


  • jacosta86
    jacosta86 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Jessica. I am 26 years old and have a beautiful son. I am currently a stay at home mom. I am engaged to the love of my life, 7 years and still going strong. I love to have fun and laugh. I love to read anything that captivates my interests. I love to go to the movies, dancing, shopping, and taking pictures. I love any activity that includes the outdoors. I'm interested in almost all activities, so finding something to do, should never be a problem.

    I am short 4' 10". The ideal weight for my height is 91 lbs to 120 lbs.

    I have been back and fourth with my weight since the day I had my son 6 years ago. I never suffered from weight since I was practically underweight most of my life. My pre pregnancy weight I was only 82 lbs size 0/00. During the course of my pregnancy I gain 58 lbs reaching to 138 lbs. My postpartum weight was 115 lbs size 5. Nine months postpartum I decided to start getting back in shape working out everyday 3 hrs a day 2 days off and started taking diet pills as well, ate once a day, attending school, cook, cleaning, and taking care of a baby helped decrease my weight. I went down to 105 lbs size 1/2. I felt better and my confidence boosted. I was doing well til I moved 3 yrs ago and found out I was pregnant. I went back up to 112 lbs in less then a month. I had a miscarriage and since then my weight started increasing. I am so ready to get my sexy back and kick the pounds off.
  • kristynsflab
    kristynsflab Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! Im a SAHM to 7 -8yrs to 8 months. Would LOVE to have more friends for and to support! Im on here everyday!!!
  • anglxanadu27
    Hey everyone! I'm a 38 year old mother of 3 who needs to lose a few pounds (20 or so) and would love any advice you can give me. I need exercise tips, diet tips etc. My main problem with my diet is alcohol I think. I am trying to cut that out but would love to add some friends for support. Nice to meet you all and looking forward to working together :smile:
  • Jendawn288
    Hi everyone. I'm Jen. I am new, and want to try and get into shape. My daughter is 4 months old. I am trying to get back into a routine between feedings and changes and would love some advice. I am 217lbs and want to be back down to 150lbs. I could also use friends as well. I believe the key to success is support.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Hi I'm Valerie
    I'm a mom of three. Ages 7, 4,and 11 months. I am getting seriously addicted to this website! Just joined your group! hello all :)
  • jewbiee
    WASSSSSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPP ladies! my names Hannah. Hoping we all can encourage each other on our weight loss journey!! I am energetic. like a female Jack Black....which means I'm fat. LOL! I like to keep it lighthearted...gotta be able to laugh at yourself~! lets be friends!! :D
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Nadia. 26, mom of 2 aged 5 and 2. I live in Alberta, Canada. I enjoy food (duh) general craftyness, crochet being my favourite, nerdy things and wine.

    I've been working to drop some of the weight from having babies and just recently decided to really kick it up a notch. So MFP has been a great kick in the butt, the support has been awesome.

    So, I've decided to take part in a 30 day shred challenge as well as daily yoga, walking and other activity.

    Nice to meet you all and feel free to add me.
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    Hello All! I'm a 25 year old mama to 2 wonderful kids. Five and 2 year old! I started my weight loss journey in August at 210 and I am now at 175. I would like to get to 140! I have a long road ahead of me but MFP has been a big help and given me lots of motivation. Nice to meet you all!!
  • JessieJanie
    JessieJanie Posts: 428
    Hi Moms! My name's Jessie, and I'm looking forward to meeting some awesome and encouraging moms out there! I'm 28, with two little girls, and a full time job. My goal is to lose 60lbs and get healthy, without projecting any of my body/food issues on to my girls. Feel free to add me!
  • colleenwhale
    colleenwhale Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and to this group. I'm a mom of 2 boys, age 3.5 and 8 months. Looking to finally lose all that baby weight and then some.
  • raelynny
    raelynny Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm a mom to a beautiful little girl who is going to be 1 soon. After losing all of my baby weight gained shortly after my daughter was born, I have gained most of it back, and am really motivated to finally lose it all. My CW is 217 and my GW is 150, so I have about 65-70 lbs to lose! My short term goal is just to get under 200 lbs though :)
  • MavenMassage505
    Hey everyone,
    I'm a mom now and trying to get rid of this baby weight. Please feel free to add me. I have 37lbs to go to hit my ideal weight and can always use more encouragement.
  • mandymay8500

    I am a stay at home mom to 4 kids. My goal is to lose 75 pounds. Looking for motivation and support!
  • DiChic74
    DiChic74 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all! I just joined MFP today after hearing about it from a co-worker, and immediately found this moms' group! I am a mom of a 3 1/2 year old boy and I work FT. My biggest challenges are choosing healthy foods (I LOVE to eat) and identifying/fitting in exercise that will target my problem areas (belly fat remaining from pregnancy and thighs). I am currently trying to lose about 20 lbs. I'll be putting the app on my iPod touch so I can update my food diary all the time, no excuses! (I'm probably one of the few cave people left who doesn't have a smartphone, ha ha ha!) Looking forward to helping motivate you all and getting motivation in return!!!
  • wildflower1977
    wildflower1977 Posts: 12 Member
    hi there! my name is Amy and I am a stay at home mama of 5 beautiful children ages 11, 10, 9, 7 and 4! I am married to an amazing man. I am a photographer. i am here to lose about 15-20 pounds, and track my calories so I don't binge:) Feel free to add me!!!
  • mskebreau
    mskebreau Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Monisha and I work full time as a nurse. I am the mother of 5. Two step son, ages 10 and 6 and three daughters ages 9 and 3months. The 3month olds are twins. I would love to loose 50-60 lbs and get my "old body" back. Saddely I can't even say I am holding on to baby weight, b/c I am at my pre-preg. weight. I am focused and I look forward to getting skinny with you guys!!!
  • jendh
    jendh Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm Jen and have been using myfitnesspal off and on for a while, mostly off. I have decided that it is time to get serious and really lose these last pounds that are driving me crazy. I want to be fit and healthy for me. I should probably have said my kids (who are 5 and 18 months), but I truly feel that it has to be for me or I won't sick with it. I like to run but I REALLY REALLY REALLY like cake, well mostly the frosting!
  • ktownchik2005
    ktownchik2005 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey everybody:) I'm 25 yrs old SAHM of two. I've been using MFP for a little over 90 days now but new to this group and groups in general. I've been working hard towards my goals but you can never have too much support:)
  • MomofFour1976
    MomofFour1976 Posts: 5 Member
    I hear, rather read ;), your predicament. I too have struggled with the pop addiction and found finding a substitute was helpful. Iced tea, hot tea, and flavored water are great, but what really helped was seltzered waters. The carbonation is cut out but the fiz is not.

    Eatting enough calories is a trial and error process. Try reading the Metabolism Miracle and see what you think. It helped me get started on the process of loosing wieght and get moving.

    Your a step ahead of me by joining a support group in the first place. I am new here too and am re commiting to weight loss after struggling for a year now. Seriously though, the Metabolism Miracle did help re teach what our dietary needs actually are though and they do promote a healthy carbohydrate balance in our final maintaince program.

    Good luck and I hope we can chat more. :)
  • arkgirl81
    arkgirl81 Posts: 30 Member
    I love carbonated drinks. Years ago i switched to sparkling water, seltzer, or tonic water to fill the void. It will take some getting used to at first. But once you get used to going without the suger, the carbonation can really help soothe those soda cravings. That helps me get through it. Been drinking it for years now, and never even think of soda anymore. Good luck!