


  • Hi I'm 37 years old. My current weight is 154.5. I need to go down to 125. This has become so difficult for me. I've been working out and eating a very high protein (mostly from fish and protein shakes,eggs) and low fats low carbs diet and its just not coming off. I have no thyroid problem or anything else. What's wrong with me??? :( any insights on this?
  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Trying to find motivation to get to my goal weight and get a toned body, plus I just want to feel healthy!! I have three kids ages 6,4, and 2!! I'm a stay at home mom!!
  • thomsann
    thomsann Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, I'm a stay at home mom to a four month old little boy. I'm currently 158lbs, and need to lose 10lbs to hit my prepregnancy weight. My goal is to reach 125, the weight I was when I met my husband. I don't eat too terribly (I used to be a McD's addict, but I am slowly but surely changing that and fighting it!), though I am addicted to soda and still have chocolate cravings now and then. I'm also breastfeeding, so I can't cut calories too much.

    I'm trying my best, but feeling alone. I can't talk to anyone about it without irritating them or boring them. Plus it's just awkward, haha.

    I'm hoping being here will give me more support. I'm also considering weight watchers. :)
  • nicolej1016
    nicolej1016 Posts: 89 Member
    Hello all! I am 10 days into my journey with MFP. I am 39 years old. My current weight is 205 and my goal is 110. I am also only 5 foot tall.

    I have been married 15 years to a great man and we have two children. I was doing the math the other day regarding my weight gain and I realized that since my wedding day, I have averaged a weight gain of 5-6 pounds per year. Not a pattern I would like to continue. The majority of the weight was gained after the birth of my two children. I used food to reward myself for making it through the day. My kids and husband are all healthy weight and my kids eat super-healthy, but I am not being a good example with my weight. Eating after they go to bed or while they are at school was a shameful pattern for me.

    I have been exercising 3-4 times per day at the YMCA which offers excellent group exercise classes with an awesome trainer. However, I only lost 7 pounds from Sept-February since I was not addressing the food issue. In March, I decided to start MFP and have lost 2 lbs so far.

    My personality tends to be introverted, but I know that this process can not be done in isolation. If anyone is willing to add another friend for mutual support and encouragement, please add me as a friend. Is there a way to send friend requests? I am still new at this... :)

    Anyway, here's to the journey!
  • kasiewest
    kasiewest Posts: 11
    Hi All Mom's!! My name is Kasie and I am the mom to a beautiful 3 year old little girl and step mom to an 8 yr old girl. I have always been on the larger side even in highschool, and it got worse in college. I have never been one for traditional exercise and I am a sucker for sweets. While I was breastfeeding I was down alot of weight, the minute I stopped breastfeeding @ 12 months - the weight came right back on.

    I am currently on day 3 with myfitnesspal, day 3 of eating healthier choices and I have completely cut the sweets out (I told myself once I lose 10lbs I can have a cheat dessert), day 3 of working out. I am using the beachbody workout Turbo Jam. I am following the advanced schedule and have added a workout to each day. One workout didnt seem enough for me to workout. I am hoping to eventually lose 100lbs. I have set my sites on losing 1-2 lbs a week so that once its off its off and doesnt come back. My fiance and I are attending a luke bryan concert on May 30 which is 72 days from when I started so roughly 11 weeks. I figure if I am down 11-22lbs by the concert I will be able to buy a new pair of jeans for the concert. I am setting small goals in my journey to the larger goal.

    Besides being a mom and significant other, I work full time in accounting and I am also attending college full time. I am busy but I am 100% committed to this journey and becoming a healthier mom and soon to be wife. I'd also like to lose the weight so I am not embarrassed when looking back at my wedding pictures.

    Here goes nothing..... I cant wait to report back once I lose some of the weight and then again when I am down 100 lbs
  • kasiewest
    kasiewest Posts: 11
    Hi Mandy - wow 4 kids, that is awesome! Good luck with your 75lb loss, I am looking to lose 100lbs and be a healthier example for my little girl! Good luck!!

    What workouts are you using?
  • jasminehorn87
    jasminehorn87 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new. Im jasmine mother of 3. I started 4 weeks ago weighing 206 and now weigh 191, trying to get to 120-130. Love everything bad for you from fast food and soda to chocolate and cupcakes. :( I need some friends and motivation i feel alone in this.
  • Elpaw4mbv
    Elpaw4mbv Posts: 43 Member
    I'm actively new to MFP (joined in Oct but wasn't active) - recommitted to this in March. My name is Bristow and I have two sons (age 10 and soon to be 7). I'm an older mom - had my first child at 39. Can't believe I turn 50 in less than a month! I work full-time (roughly 45+ hours a week) in a high-stress, fast paced role. I'm also very active in the PTA at my children's school and serve on the board of directors at the youth baseball league that they play for. The boys are involved in sports and cub scouts so we have a busy life.

