bench press fail

I'm not sure what happened and a post in the StrongLifts forum didn't yeild any responses. I have been doing SL for a bit. Last session I failed at 65lbs bench and required assistance. So today, since I didn't have any helper with me, I decided to use the smith machine rather than free weights. I loaded a 25 lb, a 5 lb and a 2.5 lb on each side but couldn't lift it with proper form. I took off the 5s and tried again -- fail. I took off the 2.5 and tried again -- fail. I was able to bench the 50 but only 5x3x1x1x1 and I'm pretty sure those last two reps were horrific. What gives here? I was doing okay before this. Any idea?

My squats and barbell rows were successful however so I'm not calling the work out a wash.

Any idea what I did/am doing wrong here?


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    To answer you first question...

    You attempted to lift more than 65 pounds. 25x2 + 5x2 + 2.5x5 = 65. However the bar on the Smith machine itself weighs something.

    Generally the Smith Machine will be easier than using free weights for the bench press because of the built in stabilization. In your case it was only harder because you were lifting more weight.

    Does your machine have a power cage? If so you can adjust the safety pins to bench within the cage safely without a spotter. Here is an example:

    For many reasons I would highly recommend a spotter or a power cage instead of the Smith Machine. Using free weights will force you to stabilize your own weight which is a good thing.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    Thank you for your feedback. I googled Smith machine weight and everything I read said that it weighed next to nothing and not worth adding. So I figured 65+ they added assistance of the stability should be helpful. But it wasn't. In fact I went all the way down to 50 pounds. It was really disheartening. Yes we have a power rack. However it was in use and frankly, I was so embarrassed from my previous failure that I was looking forward to using the smith machine so that I wouldn't need saving again. I just don't understand how I went from 65 pound bench presses at 5x5x3x1x1 to failing at 50s. I'm just disappointed in myself I guess. I suppose I will load 50 on free weights and start over. There are worse things in this world. By the way, we have matching shoes!:glasses:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I may be way off but I was of the understanding that the smith machine bar weighed 20 or 25 lbs. If that's true then you were starting off with 85 or 90 lbs and when you went down to 50 you were at 70 or 75.

    Don't be embarrassed about missing reps. That's part of the deal and even the biggest baddest mofos out there miss reps and need a spot from time to time.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    when you went down to 50 you were at 70 or 75.

    I'm going to ignore everything I've read and choose to beleive you are right becuase this ^^ feels better than thinking I failed at 50! Thanks :drinker:

    I'll give it another go in a few days (StrongLifts) has me lifting every other day on an A/B cycle so i won't bench again for a while.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Are you a member of the stronglifts for women group or the regular stronglifts group? I hear the regular group is not very active, but we usually try to answer what questions we can. Check us out if you aren't already a member:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I may be way off but I was of the understanding that the smith machine bar weighed 20 or 25 lbs. If that's true then you were starting off with 85 or 90 lbs and when you went down to 50 you were at 70 or 75.

    Don't be embarrassed about missing reps. That's part of the deal and even the biggest baddest mofos out there miss reps and need a spot from time to time.

    I think it depends on the smith machine, I've seen several types. Some of them are a little more free floating and on some of them the bars literally weight nothing, I can lift it with my pinkie. Should be fairly easy to judge how much effort it takes to lift the bar. I'm guessing the bar was actually a lot heavier than zero.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I may be way off but I was of the understanding that the smith machine bar weighed 20 or 25 lbs. If that's true then you were starting off with 85 or 90 lbs and when you went down to 50 you were at 70 or 75.

    Don't be embarrassed about missing reps. That's part of the deal and even the biggest baddest mofos out there miss reps and need a spot from time to time.

    I think it depends on the smith machine, I've seen several types. Some of them are a little more free floating and on some of them the bars literally weight nothing, I can lift it with my pinkie. Should be fairly easy to judge how much effort it takes to lift the bar. I'm guessing the bar was actually a lot heavier than zero.

    I did not know that there were different bar types in them. Interesting.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    Are you a member of the stronglifts for women group or the regular stronglifts group? I hear the regular group is not very active, but we usually try to answer what questions we can. Check us out if you aren't already a member:

    Yes I'm a member of that forum but my post didn't yeild any responses.
    I think it depends on the smith machine, I've seen several types. Some of them are a little more free floating and on some of them the bars literally weight nothing, I can lift it with my pinkie. Should be fairly easy to judge how much effort it takes to lift the bar. I'm guessing the bar was actually a lot heavier than zero.

    I'm a terrible judge of weight. I guess I know it weighs more than nothing. I'll ask again when I'm at the gym this morning. But I think I'll just drop back to 50 lb (olympic bar plus 5s on each side) and return to the bench until I can slowly add more again and I'll make sure to get something in me before my next attempt. Maybe I just didn't have enough oomph left for bench yesterday.

