Just starting Week 1 day 3 today, anyone else?

Is there anyone else just starting the JE LiveFit program? I'm on day 3 of week one and would love to go throught it with some gals! Let me know and we can do this together! Thank you!


  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Hey! I really want to try this programme but not sure if I can even afford all the supplements and the amount of food at the moment. How are you finding the nutrition? Is it easy to prepare for a whole week in one day?
  • sgcadola
    sgcadola Posts: 35 Member
    I had to start over due to back injury, but I'm currently in week 1 as well. Let's do this! @PhoenixRising I plan my meals out for the week. I get a big bag of frozen chicken and veggies cook everything and put it into containers for the week. I get my suppliments at GNC the beggining of the month because I get 10% off that first week. I don't follow her meal plan to the T but that's just me. I am not that hungry so that much food is hard for me to intake. I do though make sure to eat breakfast, lunch, snack then dinner. Do what you can!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Hey! I really want to try this programme but not sure if I can even afford all the supplements and the amount of food at the moment. How are you finding the nutrition? Is it easy to prepare for a whole week in one day?

    the only supplements i'm going to get are the multivitamin, fish oil, and calcium. I eat clean most of the time and am not following her exact diet at this time. When I cook dinner I make enought to have the same thing for lunch the next day and breakfast is usually oatmeal or Special K with a banana.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I had to start over due to back injury, but I'm currently in week 1 as well. Let's do this! @PhoenixRising I plan my meals out for the week. I get a big bag of frozen chicken and veggies cook everything and put it into containers for the week. I get my suppliments at GNC the beggining of the month because I get 10% off that first week. I don't follow her meal plan to the T but that's just me. I am not that hungry so that much food is hard for me to intake. I do though make sure to eat breakfast, lunch, snack then dinner. Do what you can!

    I'm with ya! We can do it!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Did day 3 of the work out plan today. My legs are hurting, shoot my arms are still sore from Mondays work out, lol! I'm lucky in that my son is a personal trainer and has been going with me in the mornings before work to help me and keep me motivated. Plus, he helps me with the equipment. Dont know what I'd do without him! I really wan to do this. Havve a long long way to go, but I'll get there. We all will!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm also wondering about how I am going to get through the cardio as I heard there is some running involved?
    I have had hip reconstruction in the past so I'm banned from high impact cardio of any sort so do you think working on a cross trainer or walking would be ok?
    I also don't have have access to the gym so I'm hoping there will be alternatives to some moves like the cable rows as I don't have the cables at my home. I do have a weight bench with a squat rack, barbells and dumbells and a bench but no cables or smith elements to it.

    I would love to start this with you both!
    I am already pretty spot on with my nutrition I feel but I have been on low carb for a while so getting used to eating sweet potato so much is going to be the most difficult thing for me. As well as the amount of egg whites! :D
    As far as sups go I already have vanilla whey protein from my protein that I really like so may also buy the BCAA and a joint supplement (all of my joints seem below average)

    You will do great here_i_go_again, (HIGA, I may call you instead of typing your name over again if you wouldn't mind? :) ) and how lucky are you to have a son as a personal trainer! :)
    I'll hopefully get a gym membership once funds allow.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I haven't gone ahead to see what type of cardio there is. I can't run either, so I really hope there isn't much of that. I will have to modify with dancing or something else to get my cardio in if that's what it reads. I've talke to my son about it and he said as long as I do some type of cardio whether it be dancing or what he calls "steam engines" he will get my cardio in and my heart rate up. I think running is boring personally and I hate the treadmill.
    I just finished week 1 and am on my 3 rest days. Though, I did have a personal session at my gym and even though the guy said it was just an "accessment" it was a workout for me! So , I realy have just the two days off, which is fine with me.

    I'm determined ths time to get to my goal. I had my bodyfat composition done and I am 35% body fat. Holy cow! 9 years ago I was at 24% so that is how much I have let mysefl go these past years. Gained over a little more than 1 percent per year. OMG! The guy at the gym said if I stuck to my diet and exercise plan I could get to my goal in 15 weeks, but when I put all of my information into the computer on some website it told me one year to get to my goal. We shall see which one is right!
    Fifteen weeks would be welcomed but if it takes me a year, then so be it!

    I start week two on Monday. I hope everyone comes back her to post how they are doing. There is a group too that does JE LiveFit. You guys should locate it and check it out! Pretty cool.

    Take care everyone and have a great day!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    If anyone uses Facebook, I just creatd a group "Weight Lifting for Women" Come and join if you like and please share in your work outs and daily triumphs along with any struggles you may be having! Thanks!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Starting week 2, day 1 today at the gym. Cant wait to get my work out on! Is noone else here? How is everyone doing? Check in and lets support each other! :smile:
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    I'll be doing Week 2, Day 1 in about an hour. Will check in tomorrow and let you know how it went.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I'll be doing Week 2, Day 1 in about an hour. Will check in tomorrow and let you know how it went.

