


  • esthenrvarga
    Hi, I am Esther and I'm from Los Angeles. I'm 26 and a proud mom of 2 beautiful kids. When I had my second baby I gained 35 pounds. I haven't had the motivation to lose it. I'm currently on my second week of insanity and its crazy. I haven't lost pounds but have lost 2 inches . Anyone else on day 11??
  • Kisuke30
    Kisuke30 Posts: 668 Member
    Hello, I'm Hunter, I'm a 30 year old firefighter from Louisiana. Just started day 1 insanity again today with the fitness test. Did it once a while back, got two weeks in, then took time off after having lithotripsy surgery for kidney stones and never got back into it. Hoping I can keep myself motivated enough to continue and get in the shape I want to be in! If there's anyone else out there on day one, add me and we can compare notes/keep motivation! have a great day everyone!
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Melanie. I am waiting for my HRM to come in the mail and when it does I will start Insanity. I will be taking Saturday off instead of Sunday and will most likely not be using insanity on days I have taekwondo purely due to time constraints. If by some miracle of time management I end up with enough minutes on those days to do both, I will.

    I live in south Louisiana, just got my yellow belt (the kids got their green stripes), and am a divorced mother of 3.
  • daravick
    Hey Everyone! I'm Dara! I'm 23 and I just graduated college! However, while in college I gained 30lb :( I went from 140 to 170 and I would give anything (including my SANITY) to get back to 140 and then down to 130. I have done the first month of insanity before and then quit because I thought the second month of workouts were just too long! But I'm ready to kick it into high gear and go INSANE and lose this weight!!
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi I'm Samantha, 31yrs old from California. I just started Insanity semi-officially for real yesterday. I did the fit test & a couple workouts about a month ago to get the idea, but since I hadn't been able to work out much the past few years I kept hurting myself & not able to workout or even walk much for at least a few days each time. I was a dancer all growing up from when I was 3 until recently, so knowing how to pace myself at a beginner level is kinda foreign to me. I'm planning on not pushing that 110% this week so that I can consistently work out each day. From being sore under my arms & down the backs of my legs today from last night, I think I found the balance of working hard for results but not so much that it disables me from being able to workout again the next day. :) I chose Insanity because I of course wanted quick results, and also because I desperately need to work on my cardio for health.
  • lacalif11
    lacalif11 Posts: 3 Member
    OK! I'm excited to find this group! I'm 41 y.o. and and trying to lose these last, stubborn 7# to make my total weight loss a cool 60 #. What a journey!

    I just finished Day 5 of my Insanity journey! and WHEW, what a challenge the upcoming 55 days will be!
  • AmyLosesWeight
    Hi! My name is Amy and i'm 18 years old. I'm starting my third week of insanity. I have never sweat so much in my life before! Can't wait to see my end results! :smile:
  • ashabee11
    ashabee11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, I'm Ashley, 27 and I have about 50lbs of baby weight (although my baby is now 14 months so its more lazy weight now) to lose. Tomorrow will finish my second week of insanity. I am so ready to get back in shape and have the energy to chase my very active toddler.
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Amy. I'm 37 years old and I just started Insanity for the first time. I'm on my 4th day and I thought I should join a support group because I'm having a hard time with it. I don't want to give up because I know I will get better and stronger over time, I just have to push through and get it done.

