Due September 2013



  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi again all - I've been having mild abdominal pressure (and the occasional cramp) - those also scare me as I had a m/c in October. But, I'm just hoping it's the uterus stretching and not something else!! As far as other symptoms go, they still seem to be there, which I am thankful for. I have nausea that comes and goes, although sometimes food *makes* me nauseous instead of helps! Definitely seem to be having some mood swings, bleeding gums when I floss, peeing a bunch, and super exhausted. Oh and a big huge zit on my back. Ugh LOL. How are you all feeling? Hope you're having a good Thursday!
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Oh and kmburns3 - yes it is very overwelming!!! I have been looking at maternity clothes too even though I know I won't need them for a while (I'm due Sept. 24).
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    All the "stuff' is overwhelming and honestly you don't need half of it, add it all up and its gets very expensive too... you get it and don't use it and it a waste or you barely use it and again its a waste of space or they are not interested in it. I had a swing with my first and NEVER used it, but upon having the second.... you don't hold as much as there are 2 to split time between we did use it then. But I have always loved the bouncy/vibration chair.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    Anyone else having practically no symptoms? I know I should be grateful but I just don't feel pregnant.
  • gillythyme
    gillythyme Posts: 51 Member
    Anyone else having practically no symptoms? I know I should be grateful but I just don't feel pregnant.

    Yes!! It was the same for my fist! Sometimes I don't feel pregnant at all. I am JUST starting to get tired, I guess. And my husband might say I'm a bit more moody but not really...Sometimes I get this feeling that it was a false positive or something ha ha
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Welcome to the new joiners! I have to say, I'm so glad I found this group. I've had constant, low-grade cramps for the last week and a half, and it's very reassuring to learn that I'm not the only one.

    Apart from the cramps, I don't feel too different, actually. One thing I have noticed is that I no longer want coffee. But not wanting coffee doesn't change my long-established chemical dependence on caffeine. So I have to force myself to drink a cup in the morning, or deal with the headache all day if I don't. Should I just cut the coffee, and hope the headaches go away eventually?

    Same here on the cramps side and coffee!

    I slowly weened myself off coffee this week. Even though I still crave it, I don't get headaches anymore. I just drank less and less each day.
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    Due September 14, 2013 with our first. We are insanely excited after 2 and a half years of trying. We mc-ed last July and are praying for a sticky baby. We are 7 weeks today and saw the heartbeat last Thursday. :happy: I didn't experience any morning sickness until 6 1/2 weeks. At first I was worried, and I now realized I should have enjoyed it! Heartburn and nausea equals no fun. Enjoy being symptomless!
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Gah... woke up at 3:40 this morning because of a pain in my right hip and could not go back to sleep. Sciatica? Other than that and the occasional insomnia, I've been pretty lucky when it comes to not having many adverse symptoms. I'm at 7 weeks - due Sept 15ish? My first appointment is a week from Wednesday so I hope to get a more official due date at that time.

    Also, cannot stop eating today! I'm on vacation, so there are a lot of tempting treats to fend off!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm due September 8th. We've had a scan and everything was going just fine: heart beat and a good length. I've felt queasy for a while and started throwing up last Thursday. I wonder if this is because the littlie is moving from feeding off the yolk sac to attaching to the placenta, which must be a change hormonally.

    I was at goal weight when I got pregnant and my weight shot up 3kg (about 6lb?) in 3 weeks. For the last 3 weeks it's plateaued, which is the same pattern as with my son. The queasiness makes my appetite very variable. I'm not logging anything or using my fit bit for now. If I've gained too much at 20 weeks I might start logging again, but mainly I just want to listen to my body. As for exercise, as exhaustion triggers my vomiting and I don't drive, I'm trying to rest as much as possible. I didn't leave the house yesterday and I didn't throw up, so I may be best off being boring for a while :laugh:

    I had meat cravings in the first few weeks, not having eaten meat since I was 11, so had a few mouthfuls, but I've gone off it again now. I have been anaemic since having my son and losing weight, so that may have been the cause.

    Hope everyone's doing well. Xxx
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
    I'm due Sept. 30th with my first!! :D
  • I am due Sept 28th (pending confirmation from my doc on Friday).

    I have been finding my appetite has been lower than usual. I have to update my tracker for maintenance.

