Team Iris (SeptOctNovDec 2013 Brides! :)



  • arendiva
    arendiva Posts: 177 Member
    I'm afraid to weigh in tomorrow. my week started off well, but on Wednesday my fiance got laid off. Since then there has been no exercise, lots of drinking and comfort food. Sigh. Being supportive is very high calorie :( Ugh and I'm going wedding dress shopping on Tuesday. I cringe just think about it.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    arendiva - sorry to hear of the job loss. May the next job be the one that provides him much happiness. Good luck dress shopping.
  • lomins
    lomins Posts: 32 Member
    So sorry arendiva! Positive thoughts/prayers coming your way.

    I did laugh at your post though. It's so true. Why IS being supportive so high calorie?

    Just keep things in perspective. This is a journey, not a race. There will be tough times along the way. Just do the best you can and always keep going.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Sorry to burden you ladies all again .. but I just went venue shopping with my mom and grandma and it was horrible :( We are on a tight budget and of the places we looked at it was either too expensive or right on the verge of breaking the budget (and not really what I want). At one of the venues it was going to be right outside my max budget.. but it was like I was compromising on everything and paying to much for it. I've always wanted a complete outdoor wedding - both ceremony and reception that starts in the late summer evening (ceremony while its still light) and reception starting with a setting sun and lingering into the night with pretty twinkle lights in the trees above the tables. I want a rustic country chic style theme ... basically a backyard wedding and with one of the venues we looked at they didn't have on outdoor reception area.. the indoor ball room was dark and the out door ceremony was either a cramped small patio .. or their beautiful but narrow front yard... next to a street... The place would have been beautiful for winter indoor events but I just felt like I was having to compromise by having a Sunday wedding instead of Friday/Saturday ... having an afternoon wedding instead of evening - having an indoor wedding instead of an outdoor one.. and paying my max budget for it ... it was pretty upsetting for me. We did find a venue that I would be able to be completely outdoors and it was reasonable price- it was on my higher end of the budget, but i thought it was workable. I drove my fiance by and he hated it - said it smelled like old people and looked like a bingo place on the inside and old bowling alley on the outside. I told him that's what our budget could afford... Finally I think I have decided it would just be easier to have my Wedding at my Grandma's house in her backyard. - the only problem is its 3 hrs away in Fresno - but after everything I went to today I think I could have the date, time, and atmosphere I want in a wedding for a reasonable price and my grandma has been more than amazing during this whole process (she set up all the appointments and even talked a venue down a $1,000.. while still getting some more amenities!) So after all this drama and now finding a great place .. aka my grandma's ... my fiance is refusing to get married in Fresno.. because it is "ghetto" in Fresno (even though my grandma lives in a nicer part of town). So frustrated.. this wedding is supposed to be in 6 months ... I don't know what to do .. the groom is being pickier that I am.

    Deeply depressed and frustrated Bride,
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member

    Deeply depressed and frustrated Bride,

    Destanie -- You are going through a very stressful time. I certainly can relate to!

    Our budget is very small (we aiming for $3,000 total costs). Many of the places I would have liked to have the reception at -- well, I wasn't willing to pay their prices for a late lunch or dinner. And to stay in the budget, cut backs had to happen.

    At times, I was in tears because I felt I could not get the day I dreamed of again.

    Note: My first weddingwas a justice of peace, elopement because he didn't want a church wedding. I could not look others wedding pictures -- why I felt cheated out of "that special" day because I didn't have the ceremony, reception and all the other traditional stuff. Looking back, I saved a great deal of money -- why -- we divorced 13 years later.

    Shortly, after getting engaged in April 2012, those feelings of jealousy, can not get the day I dreamed of came back. Especially when visiting wedding sites and feeling "sucked" into having that perfect day. And not having the funds to have what is being advertised as what you should have.

    Here's the realization -- our September wedding is one that we (bride & groom) are making special -- regardless of budget. There will be a church ceremony and the reception is a dinner for immediate family.

    And we have discussed renew vows in an another venue at 5, 10, 15, 20 year anniversary and have another church ceremony/reception at 25 years. (Let me state -- that puts me at age 68 and him at age 75!)

    My advice -- make the best day possible with what you have to work with. Focus on the love -- sharing your love with family/friends -- the start of your future together.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks Barb!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Destanie - anytime.... Just focus on the life the two of you are building.

    Wedding wise -- I created invitations over the weekend. Months ago, I had gotten the invitation/rsvp kit on clearance from Michaels for $9.98 (originally $39.98). Previously, I had a draft of invitation wording (like before I got the invitations).
    Took about an hour to get wording on template and print out sample.

    Even though my hubby to be was with me when I got the invitations he forgot I had purchased them (men age 50 don't have good memory LOL!). So when I leave the sample on the table for his review - he was like "what's this?" Then he asked me if had the invites professionally done. Now, about late June/early July, I'll print out the number of invites I need.

    Finished the reception favors -- which are ornaments - 4 pearls with a dangling heart charm -- suitable as a Christmas tree decoration. Which is excatly what we are doing with any extra favors. Leftover pearls -- made 2 necklaces for me!

