Over 50 and Single



  • well i made it thru the shred (and quite modified, can i do a pushup, haha, it can only get better!), day 1, here's my measurements today bust 41, waist 39, hips 40, thighs 22, upper arms 12
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    You're right, it can only get better from here. At least we are on the right track. So was the workout fun besides being hard?
  • 413bb
    413bb Posts: 8 Member
    I was on vacation in January and made a couple of changes to my eating out routine that seemed to keep me on track a little better. I would substitute a broth type of soup for a salad because I LOVE salad dressing and can't be trusted! I also stuck with grilled, broiled or boiled - no fried foods. I knew if I was going in a restaurant and planned to order a steak, it didn't have to be the biggest on the menu. Don't get me wrong, I did splurge and have a few treats, but I didn't feel guilty or kick myself because of the other changes I made. Also, I've been on the water plan since the first of the year. Saves calories and money. Good luck with the vacation and enjoy your healthy choices!
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi 413bb

    How did your weight do over your vacation? Were you able to keep it from gaining? Broth is a great idea, I just have to watch my sodium and soy. When I read the labels I sometimes can't believe how much salt is in there and soy is in almost everything now. I love regular dressing too, and won't give up my fat. You know what I found out? We need fat!! lol funny as that is, I eat the regular dressing with my salad, BUT I mix it with water so it spreads easier and I don't have to use MORE. I usually only need one tablespoon of dressing and one of water. So I am really getting half of what the serving size is and I don't feel deprived.
    I am still trying to increase my water intake and get more walking in. Those are my two biggest hurdles at the moment.
  • 413bb
    413bb Posts: 8 Member
    That's a great tip about the salad dressing. I'll have to try it. I lost 2 pounds on vacation so it was better than I anticipated. It didn't hurt that I walked more that week than I have in a long time. Trying to push myself to walk more now, but really need the weather to be a little better. My goal this week is to climb the stairs at work at least 2 times a day. That should help until the weather improves!
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Well, I fell off the wagon before the vacation even started. I have been craving my two favorite things, pizza and ice cream. I ate a pizza from smart ones and even though I felt it was very high in calories, it was till a lot less than one of the regular ones. And because I just had the one serving size, there was none left to pig out on. I also couldn't resist getting some chocolate Ben & Jerry's. It was so over the top, like death by chocolate, that I could only eat a couple bites before I put it away. So I feel pretty successful about my splurge, and still stayed within my calorie count for the day.
    I think it's awesome that you lost weight while on vacation. I am hoping to get a lot more walking in while I am off work.
  • sjeannie
    sjeannie Posts: 23 Member
    i am seeing an awful lot of people chatting about this....Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred...but they all seem to be half my age...so has anyone tried it?

    A friend of mine told me to "look it up". She is in her 40's.
  • sjeannie
    sjeannie Posts: 23 Member
    Okay, you can find the 30 Day Shred workout on YouTube. It looks like they have the entire Level 1 and Level 2 workout online.
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Wow sjeannie! I can't believe the whole thing is on you tube. I guess I have no excuse, I am going to have to check it out now :-) Did you try the workouts? If so, how was it?
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Forgot my fiber this morning, and didn't have anything prepared for lunch, so I had to eat out. Got a 6" turkey from Subway. It's better than getting the foot long that I used to eat, so I still feel like I am ahead, even though it's a slip off of the plan. I like their website. You can pick your bread, cheese or none, veggies, dressing, etc. and it will tell you what it all adds up to. Very cool.
  • for me the workouts were tough and comical...pushups, i don't think i have done one in 40 yrs. my armpits and the area between my rear and top of my legs feel the pain (a good pain tho!). it is going to take more than 10 days for me to master lvl 1 of 30DS. i have taken 2 days off from it, tonight i will start again.
  • FitB4IRetire
    FitB4IRetire Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I hope you don't mind me joining your group. I will be 51 in a couple more months.

    Although I am married and a mother to 2 teenage daughters, I don't get any support from my family at all. They just say, oh are you dieting again. For someone that doesn't have a weight problem, they just don't understand what we go thru struggling to lose weight. I watch my youngest daughter eat constantly from the time she gets up till she goes to bed and never seems to put any weight on.

    My husband and I have worked opposite shifts for years so most times it is just my daughters and I. Most times we just prepare our own meals.

    I can't seem to get motivated into exercising yet. I recently bought a fitbit to track how many steps I walk in a day with my job and find myself walking to the farthest washroom and taking more stairs at work on my breaks.

    Thanks for starting this group.
  • hi k, welcome!
  • FitB4IRetire
    FitB4IRetire Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for posting the link for 30Day Shred.

    Not sure if I can do all those shoulder movements. Waiting for another cortisone shot so I can get my shoulder to move properly again.