    I have three month left my PT so I am hoping to have minimal weight gain in my first trimester and then a healthy 25 to 30lbs weight gain for the rest of my pregnancy.

    I know I am going to confirm with my doc about having my heart rate going higher than 140bpm. When I'm running/jogging, I'm usually at 155-165bpm.
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    MrsBarkhouse - ya I have't been all that hungry, until this week (I am 6w1d now). I thin the super-hunger is supposed to come a little later when the baby gets bigger. FX for you!!!
  • I just started my 9th week and my clothes are already getting too tight! :embarassed: Super embarassed. I guess I better watch my calories a little closer.
  • lshea0414
    lshea0414 Posts: 6 Member
    Due September 19th! (for now) We found out super early and they couldn't see anything but we had another ultrasound yesterday and saw a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat! I am 25 and this is my first so I definitely want to try to stay in shape throughout the pregnancy and after :)
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    hi everyone i am Tammy and this is my fifth child and i am suppose to be due sep 23erd we will see with ultrasound . i think the dates off . my goal is to only gain 20 pounds if that cause i am a big girl as it is right now and i was doing so well then this past year came along and i gained a ton back.
  • LMRoses
    LMRoses Posts: 148 Member
    Well, just had the first ultrasound, and baby is measuring slightly further along than we thought, a couple of days, and has a really good strong heartbeat. We're very relieved and very happy, and have some pics on a disc, one of which features the baby looking the shape of a tiny little roast chicken. The other new s is that the ob thinks there might be another nestled back there as well, so having another u/s in 2 weeks to check. Exciting times!

    Oh, and I've been told to gain virtually no weight..back to counting for me.
  • Hi my name is Hanna, have been waiting a while for a Sept 2013 group to start :)

    Lets get our dates down...

    Kimf412 - Sept -
    VickyClare75 - 2nd Sept -
    Pukenui - 5th Sept - (Hanna)
    toonces80 - 9th Sept -
    Bella692 - Early Sept

    What are your goals during pregnancy? Mine is to lose weight very slowly during the first trimester, with the guidance of a pregnancy dietician. I was getting into the swing of weight loss and was having great results when i found out i was pregnant, so want to keep it up, at a healthy rate of course!!!

    Congratulations everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Hanna, would you update me please? I was VickyClare75 and have restarted on here. Could you change my name please :)
  • Good Morning, Everyone! I am so excited to find this discussion board. What are your thoughts on starting a group? I have gone through the posts and put together our due dates. Let's continue updating! I have some listed as TBD because they gave a "mid month" date or didn't post a date (that I saw). Congrats ladies!!

    I am due Sept 23, 2013. Not quite sure that it's accurate as I got pregnant immediately following a miscarriage. I did not have my period. This will be my second, as I have a daughter. She'll be two months shy of her 3rd birthday when baby #2 is due.

    FishCakeFace 9/2/2013
    BrooksMum 9/2/2013
    MommaSchwag 9/3/2013
    Fienix2013 9/4/2013
    Pukenui 9/5/2013
    RachaelAnne88 9/5/2013
    Kendrazombie 9/6/2013
    Jillian52 9/7/2013
    5one5oh 9/7/2013
    desbefit 9/8/2013
    Oishii 9/8/2013
    toonces80 9/9/2013
    AmberLoYo 9/11/2013
    kimburns3 9/14/2013
    jaireed 9/14/2013
    maritimejelly 9/15/2013
    freezerburn20 9/15/2013
    Kimf412 9/16/2013
    palmerig88 9/16/2013
    sallydurkin 9/16/2013
    2nd2non1 9/17/2013
    MAT221 9/17/2013
    jaimemariel 9/19/2013
    Ishea0414 9/19/2013
    dodgegirl1979 9/23/2013
    seamssewwright 9/23/2013
    Acria 9/24/2013
    moondust7 9/24/2013
    gillythyme 9/24/2013
    MrsBarkhouse 9/28/2013
    jessicaw79 9/30/2013
    agbaeb 9/30/2013
    Bella692 TBD
    CoyaCoya1913 TBD
    Caguppie TBD
    scienceteache TBD
    BioShocked89 TBD
    Erinthebodo TBD
    TinaBean007 TBD
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Seams - thanks for listing out the due dates! I didn't realize there were so many of us on this thread. Congrats and good luck ladies! I go for my first OB appt (and hopefully ultrasound) on Tuesday. Getting more and more excited, but also very nervous.
  • Hey! No problem. Good luck on Tuesday!
    Seams - thanks for listing out the due dates! I didn't realize there were so many of us on this thread. Congrats and good luck ladies! I go for my first OB appt (and hopefully ultrasound) on Tuesday. Getting more and more excited, but also very nervous.
  • Hello, Ladies!

