Your First Wow Toon



  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I had a gnome warlock named Jacwhite........He is now named Taterdotz. I had no idea about trainers/specs I just ran around killing things until like level 15.

    OMG I saw a Goblin lock named Tatordotz a few weeks ago in an LFR and that just made my day, LOVE the name, very creative. (I always get comments on my monk healer, Pandaid, so I love creative names lol)

    My first toon was a Night Elf hunter on Skywall. I don't remember her name. And she didn't get very far, because at that point Skywall was very crowded and I hated the queue to log in. So I re-rolled a Blood Elf hunter on another server. She is a goblin now and still level 85 because I don't really enjoy hunters lol

    And I was SO horrible at WoW until WotLK. I couldn't figure out quests, I had no idea the AH existed, no idea how to make money or wtf I was doing. Then one day I discovered Wowhead and addons and it was all over haha
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    My first toon was a human warlock named Merru (I use this ign a lot because it was based on a character in one of my favorite RPG Legend of Dragoon (btw, I know the actual spelling is Meru lol) I made my toon at the tail end of Vanilla and is still my main today (albeit I do have plenty of alts.)
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    My first toon was a Belf Warlock named Cerradwyn that I created during Burning Crusade. She was my main until WotLK Ulduar then I created a Belf Rogue named Lunachic. I still level Cerra and try to do good things with her since she has a lot of achievements, but Lunachic gets to do all the raiding and get all the mounts and rep. When I first started playing I knew nothin about anything in the game and just meandered my way to level 70. I recall dying alot and being broke because I didn't know how to make money in the game. I also remember i picked up enchanting/tailoring and would sell all my greens instead of DEing them for mats...and then wondering why it was so damn hard to level enchanting. I also bought things that I couldn't use (axes, polearms and bows) because they looked pretty, then got frustrated when I couldn't equip them. The great thing is that I have the achievement for doing the incredibly difficult questline for getting the dreadsteed which required you to visit a ton of areas (Stratholme, Dire Maul, and Scholomance) and pay a ridiculous amount for mats to summon the demon that gives you the mount. Also, for doing the questlines to get your infernal and doomguard, which a lot of people didn't have. I remember doing a quest to get all my demon they just give them to you :( Good times, though.
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    Undead holy priest called Ruri. I remember running to the Undercity elevator doors just as they shut in my face. Saddened, I turned away and said to a friend "I must be too low level" haha.

    Two classics from early WoW:

    1) A friend levelled herbalism without the map. He spent the whole time squinting at the terrain to find herbs. :D It kinda became one of those guild stories that gets repeated (along with all the other retarded stuff we've done).

    2) My brother made a druid and thought the paw symbol (mark of the wild buff) was a nearby "scary monster". I found it so funny, I couldn't tell him otherwise. He thought the time ticking down on it was its distance. He was convinced it was gaining on him. As the time got to zero, I almost expected a yelp as he spun his toon in terrified 360's LOL "where is it????????????". Soo funny!
  • Pinkkfrost
    Pinkkfrost Posts: 29 Member
    My first was a human pally named Princesshate, which my (now-ex) boyfriend made endless fun of saying that paladins are supposed to be "filled with light, not hate". I then made about ten toons all starting with "Princess". Good times. I've since ridden myself of all princesses.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    Vanilla. An undead fire mage. All these years later I still love her best. I believe she and I are gradualy becoming the same "person"...
  • Thruen
    Thruen Posts: 80 Member
    My first Wow toon was Krystiana. Human Fire Mage. I made her back in 2006. She was terrible because I had NO idea what I was doing. I remember killing wolves in Duskwood for XP cause I had not idea where the quests were. I would skin them and vendor the leather because I didn't know we had an auction house. I had a healing staff from level 45-60 just because it was purple. Thank god for thottbot.

    Thats so close to my experience! I made a nelf female rogue in 2006 or 2007.. At level 22 I started farming the werewolves for skinning ^^
    Then I made a hunter, and later I switched server. Good times :)
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    Everyone talks about woooow lately and i got major withdrawals now :(
    First toon was UD Warlock named Arachne on Argent Dawn EU in early 2005.
    Then in late 2005 i rolled (no transfers yet) on Moonglade RP EU, recreted warlock played a bit.
    I was aparently annoying as heck warlock malice , but i was the rare pvp'er on RP server, so go figure.

