Weekly chat thread Mon 3/4 to Sun 3/10



  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    Does anyone do a different rest day than Wed? Not sure if it makes a difference with the way the program is set up?

    I won't be resting tomorrow. I will vary my rest day on Saturday or Sunday. I would much rather have a weekend day off and work my butt off on Wednesday.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Does anyone do a different rest day than Wed? Not sure if it makes a difference with the way the program is set up?

    I won't be resting tomorrow. I will vary my rest day on Saturday or Sunday. I would much rather have a weekend day off and work my butt off on Wednesday.

    Yes this is how I feel. Not sure yet on Fri, Sat, Sun yet. Thank you.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I like having my rest day on a weekday and then exercising through the weekend to keep my TDEE up a little. I'm super active at work all week and then super sedentary on the weekends (except for exercise) and recently, was notified my schedule on Wednesday's starting the week of the 18th will be going until 5pm, which means I don't get home til 6pm so I'll be more than glad to keep that as my rest day :smile:

    Well, I got my workout done! I had a ridiculously busy day at work and was physcially tired (my back... is, OW.) and I kinda didn't want to, but I got it done! Fire 30 and Tone 30 done. I started using my dumbbells with he strength workouts because I have ones that I can change the plates out and make heavier- so I figure why buy bands to accomodate my strength when I have dumbbells already? So that's what I do. Dumbbells instead of the bands during the workouts.
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I took today as my rest day to give my elbow a break so I'm going to try to do fire 45 tomorrow as long it's feeling better then :)
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    Starlage what is your active job? I'm a teacher for adults with developmental disabilities, so I'm usually sitting or standing, but not really too active.
  • parnyparn
    parnyparn Posts: 47 Member
    I just found this group on the eve of what is my one month mark of doing turbo fire. How amazing.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I just found this group on the eve of what is my one month mark of doing turbo fire. How amazing.

    Excellent. I just started Mon with TF and this group. Congrats on the one month. Love this site in general and group is very helpful. Many successes..makes this so motivating. Welcome!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Turbo Fire Day 12 - Fire 55 EZ DONE! 431 cals burned

    Don't let that "EZ" fool ya - Fire 55 EZ is long and tough! I have to admit, I almost quit halfway thru Fire 55 today. I just did NOT feel like working out this morning. My energy was low and it was so early in the morning, that I really dreaded working out. But I didn't quit and I finished all the way thru. So - go ME! :)

    Happy hump day!

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    cnlargent- I'm a medical assistant in a head and neck specialty clinic on a big hospital. The clinic's HUGE and I spend my day rooming patients, cleaning exam rooms, sterilizing endoscopes, calling patients, returning faxes, coordinating special exams, assisting with procedures. I'm up out of my chair about 75% of the week walking and moving around, so it gets my TDEE up into the upper 2000's most days (I wear a bodymedia fit).

    parnyparn- welcome!

    peoticmoe- seriously, why are they called "ez" anyhow?! I don't get that. They're normal workouts! There are less HIIT drills, but other than that they're nonstop turbofire activity the whole time. Love them!

    Today's a rest day for me! I've exercised 7 days in a row - definitely made up for my extra rest days the last couple of weeks! LOL. I've earned my rest day, and may even take another tomorrow, we'll see.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    So far 55EZ is my favorite, but I've heard the advanced discs are even better, I can't wait to start them next week!

    Also my new heart rate monitor is being delivered today. Yay! I realized my old one (had less than 2 months) was not giving me accurate readings, so I spurged on a Polar RS100.
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    I might have lied, ha ha after Low HIIT 20 yesterday and almost 90 minutes of shoveling all together, I can barely walk. I am SO sore. I might try one of the stretch dvds, but probably not gonna go forward to Fire Starter and Stretch 10 again. I'm doing the Fire Starter schedule in the Super Gym, dunno if anyone else is/ has done that one. Looks like I do Fire 40 the next day, and the Fire Starter again on Saturday, I would assume to master some of the moves.
  • DianaV86
    DianaV86 Posts: 146 Member
    I just finished my first TF workout! Fire Starter was fun! I'm looking forward to officially starting the 12 weeks on Monday
  • parnyparn
    parnyparn Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for the welcome guys I totally enjoyed my work out my fourteen yr old even comment she felt she could go longer and coming from a teenager that says alot. Charlene has converted my teenager in one month whoohoo.

