Where does everyone go to school?



  • azavala78
    azavala78 Posts: 74 Member
    California State University, Long Beach. I absolutely love it here - very diverse, the weather is lovely, and the faculty and staff in my graduate program are phenomenal. :heart:
  • I attend Georgia State University. I am pursuing a bachelors in nursing.
  • I go to York University in Toronto. Taking history. The history program is amazing, but the school as a whole is just ok.
  • Proud CAL bear [: anybody else attend UC Berkeley??
  • Hi all! I'm a second-year MA student at the University of Colorado-Boulder.
  • I go to Missouri S&T for Biological Sciences. The dorm food is HORRIBLE
  • How is it? I'm thinking about going there for my PhD
  • Hi all! I'm a second-year MA student at the University of Colorado-Boulder.

    How is it? I'm thinking about going there for my PhD
  • cassfitnesspal
    cassfitnesspal Posts: 5 Member
    Ryerson University, downtown Toronto :)
  • I go to the University of Windsor
    Took an intrest in the medical field from an early age, so I am currently an undergrad in Biological sciences and Chemistry
    The rogram is pretty flexible I suppose, I find it allows me to achieve my fitness goals
  • Wow, that's a great school!
  • hannahpark3r
    hannahpark3r Posts: 50 Member
    Belmont. You've probably never heard of it (that's such a hipster thing to say, I'm sorry). I like it, because it's one of the only schools in the country with my program of study, but I can be a bit too conservative for my tastes. But I like to pretend like I go to Vanderbilt since I spend more time there anyway haha.
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    University of Wisconisin-Stevens Point!
  • stingraykelly
    stingraykelly Posts: 4 Member
    Auburn University, finishing up my undergrad in May and staying here to start pharmacy school in august.

    I'm at Auburn too!!! I'm a junior on the pre-pharm track!
  • Wow... no one from either of my schools on here yet!

    I got my BA in English from Erskine College in Due West, South Carolina (which may very well win for the smallest school listed here, as there were only about 600 students total!). Right now I'm working on a Master's of Art in Teaching for theatre at the University of South Carolina - Columbia, so that when I graduate I'll be able to get certified in both English and theatre/drama at the high school level.
  • jenniehoggard1
    jenniehoggard1 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Jennie and I am a senior at University of Central Oklahoma, Mortuary Science Program. I am excited to find this group and hoping to find the support I need to power through these last few months and end it with a body I'm happy with!!!
  • vaiolet
    vaiolet Posts: 3
    University of New South Wales in Sydney, but I'm going on exchange to the USA in semester 1, 2014! Any advice on where to go welcome - I'd love to go to one awesome university in some amazing city :)
  • Winter_Nights
    Winter_Nights Posts: 14 Member
    im a Sophomore at the University of Rochester studying biochemistry and doing pre-dental.
  • jngoff9
    jngoff9 Posts: 3 Member
    Graduated last year from Saint Louis University, starting grad school in the fall at Boston University!
  • lynzbeaner
    lynzbeaner Posts: 31 Member
    I go to Governor State University- the most affordable university in all of Illinois. I'm getting my master's of science in Speech-language pathology.