    Now last i played was my female cow DK , and i am geting twitches to come back to it
  • pappesbaby
    Made a cow hunter because my friend assured me that would be easiest since I had no idea what I was doing. Well she became boring fast so I abandoned her, she is still sitting on Drenden though because I dont have the heart to delete her. Weird I know LOL

    So I say my first true toon was my belf pally. She is still my main toon after all this time. She is the skinny badass version of me :wink:
  • jerknoir
    jerknoir Posts: 96 Member
    Nostalgic weeping.
    I forgot my vanilla baby's name, but she was a NE Hunter. The first I got really serious with was Dylerturden the BE Rogue.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Rioch, a Night Elf Rogue. I then continued to play a different class (Night Elf Druid called Fayn) and twinked Rioch for the 20-29 PVP bracket. I miss vanilla WoW. :<
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    A Night Elf Ranger... what an amazing time my first playthrough was... ahhh... memories....
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    My first WoW toon was an Undead Rogue in vanilla. I made it to level 20 or so before I decided that this wasn't a good server for me. It was mostly populated by people already in endgame with very few people my own level. So I waited for a new server to open up and made a toon there on day 1 before I started playing seriously. I did that for a few servers until I finally found a community I liked on the server Ravenholdt, where I stuck around up until shortly before the release of the Lich King expansion. At that point myself and most of my guild migrated over to EVE Online. I sold my WoW account and never looked back. At the time I had 2 level 60s on other servers from before BC was released:a Troll rogue and a Tauren shaman, and 3 level 70s on Ravenholdt: a Blood Elf rogue, an Orc warrior, and an Orc shaman.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    My first toon was a warrior, my second a paladin (if memory serves).

    They both got deleted before lvl 20 (or so). To this day I've never gotten a warrior above 25 (I quit trying), and the only reason my (not original, obviously) paladin made it to 82 is because I discovered the fun of pally tanking.

    The first toons I actually stuck with were my rogue (who wore a lot of druid gear until her 50s and somebody educated me about stats) and my warlock. Both are not max level (they've been taken over by my druid and hunter) but at least 80+ nowadays. I raided vanilla with both of them and made all my noob mistakes on them, so they're not going anywhere. :smile:
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Katherinem human mage, I was a level 5 and I crossed the river and got killed in Duskwood and couldn't find my way back to my body. I got mad and quit playing for like 6 months. When I finally came back I made Trycia human paladin and tanked my way to heroic ICC back in LK days. Ah how I miss that expansion.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Played Vanilla and I didn't know not to buy greens from the AH.... I bought all new equipment at level ~30ish. I was so bitter about spending all my gold I didn't bother replacing my gear until 60. I upgraded level 27 greens to Grand Marshall gear. Quite a jump.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I remember every single time a new server used to open up I would create a placeholder on that server reserving the names "Hellion" and "Warcry" just in case I ever wanted to play on that. My main was always named Hellion and I always had an alt named Warcry.

    The only thing that kept me from coming back when my friends practically begged me to join their 3s team when roges were OP in seasons 5 and 6 was that I couldn't get the name back.
  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    My 1st was a Draenei Hunter and that is still my main. I also have a mage and shamy >85, but I still love my hunter the most. I remember I used only serpent sting at first because it was an instant and had no idea what dots were :))
    Now I'm on a wow break, the first I've had in 4 years.
  • RobertHendrix
    RobertHendrix Posts: 98 Member
    My first toon was created on 11/24/2004 Day 1 of WoW. NE Hunter named Shamrokk on Shadowmoon. This is still my favorite class and toon and is the toon I still PVP on. Rerolled Enhance Shaman for the guild and raided on Shamshokk until guild rerolled Horde and went back to playing hunter. Stopped playing hardcore and raiding in 2010 but still PVP on my hunter.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    My first toon was created on 11/24/2004 Day 1 of WoW. NE Hunter named Shamrokk on Shadowmoon. This is still my favorite class and toon and is the toon I still PVP on. Rerolled Enhance Shaman for the guild and raided on Shamshokk until guild rerolled Horde and went back to playing hunter. Stopped playing hardcore and raiding in 2010 but still PVP on my hunter.

    I started playing near the end of 2005. I rolled Horde because at the time the Horde racial abilities (Will of the Forsaken, Blood Fury, etc) made them borderline OP in PvP while Alliance ones were all pretty meh...

    Plus, Alliance tended to attract a different type of player generally (younger, more immature). All of that changed however when The Burning Crusade came out. Blood Elves brought all those immature players horde-side, and a long series of nerfs and buffs made the Horde racials not all that great.