Starting this week-who's in?



  • Since I extended Workouts 1 and 2 by a week - I'm only on my 2nd week of 3 and 4. I have one more of each to do. I, too, am waffling on whether to progress.

    I finally decided to get push up bars yesterday. ( to try to lessen the stress on my wrists. and so far - so good.

    I still can't do more than 2 plank ups - and the plank to crescent STILL eludes me. I am in no rush to get through this program - I love the progress I am seeing. I don't want to delay the inevitable (as I am sure something in 5 and 6 will such just as much as 3) but I LOVE working out to these DVD's. I never thought I would say it. I am so over Cardio 1 though. So today - I am going to the gym to do elliptical/treadmill and probably do a cardio barre DVD in lieu of Jillian's cardio. If I repeat 3 and 4 - I will likely do the same.
  • gatorgirly413
    gatorgirly413 Posts: 38 Member
    Since I extended Workouts 1 and 2 by a week - I'm only on my 2nd week of 3 and 4. I have one more of each to do. I, too, am waffling on whether to progress.

    I finally decided to get push up bars yesterday. ( to try to lessen the stress on my wrists. and so far - so good.

    I still can't do more than 2 plank ups - and the plank to crescent STILL eludes me. I am in no rush to get through this program - I love the progress I am seeing. I don't want to delay the inevitable (as I am sure something in 5 and 6 will such just as much as 3) but I LOVE working out to these DVD's. I never thought I would say it. I am so over Cardio 1 though. So today - I am going to the gym to do elliptical/treadmill and probably do a cardio barre DVD in lieu of Jillian's cardio. If I repeat 3 and 4 - I will likely do the same.

    I decided to keep doing Workouts 3 and 4 for another week. I am banned from doing Cardio 1, running, or using the elliptical until my shins heal a bit. My physical therapist wants me to stop doing anything but walking, but he knows I won't listen, so we agreed to doing only JMBR strength workouts plus biking for cardio. This works out fine since I'm going to be stuck with the hotel gym Thursday-Sunday, and will start Workouts 5 and 6 next week. I may need to keep skipping cardio for a few weeks. Hot yoga is the only alterative to biking that I can think of to get my heart pumping without hurting my shins.

    Can you do military-style pushups yet? I can manage 4-5 before I have to drop to my knees. I once beat the entire football team in pushups. It's amazing how much body weight alone can alter your abilities. Back then, I was 110lbs soaking wet, but ripped. For the plank to crescent - are you keeping your feet/legs wide enough? Normally in a plank your feet are close together, but during this, I keep them wide so that when I go up to crescent, I can maintain my balance the way she wants us to in the forward/backward lunges. I also don't rush to keep up with them because otherwise I will fall over.
  • I tried to keep up with one thing she was doing - I think the backwards lunges - and totally fell over! I felt myself losing balance and then I was down. I found it hilarious!

    I can do a whopping 2 miltary pushups. Sometimes I can get a 3rd but it isn't pretty.
  • jg4ever
    jg4ever Posts: 85 Member
    I tried to keep up with one thing she was doing - I think the backwards lunges - and totally fell over! I felt myself losing balance and then I was down. I found it hilarious!

    I can do a whopping 2 miltary pushups. Sometimes I can get a 3rd but it isn't pretty.

    I'm on Phase 1 and today I will be doing workout 4. Yesterday doing workout 3 about killed me. Those military push ups are the worst. I couldn't even do one. I kept falling on my face. I laughed and my husband said that he didn't think I should be laughing :laugh: O well Thursday I will do better with it I'm sure I just don't have much for upper body strength.
  • gatorgirly413
    gatorgirly413 Posts: 38 Member
    I tried to keep up with one thing she was doing - I think the backwards lunges - and totally fell over! I felt myself losing balance and then I was down. I found it hilarious!

    I can do a whopping 2 miltary pushups. Sometimes I can get a 3rd but it isn't pretty.

    I'm on Phase 1 and today I will be doing workout 4. Yesterday doing workout 3 about killed me. Those military push ups are the worst. I couldn't even do one. I kept falling on my face. I laughed and my husband said that he didn't think I should be laughing :laugh: O well Thursday I will do better with it I'm sure I just don't have much for upper body strength.

    It's better than crying right? I have yet to cry during a JMBR workout, but I know it'd be a different tale if she were actually standing there in my basement with me.
  • I haven't cried - but I do aim for her face on the TV when I do the "punching" cardio interval.

