it. It seems like it's getting a little bit easier as the program moves forward. Everyone who is just starting hang in there when you are getting muscle pain, just power through and also know you limits. For me the Cardio Recovery really helped with the soreness.

    Just dig deeper :)
  • SusanaLdn
    SusanaLdn Posts: 121 Member
    I just wanted to add... Just did my first workout... Oh dear, this is haaard :sick:

    But you know what? I loved it! :wink:

    For you guys talking about food, I had a very late lunch at around 4.30pm today - long job, very hungry, ate too much. Waited until about 8pm and still was feeling heavy. I think the ideal for me would be to do it first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, for now, due to house arrangements that won't be possible. It's just that now I can't even have dinner, I just had a quick shower and an orange and feel dead :P

    How did it go for you? I didn't think it was absolutely horrible, except for the last exercise with the pushups and the plank... my arms are rubbish!

    Way to go everyone, I see a lot of enthusiastic people out there, this is what we all need: like someone said, misery loves company - but so does success! ;)
  • it was hard and i agree the end was a killer!!!! we just have to keep digging deeper!!!!!
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    I just got the DVDs today. They look TOUGH. Will start my fit test tomorrow ... nervous. My friend says he almost puked and had to stop halfway in between. Have you guys felt this way? Do you just push through? Is it cheating to do half in the morning and half at night then?
  • i am about to do my first workout this morning..wish me luck! The fit test yesterday almost killed me! Lol
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    i am about to do my first workout this morning..wish me luck! The fit test yesterday almost killed me! Lol

    Good luck......YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • I just got the DVDs today. They look TOUGH. Will start my fit test tomorrow ... nervous. My friend says he almost puked and had to stop halfway in between. Have you guys felt this way? Do you just push through? Is it cheating to do half in the morning and half at night then?

    I find cheating a harsh word, but you want to get the "real" results and know how fit you are, right? If you get tired during the test, take a short break and go right at it, and know your limits (hence avoid puking :) )
    Its nice to see when you do it the next time what you progress is, and i'm on my ninth day and i know for sure a already have progress. The exercisers are getting "easier" so you can push harder. Don't worry, you will get there!!
  • SusanaLdn
    SusanaLdn Posts: 121 Member
    I just got the DVDs today. They look TOUGH. Will start my fit test tomorrow ... nervous. My friend says he almost puked and had to stop halfway in between. Have you guys felt this way? Do you just push through? Is it cheating to do half in the morning and half at night then?

    I find cheating a harsh word, but you want to get the "real" results and know how fit you are, right? If you get tired during the test, take a short break and go right at it, and know your limits (hence avoid puking :) )
    Its nice to see when you do it the next time what you progress is, and i'm on my ninth day and i know for sure a already have progress. The exercisers are getting "easier" so you can push harder. Don't worry, you will get there!!

    I agree with mangoman. It was hard, yes, but that's how you push yourself. Especially the fit test, don't 'cheat'. In two weeks time you'll be happy you did it right and are able to see results - you're asked to retake the fit test every two weeks for comparison and motivation. If you cheat now, you won't feel like you've made much progress. Plus, you don't need to post your results, I just think it's a nice way to 'make yourself' try harder everyday. You go online and you read other people's stories who have all accomplished great results... Commit :) I can't wait to be able to say I already see results! :D

    All the best, good luck to us all :)
  • i am almost finished with month 1 of my second insanity round and thought i'd chime in. In theory the exercises shouldn't get easier, because the fitter and stronger you get, the harder you can push. I still finish each and every insanity workout face down on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat, even though my fit test results have more than doubled. so if you are successful or not really depends on if you are willing to push yourself to the limit each day for 60 days straight. it's tough but i can promise you it is worth it.

    definitely take a look at the nutrition plan. you don't have to follow it by heart but at least know the basics. you are making a commitment for 60 days on the workout side so i would be a shame to ruin that effort by neglecting your nutrition. In particular I found getting in the routine of 5-6 small daily meals with breakfast being the biggest and dinner the smallest worked best for me. also watch your calories, neither eat too little (you don't want your body to go into starvation mode plus you will need the energy) nor too many, take a look at the calorie formulas in the guide book.

