Friendship & Intro Thread



  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    Just found this group. :D

    Rather than repost the whole thing twice, here's my Thyroid story as well as my weight loss kind of story:
  • tinarex
    tinarex Posts: 25 Member
    I'm Cristina. Hashimoto's diagnosis since 2007. Definitely has been a constant frustration with trying to lose weight, manage low energy, etc. Currently not working so seeing an endo every few months at a clinic who seems to have a pretty good grip on hashi's (compared to others I've been to who wouldn't even consider antibodies as being indicative of a problem until my FOURTH endo finally did a thyroid sonogram.) I will be going to see him this Friday and hopefully discuss alternatives to synthroid since I still feel symptomatic (though not as bad as many others are with hashi).

    Anyway- I live in LA with my husband and my dog. Just started Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I lost about 45 lbs before my wedding in September and have already gained 10+ back so trying to get and stay on track this time. Looking to lost another 40 or so pounds by August if I can manage it. So we'll see!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Jb & Cristina!
    Sounds like you've both got things going in a good direction.
    Hope you find yourselves right at home here.
  • maxpain3323
    maxpain3323 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys I'm Nick! I was just diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism back in November 2012. Initially my endo put me on 3pills of methamizole once a day. When i went back in February 2013, he said my levels were still a bit high and increased my dose to 4 pills once a day. Before I was diagnosed with this, i had been working with a personal trainer/bodybuilder to lose weight and get in better shape. I am now up to 160 pounds and really need to work on losing weight and getting in better shape.I was also sidelined late spring through November with an injury from sports. I broke one of my fingers at aussie footy practice, which required surgery and screws to be placed in my finger. I was told to not do any sports or weightlifting until I got the clear from my surgeon.

    I also got into the bad habit of still eating badly like I usually would but without doing any physical activity I saw the weight packing on.
  • kpharte
    kpharte Posts: 8
    Before my flare up of hyperthyroidism in 2011, I was training to be a fitness model. I noticed there was a problem in January 2011 when I lost 10 pounds in one week ( week), and that's when I went to my doctor and blood tests showed I was hyperthyroid. Prior to that, my levels were normal (which was weird because I was told that my thyroid had completely stopped working when I was 12).

    After a while, I couldn't work out anymore, my heart rate was 115 bpm, and my palpitations just sidelined me, I was getting too dizzy to do any kind of workout, even walking up stairs. I was on methamizole as well, first starting off with three pills a day, then ended to one pill a day and then back to three pills until it seemed as though the pills were not working. I took the route of RAI on 12/12/12 and am now Hypothyroid. I have to start my fitness journey all over again, and it's going to be extra hard now that I'm Hypothyroid, but I'm going to fight through it.

    I wish you luck on your Hyperthyroid journey. Although you are gaining weight you don't want, know that the pills are working and doing its job because you are. Concern should be raised if you're losing a crazy amount of weight with little to no effort.
  • kpharte
    kpharte Posts: 8
    Hey guys I'm Nick! I was just diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism back in November 2012. Initially my endo put me on 3pills of methamizole once a day. When i went back in February 2013, he said my levels were still a bit high and increased my dose to 4 pills once a day. Before I was diagnosed with this, i had been working with a personal trainer/bodybuilder to lose weight and get in better shape. I am now up to 160 pounds and really need to work on losing weight and getting in better shape.I was also sidelined late spring through November with an injury from sports. I broke one of my fingers at aussie footy practice, which required surgery and screws to be placed in my finger. I was told to not do any sports or weightlifting until I got the clear from my surgeon.

    I also got into the bad habit of still eating badly like I usually would but without doing any physical activity I saw the weight packing on.

    Bear with me, I'm learning how this forum works...

    Before my flare up of hyperthyroidism in 2011, I was training to be a fitness model. I noticed there was a problem in January 2011 when I lost 10 pounds in one week ( week), and that's when I went to my doctor and blood tests showed I was hyperthyroid. Prior to that, my levels were normal (which was weird because I was told that my thyroid had completely stopped working when I was 12).

    After a while, I couldn't work out anymore, my heart rate was 115 bpm, and my palpitations just sidelined me, I was getting too dizzy to do any kind of workout, even walking up stairs. I was on methamizole as well, first starting off with three pills a day, then ended to one pill a day and then back to three pills until it seemed as though the pills were not working. I took the route of RAI on 12/12/12 and am now Hypothyroid. I have to start my fitness journey all over again, and it's going to be extra hard now that I'm Hypothyroid, but I'm going to fight through it.

    I wish you luck on your Hyperthyroid journey. Although you are gaining weight you don't want, know that the pills are working and doing its job because you are. Concern should be raised if you're losing a crazy amount of weight with little to no effort.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Nick :flowerforyou:
    It definitely takes time to stabilize the meds. Hope you find the tips you need to get your diet back in line for handling the thyroid issue. Lots of tips & experience here. Join right in, ask questions!
    (kp good job joining in) Perfect!
  • Pcarsey
    Pcarsey Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All,

    Had my 3rd set of labs done this week. TSH 0.08 - Free T4 0.7 - Free T3 2.6 - Vit D 45.51 - Testosterone .92 - Progesterone .48 - Ferritin (Iron) 53

    So- she upped my Armour to 120, changed my progesterone to Prometrium at night before bed to help sleep and (crossing XX fingers) anxiety.. and also gave me DIM to help regulate my estrogen and added some iron supplements. Am going to have cortisol and neurotransmitter testing done too. Ordered a Fitbit because my Omron Pedometer is JUNK!!! I definitely do not need a pedometer that tells me I am doing way more then what I am. I know I do not sleep walk but yet when I keep it on at night it says I have walked 396 steps while Hopefully I feel like doing more than sitting on the couch

    Hope everyone is adjusting well!!

