Things I can't have in the house :(



  • moonsforeyes
    You know, I USED to do this, but now I have a boyfriend who is a machine and loves snacking more than anything I feel like haha. He is one of those fortunate people who can eat whatever he wants and it goes right through him. So envious but ANYHOW, I keep snacks in my apartment like never before so that he has things to nibble (or inhale) when he visits. Things I don't eat myself: fried frozen cheese sticks, toaster strudels, doritos, cheez-its, candy, cookies, cocktail peanuts, etc.

    I found that keeping that stuff here doesn't trigger binges for me and makes me feel /strong & good that I don't even touch them. I don't know, it's weird. For the longest time I thought I wouldn't be able to keep things in my house but it really is all about willpower and discipline. I know eating those things won't get me anywhere near where I want to be, so i don't.

    Peanut butter is definitely my most craved food so I allow myself some EVERY day but only once a day. It works.
  • citygirlkate
    I binged on banana nut cheerios last night:S... Pretty much as soon as I tried them I was like "...uh oh". Won't be buying those again!
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I can't avoid much food I don't want in the house, since I still live with my parents who are very much eat what you want when you want, but the one thing I won't have in the house is weight watchers deserts, they are just soo moreish I can't stop.
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    Cheezits, Cheezits or Cheezits.....any type of soft bread, like challah....
  • irisia99
    irisia99 Posts: 58 Member
    Where do I begin?

    - Cheese, cheese, cheese! Seriously, it calls to me from the fridge
    - Peanut butter
    - Pistachios, cashews
    - Crackers, pretzels, anything snacky
    - Pasta. I can control this one pretty well but if I were to cook an entire box of pasta, I'd eat the entire box of pasta.
    - Rice
    - Potatoes

    Stuff like cookies, brownies, cake - I don't usually buy so it's not a "red light food" for me.
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    I'm working on pinning down my trigger foods. So far, I've come up with:

    Nachos/tortilla chips
    ice cream (of any kind - bars, tubs, individual servings, doesn't matter I just keep eating eating eating it).
    mini pretzels/snack mix/any carby and crunchy snack food
  • esballet
    esballet Posts: 51 Member
    peanut butter
    rolls or sandwich buns
    any bread product really....
    chocolate bars
    cookies, brownies, cakes
    sometimes crackers or tortilla chips
    cliff bars
  • ChelseaAClanton89
    ChelseaAClanton89 Posts: 72 Member
    -Peanuts and Peanut butter
    -Chocolate candy
    -Greek yogurt
    -Tortilla chips
    -Any type of chips for that matter
    -Ice cream and frozen yogurt
    -Anything that's not included on my meal plan

    Its like if I'm not supposed to have it...I just can't resist. Then I'd eat the whole thing so I can start clean tomorrow. But tomorrow I would over indulge on some new food obsession!
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    Omg...peanut butter, for sure...who can really stop @ 2 Tbsp?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Can you freeze nuts or do they remain as easy to eat frozen or not ? I know chocolate can be made harder to eat by freezing, but not sure about nuts. I hate having to avoid buying them in anything other than small bags as it costs so much more.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    -ben and jerrys half baked :(
  • Chasinadream
    Chasinadream Posts: 15 Member
    OMG Ben and Jerry's half baked is one of my faves...haven't bought it in at least a year but all ice cream is trigger food
    Old Dutch dill pickle chips- my top comfort food
    Seaweed chips
    Granola bars
    Cookies/ baked goods
    Chocolate chips
    McDonald's- don't binge on McD's but cause me to crave everything else when I eat it :(
    Cupcakes/ cake
    I have never written this list down or really even thought about it! I am sure I am missing a few things but it is interesting to see it! These are the foods to keep out of my house!
  • profesorakate
    profesorakate Posts: 39 Member
    I was doing really well today (not wanting to binge, low cravings), til I read this thread. Note to self: must not remind myself of all those trigger foods. I can tell I'm going to spend the rest of the evening staving off a binge. Nooooooo. I hope I get through.

    Trigger foods for me:

    - Chocolate (even dark)
    - Peanut M&M (I've been thinking about these for weeks, and haven't touched them in about a year)
    - Ice cream (any variety really, especially haagandaaz and B&Js)
    - Nuts
    - Bread (though this is always in the house for my husband, and I generally can avoid it no problem, once I start, I cannot stop)
    - Baked goods (cakes, brownies - anything with lots of sugar really)
  • Eat2Live2Run
    Eat2Live2Run Posts: 137 Member
    I cannot have nuts in any shape or form in my house. Chocolate of any kind is bad too. I've tried buying portion controlled sizes of peanut butter and the like, but I'll still eat 2 or 3 of them at a time during a binge. Honestly though, I still manage to find a way to binge even when I don't have my trigger foods, I can put together some crazy combinations. This is gross but the other night I wanted to binge on peanut butter so bad, that I mixed 2 things together that I would never dream of ... coconut oil and protein powder and spread it on apple slices. UGH!
  • cat_feet
    cat_feet Posts: 2 Member
    Identifying triggers really helps, usually I can stay strong enough to not buy something. But then there I am at the grocery store staring at that jar of Nutella and it is all downhill from there. Every dang time too I think, "this will be it. I will buy this thing and maintain self control and just have a little every now and then." But as soon as I get home I rip it open and devour everything.

    I found that things were a bit easier when I was vegan since most of my triggers involve dairy products. Although that is when I went nuts on cliff bars. Would just sit there and eat like three at a time.
  • toothwalker_
    toothwalker_ Posts: 32 Member
    Thankfully, peanut butter and nutella haven't every been a binge food for me, so I'm still able to have both in the house.
    Instead I tend to avoid buying:
    - white bread
    - chocolate
    - pastries
    - cake
    - granola bars
    - chips
    - anything fried, really
    - yogurt
    - whipping cream
    - pudding
    - pie filling
    - icing

    The last two are especially toxic. When I was a kid, I used to horde food and those were the two sweet things that my mom didn't notice were missing, unlike the more typical sweets she would keep track of.
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Trigger foods for me seem to boil down to anything sweet (natural or artificial), anything with flour of any kind, and nuts.

    Foods that are NOT triggers for me:
    veggies (except really fresh sugar snap peas, but that's probably ok)
    high quality protein: fish, chicken, beef, eggs (does NOT include bacon or sausage)

    OK - if my diet can consist of those non-trigger foods with some fruit, I'll be just fine.

    I have actually been able to get rid of all food in my house that fits the trigger category. I just can't seem to adhere to my "rule" to not go to the store or bakery alone.