    I created a group and invited all users that have posted so far in the FF&P Group Discussion Board. Please message me if you're interested in being a moderator, as this 2nd time pregnant mama could use some help! It's all about delegating, right???

  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    I just started my 9th week and my clothes are already getting too tight! :embarassed: Super embarassed. I guess I better watch my calories a little closer.

    LOL, me too! I'm 8.5 weeks or 9.5 weeks (will find out next Friday). I woke up 2 days ago and BAM.... a belly! Got on the scale and as of today I am only up 1 pound but there is a belly so glad that you also are seeing this!
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member

    I just joined this group this morning. I'm 9 weeks today and due September 18th. This is my 3rd. I haven't lost the weight I gained with the 2nd, so my goal this time around is to just be more mindful and make better decisions. I also want to stay active (started working out before I got pregnant) as I will be having a natual birth. My spine was punctured during my epidural with my 2nd, so going natural this time.
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    I just started my 9th week and my clothes are already getting too tight! :embarassed: Super embarassed. I guess I better watch my calories a little closer.

    LOL, me too! I'm 8.5 weeks or 9.5 weeks (will find out next Friday). I woke up 2 days ago and BAM.... a belly! Got on the scale and as of today I am only up 1 pound but there is a belly so glad that you also are seeing this!

    Same here! This is my 3rd, so I figured I would start to show or at least expect tight clothes early.
  • Rlopez913
    Rlopez913 Posts: 19 Member
    Due Sept 9th.
  • Hi can i join? im 28 tomorrow and due our first baby around 27 sep my dating scan is next month but we are pretty sure.

    looking to not gain over amount of weight just a nice healthy amount as im only 5.2

    been back on mfp and cant seem to stay under or just at my calories for the day - just seem to be hungry all the ime and my clotehs are a little snug im about 8w 5d

    Janine xx
  • monette13
    monette13 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, I am due Sept 8th. This is my 2nd and this time around, I am definately feeling pregnant. I had an easy 1st pregnacy, but this time, I feel tired, I don't have any cravings or urges to eat anything and when something does sound good to eat, I don't want it once it is in front of me. I burp constantly and this is the annoying part. Any cures?? :smile:
    I am glad to have found a group where there are others out there that are due the same time so I can see what is going on with everyone and say.. yeah... I can relate!!!
    I just joined a group specifically for those due on September. Fit, Fab and Pregnant....September 2013. Hope to see some of you there.
    Congratulations to all the new and existing mommas!!!

  • I'm brand new to MFP. I just found you guys through a google search! I'm due 9/9 also. I have gained more than I've wanted up till now and I gained way too much with my son. I don't want to do it again so I'm trying to turn it around.

    How do you guys work the calorie intake with MFP and the thing that pops up at the end of the day that says "If you ate every day like you ate today in 5 weeks you'd be ____ lbs" that's totally inaccurate for us pregos right? I don't like it! lol.

    Today was actually my first day using MFP. I found a pregnancy calorie calculator and input my info and adjusted my MFP goals on there to reflect pregnancy caloric intake. But I know you're supposed to consume more as the pregnancy goes on and not as much at the beginning. I'm 11 wks 5 days.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Hi everyone :) I am due September 20th... went to the doctor yesterday suspecting ı was 6 weeks, and found out I'm 10weeks... was soooo surprised, but am very happy. Have not been feeling great (mostly mood) the past few weeks, hoping to find some motivation.

    I had a partial molar pregnancy (unusual miscarriage) last June, and we had to wait 6 months before we could try again... so I was really nervous about my first appointment.

    Nice to meet everyone!
  • VonHocker08
    VonHocker08 Posts: 26 Member
    I am due the first of September. :) yay! I am 13 weeks today, hello second trimester!
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