Introduce yourself!



  • sahgp90
    sahgp90 Posts: 5 Member
    Please introduce yourself. Share as much as you are comfortable sharing:

    Name: Sara
    Where you live: Pennsylvania
    Age: 22
    Starting weight and Goal (or how much you want to lose): SW= 281, GW=180. Height=5'11"
    Family: I've been in a committed relationship for 4 years. We have a cat and a dog. I'm also very close to my mom and grandma (her mom). I work out weekly with my mom (we just started kettle bell class three weeks ago).

    I've only recently started (in the last few weeks. So far I've made, what I feel to be good progress by:
    -Cutting WAY back on soda.
    -Drinking more water (I went from honestly drinking no water at all to about 5-8 cups/day)
    -Planning my meals so I know what is going into my body.
    -Planning snacks for myself so I don't graze.
    -Exercising about 3-4 times per week (from not exercising at all)

    I kind of feel like my progress is small, because it's not showing yet (only about 1.5 weeks in) but I KNOW deep down that these changes are huge and will make a huge impact soon enough! Always looking for friends and inspiration so feel free to add me. :)
  • Name: Emily (Em is preferred!)
    Age: 18
    Where I live: Springfield, Virginia.
    Starting weight: 230 lbs.
    Goal weight: 120-130 lbs.
    Height: 5'3ish.
    Family: A huge family, though my house family consists of me, my mother, and my two bunnies, Jasper (the oldest but the smallest) and Crommie (short for Cromwell -- Thomas, not Oliver) who's the youngest and HUGE. They're both like little puppies. <3

    I've just joined after my mom kept raving about this site. She's 39 and around the same weight as me but she used to be a lot heavier and after seeing her progress, I thought I'd give it a shot. I've been working out a lot and changing my eating habits lately and I've felt so much better. I thought maybe if I tracked it and had people to talk to about it (my friends don't really care about my weight loss, lol) then maybe it would be a more enjoyable experience. Recently, I've cut soda out of my life. This was really difficult because Coke Zero was like, my one true love. I've been drinking more water and, like I said, taking control of my eating habits. I'd never really realized how awful they were up until recently.

    Anyways, like I said, I'm just looking to find inspiration and people to share this amazing (and hopefully successful) journey with so feel free to add me. I'm an annoyingly upbeat person but I've been told I'm a great and motivational friend to have! <3
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Hello Lovelies,
    My name is Heather and I am fixing to restart my weightloss journey. For the past 10 years my husband and I have been struggling with infertility. Between my PCOS being weight picky and his antibodies, We have been living and breathing fertility treatments and such. In the mess I have lost myself and lost control of my weight.

    I am a food addict. I love to cook and I love to eat. For the past couple months we have become a low gluten household. I mill my own flours and love how good I feel. Even though I have food addictions my main issue is eating. I do not eat till I am starved and have no metabolism. In 99 I was homeless and did not eat often, now I cannot seem to flip that switch back. I have to have alarms to tell me to eat or I do not eat until dinner.

    I need to regroup and get back on track and have decided that as soon as this stomach flu leaves me I need to get down to business. I am actually excited about tracking my food and moving forward. In 2009 I lost 45lbs but not only fell off the wagon but ran from it too! I have since regained 20 of those pounds. Now in the 260s, things need to change so I can be around a long time to harass my hubby.
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm glad to have found you!

    I've lost 1,000 lbs....well actually I've lost the same pound 1,000 times! I never had weight problems until I developed thyroid issues in my mid'30s and have struggled with my weight ever since. I lost 75 lbs with MFP over a year ago but health issues popped up and I gained it back. I am not beating myself up about it rather I'm facing it head on and commiting myself to losing weight again.

    I eat a plant based diet and understand everyone has their own dietary preferences. I live with a meat eater so I don't lecture or judge and expect the same from others :drinker: I am looking for motivated, positive friends who have a similar amount of weight to lose. If you eat plant based diets, I'm always looking for new, healthy recipes. My diary is open to friends as the accountability is important to me.

    A bit about me: mid'40s, live in the Detroit metro area, no human children but several furry rescue dog children, wonderfully supportive husband of 18 years and my favorite exercise is yoga. I currently weight 271, my goal weight is 170 and I"m 5'9".

    I wish you a healthy, successful journey! :flowerforyou:


  • MichelleMcMartin
    MichelleMcMartin Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am MIchelle.

