100 Pushup Challenge



    SWFLGUY Posts: 40
    Okay, you have hooked me into this too. I started today at level 3. Funny, it wasn't that long ago when I coudln't do a single one. Anyway : Day 1 - 10/12/7/7/15 max total 51. YIKES!
  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    Hi, all!

    I decided to repeat Week 5, Col 2. Didn't do an exhaustion test, but also know I"m not ready to advance. The 5k training plus this challenge has me very tired this week, so just going to repeat last week's work and do a test on Sunday.

    Week 6 Day 1: 28/35/25/22/35(max) = 145
    Nice work, and that seem like a very sound plan!
    Yup sounds like a good idea :)

    Ronboy, way to go adding 30 to an already impressive number!

    SWFLGUY, welcome aboard and brilliant total for day 1 :)
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Okay, you have hooked me into this too. I started today at level 3. Funny, it wasn't that long ago when I coudln't do a single one. Anyway : Day 1 - 10/12/7/7/15 max total 51. YIKES!

    Yay, the more the merrier! You'll find we're a fun bunch in here :)
  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    Week 3, day 1: 14/18/14/14/40. I can't get past this 40 max plateau. :ohwell:
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    You will, you will! Keep at it!!! :drinker:
  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    You will, you will! Keep at it!!! :drinker:
    ^^This. Great going!
  • ronboy1979
    ronboy1979 Posts: 83 Member
    Holy moly 246 that's crazy amazing lol

    Week 6, Day 2, Col 2 22/22/30/30/24/24/18/18/58 (Total 246). I thought this was going to be easier than Day 1 because of more sets/less reps and whilst the first 8 sets were ok by #30 on the final set I was struggling so had a couple of 'breath breaks' holding the top position.

    Last day of the series for me on Friday but can see me repeating weeks for quite a while!
  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    Holy moly 246 that's crazy amazing lol
    Yup, they certainly add up in the final weeks but gonna do another exhaustion test sometime cos am still maxing out at 60 even when fresh.
  • lifewithmikey
    lifewithmikey Posts: 51 Member
    Week 4 Day 2
    Set 1: 14
    Set 2: 16
    Set 3: 12
    Set 4: 12
    Max Set: 10

    I was supposed to do 18 in the last set, but my arms just couldn't do it... they actually buckled and I went down for the count... But I tried... I did the best I could to the point of exhaustion and I'm fine with that.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Nice work, Mikey :) Sometimes the last set is just a killer!

    Week 5/Day 2: 18/18/22/22/18/18/22/45 = 161 (!)

    That was brutal. I had to give myself a 3 minute break before the last set *jello arms*
  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    Well done Mikey! I think I'm going really well and then just collapse with very little warning (maybe 2 push-ups). Am sure you'll soon be looking back to today and seeing how far you have come :)

    Woohoo cmeirun - 161 push-ups in a session, I bet you didn't think you'd be able to do so much so soon?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Woohoo cmeirun - 161 push-ups in a session, I bet you didn't think you'd be able to do so much so soon?

    Considering that push ups USED to be my most dreaded/hated exercise, and considering that I almost died on Week 1/Day 1 when I did a total of 15 ... to be honest ... never in a million years! :bigsmile:
  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    Considering that push ups USED to be my most dreaded/hated exercise, and considering that I almost died on Week 1/Day 1 when I did a total of 15 ... to be honest ... never in a million years! :bigsmile:
    Well, I for one am really impressed!!

    Here goes then Week 6, Day 3, Col 3, 90 second breaks, 26/26/33/33/26/26/22/22/61 = 275

    Am coming down with a cold and spent most of this morning talking myself out of today's session but thanks to this group I went for it. The first 6 sets seemed ok but and was feeling it in my elbows more than chest then I noticed I wasn't dipping quite as low as normal. Going lower for the next 2 sets had me stripping off as the sweat was pouring off me (sorry if that's TMI). I fell apart in the final set just making 40* before my first mini break but struggled through and even managed to add 1 to the required max ;)

    So, that's it, 6 weeks of the 100 push up Challenge :) I'd like to thank-you cmeirun and might do when the pain dies down ;)

    Will do the final test over the weekend but not expecting to be anywhere near the magic 100 so will work out a new plan of action for next week :)

    * when I say 'just' 40 it's a reflection on how far I've come in just 6 weeks when my first exhaustion test was 21.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Considering that push ups USED to be my most dreaded/hated exercise, and considering that I almost died on Week 1/Day 1 when I did a total of 15 ... to be honest ... never in a million years! :bigsmile:
    Well, I for one am really impressed!!

