Friendship & Intro Thread



  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Primrose :flowerforyou:
    Sorry you're having thyroid issues. Hopefully it will not need surgery. Sounds like goiter, but I don't have any experience in that.

    I do know that soy is a thyroid inhibitor. Avoid it & all goitergens while concerned. (find them in the links).

    Chia seeds & coconut oil are good for thyroid; also vitamin D; selenium supplements among others.

    Congrats on the wt. loss! Keep on going! You will get through this!

  • Batmanswife1
    Batmanswife1 Posts: 22 Member
    Good evening everyone! I was diagnosed with Hashimotos 2 years ago. I cannot lose weight and am exhausted all the time. On 50mcg of Synthroid daily and 100mcg on Sunday. My levels are fine when I have blood work but I just feel as though something is being overlooked. I am 46 years old and need to lose 20 lbs. I have been on every diet and added tons of exercise but cannot seem to drop more that 3-4lbs then immediately gain it back. Good to be on MFP and see such great support. I'll welcome any advise I can get. Blessings.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
    That's so sad, that your meds aren't working for you. Kind of typical of today's medicine though. Have you checked into natural thyroid? It has t3 in it as well as t4, and has helped many of us. I also had adrenal issues, so was exhausted too. When I went to the Naturopath I found out that my thyroid would never get back to normal levels without healing the adrenals first. I can't believe how wonderful I feel now! Can't say I've ever felt this good, in my adult life, even my temperature is up in the 98 range... unheard of for me.
    Please check out & read it helps SO MUCH! Lets you know what the Dr's are missing & how to get your Dr to treat your symptoms instead of a TSH number.
    Hope this helps,
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Hello, I recently joined MFP and very pleased to be part of this group. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 2 yrs ago. I did a lot of research and I had to be persistent with my conventional medical GP to ensure that my meds (Synthroid) were changed until optimal TSH levels were obtained (i.e. my symptoms improved). I found a doctor who prescribed bio-identical hormones which helped with the depression/mood and hormonal fluctuations/depletions (menopause). All to say that I had to start at the beginning and try to heal my adrenals before anything else.