  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hey Patty,
    Those numbers look pretty good to me. Can you explain the optimal number beside? I'm kind of surprised she upped your Armour with your TSH so low.
    Interesting that you got the testosterone & progesterone tested.

    Good for you on the fit bit. Hope it works better for you. I started moving with a MyTrak. It worked wonders to get me going. Now I've given it away, as I know how much I have to move & enjoy it. :happy:
  • annieraintree
    annieraintree Posts: 10 Member
    After two and one half years on the Hypothyroidism trail I am finally starting to feel hopeful about losing weight (gained 50 pounds over the past three years). It is really hard as you know but I am determined. I can now make it through a day without having to nap! I do take supplements which I have found to be very helpful: Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Selenium and Flax Seed oil. If I had only one piece of advice for those newly diagnosed with hypothyroidism it would be to educate yourself and be your own advocate with your physician; and if your physisician does not work with you or listen to you - fire him or her and find a new physician.
  • jenniferfurlough
    Hi Everyone! My name is Jennifer and I have hypothyroidism. It drives me nuts!!! I have been dealing with it since 2009. I need to loose weight but I don't get very far with it. I currently weigh 191 and I am 5ft 3in. I don't ever get below 190. I really hope that I can find some useful information from all of you. I honestly don't know much about my thyroid issue besides that I have to take my meds or I can not function. My goal is to loose weight and slowly lower my dose of my medication. I really want to be healthy and skinny again. I am so excited that I will have some support from some fellow thyroid fighting people. :smile:
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome!!
  • AlexisThayne
    Hey glad to find a group like this!
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 13yrs old (29 now).....after college I changed doctors and they wouldn't prescribe my meds to me so I just went off them....BIG MISTAKE! health declined slowly as weight and depression overwhelmed me.
    I finally went to a specialist who couldn't believe I had not be giving a prescription sooner. I have been on the right dosage of Armour Thyroid (.200) for about a year now.

    I am a totally different person....more energy...the weight is finally coming off (slowly but surly) because I have the energy to work out. It changed my life!

    I have been hearing a lot of debate about certain foods hypo's can and can not eat.....I am seeing my doctor next week and going to discuss this with him. I am trying to give my body the best chance to maintain good health with this disorder.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    Good morning all,
    I'm Jaime. I was diagnosed as hypothyroid a couple weeks ago and am one of the many who were probably misdiagnosed for years due to the faulty bloodwork standards currently in place (highly frustrating). I started gaining weight years ago, probably due to certain medications I was on (the doctor says it was probably a domino effect with my meds and my symptoms). I couldn't get any of the weight to budge through diet change or exercise and my acid reflux was getting way out of control. Overall, I just felt icky and that something HAD to be going on in my system (even though the yearly bloodwork was supposedly ok). The acid meds had stopped working and then I found out I was only supposed to be on them a year at most since they can cause further damage (I had already been on them for 3).

    For months I had been searching the internet and books for answers and realized I was going to need some help of the medical sort. I finally found a hollistic doctor and a specialist who knew what to look for and plan to work together to fix whatever is going on. However, the plan is at a partial stand still since we are waiting for results of a slew of tests and have another (saliva) test coming up soon. Until then, I am on a bunch of supplements and vitamins to help viamin deficiency and the acid situation in my tummy. Hopefully they can find a plan to help me so I can get some of this weight off, which in turn will hopefully help my stomach. No one likes nausea. Yuck.

    So far, I have lost a few pounds after quitting all the meds, but I'm sure the rest of this road will not be as easy.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    Hope everything turns out ok, FitB4IRetire. Keeping fingers and toes crossed!
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    Hey all! Hypo here. :drinker:
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome all! :flowerforyou:
    Please check out the links at top of group, there's lots of help there, for types of foods that help & types to avoid. You will feel a world of difference, getting all these things in line. There's HOPE!! :flowerforyou:
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    I'm Jamie, a 35 year old thyroid cancer survivor. Since I suffer from some Hypo symptoms I'm always looking for suggestions to help with weight loss and energy! I was told for years that my thyroid levels were fine but when it was removed it was discovered I had Hasi's which was in part why I had a hard time losing weight prior.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Jamie :flowerforyou:
    So happy you survived!
    Check out & other links I have listed. There's so much information to be found! :happy:
    Hope you find yourself at home here too.
  • Primrose_au
    Primrose_au Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone. Here to say G'day ( from Australia). I'm 49 ( almost) and my Hubby and I started a exercise program approx. six weeks ago. I have been logging my diet religoiusly and have since lost aprox. 4kg since the start.

    Unfortunately, last week I notcied a fair sized goitre in my neck and have since had a scan and blood test to sus it out.
    The scan showed two less than 5mm nodules in my left lobe and a 14mm nodule in my right. The blood tests came back normal TSH 2.28 (If thats normal.)

    I havent been feeling tired, other than that of a week of strength training would induce.

    I am concerned if maybe something I have done recently has brought this on??? Too much exercise too quickly?..... Protein Shake supplements ( the one I'm using contains only 1% Soy protein)...... change in diet??

    The doctor didnt tell me much at all and I forgot to ask.

    I go for ( torture),,,, I mean needle biopsy next week.

    WOW ! What a way to introduce myself.