    I'm here to lose about 30 lbs and I've exercised before, but I was too impatient (immediate gratification) to stick it out to get to where I really want to be. I've decided this is a lifestyle change, and I'm going to stick with it. Because I deserve it.
  • misssararae
    misssararae Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm Sara a 28 year-old mother of one who is on day 9 of Insanity. I started out changing my diet into clean eating (I cut out soda, any processed food and infused my diet with raw foods...pretty close to a primal diet at this point) and then started up with Insanity. I LOVE IT! I'm so motivated and I've already started to drop pounds and inches I can't even believe it! I'd love to find more friends on here for motivation to stick with it!!!
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Hey I'm Raven! I'm on Day 8 Of Insanity! I had to restart my 2nd week due to me catching the flu :( ! So I started my 2nd week of Insanity Today! Yay!(: Feel free to add me so we can stay motivated and determined. Gotta get this weight off and get that Summer Body! ^_^
  • PowdaMyDonuts
    My name is Julie. I'm 30 years old and I have a 19 month old son. I started Insanity workout in January 2013 and I'm now on day 39. I read blogs and forums about Month 2 being where the magic happens. I thought I was doing great the first month but month 2 is kicking my butt. I found this group and hope reading other peoples stories/comments will help motivate me to keep pressing play.
  • shaquel_wilson
    Hey Guys,
    Im Shaquel! My fiance and I are doing insanity together and we are on day 6 of Insanity.
    We have a wedding coming up just shy of a year, and really are just young and want to live life to the fullest!
    We are 20 and 21 and both weigh roughly 200 pounds. She is looking to lose about 50 pounds and I am wanting to lose around 30.
    Just wanted to drop in and say hello and if anyone needs motivation or anything or would like to help motivate me I would love it!
  • wbfd22
    wbfd22 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm 34, the mother of a very energetic 2 year old boy and a former volunteer firefighter. I am down to my pre pregnancy weight, but I want to get down to my pre hubby weight!! I am starting week 2 of Insanity today.......and every time I do it, I ask myself if I'm INSANE!!

    Shaun T re-tweeted me last week!! That was some serious motivation!! I asked him if he knew the definition of Insanity. Its doing his plyometric cardio workout with a 2 year old in the same room!!

  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    You guys are all awesome! Good luck to all of you! I finished Insanity twice... still think it is Insane! haha!
  • sophiaswanson2
    Hello everyone!!!

    My name is Sophia. I am 24 years old and I am here to get into shape... I would like to know how it feels to be fit. I have been big since I hit puberty I guess.... Just really thick I guess you could say and after having my son I went from 280 to 249... I dont know how much I weigh now I do not plan on weighing myself till the end of my first month of insanity... I havent weighed myself in 3 months since working out... We shall see... I am not beginning to eat right... I would love to be added as your friend on here so that we can all motivate one another till the finish line. My goal weight will be 189 and from there we shall see where it takes me... I am 5'7... and I would like to do insanity 2 times before beginning insanity asylum and the asylum 2... I am wondering if it is okay to do other workouts while doing insanity... I have had no past injuries...

    Mmmmmm yup :D Nice to meet you guys and I am very excited to have found this group... Talk with yall soon....
  • shannie23
    shannie23 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey Everyone!!

    I'm Shannon - 31year old mom from Ontario Canada. I'm on day 4 of Insanity. I've been liking it so far - really kicking my butt! I'm looking to meet others and learning more about the nutrition side of the program. I have never finished a workout program, but I'm determined to get this done - as seeing the magic that happens in month 2 has peeked my interest =)

    If anyone wants to add me - please do! Would love to check out your food diaries=)
  • amberleighxoxo1
    Hey Everyone, my name is Amber and I am currently 229lbs (yikes) I am going to be doing my first insanity workout today! I have about 80lbs to loose so I am hoping this and mfp can help me achieve my goals :) I am 20 years old and a mom of one incredibly cute little man. I reside in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I was always a really skinny and fit kid, then got pregnant and depressed. But no more I am ready to get back to the real me again! I want a beach body next year!
  • stephy1130
    stephy1130 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All

    My name is Stephanie and I joined this group to get support with insanity! Today was my first day of doing it and I did the Fit Test and I don't think I did too well! Hopefully by the end of this I will have improved! I am excited and nervous at the same time to continue insanity! I want to get into shape and be fit for the summer. I did Jillian Michaels DVDs about 6 months ago and lost 15 pounds, so I am not looking to loose weight but to get into shape! Look forward to hearing the all of your stories!
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    I'm Alicia and I'm on day 22 of Insanity! It's been difficult but not OMG I AM GOING TO PASS OUT difficult, buuuuuut we'll see how I feel about month 2 haha ><