    I've managed to carve out two days a week when I can get to the gym to work with a personal trainer but so far that has just kept my weight at the status quo or fluctuating - losing and finding the same 40 pounds over the past three years. I know I have to log food and exercise daily if the weight is going to drop but making the time is such a juggling act between my needs, the housework, my husband, and my kids that I tend to put myself last.

    My husband is a chef, so that comes with its own challenges - namely, his schedule; the kitchen is his domain; his idea of a portion size is a bit on the large side; and he's fond of things like butter and cream. On the flip side, he can cook anything I want and he is good with substitutions.

    It would be good to have a group of friends who understand the challenges. Too many of my single or childless friends don't understand that sometimes it really is a choice between working out or letting the kids play a sport or attend a cub scout meeting. I get really sick of hearing "if it was important to you, you'd make it happen." Don't know about your reality, but in mine - cloning or time travel ain't an option. :wink:
  • marilynolivares1
    marilynolivares1 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi my name is Marilyn a mother of two wonderful girls I am 34 years old my current weight is one 174 my goal weight is between 110 and 120. I eat when I'm happy or sad in another words any reason is a reason to eat.. I want to loose weight to be healthy and of course to look good. :flowerforyou:
  • mechelemc
    mechelemc Posts: 59 Member
    Hi I've been on MFP for about 3 weeks. I've lost 10 lbs. I am a mom of 3. Sometimes I feel like it is 4 w/my biggest kid being hubby. Between weight gain from medication, pregnancies and life in general I now need to loose an amount I am actually shamed to say. But I've vowed to myself to take time for ME! I am always looking for support on this long journey so feel free to add me!
  • abcdmomof2
    abcdmomof2 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm new to MFP, a friend of mine uses this and told me how she's been tracking for 3 years and has met and surpassed her goal. I've been trying to lose weight for years and I'm constantly falling off the wagon and bouncing around and nothing stays....any help/guidance would be appreciated!!
  • abcdmomof2
    abcdmomof2 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm def in the same boat as you! I'm only have 2 girls, but my husband is horrible! He eats whatever he wants, whenever he wants and it sabatoges me everytime
  • Gina91507
    Gina91507 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm def in the same boat as you! I'm only have 2 girls, but my husband is horrible! He eats whatever he wants, whenever he wants and it sabatoges me everytime

    Oh my goodness, my husband also!
  • Gina91507
    Gina91507 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone i'm Gina and I am a busy stay at home mom of two wonderful little boys. They are 100% full of energy from the time they wake up until they rest their heads on the pillow at night.

    I have recently started my life change this past November, the day before Thanksgiving of all days! I was always fairly thin and never had to worry about my weight; until I had children. After my second son was born, I just couldn't lose the baby weight (33lbs), and then I gained more (10lbs). I felt terrible, I was tired all the time, and just plain lazy. I also have an under active thyroid condition (hashimoto's disease), which makes it even harder to lose weight. I used my condition as an excuse to be un-healthy. I had always enjoyed exercising and being active when I was younger. As I got older I made excuses since I was feeling bad about myself for being so un-fit and heavy.

    I started using the My Fitness Pal app on my phone, started tracking my food intake, and switched highly processed foods and heavy meats for vegetarian clean eating. I also started going to hot yoga. At first it was 2 times a week, and now I go 5-6 times a week, sometimes 7 if i'm lucky!

    I recently started my P90X challenge and even in the first week I saw positive changes in my body! It is an amazing workout program. I can honestly say that I enjoy working out again. Yes, it's hard. Yes, I get sore. Yes, I still have a way to go, but I am so happy to be where I am today- 23 lbs lighter in five months is quite an accomplishment in my eyes. I decided to become a BeachBody coach so I could help my family and friends (new and old) to become the best they can be. I want everyone to feel as good about themselves as I'm feeling.

