Over 50 and Single



  • 413bb
    413bb Posts: 8 Member
    Renate1958 - I have walking poles too. I laughed when you said you look like a really active fat person because every time I use them I think there is no way use them and NOT draw attention to myself. A kid asked me if they make me go faster and I just said yes as I walked past him!
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    That's hilarious. I walk 4 dogs at once so I have a toolbelt around my waist that the dogs leashes are attached to (with a swivel) by carbiners. Two dogs on each side. They've learned over the past few months which side they are supposed to walk on and they stay there.
  • sjeannie
    sjeannie Posts: 23 Member
    Hi sjeannie,

    Does your insurance cover a nutritionist? I've never been to one. I think it's wonderful that the pound you found was muscle. I usually hate to see an extra pound. So if you gained a pound of muscle, does that mean that you also lost fat? I gage my weight on how tight my clothes are, and they are getting tighter. I am tired of buying bigger clothes and the whole hating myself for being so fat thing. I try not to feel that way, but when I have to buy clothes, it gets bad.
    It sounds like you are on a good trend. How much time do you spend exercising? Is it cardio or strength training?

    Yes. He is a chiropractor who is also a certified nutritionist. So, it is covered by insurance. The machine did indicate that in addition to gaining muscle, I'd lost some fat. I have to confess, though. I go to him every other week. AS SOON as I leave him, I go and grab something sinful. One week it was a whole tray of Red Vines. The other week, it was some fried pickles. (Yes, FRIED pickles.) It's like going to confession ~ having him go over my food diaries, take my weight, read my cellular health and metabolism...etc. OMG! I have slacked off on the exercise because my workout buddy is having some personal issues at the moment. However, what was REALLY successful for me was strength training with just a small amount of cardio. We'd start off with like 10 minutes on the treadmill or stationary bike...and then the rest of the hour (slightly over an hour) was spent strength training. It made a HUGE difference. And I was only doing it twice a week. I go see my nutritionist today and I am NOT looking forward to the results. Although I have maintained my weight...it's WHAT I've been eating that concerns me. Last night it was an order of FRIED ZUCCINI. Uggggh! But to make up for that, I had Kale salad for lunch today.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Its so easy to just pig out. Sheesh.

    By the way Renata, I think the walking poles help to tone up my arms on the walk.
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi sjeannie,
    You have inspired me to try some strength training! I think I could handle only two days a week. Don't blame yourself for the fried stuff. I ate fried green beans with some kind of ranch dressing or something on them. They were delicious!! lol We can take anything healthy and ruin it right? Oh well, then we get back on board with kale salad. You are doing so many right things, it's only human to want a yummy snack once in a while.
  • Hi everybody. Well, my first week started out pretty well but has gone downhill. I think I told you, I was trying to do low carb before I came on MFP. Now that I'm back to just counting calories, I let myself buy a few snack foods last time I went grocery shopping. I figured, hey, as long as I count the calories, I can have a couple chips with my lunch or a couple of caramels after dinner. And that plan was fine at first, but as the week has gone on, I've discovered (again) that certain foods just make me a little crazy. I seriously become like some kind of crazy drug addict. I don't know if it's mental (boredom, lonliness) or some kind of physical response to certain foods, but I guess I just need to be a lot more careful what I bring home. I'm not going to say that I'll never eat those kinds of things, but if I do I'll just get one serving while I'm out, and not bring them home.

    Hope you all have a great weekend.

  • Oh, marbisis, in answer to your question, I do have an inexpensive juicer, but I haven't used it much. Fresh juice is wonderful, though, and you've got me thinking about getting it out again.

  • sjeannie, thanks for sharing about the strength training. I love hearing firsthand experiences. Strength training actually sounds more appealing to me than cardio exercise, too. I know we need some of both but I really hate getting sweaty and out of breath. Maybe I can do some strength training at home while I watch a little tv. : )

    I also want to get back into yoga and isometrics. I had a lot of success with those when I was younger. Yoga for flexibility and breathing, and isometrics to tighten up. No equipment required!