    She still hasnt given up her un healthy foods but has now happily eats salads when it shows up on her plate and since she feels so full she has no room for those after dinner snacks. I have tricked her LOL.

    Husband joined in today since he came home early and he gave up and sat on the steps. lol.. he thought we were nuts but he is skinny fat so i just continued away i felt so empowered today like I accomplished something so great just with completing this one month. WHOOO HOOO. BRING ON MONTH 2 FIRE55ez tommorrow
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Just realized I did the wrong workout yesterday. Whoops! It was supposed to be HIIT 15, but I did Fire45- oh well. I am taking tonight as a rest day, was going to go with a weekend day but, today is it for this week at least. TOM has me run down. Think tomorrow will be better, though. Will make sure I follow the schedule tomorrow. Lol
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I did Fire 45 tonight, and I'll probably do it tomorrow night too. My schedule is all over the place right now with hurting my arm/elbow, but I'm going to get back on track before I leave for Florida on friday! goal is to workout everyday until next Friday!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi Ladies, Boy you have all been busy. I had a lot of posts to read :) I am glad everyone is doing good, having fun and pushing play. I checked out your photos and saw the progress so exciting. I also have my schudles hanging every where so I can get excited too! I always take my rest day as sunday, no matter what program I do. They just give you a schudle to go by but it's not set in stone ;) So today I did fire 60. Man I really love that one. The music is AWESOME. Oh and don't be fulled by the name the cool down is like 8 mins and you are done before 60 mins is up. Not sure why they named it that, it should be fire 55. Just cause it isn't 60 mins, it will still kick your butt.!!!!!! Charlean says in the dvd it's just like running 8 miles. It's intense but like I said I love it!!! I really like the lower 20 and upper 20. If you think the scuplts are tough, 20 mins and your burnin. I also enjoy the abs more she does so much better in the advanced set. (Just what I think) Have a great night ladies! Keep pushing play! :)
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hello ladies and new ladies!

    It's been a crazy hectic week last week so this week I am redoing Week 11. Switched out my rest day yesterday and just did Fire 45 (My fave). I love the last 15 minute combos with "Boom I got your boyfriend". I didn't want it to end. I surely got my 2nd wind and my 3rd and 4th wind. LOL. It felt great to do Stretch 10.

    I was supposed to do Sculpt 30 on Monday and I sub'd CLX: Burn Circuit 1 (bonus dvd) instead. Loved it!

    Keep pressing "play" and "you're not tired"!

    Always remember, strive to be a better person than you were yesterday!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    dym- a polar, what a fun toy! I had wanted one for a long time, but then ultimately decided to spend the money on the bodymedia fit. Have fun!

    cnlargent- sounds like you're doing great at listening to your body. :smile:

    junebug- I never did the firestarter because I had already been doing turbojam for so long, good to know it's fun! Welcome to your TF schedule!!

    parny- that's so awesome your family's doing it together sometimes! What fun!

    april- I swap my workouts around during the week a lot, no big deal I think. I think the goal is just to not do HIITs back to back and mix in strength 2-3 times a week.

    slroggeman- hope your elbow's improving! I'm sure you're eager to get back to regular TF!

    vini- good to know the fire 60 and lower/upper 20 are so fun! I can't wait to get to those!!

    my rest day has been faaaaabulous :smile: but work was SO BUSY again. I had another workday where I was out of my seat more than I was in it, so my bmf burn for today is projected at over 2500- that's without exercise! Amazes me something how high my TDEE gets with just my normal life. I haven't decided yet whether I'll do another rest day tomorrow or just get back to it. I definitely decided to take a maintanence break though. Your metabolism needs thats break every once and awhile. I've been eating at a deficit for the most part of the last three months, so it's about time. I've been extra hungry this past week, so today I just decided to eat at maintenance, ended around 2500 cals for the day and decided to do it for the next week before going back to the 20-25% cut I've been doing.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    <=== And I decided to go back to one of my favorite comparison shots. :smile: Me in 2008 at my heaviest and me a last summer when I was about the weight I've gotten back to now (before christmas gain).
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I think by the weekend I'll be able to make up the strength classes, which I'm really excited for! I hate being off the schedule but at least I could work out today! My HRM strap needed to be washed again so I didn't get the burn from that and had to estimate tonight but ah, well, next time (aka tomorrow) it should be working and I'll get an accurate burn.