    I just started a 90 day fitness challenge. I am looking for other moms like me to join my group. I would love a few partners in crime to keep me accountable. Message me if your interested.
  • CourtneyLeigh83
    CourtneyLeigh83 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm a 30 year old mom of two. But like many of you, my husband is who really makes things difficult! I want us all to eat healthier and be more active and he says he wants to as well but doesn't even try to stick with it. I get it, his schedule is crazy. He works in a pub and doesn't get home until 2, sometimes 3 in the morning and he uses that as an excuse to not exercise and his eating habits aren't great. At home we are okay with meals, but terrible for snacking. His eating habits are even worse because he eats at work almost every day and it's wings, burgers, all the crap I want him to avoid. I am trying to keep motivated working out at home while he's at work and the kids are in bed. I need to be accountable to someone, and my husband isn't offering that support. I log absolutely everything and I'm trying to eat healthier. I am a pop addict - but currently 3 weeks pop free! Next to go...chips. There are no more in the house and there never will be again!
  • abcdmomof2
    abcdmomof2 Posts: 19 Member
    I guess I didn't really post my story on here yesterday and after reading all of yours, I've decided I should lol I'm a 27 yo mom of 2 beautiful girls (4 and 2) Before my first daughter I was 140 lbs, gained 54 and was 194. I lost 40 lbs after her and then quit smoking, gained an additional 15 lbs. I joined weight watchers, to find out 3 weeks later I was pregnant with baby #2, so 10 months and an additional 55 lbs, I was 225 at the end of my pregnancy. I'm only 5'5 so it was a huge issue. I'm now anywhere between 175 and 180, depends on the day and have been struggling since bbg#2 was born. I had a breast reduction in November which was the most amazing thing in the world (besides my bbg's) something I'd been waiting for since I was 14. But now, since my children I have Thyroid issues, a gluten intolerance and recently, gallbladder issues. Children, they're wonderful.
    I joined a gym here in London, ON CAN, and it's amazing. Full of amazing women who not only support you, but a trainer who constantly pushes you to reach your personal goals. She is an amazing woman who not only helps those at her gym, but those in the community. I haven't been in over a month due to family/health reasons, but plan to get right back on the wagon. I've cut out most sweets and obviously gluten, so lets hope something sticks. Since the nice weather has been up and down here, I've been trying to take walks nightly, but when it's -14(celcius) at night, it's too frigid! lol I'm in a wedding in September for my daughter's god parents, and bridesmaid dress shopping was a disaster. All the other girls were a size 4, and I was a 14. I wanted to vomit and cry at the same time. Here's hoping I reach my goal of 35 lbs by September.
  • hopestarF
    hopestarF Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm another mom on a mission to living a fit life. I'm currently 191, and mu current goal is 160, hopefully by summer. My UGW: 125. That may be a little too small for my liking so we'll see how I feel when I hit 130s. I have 2 awesome, overactive, beautiful kids and a husband who never seems to gain weight!....go figure, he tries to gain while I try to lose. ugh, story of my life. I need more pals, so if you want to journey together thru this weight loss, add me :)
  • Fabu_lass
    Fabu_lass Posts: 122 Member
    Hi MOAM's

    Mother of 1 (9yr girl), my cw is 203.4. My sw was 220 and my ugw is 137, my first goal is to have lost 40lbs by the family holiday in July and I've just started my first round of P90X lean, I am definitely a mom on a mission
    can offer support and motivation, feel free to add me
  • jenzam82
    jenzam82 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I am the mom of a ten year old boy and my boyfriend has two boys as well, ages six and nine. I am also a full-time+ college student. I have struggled with my weight and body image all my life and I am tired of doing this to myself. I lost 30 pounds last spring and summer but then gained 20 back over the winter. I am promising myself that today is the last "Day One" I will ever have, and committing to getting healthy. I do not want my son to struggle all his life the way I do. I do not want to dislike what I see in the mirror anymore. And I want to get healthy so that I can have another baby. I am starting a low-carb diet because I have PCOS. I have never done low-carb before and to be honest, it scares me a little bit. I have lived all my life having either rice, pasta, potatoes, or bread on my dinner plate every night. It feels strange without that there, but I know I will adjust and be better for it. Good luck to all my fellow moms on a mission! Feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the support I can get and am happy to support others too :)
  • mmc23
    mmc23 Posts: 42
    Hi! I am a mom on a mission to get healthy. I am halfway to my first goal weight and for those just starting out, I can really relate to where you are. I also gained back last spring's 20 lb loss and more and was at my lifetime max non-pregnant weight in December. (200) I finally decided that I had had it. Since then I have been logging more or less faithfully every day and running -- I did couch to 5K and now I'm training for races this spring. I do Pilates / yoga on my off days to strengthen those joints and amuse the cats and children. (My cats like to try to eat my resistance band! My kids just laugh at me! ;) )

    My kids are 6 and 9, a boy and a girl, and they keep me busy with scouts, sports, dance, and volunteering at school. I am trying to get a writing career started but I won't feel like I can say I'm a writer until I sell or publish something ;)

    Feel free to add me, I like to chat and encourage people, I use the mobile app so I am not on the boards as often.