    ((:blushing:yes, I know that was a lame excuse:noway:))
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Are you a member of the stronglifts for women group or the regular stronglifts group? I hear the regular group is not very active, but we usually try to answer what questions we can. Check us out if you aren't already a member:

    Yes I'm a member of that forum but my post didn't yeild any responses.
    I think it depends on the smith machine, I've seen several types. Some of them are a little more free floating and on some of them the bars literally weight nothing, I can lift it with my pinkie. Should be fairly easy to judge how much effort it takes to lift the bar. I'm guessing the bar was actually a lot heavier than zero.

    I'm a terrible judge of weight. I guess I know it weighs more than nothing. I'll ask again when I'm at the gym this morning. But I think I'll just drop back to 50 lb (olympic bar plus 5s on each side) and return to the bench until I can slowly add more again and I'll make sure to get something in me before my next attempt. Maybe I just didn't have enough oomph left for bench yesterday.

    ((:blushing:yes, I know that was a lame excuse:noway:))

    ^ Generally I'd prefer that method over switching to the smith.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    ^ Generally I'd prefer that method over switching to the smith.

    :blushing: yes but you weren't the one with the "failure to get it up" in the gym.

    The Smith Machine was supposed to save me from this embarrassment :grumble:

    I'll get back at it tomorrow. I lift every other day -- today I'll do cardio and resistance and try again tomorrow.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    ...and I'll make sure to get something in me before my next attempt. Maybe I just didn't have enough oomph left for bench yesterday.

    ((:blushing:yes, I know that was a lame excuse:noway:))

    That's not a lame excuse at all. Proper nutrition and sleep plays a huge role in your gym performance.
  • faster_than_flash
    faster_than_flash Posts: 114 Member
    Having a spotter always helps (a lot). If you have trouble getting the bar off the rack, start the bar at a lower rung. (There are usually 3 rungs).

    I agree with the above comments though, the smith machine also forces a certain angle. So you might not have been correctly centered over the bar...etc.

    Best of luck!
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    Between this >>
    The smith machine also forces a certain angle. So you might not have been correctly centered over the bar...etc.

    And this >>
    the smith machine bar weighed 20 or 25 lbs. If that's true then you were starting off with 85 or 90 lbs and when you went down to 50 you were at 70 or 75.

    I'm going to pretend that it wasn't a 'fail' at all :ohwell:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Also, if you were able to do 5 reps twice, and then could only do 3 and then 1, I think your rest times were too short. I've had to use a stopwatch and force myself to wait longer than I "want" to because apparently I'm a bad judge of how much I've recovered. :laugh:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Smith machines bars vary a lot in weight. It could have easily been anywhere from 5 -20 lbs. I believe the one at my gym is 15. While that might be not worth counting to some people.When youre lifting 65 pounds and possibly not accounting for 1/3 of the weight being lifted if its a 20 lb bar.

    It might be nothing for someone thats lifts 300lbs but for you it obviously was

    Personally I am with the other people saying if you dont have a spotter just reduce the weight on the free weight it will help your stabilizing muscles
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    Also, if you were able to do 5 reps twice, and then could only do 3 and then 1, I think your rest times were too short. I've had to use a stopwatch and force myself to wait longer than I "want" to because apparently I'm a bad judge of how much I've recovered. :laugh:

    Hmmmmm...I'm quite sure I don't wait the 'required' 3 minutes. I didn't think it would honestly make that much of a difference. I'll set a timer and actually wait next time.
    if you dont have a spotter just reduce the weight on the free weight it will help your stabilizing muscles

    I almost never have a 'spotter' and the times I go to the gym it's either full of meatheads who look at me and see an old lady or it's vacated, thus another reason I thought the smith machine might be my answer. I was clearly wrong. :huh: So... down in weights I'll go until I earn my way back up.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I almost never have a 'spotter' and the times I go to the gym it's either full of meatheads who look at me and see an old lady or it's vacated, thus another reason I thought the smith machine might be my answer. I was clearly wrong. :huh: So... down in weights I'll go until I earn my way back up.

    I'd be surprised if most of those meatheads minded spotting an old lady.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    I'd be surprised if most of those meatheads minded spotting an old lady.

    how do i even ask them? I mean they are all tuned into their own music and doing their own thing. I'm not going to bother them, that'd just be rude, right?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I'd be surprised if most of those meatheads minded spotting an old lady.

    how do i even ask them? I mean they are all tuned into their own music and doing their own thing. I'm not going to bother them, that'd just be rude, right?

    Just don't interrupt someone in the middle of their sets. Approach them when they're resting between sets. I think you'll find most people are very nice and helpful :) Especially a woman approaching a man, if I'm honest.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'd be surprised if most of those meatheads minded spotting an old lady.

    how do i even ask them? I mean they are all tuned into their own music and doing their own thing. I'm not going to bother them, that'd just be rude, right?

    Pfft with the old lady - I am a year older than you. As dope says - just wait until they are obviously between sets. Let them know how many reps you are doing also.
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