  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Becky, I do the same thing. I wonder if it isn't those trans-fats or the corn sugar that makes one crazy. They say corn sugar is a big trigger to binging. May be better off making your own cupcakes. Can control the portion and calorie sizes.
  • JacciSimms
    JacciSimms Posts: 212 Member
    These two documentaries inspired me to become a vegetarian (I’ve been one for 2 years now) and to start juicing. I have the Breville that Joe Cross uses. I don’t juice as much as I should but being a vegetarian has opened a whole new world for me. Check out Weight of the Nation (which I believe was an HBO special), Food Nation, Hungry for Change, Forks Over Knives. These are on Netflix too.
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Well, vacation is over, I am back at work, and my company that I had over has left. Time to get back on track! I did lose 2 more lbs just by eating smaller portions (even though it was chinese, pizza or whatever). I also bought the Breville juicer and ouch are those things expensive! If you have them in the cupboard, you didn't get your monies worth yet!! Get them out!! lol I will start using mine this week, so I'll let you know how I'm doing.

    Becky, in those movies we talked about, it shows that the food marketers make food addictive just like ciggarettes. It's not your fault that you crave them and going on a carb free diet will just make you binge. Your body needs carbs anyway, so just limit how much you have and what type. Fill up with a salad, drink a lot of water, stay off soda completely even diet, have a protien, wait 20 minutes and then have a small carb because you should already feel pretty full. Not bringing them home is a great plan, so if you can just buy one of something instead of a whole box that would help. Caramel is just sugar, and refined sugar is a trigger. You'd be better off with a piece of seriously dark chocolate like over 70% cacao. Let me know if you try that plan and if you think it's helping.

    I am culinarily challenged, so I don't make cupcakes, but I will buy 1 at the health food store. I still look at the labels, because even there, the food can be loaded with all kinds of stuff that you don't want. One of the things I found out that is scary, is about Chinese honey. A lot of the honey in stores comes from China and it's got chemicals in it, and has been watered down. Some of the companies didn't even know they had Chinese honey in their products because it's not labeled from China. I will only buy local organic real honey from now on!!

    Jacci, I will add those movies to my list! As a vegetarian do you eat a lot of Tofu or Soy? I have to avoid anything with soy in it, and now days it's in everything!!! Canned tuna, bread, mayo, salad dressing, ice cream, you name it. Practically all I can eat anymore is veggie or meat. I also want to mention, that since I am hardly eating any bread or dairy, I actually feel better and have more energy.
  • renate1958
    renate1958 Posts: 67 Member
    Well, the last few days has been a nightmare. I had a HUGE leak in my basement and have been working at cleaning that up. Hope I at least lost a few pounds with the clean up process. Documenting everything for the insurance company is such a pain!
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    Water leaks suck!! OMG. I hope you didn't lose anything in the flood. I seem to have water leaks follow me wherever I go... My ceiling caved in over Christmas because a water line in the ceiling burst. The line went to an air humidifier that I didn't even know was up there!

    In other news, I finally used my juicer. I didn't follow any recipe but maybe I should have. I used a whole bag of kale and then had to add a bunch of fruit to make it taste good enough to drink. So I made a lot the first time and didn't drink it all that day. The older it gets its not as good. And now I don't have anything left to make more and haven't had time to go shopping again...
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    I am under a lot of stress right now, and I find that I eat more. Work has been hectic and I haven't been getting home until 9 or 9:30, I have a final exam at the end of the week, and no time to study, and my lease is up next month and I have to find a new place to move. I am glad I am already divorced or it could be worse!
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    I was very excited yesterday to fit into an older pair of jeans. I have a whole wardrobe waiting for me if I can just get down a few more pounds...

    I also bought a bunch more fruits and veggies to use in my juicer. Can't wait to do that today :-)
  • skinnylady2014
    skinnylady2014 Posts: 101 Member

    I am very new to this site and thrilled to have found this forum. Will write more later when not so tired. I wish success to all of us on many levels!
  • marbisi
    marbisi Posts: 32 Member
    It's been a while since I've checked in. I got out of the habit and fell off my diet :-( I hope everyone is still plugging away, one step at a time. I am getting myself back on target now...
  • Torri1959
    Torri1959 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello. I haven't seen much activity in this group for quite a while, but I'm hoping that people are still around and reading and ready to post. I am over 50, single, and over 100 lbs to lose. I am very unhealthy and have 2 grandchildren that I want to live them finish high school. Right now they are too young for school, so im not in a rush to lose that much weight fast.
    Id like to make some friends here for support, and though we have no one we live with to congratulate us on not buying chips or cheese cake on sale and drinking water, it would help to have someone on our side so to speak.
    If you understand where im coming from please add me and perhaps get talk in this group going again.