    Here goes then Week 6, Day 3, Col 3, 90 second breaks, 26/26/33/33/26/26/22/22/61 = 275

    Am coming down with a cold and spent most of this morning talking myself out of today's session but thanks to this group I went for it. The first 6 sets seemed ok but and was feeling it in my elbows more than chest then I noticed I wasn't dipping quite as low as normal. Going lower for the next 2 sets had me stripping off as the sweat was pouring off me (sorry if that's TMI). I fell apart in the final set just making 40* before my first mini break but struggled through and even managed to add 1 to the required max ;)

    So, that's it, 6 weeks of the 100 push up Challenge :) I'd like to thank-you cmeirun and might do when the pain dies down ;)

    Will do the final test over the weekend but not expecting to be anywhere near the magic 100 so will work out a new plan of action for next week :)

    * when I say 'just' 40 it's a reflection on how far I've come in just 6 weeks when my first exhaustion test was 21.

    Other than the part about you getting sick (:frown: , get better!), this entire post makes me all warm and fuzzy :bigsmile: You are AWESOME!!!!! :D
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Wow! Everyone has been fantastic!

    I took a break and did not get Day 2 in yet. I've been exhausted all week from running training and felt my body needed a day off. I will get them in tomorrow. I plan to repeat this week next week. Though, I'll do an exhaustion test, too, so I may push myself over to Col 3, if the test is good enough.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Wow! Everyone has been fantastic!

    I took a break and did not get Day 2 in yet. I've been exhausted all week from running training and felt my body needed a day off. I will get them in tomorrow. I plan to repeat this week next week. Though, I'll do an exhaustion test, too, so I may push myself over to Col 3, if the test is good enough.

    You're really giving that running hell, aren't you? Nice work :) We'll look forward to your test results...I'll be doing mine on Sunday :)
  • Ecce_Signum
    Ecce_Signum Posts: 226 Member
    Wow! Everyone has been fantastic!

    I took a break and did not get Day 2 in yet. I've been exhausted all week from running training and felt my body needed a day off. I will get them in tomorrow. I plan to repeat this week next week. Though, I'll do an exhaustion test, too, so I may push myself over to Col 3, if the test is good enough.
    Is your running training for a particular race brandiuntz? I've been under the weather the last couple of days and had a bad night (we'll leave it at that) and think I now have full blown man-flu so my 8 mile run didn't happen and doubt I'll go out tomorrow either :(

    Not sure the 100g bar of chocolate was a good idea either :(
  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    Oops, forgot my stats from yesterday, Week 3, day 2: 20/25/5/15/30. Thanks everyone for the continued support and great job everyone!! It's so awesome and inspiring to see the massively growing numbers people are posting. :flowerforyou:
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've been under the weather the last couple of days and had a bad night (we'll leave it at that) and think I now have full blown man-flu so my 8 mile run didn't happen and doubt I'll go out tomorrow either :(

    Not sure the 100g bar of chocolate was a good idea either :(

    Sounds like you really need to focus on resting up for the next little while more than anything else! Eat well, get lots of fluids, and just put your feet up so you can fight off that nasty man-flu. (Funny, according to my wife that's the kind of flu I get too :grumble: ).

    Also: don't blame chocolate. Ever.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Oops, forgot my stats from yesterday, Week 3, day 2: 20/25/5/15/30. Thanks everyone for the continued support and great job everyone!! It's so awesome and inspiring to see the massively growing numbers people are posting. :flowerforyou:

    Your oversight is forgiven! Fantastic work!!!