    Current Weight- 325
    Goal Weight 150
    Age 39

    I just seriously started this on April 1st. I am in a group exercise program and since April 1st I have been to 2 Zumba classes, and 3 cardio/strength training classes. They are so hard. Each one exhausts me, and I am trying not to be too frustrated that I don't feel any difference yet. Trying to focus on the fact that I have shown up and tried my best. I feel good about an hour later- but during it, I am so embarassed at how red and sweaty I become!
  • Hello all! My name is Zie (it's a nickname) and I live in Ohio. I'm about to turn 41 and need to get my life under control. Three years ago I weighed 357lbs and decided to have bariatric surgery. I chose gastric banding knowing that I wouldn't loose it easily; I knew it would take a lot of work.

    I did great for the first year, lost more than 60lbs. Then, I had a tragic loss in my life and everything stopped. I stopped working out and watching what I ate. I started a "diet" of wine and milkshakes (if I wasn't drinking one, I was drinking the other). I finally decided this past December that my loved one wouldn't appreciate what I was doing. I refocused!

    Since January 1st, I've lost 14 of the 16lbs I gained back. I'm working out again and eating right. I even started training for a 5k! I hope that this group will help keep me focused to lose 100+ lbs and reach my goal!
  • ireallylikemuffins
    ireallylikemuffins Posts: 72 Member
    Hello, newest members!
    Welcome to the group. I hope that you can find something here to inspire and motivate you!!

    Because my post is so far back, a short intro: My name's Christina, I'm 23 (almost 24!). I started changing my diet after I ended up at 275 lbs this past year. I started MFP in January. It's a tough journey, but I can say that I'm now successfully at 248.5 and getting smaller and healthier one day at a time. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • Hi everybody! My name is Jennifer and I live in southern MD. Feel free to add me as I need alot of motivation right now. I just got married a year ago in February. I have 3 kids, my youngest just turned 8, my middle is 10 and my oldest just turned 17. Time flies! I just started on this site yesterday but I started a fitness challenge 4 weeks ago and have lost 10 pounds and 10 inches so far. I want to keep going now and need to start getting more active. I have been doing pretty good with clean eating but I seriously think I am addicted to food. I never get full. I eat for any reason and I love carbs! Not a good combination. I am looking forward to getting to know everybody.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Hello! Someone mentioned this group in the 100+lbs to Loose group, and here I am! I am restarting MFP, and I am banking on groups and friends to keep me motivated to continue my log. I had a good run a few years ago, but after getting laid off (eating healthy ain't cheap), and being off thyroid meds, I gained more than I had lost! So I'm fighting with the exhaustion from both being anemic and hypothyroid, but I am least hoping that keeping the log will keep me more concious about what I eat. It doesn't always work, but I try. :D
  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm Sarah and I'm a newbie!

    I have been on MFP for a month, and have lost 12 lbs but still have far to go! I'm 26 and live in (what feels like lately) the land of perpetual snow in northern Ontario. I've decided I'm sick of being unhealthy, and haven't looked back. I recently joined a local fitness gym for women (lifeforia), and love it. Hoping to get to know you all better. :-)
  • yevaud1961
    yevaud1961 Posts: 7 Member
    Good Morning everyone! My name is Merci, I'm 51, and live in Portland, Oregon. I started 2 days ago at 298 - and want to be 150ish. I've never been at my 'ideal' weight - so have no reference point for what that looks or even feels like.
    I'm diabetic, low HBP, arthritis and a knee injury - and I am SO tired of being in pain, taking meds, feeling unhappy with myself and my life.
    I am blessed with a wonderful husband of 10 years who loves me 'just the way I am' but know I am unhappy and is supportive and helpful. We're both taking a weight management class through my doctor and I'm so happy he's going with me - he has about 20 pounds to lose - and he'll learn a lot!
    I am starting at a gym - swimming, cycling, treadmill/eliptical - and have met with a trainer to get some mobility/movement strength exercises for my gimp knee (which is helping). But I want to bike, hike, camp, keep up with my husband, kids and grandkids.
    I'm determined and motivated that this the THE time it works - I need/want to be healthier/happier, and I know I'm worth the effort (and the pain and glory of it!).
    We're all on this long journey - and I will support you in your walk as you support me in mine. Have a great week!
  • denajo72
    denajo72 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Dena. I live in W. Central Ohio. I am 40 years old and I've already lost a few pounds but restarting at 320.
    My goal is to get to 150lbs, but close to that would be great. I am a single mom of 2 girls, 5 and 3. I am a member of the YMCA in my local area. I walk 2 miles on the track and do weights and play pickle ball. It has been a slow ride. I am joining this group bc I need the encouragement to stay on track. And I want to. I need to be in a group with others who can relate to such a big challenge. Thanks :)
  • deprek
    deprek Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies in the group. Having over 100 pounds to lose can seem daunting but set smaller goals for yourself and make some new will probably be here for awhile!
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, my name is Dena. I live in W. Central Ohio. I am 40 years old and I've already lost a few pounds but restarting at 320.
    My goal is to get to 150lbs, but close to that would be great. I am a single mom of 2 girls, 5 and 3. I am a member of the YMCA in my local area. I walk 2 miles on the track and do weights and play pickle ball. It has been a slow ride. I am joining this group bc I need the encouragement to stay on track. And I want to. I need to be in a group with others who can relate to such a big challenge. Thanks :)