    How did it go? Did you get a good workout? How are you feeling? We are almost at the same place, I'm on week 2, day 3 today. and will be working legs and calves at the gym. Keep it up and let me know how you're doing!
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    Last night was triceps and chest. I was able to increase my weight on most of the exercises, but those narrow push-ups are KILLERS!!!! I know the soreness is going to set in soon.

    Tonight is back and biceps for me. I love that workout. Are you ready for the change in exercises next week?
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Last night was triceps and chest. I was able to increase my weight on most of the exercises, but those narrow push-ups are KILLERS!!!! I know the soreness is going to set in soon.

    Tonight is back and biceps for me. I love that workout. Are you ready for the change in exercises next week?

    OMG, the narrow push ups kill me too! I tried doing those first before the wide ones the last time. Helped a little but still can't get 12 reps of the narrow push ups done. Working on it though! Conrats on increasing your weight through the exercises, that is awesome! Today is shoulders and abs for me. I would love to have sexy shoulders for summer, heck for the rest of my life! LOL! I am so ready for the change in exercises next week! I'm looking forward to changing it up. How about you? By the way, how old are you? I am 49 and will be 50 in July. You?
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Week 2 is down! Looking forward to that changes in week 3 for exercise. Woot-woot!
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    How about you? By the way, how old are you? I am 49 and will be 50 in July. You?

    Yes, I'm definitely ready for the change in exercise. Back and biceps was great last night. Those preacher bicep curls and killer. Tonight is leg night. My favorite one so far. I just hate how funny I walk to few days afterwards. LOL!

    I'm nervous about Phase 2 though. I've read where people feel "puffy", however, as long as it leads to my goal body, I'm game! Also, I'm 37 and will be 38 in August.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    How about you? By the way, how old are you? I am 49 and will be 50 in July. You?

    Yes, I'm definitely ready for the change in exercise. Back and biceps was great last night. Those preacher bicep curls and killer. Tonight is leg night. My favorite one so far. I just hate how funny I walk to few days afterwards. LOL!

    I'm nervous about Phase 2 though. I've read where people feel "puffy", however, as long as it leads to my goal body, I'm game! Also, I'm 37 and will be 38 in August.

    Why do people feel "puffy?" Did they say? That'e weird, I wonder why? I'm with you though, I'm sticking to it. If I get some results after a few weeks, even little ones, I'm not stopping. Rest day tomorrow. Week 3 goes for 5 days two days off. That'll be different!
  • blaquebutterfly75
    blaquebutterfly75 Posts: 136 Member
    I believe they said they feel puffy because there has been muscle gain, but you're in the beginning stages of cutting (fat loss through cardio), so they feel extra big. However, by Phase 3, you've gained enough muscle and are doing so much cardio that the tranformation begins to appear. Goodbye fat, hello muscle!!!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I believe they said they feel puffy because there has been muscle gain, but you're in the beginning stages of cutting (fat loss through cardio), so they feel extra big. However, by Phase 3, you've gained enough muscle and are doing so much cardio that the tranformation begins to appear. Goodbye fat, hello muscle!!!

    Oh boy. I bet I have a hard time accepting the puffiness when that phase comes around. I just hope the changes start showing and then in the cardio phase I lose the fat and keep the muscle. We got this!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Feeling fat this morning. Skipping the chicken enchiladas I was going to have for lunch and having pork and veggies instead. I can't wait to start on week 3 in the program. I want to work out, as it makes me feel better about what I am doing. How is everythign going with you? Please check in and let me know what's up. Anyone.....Have a great day!:smile:
  • Tenaci0uslee
    I am supposed to be in phase 3, but with my husband jumping on board with me mid- program it has really shook things up. We started going to the gym instead of doing workouts at home and he has me all over the place. Then my Dad had some serious health issues so I haven't been as regular with the workouts. I still focus on my eating though. I am redoing the last week of phase 2 ( I am redoing it until I can bang out a good week, I am pretty OCD. If I miss a day it really bothers me!! Lol)

    My biggest piece of advice is to follow the meal plan as close as you can. I haven't been weighing as much, and I have only lost a lb, but that is not a good indicator of what is happening inside your body. I saw something on facebook today that said
    Do a little weight training
    Do a little cardio"
    And I think that is a great model to go by. Oh, and DRINK YOUR WATER! :D I am stoked to start phase 3...I Just want to re-focus so I ccan see some changes!! :)