    Years ago when I lost 45lbs. I used the Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds videos. Even if you couldn't do some of the leg movements and arm movements, all you had to do was just keep walking. She has a 1 mile (20min), 2mile(30min) and 3mile(45min) video. I think she has some new ones but haven't checked them out yet.

    If anyone is interested I found them on youtube so you can check them out.


    Hope the links above work.

  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all! Geez, I started this group and haven't been on lately. Things are so busy with the rescue. It's good in that it keeps me from eating, but when you're trying to sell stuff out in the cold, one, store bought hot chocolate and it sends you over the edge.

    They say that the mediterranean diet is the healthiest and best to lose weight. I notice I have more trouble on Mondays and Tuesdays. Not sure why the beginning of the week is so hard.

    Hang in everyone. Use these boards for motivation. Also, if your friends with someone, comment on their accomplishments. Everyone needs support.
  • Hi to you all. I'm just starting MFP today. I did a search for "over 50" on the community page and this was the first thing that came up-- and I'm grateful it did! I like that you all are a newer, smaller group and that you're all single!

    My name is Becky, I'm 58 years old, and I've been divorced since 1999, although I did have a long term relationship after that, which ended a few years ago. I have mixed feelings about whether I want another relationship.

    Up till about 6 months ago, my daughter was still living with me while she was in college and grad school. It was nice to have her there to give me a bit of a window on the world, since I work afrom home... and to know that at the end of the day I'd have someone to just chit-chat with a little bit. Now she's got her own place with her boyfriend, they just got engaged, and she's also busy with friends and a new career. We're still close, of course, but I don't see her nearly as often.

    Now that it's just me, I moved to a tiny little cottage (300 square feet!) to save some money, and the combination of living alone and working from home in a tiny place in a new city is a bit of a challenge sometimes.

    I keep thinking this is the ideal time to work on my weight, especially since my daughter is getting married in only 5-1/2 months! I thought they'd wait at least a year, but they got the offer of a free wedding location that's really nice if they get married on Labor Day weekend, so they decided to move things up. Now of course I'm mad at myself that I didn't get the weight off earlier. I have a whopping 120 pounds to lose, so needless to say, I'm still going to be overweight at the wedding. I just hope to be much LESS overweight.

    Over the last month I've been trying to do Atkins, since I know it works quickly for me. But the thing with Atkins is you really do have to stay within a pretty rigid framework, and I'm sorry, but if my daughter invites me out for lunch at her new favorite Italian place, I'm going to go. And if I need the occasional piece of chocolate or fruit salad (especially now that summer fruits are about to come out), I want the freedom to have those things.

    After reading that it can be a real benefit for both weight loss and disease prevention to just do low carb a couple days a week, I decided that sounds like a good plan for me, and came here to My Fitness Pal so that I can monitor my overall food intake and calories. Finding new friends to share with is definitely an added bonus.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better. : ) I've read all the posts and you all seem really nice.
  • 413bb
    413bb Posts: 8 Member
    You are adjusting to so many changes right now! I think all of those will be real motivators for you. Congratulations on your future son-in-law, your move, and your new cottage. (My niece and her boyfriend plan to build small homes in a few years, so I'd be interested to hear how you have adapted to 300 square feet) Atkins worked for me years ago and I would love to do it again, but it triggered an immune response in me and I have to limit a lot of the "staples" on that diet. I see no problem with the fresh fruits & veggies, some chocolate, or even a new Italian dish. I'm learning to think about my treats ahead of time. My chocolate Easter treat has been a bag of Russell Stover Iddy Biddy Bunnies. I divided those 60 tiny bunnies into 6 servings of 10 each and put them in small snack bags. This makes a chocolate treat with a whopping 43 calories! That has fulfilled my chocolate craving and kept me on track. I know you'll be able to find your way and your own tricks in the months ahead.
  • Brilliant idea for having your chocolate and eating it, too! :drinker:
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Becky...You and I seem to have a lot to lose huh? It's not easy and I'm a carbaholic and chocoholic. But I lost a lot of weight before using this method of weight loss. It's amazing how warped your sense of portions has gotten over the years. With my weight I also had a hard time walking. It just hurt my back. So, I got some walking/hiking poles and that really seemed to help my back. It took about a week to get used to it and, I LOOK like I'm a really active fat person. LOL
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Becca and gang,

    Well I'm on vacation and it has been pretty bad. I have not been able to stay on the plan with traveling and going out with friends. I have been skipping my vitamins and supplements too.

    I did learn something new though that I wanted to share. My sister was inspired after watching a movie called Hungry for Change, and also Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. So I watched them too. They inspired me so much that I am going to buy a juicing machine when I get home. I know I don't eat enough fruits and veggies, and eat more meat than I should, so I am going to try it and see what happens.

    The movies are so inspiring and on Netflix instant play if you want to watch them. Has anyone had any experiences with juicing?