    I *almost* cried this morning - my right oblique was KILLING me during the inchworm. I have no idea why - but it was the first time I have ever really felt a stomach muscle in a VERY LONG time - so I'll take it!
  • journeytocaitlin
    journeytocaitlin Posts: 49 Member
    I'm starting this Saturday so Sunday can also be my rest day, work out better for me. Would love to be buddies with everyone starting to keep each other motivated! :) I've been off the healthy bandwagon for a few weeks and have gained back some weight so I'm definitely ready to buckle down and GET THIS WEIGHT OFF.
  • leannan24
    leannan24 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone. Mind if I join in?? I just did Workout 1 and actually survived. Not doing Jumpstart as I work 12 hr shifts 3-4 days a week. Looking forward to tomorrow. Nice to find others for support!!
  • Definitely did something to my left quad. Any workout that primarly focuses on that (reverse lunges in Workout #3 for example) KILL me. I can do the right leg fine, but the left leg isn't working. I'm icing and massaging it - hoping it's just tight. Going to try to go to the doc on Friday to make sure it's just the muscle acting up and not anything else.

    I may be stuck on workouts 3 and 4 until I can get this quad back in action.
  • gatorgirly413
    gatorgirly413 Posts: 38 Member
    Definitely did something to my left quad. Any workout that primarly focuses on that (reverse lunges in Workout #3 for example) KILL me. I can do the right leg fine, but the left leg isn't working. I'm icing and massaging it - hoping it's just tight. Going to try to go to the doc on Friday to make sure it's just the muscle acting up and not anything else.

    I may be stuck on workouts 3 and 4 until I can get this quad back in action.

    Oh no! I know how you feel because I've been sidelined from running and the cardio workouts due to severe shin splints in both legs. I have to bike instead. Bummed because I start Phase 2 today and was looking forward to Cardio 2 on Wednesday, but we'll see what my PT says. Definitely keep icing after your workouts and taking something to relieve the inflammation.
  • Catalpa62
    Catalpa62 Posts: 40 Member
    Cardio 2: plie' hops into cross-jacks are the devil. Oh well. Hahah

    It's hard to believe that I've almost finished Workouts 5 and 6; just one more of each to go. These past two weeks have flown by! I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Catalpa62
    Catalpa62 Posts: 40 Member
    Man, she is not messing around with Workout 7. My shoulders and arms are *screaming* today! I'm looking forward to Workout 8, though. :)
  • vickiaf
    vickiaf Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone, mind if I jump in? Just did day 2 of week one today. I am blogging throughout my 90 day journey. Feel free to follow me at or add me as a friend.
  • msuzie
    msuzie Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all! I started about 5 weeks ago and got through Phase 1, but still couldn't do everything as successfully as I wanted. I decided to go back to Workout 1 and 2 for a week, then do 3 and 4 next week instead of moving on. My husband did 5 and 6 this week and it sounds pretty tough. Anyway, it was amazing how much more I could push myself and how much better I was at Workouts 1 and 2 after doing 3 and 4 for a couple of weeks. I'm hoping I'll feel better about 3 and 4 next week and can move on. I just don't get how anyone who isn't already in decent shape could do half of these exercises! They are HARD! :) Good luck everyone!
  • Just did workout #6 last night - wasn't as bad as I was envisioning.

    Question - for the swing move that she says many people use kettlebells for - is anyone actually using a kettlebell? I think I may go out and get one this weekend - since I am too conscious of my grip on the weight that I'm using my arms and shoulders when I know I shouldn't.
  • Catalpa62
    Catalpa62 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm starting Phase 3 today!! I'm more nervous for Workouts 9 and 10 than I have been for any of the previous ones, though I can't say why. Well, we'll see! Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • How's Phase 3? I am so behind - still on Workouts 5 and 6 - wanted to push them another week - but I haven't actually "worked out with Jillian" since Wednesday night. Went away for a long weekend and didn't want to worry about my weights. I did a TON of walking (and stair climbing!) and managed to lose weight. But tonight I'm back at workout 5. My triceps already hurt.
  • Catalpa62
    Catalpa62 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm not going to sugar coat it: Phase 3 is rough. Workout 9 is the hardest yet - I had more trouble with these moves than in any other workout. Workout 10 is tough, but doable. On a friend's suggestion, I watched Cardio 3 to prepare for doing it tomorrow. One word: yikes.

    HOWEVER! I do feel like Phase 2 prepared for me the craziness of Phase 3, and I'm glad I pushed myself - added weights, kicked higher, etc. - when the moves in Workouts 5 through 8 became a little easier. No matter how messy Phase 3 gets, I will prevail!

    I'm glad you managed to stay active on the long weekend! Well done! And I don't think it's a bad thing that you're 'behind'. I'm sticking to Jillian's schedule because I have a vacation coming up at the end of April, and I want to push through this program before I leave. But when I come back, I'm going to start over again, right from Workout 1 (though I'll probably do Cardio 2 and 3 to keep myself challenged) and I'm going to take my time, sticking with the workouts for as long as I feel I need them before moving on. :)
  • Catalpa62
    Catalpa62 Posts: 40 Member
    Well, I've just finished Cardio 3, and I don't think I've ever sweat so much, hahah. But it's very do-able! This is going to be an incredibly fun final phase!!
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Restarting today. I was in the middle of week 3 when a nasty cold derailed me. Restarting today. Good luck.