    also if a particular exercise is too much, I would recommend letting the dvd run, catch your breath, and then restart asap. Don't pause the DVD as this will only tempt you to take unnecessary long pauses - at least that was the case with me. after every exercise i ask myself "did I push as hard as i possibly could? or did i slack off". if it's the latter i will try to make up fr it the next day. insanity will test your self-discipline big time.

    and last but not least: it is not uncommon to hardly lose any weight in month 1. having said that you will see your body getting toned, ie less fat and more muscles. for me the real weight loss came in month 2. so don't let the scale discourage you.
  • i am almost finished with month 1 of my second insanity round and thought i'd chime in. In theory the exercises shouldn't get easier, because the fitter and stronger you get, the harder you can push. I still finish each and every insanity workout face down on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat, even though my fit test results have more than doubled. so if you are successful or not really depends on if you are willing to push yourself to the limit each day for 60 days straight. it's tough but i can promise you it is worth it.

    definitely take a look at the nutrition plan. you don't have to follow it by heart but at least know the basics. you are making a commitment for 60 days on the workout side so i would be a shame to ruin that effort by neglecting your nutrition. In particular I found getting in the routine of 5-6 small daily meals with breakfast being the biggest and dinner the smallest worked best for me. also watch your calories, neither eat too little (you don't want your body to go into starvation mode plus you will need the energy) nor too many, take a look at the calorie formulas in the guide book.

    also if a particular exercise is too much, I would recommend letting the dvd run, catch your breath, and then restart asap. Don't pause the DVD as this will only tempt you to take unnecessary long pauses - at least that was the case with me. after every exercise i ask myself "did I push as hard as i possibly could? or did i slack off". if it's the latter i will try to make up fr it the next day. insanity will test your self-discipline big time.

    and last but not least: it is not uncommon to hardly lose any weight in month 1. having said that you will see your body getting toned, ie less fat and more muscles. for me the real weight loss came in month 2. so don't let the scale discourage you.

    Excelent motivation....Thank you! ;)
  • ReneCA82
    ReneCA82 Posts: 5 Member
    Day 2 done! My abs and legs are really sore but it'll be worth it!
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    i am almost finished with month 1 of my second insanity round and thought i'd chime in. In theory the exercises shouldn't get easier, because the fitter and stronger you get, the harder you can push. I still finish each and every insanity workout face down on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat, even though my fit test results have more than doubled. so if you are successful or not really depends on if you are willing to push yourself to the limit each day for 60 days straight. it's tough but i can promise you it is worth it.

    definitely take a look at the nutrition plan. you don't have to follow it by heart but at least know the basics. you are making a commitment for 60 days on the workout side so i would be a shame to ruin that effort by neglecting your nutrition. In particular I found getting in the routine of 5-6 small daily meals with breakfast being the biggest and dinner the smallest worked best for me. also watch your calories, neither eat too little (you don't want your body to go into starvation mode plus you will need the energy) nor too many, take a look at the calorie formulas in the guide book.

    also if a particular exercise is too much, I would recommend letting the dvd run, catch your breath, and then restart asap. Don't pause the DVD as this will only tempt you to take unnecessary long pauses - at least that was the case with me. after every exercise i ask myself "did I push as hard as i possibly could? or did i slack off". if it's the latter i will try to make up fr it the next day. insanity will test your self-discipline big time.

    and last but not least: it is not uncommon to hardly lose any weight in month 1. having said that you will see your body getting toned, ie less fat and more muscles. for me the real weight loss came in month 2. so don't let the scale discourage you.

    Great inspiration!!! I took all of your advice to heart and got the fit test done today. Can't wait to improve!
  • cbwilliams2004
    cbwilliams2004 Posts: 24 Member
    Alright, I'll be the brave one to post their pictures first. I added a week to month one so this it from start through week 5. I know I still have a long way to go but I think the side view is already looking good :-)

    Hmm, my first try at posting a picture. Is this showing up at all?