Introduce Yourself!



  • Good morning everybody! I am new to the group. I am hoping to lose 30 pounds by my 29th birthday this summer. Definitely need as much support & motivation as possible. Lol
  • Hello all,

    I've been on MFP for a little over a year and have (re)lost about 30lbs using the helpful food tracker and working out of course. I'm looking to shed another 10 and then to keep using the tools and support to keep it off. I'm in NW Houston Beltway 8 &290 area and I workout at Planet Fitness super early in the morning 3 days a week.

    Good luck to everyone on here!
  • Hello, my name is Krystal.. Just started tracking and doing regular exercise.. Bought some adjustable dumbells and a stationary cycle.. do the cycle three times a week, and weights three times a week, with one off day.. Barely notice a difference but still really motivated.. Wanting to lose at least 40 lbs.. feel free to add me and any advice is always welcome :)
  • Hi Everyone! I am new to myfitnesspal as of 2 weeks ago. I want to lose 10% of my weight and keep it off (then I would like to lose another 10% once I reach my goal). I just synced my fitbit, so I hope to start shedding some weight soon! I like to walk, water jog, and I try and go to the YMCA 1-2 times a week. It's hard to find time to get moving, but hopefully tracking everything will help keep me motivated!
  • anita0212
    anita0212 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I've been on MFP for about a year now and decided to join this group a couple of days ago. Anyway I live in the Jersey Village area and work out about 5 days a week. I exercise at LA Fitness where there is a great group of women (and man) and a fun atmosphere. That's probably why I drag myself out of bed most mornings to go. I'm looking for more friends in the area who want to get in shape. You can friend request me. I will be sure to reply. Have a great day everyone!!!!
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi,,,,,just found this group, live in Montgomery County. Been on MFP for 40 plus days. Good to know others from the Houston area.
  • wykyd
    wykyd Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I'm Cheryl. I dedicated myself to getting fit and living a healthy lifestyle about 4 months ago and have been doing really well. I've learned to LOVE exercise and eating healthy. I've lost over 20 pounds so far. Just re-joined myfitnesspal today because I wanted to use it to track my calories instead of doing it by hand. Anyway, would love to make some local friends. I'm currently doing strength training and preparing to do my first 5k!
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    On the NW side here near willowbrook, looking for a morning gym buddy...
  • Hello All!
    I'm Keley and I've been in Houston almost one year. I work full time at the Medical Center and am trying to balance work, family and my health goals. I have a treadmill and cable weight machine at home but am often too tired or unmotivated to use it. I was riding my bike on weekends and then I lost interest after a cold snap. I'm considering taking sneakers to work and walking on my lunch break just to log some steps on my FitBit pedometer. I have a house full of clean healthy food and I'm going to try again. Wish me luck...also check my bio for more history if you are interested. Thanks!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Sounds like you have everything in place! I think walking at work is a good idea - I need to get back in to that. Not sure where you work in med center but I noticed that even when it got hot outside, it was pretty easy to find outside routes that were shaded from buildings, and also a lot of air conditioned buildings/skywalks (though I would easily get lost!)
  • AltaicaTigre
    AltaicaTigre Posts: 1,597 Member
    Looks like I never introduced myself. I'm Antonio, live/work in The Woodlands. I work out daily, have a membership at Anytime fitness and also do MMA/Ju JItsu 4 times a week. My weakness is that I have a horrible sweet tooth. If you want to know more, FR me and ask :)
  • rhapsodydiva
    rhapsodydiva Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I'm Jaimee. A 34 year old mom of a 2 yr old son and 2 bonus daughters I received as wedding presents. :) I live in Spring (North side) and mostly work out at home or the gym at work. I'm looking to gain support and give encouragement in this process of healthier living. Here's to losing with you.
  • tmlandgraf
    tmlandgraf Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, I'm Traci. I am a Heights girl and love being so close to basically everything. I have been struggling with my weight basically my entire life. I initially joined MFP a few years ago but never really utilized it. I started back on MFP in February when I got my FitBit and learned that the two sync with each other.

    I am a type 1 diabetic, I have hypothyroidism, and I can be an emotional eater, so it's a triple whammy to the system and makes an already difficult task even harder (losing weight that is). I am determined to keep trying, and always seem to pick myself up after I crash and burn. I just had my thyroid dosage changed, so I am hoping that will help since my efforts have been fruitless thus far.

    I have a trainer that I work out with twice a week and I am looking to add a third day to get more strength training in. I try to do cardio as well 3-4 times a week, but as life tends to get in the way from time to time, that doesn’t always happen. I know I need to make it my primary focus and I will be the first to admit that it doesn’t always play out like that.

    I am looking for support and since we are all in the same neck of the woods, I thought this might be a good place to start.
  • brock_west_houston
    brock_west_houston Posts: 23 Member
    West Side here. I work in Katy, looking for weightlifting and swimming buddies at Mary Jo Peckham park (free gym and pool there), Monday-Friday afternoons or evenings.
  • Hey All-

    Live in the Kingwood area, signed up on this site for some accountability. I am a consultant and travel a ton for work which makes it challenging but I need/want to get through it.

    My wife and I currently work out at the LifeTime fitness and enjoy running-

    Feel free to throw an add for encouragement and accountability action!

  • asmithTXfit
    asmithTXfit Posts: 51 Member
    Hello Fellow Houstonians ... From the Kingwood Area. Been on MFP for a little while, but finally back tracking and making myself accountable. Here is to getting in shape for summer!
  • Hello fellow Houstonians! I’m Jared. I’m fairly new to the Houston area. Moved here last year from North Carolina. I live in NW Houston and go to the YMCA at 249 and Cypresswood. I just finished up the Insanity program and lost 18 lbs. I used MFP to help with the diet portion of the Insanity program as I’m on a 1500 calorie a day diet. I’m getting ready to do a 2 month strength training program before I cycle back to Insanity for two months and could use a work out buddy who can work out in the afternoons after work from 5:00 – 6:30. I plan to maintain a calorie deficient diet during this time. I have 12 more pounds to lose to get to my goal of 155 lbs. If this sounds good to you then hit me up.

  • Hey everybody,

    I've always been a bit on the lazy side, so losing weight has always been a bit of a challenge. Over the years I've played sports, which has helped me sustain my weight. However, I no longer have that cushion. I've gained about 15 pounds since 06. Yea, this probably doesn't sound like a lot. But at 5'3", it's a ton! I've lost a much of my muscle mass. I'm on MFP to hold myself accountable! I've realized that I NEED STRUCTURE. When I have to guess and wing it, as far as food choices, exercise, etc. It never works out for me. And usually after a few days it looks like my cheeks are filled with marshmallows... lol. My goal is to lose 25-30 pounds. I'm up for suggestions :glasses:
  • cheverejones
    cheverejones Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! Haven't been on MFP in a while. About a year ago, I exchanged my rigorous diet/workout routine for lengthy late-night study sessions. Looking for some Texas-sized support :)
  • Hello there everyone! My name's Danielle, and I pretty much on here, not to loose a dramatic amount of weight, but to completely change my life style for the benefit of my health. Also, I was hoping by doing so not only would my health improve, but my figure and moods as well! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey with you, my fellow Houstonians! Feel free to add me as a friend, also! :smile:

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