    Welcome new ladies!

    Dena - What is pickle ball?!
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member

    Dena - What is pickle ball?!

    I want to know too! :)
  • Angel1960
    Angel1960 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Angela and I live in south central Kansas where the weather cannot decide what to do. We had 70 degrees and light rain followed by thunderstorm with hail followed by sleet followed by snow followed by highs in the 40s - all within 24 hours just last week!

    I'm 53 years old and 278 pounds. I've been married to a very supportive and great guy for 31 years. When we married I was 125 pounds so I know what it looks like, I just have not seen it in many, many years. At this point, I think 150 pounds looks like a nice number for my height (5'8") and age.

    My biggest challenge is that I live 50 miles from my work so I drive for a couple of hours each day. Then when I get home, I really don't want to cook, but I've been sitting all day behind a computer and then behind the wheel of a car so I REALLY NEED to get up and around and not just sit more.

    Last year I had a complete hysterectomy (thank goodness) so now I'm dealing with a few hormone issues but nothing terrible. I just need a little support to keep me going. Better health is my #1 goal with weight loss a close second. All encouragement is welcome! :)
  • denajo72
    denajo72 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Aellyn, Pickle ball is a fun tennis-like game that uses a paddle rather than a racket and uses a plastic ball with holes. You can check it out at
  • jadedjade24
    jadedjade24 Posts: 127
    Hello everyone! My name is Jess, I'm 5'6" and need to loose about 100lbs. So far I have almost lost 20! I am currently sitting at a size 16 pants and 13/14 dress. I'm here to make supportive friends and help others when I can. I love doing Zumba, Hip Hop Sweat, and anything else that involves dancing, as well as Insanity! Feel free to add me, always open to friends!
  • BrensKimberly
    BrensKimberly Posts: 29 Member
    Hey ya'll! :happy:
    My name is Kimberly and I'm 35 :sad:
    stay-at-home mom/full-time student in Kentucky, originally from Alabama

    My starting weight in September was 314
    My current weight is 279
    I'm 5'10" and my goal right now is 180

    I'm a member of my local YMCA and I have a pretty intense exercise my opinion
    Monday: 30 mins elliptical, 45 min spin class, 60 min GFT(Get Fit Training) think cardio with weights
    Tuesday: 30 mins elliptical, 60 min on arms with weights
    Wednesday: Repeat of Monday
    Thursday: 30 mins elliptical, 60 mins on legs with weights
    Friday: Repeat of Monday
    Saturday: 45 min walk/hike with my love and the dog :heart:
    Sunday: Rest

    My food diary is always open to comments, questions
    I'm always open to new friends, never can have too many I think

    Just gotta keep on keeping on....we got this!
  • kgulett
    kgulett Posts: 14 Member

    I'm Katina. I'm from Louisiana and I am a wife, mother, student, and work full time in finance (desk job does not help the situation.)

    I started my new lifestyle as of Wednesday...very new to this... And I was at 355.6 lbs (pains me to say that.)
    I would say my goal is somewhere around 180.

    I have been overweight my entire life, so I'm not real sure what weight I want to be. Just healthy and feel good, although I have a certain size in mind. Doctors have told me I'll never fit into their "chart" because I have a very large frame (about 150lbs of it to be exact), so they just want me healthy. Currently on blood pressure medicine, but my doc believes if I can lose 50-70lbs, I can get off. Other than that, just had my blood tested and I am healthy!

    So trying to do 70lbs by the end of the year and the forward from there! Reading the news feed when I log in helps me stay motivated and makes me accountable, so any one feel free to add me!