    Sounds like I'm doing things too early because the wedding isn't until September. Well, there's a possibility I may need to move before the wedding. My viewpoint -- do as much of the "easy" stuff now before the more challenging stuff (like finding a place to live and packing up a house) sets in.
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    Way to go Team Iris!!! We are the biggest losers for this week and challenge point winners! Congrats to lomins and meglynne1987 for the biggest individual loser and biggest weight loss in lbs. You guys rock and are keeping me motivated everyday :)
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    Congrats ladies. Keep up the good work. We will look great on our wedding day...
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yeah, we did well! Let's continue to move forward.
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Haven't seen anyone on this thread for several days.

    You guys OK?
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Haven't seen anyone on this thread for several days.

    You guys OK?

    Just been busy busy! Should be able to check in more this week!
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Apologies ladies I was up a pound this week :( hopefully just water weight .... And I'll lose double next week :)
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    This week was good. I got in 700 minutes of exercise but only lost 1 lb. I'm eating between 1300-1500 total calories a day which includes 1200 net plus 100-300 calories of my exercise calories. I'm a little over half way to my goal weight (29 lbs left to go). I wonder if I'm starting to reach a bit of a plateau. Not sure what to do. I work out 6-7 days a week and incorporate weights in 3 days a week. Any suggestions?
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    The only feedback I can provide is what you may have already heard -- increase exercise.
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    Lildaug I know how you feel. It does get harder when you get closer to your goal. Losing 1 lb a week is awesome. I have about 10lbs or so to go to my goal and I know I just have to really really watch what I eat. I count every single thing I eat and it has really helped. I also measure my food with a food scale. Don't get discouraged you will get there it just takes a long time. You got this :)
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Oh my goodness ladies... I have no idea what I was thinking but I have been reporting my challenge points all wrong! So sorry! I will do better this week! I mean duh, Meagan! LOL

    Have a fantastic week ladies!
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Way to go Team Iris!!! We are the biggest losers for this week and challenge point winners! Congrats to lomins and meglynne1987 for the biggest individual loser and biggest weight loss in lbs. You guys rock and are keeping me motivated everyday :)

    :) Happy Happy Happy!
  • Way to go Team Iris! =]
    You ladies are awesome!

    And, with that, I must apologize for my dismal showing. Between my dad being in the hospital for what we thought was a heart attack and cake tasting (oh but it was so good) and my grandma's birthday party and valentine's day, I did horrendously. I'm hoping a chunk of it was water weight. But, I'm sorry! This week should be better. <3
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Congrats, Irises! Great job with the challenge this week :)

    At the halfway point, you’ve lost a total of 98.5 LBS! That’s awesome!

    According to your goals, your team has 125.9 LBS to go. It may sound like a lot, but it’s only about 21lbs/week. For a team of 13, that’s around 1.6lbs per week. Can you each commit to that much per week??! I know each and every one of you can do it.

    This may be hard to read, but next to your name, the order is Starting weight (1/6/13); CURRENT WEIGHT; LBS LOST TO DATE; % LOST TO DATE; GOAL WEIGHT; STARTING % TO LOSE; CURRENT % TO LOSE; LBS left to lose; and TARGET LBS per week to lose. I’ll post the spreadsheet tonight so you can read it easier:)

    Oh- and you all are ranked according to percentage lost so far, so congrats to your FIRST HALF WEIGHT LOSS LEADER lildaug (Denise)!!

    lildaug (Denise) 175.00 164.00 -11.00 -6.29% 150.00 14.29% 8.54% 14.00 2.3
    Marrigot (Melissa) 209.00 195.20 -13.80 -6.60% 190.00 9.09% 2.66% 5.20 0.9
    lomins (Lori) 131.00 123.20 -7.80 -5.95% 123.00 6.11% 0.16% 0.20 0.0
    meglynne1987 (Meagan) 235.70 223.20 -12.50 -5.30% 210.70 10.61% 5.60% 12.50 2.1
    irishgrim (Alli) 295.80 281.80 -14.00 -4.73% 271.80 8.11% 3.55% 10.00 1.7
    cedixon0 (Colleen) 259.20 251.20 -8.00 -3.09% 245.00 5.48% 2.47% 6.20 1.0
    Destanie_Robyn (Destanie) 143.00 138.60 -4.40 -3.08% 130.00 9.09% 6.20% 8.60 1.4
    happyfitgirl (Teresa) 233.20 227.20 -6.00 -2.57% 222.00 4.80% 2.29% 5.20 0.9
    Jill4165 (Jill) 186.00 181.60 -4.40 -2.37% 179.00 3.76% 1.43% 2.60 0.4
    michiganmanda (Amanda) 194.80 190.20 -4.60 -2.36% 185.00 5.03% 2.73% 5.20 0.9
    exquisitecadavre (Emily) 276.00 270.00 -6.00 -2.17% 250.00 9.42% 7.41% 20.00 3.3
    arendiva (Rachel) 225.00 220.60 -4.40 -1.96% 200.00 11.11% 9.34% 20.60 3.4
    PlumCrazyGirl (Barb) 197.20 195.60 -1.60 -0.81% 180.00 8.72% 7.98% 15.60 2.6

    CONGRATS to everyone and keep up the good work. Even if you’re struggling, realize that you’re halfway there and you still have 6 weeks to kick it up a notch and reach your goals!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    What was I thinking? That's all I can say...
    If I'm to lose 2.6lbs a week to reach goal.... good golly, I should have aimed for a lower goal.

    Beginning Friday, I started a 30Day Shred, came back to logging food and exercise on MFP....
    All I can hope for is more than 1/2 lb loss -- which seems to be what I was trending.

    To help me along -- stay motivated - results are needed. Positive results. Warm fuzzies.
  • I want all you ladies to stop beating yourself up! Something remarkable has been started on here that I am forever grateful. We have support and strength. Each meal and each day- do the best you can do.

    Let's do this girls!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Thanks irishgrim --

    It's a big mindset to go from beat self up to thinking more positive about self.
    I was on a good roll feeling better - acceptance of me - then the self beatings began.

    Perhaps there are others who will agree with this thinking "accepting small changes will yield big results."
  • Thanks irishgrim --

    It's a big mindset to go from beat self up to thinking more positive about self.
    I was on a good roll feeling better - acceptance of me - then the self beatings began.

    Perhaps there are others who will agree with this thinking "accepting small changes will yield big results."

    Stop it! Just because we don't lose on the scale, doesn't mean we haven't made steps to a healthier life. Compare your diet now and a year ago. I know I eat 100x healthier now that I have in my life!!!!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Yes, the scale isn't the only measure of success.

    It would be good for all of us to see other areas we have been successful with in our journey for a healthier life.
    And to accept there is more success for us in the future.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    Way to go Team Iris!!! We are the biggest losers for this week and challenge point winners! Congrats to lomins and meglynne1987 for the biggest individual loser and biggest weight loss in lbs. You guys rock and are keeping me motivated everyday :)

    Thanks! Ladies we are doing great!!!! I can't wait to see this weeks results!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Unfortunately, this week wasn't good -- there was a slight gain. --- .2lb worth of gain. Sure, it's not a big gain yet it's a gain.
    Seeing the scale numbers increase instead down doesn't mentally help me.
    And I also feel I have let not myself down and all of you on the team.

    Positive things beginning last Friday, 2/15

    Did a February ab challenge daily (2/22 will be 70 sit-ups, 20 push-ups and 55 seconds of plank position)
    Did drink 60+ oz of water daily
    Did do cardio 5x (either Jillian Michaels DVD, stationary bike, yoga, and slow dance class)
    Some days had cardio twice that day (example stationary bike and DVD)
    Did log foods here -- (not every day).
    Was under calories and at desired levels for carbs, cholestrol, protein, etc.
    Did do church study group reading
    Did read the book the counselor suggested

    Yes, will admit, didn't log every day. Typically, the meals were similiar as the days I did log in. Except for one day...
    Will also admit - 1 night I binged on chocolate and snack cakes due to emotional stress.

    I'm disappointed and frustrated -- makes me not want to do the positive things again this week since the results I desired was not there. Feel I incorporated a lot of good changes in one week.

    Some will say, so what .2lb -- that's no change, no big deal.
    When I didn't do all of the positives I lost .5lb so then the negative thoughts -- go back to old ways.
    Your healthier changes didn't work so don't do it.

    Yes, the scale isn't the only measurement -- right now, clothes fit the same and measurements are the same.
    This is why I beat myself up -- there's a focus on what I did badly -- not what I did well.
    Yes, it's a week. Comparing to the start of February, I gained.

    I've had a counselor recently tell me I shouldn't focus on one thing that didn't meet my expectations or work out the way I wanted.
    (There's some big issues, I'm attempting to work through).

    Patience that the results I desire will be there and I have the self confidence to it.
    Plus stick with doing all the good things - don't return to previous ways.

    Has anyone else experienced similiar and what actions did you take?
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    I think the biggest thing we can all do it just stay consistent. If you just keep logging your food, eating healthy foods and working out you will see the results you want. Nothing is going to happen overnight or in a week. This is hard for me to keep to as well, I want instant results. I work my butt off and eat good and I want to see the results right away, but its just not going to happen. If you just keep on the right course and keep chugging along you will get to your goal. Stay positive ladies we can do this and we will look so awesome on our wedding days ^_^
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    Decided there MUST be something wrong with my weight loss approach.
    Went to my health carrier website and found a list of nutrition/dietician.
    Call one -- left a message I would like to be a new patient.

    The one I called stated she a registered dietician and a diabeties educator. I have type 2 diabeties.
    Hoping she accepts new patients and I can get an appointment.

    If not her, I'll go to another name on my list.

    Someday this mystery will be solved!

    Came to realization, my wedding is in 6 1/2 months. I'll be beautiful in the groom's eyes regardless of what weight I am.
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Hi Barb,
    I would have to say that I am in a similar funk. Mine is due to stress and a heavy work burden right now. I have absolutely no time and am having trouble with exercise - just finding the time. For me personally I am just hoping my work burden will lighten soon!