    I have always exercised and continue to do so. Through trial and error, I tried different eating plans in order to lose a few pounds and then to regain them. Six months ago, I cut all starch, processed foods, additives, artificial and natural flavors and sugars as I realized I was addicted to those foods which played havoc on my insulin . I no longer crave sugars (what an empowering feeling!). I have been following an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle for the past 6 months and it's working for me. The weight loss is very slow but just reading all of your experiences makes me feel that I am not alone and that we are all here to support each other.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Juliste,
    Your experience sounds much like mine. I'm happy for you that you're feeling better. How long did it take for your adrenals to heal? Are you still supplementing them? I'm just wondering about that because I'm thinking mine may be healed up now & not needing the isocort that I take. May be time to visit the naturapath again. :ohwell:
    So glad you're starting to have weight loss success too. :drinker:
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    I've taking 'Adrenal Rebuilder' a supplement by Dr. James L. Wilson for a while. I feel a whole lot better (energy, mood); however I still wake up in the middle of the night. But honestly at this point, I'm not certain if its physiological or just a habit ! I'll discuss it with my doc next time I go for my saliva test; which will only be this summer.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    That's great! So, hope your tests come back good. :drinker:
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm re-joining My Fitness Pal after some time of being neglectful. I had a full thyroidectomy several years ago and it's been a wonderland of medication flux due to loosing my job, changing job, not being able to afford dr visits, ugh. While I've lost some weight since the last time I was here, I have a long time to go to get back to where I was when I was in the strides of loosing weight and getting all my levels right (the right level of meds, and the right levels in my tests). Right now I'm in a quasi-paleo lifestyle, more about the fresh foods, and eating healthy than going hard core with it (let's face it, it's expensive to be paleo right now). Right now the biggest challenge for me is going to be exercise, as I am having the extreme fatigue, and also fatigue from being anemic again (cause that's an awesome mix). But it's always good to know there are others out there facing the same challenges. :)
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome back! :flowerforyou:
    Hope you find support here & get fit! :happy:
  • abcdmomof2
    abcdmomof2 Posts: 19 Member
    I just checked out the website website you posted and to quote "Your TSH is normal. It’s not your thyroid.” “You need to eat less, exercise more.” “Everyone needs to nap” “You need to see a therapist.” “Your problems are due to being a mom/stress/genetics/your job.” “Let’s put you on this anti-depressant/statin/blood pressure med" is the story of my life! I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid during my second pregnancy which explained why I had such a hard time with weight loss after my first born. But I haven't had any luck since then. I have moments which I call my crazy moments because I feel crazy. I have ups and downs and for a while I thought it was the way of life. Depression runs in the family, and it could possibly just be catching up to me. I am 27, and constantly tired. I have no idea what's going on with me as I'm 'different'. I use to be the bubbly out going girl who needed only 5-6 hrs of sleep. Now, I'm distant, easily over whelmed, depressed, over weight and extremely tired. I could sleep 8 hours and feel exhausted. Throw in a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old and it's a great mix. I've had my Thyroid checked numerous times and Dr just keeps telling me everything comes back normal and that I just need to work a little harder on the weight loss, or, everyone gets tired, especially when working full time and having 2 children, or you've been through a lot these past few years, of course you're going to have sad days......but it just doesn't seem right. THIS CAN'T BE NORMAL. Especially after reading all these posts. I love in Ontario, Canada, how do I find an Endo??
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi & welcome! :flowerforyou:
    Glad you checked out the site. I'm sorry that you've had the run-around from your Dr's. Seems to be more typical than not these days. I go to a naturopath. I guess the only way to find an endo in Canada is to get a referral. But that site also has reference pages to helping people find Dr's in their own areas. You might search it for Dr's in Ontario. Or even online. If you're in a bigger center you have a lot more likelihood of finding a good one.
    Hormones definitely do make one feel a little "off"... but there is hope!
  • fparkyr
    fparkyr Posts: 5
    Hiya everyone, I just found this group. I'm Parkyr, almost 23 years old and I've been treating my hypothyroidism for about five years. I take Porcine Thyroid and Adaptamax for my adrenals to help balance me out. So far so good! I'm working towards getting to a healthy weight while taking care of my body every step of the way. I've already lost fifteen pounds, so it's working!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Parkyr!
    That's great that you're doing so well. Not an easy feat with hypothyroidism. WTG! :drinker:
  • AuntCharlie2013
    Hi! I'm 26 years old and I have Hashimoto. I was just told that I have Hashimoto but have had a thyroid problem for 8 years. I struggle with this. My weight now is 318 lbs. I was never to go over 300 lbs my Dr at the time I want me to. I feel like I'm fighting a battle with my weight and my thyroid. I would love if anyone could help me find food that will help me lose weight and my thyroid.
  • itstime0214
    itstime0214 Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning all, I also have a hypothyroid issue. 4 years now. I take generic levotyroxine, liothyronine, testosterone and progesterone. When put on these meds, I gained 20lbs. I've now gained more in the last year. I am working hard, tracking my food and exercise. Nothing has worked and I am frustrated that I keep gaining.
    Has anyone had luck cutting out certain foods? I just left a message for my doc asking if I should avoide strawberries, spinach ect. I have a fruit and yogurt smoothie everyday with strawberries and spinach. I thought I was being healthy!
    Also, what has worked for any of you? I did low carb years ago and lost weight, but gained it all back and much more. I'm sceptical of trying it again since it seems to mess me up if I don't always stay on it.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. I wish you all the best as well!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou: AuntCharlie & Itstime,
    I have posted help links at the top of the group, and there are several threads where people share what works for them. Please look around & ask questions. There is help for us... one thing I've had to realize though, we can't afford to take breaks from our diets... a lb. lost is such a tedious thing, that blowing your diet once can set you back a month on your progress... not worth it! However, as hard as that sounds, it is so worth it to get to goal!! Like a new lease on life.
  • Pdmgtal
    Pdmgtal Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Although I signed up about a year ago, I've only been using MFP for a week, so I'm still trying to figure out the community/friends aspect. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 7 years ago, and it's been a long struggle to get my meds balanced. I'm finally feeling like ME again, and now I need to work on taking of the 30 pounds I gained over the last few years.
    My friends try to be supportive, but they don't seem to understand it's harder for me to take the weight off than it was for them to (for instance) lose baby weight. It's not an excuse or a free pass, but trying to slim back down is a struggle. I'm hoping that since my meds are finally at the right level that I'll start to see some progress
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Amy, :flowerforyou:
    That's wonderful that you're getting your thyroid regulated now. Its not an easy feat, these days. I hope that you can find the help you need here. There are so many things that help, gluten free, low carb, coconut oil, the right vitamins, staying steady & moderate exercise. Since it is so hard for us to lose wt. we can't afford to "cheat" sometimes... staying steady & committed will get you there!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Kris, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis last week. So at this point I'm still trying to understand all of the implications. I started taking 50mcg of levothyroxine and so far I feel like my body temperature has increased. I'm sweaty in the morning after I take my the meds.

    Is that normal?
  • desireelynnbr
    Hi there. I've been on Synthroid now for quite a few years; I'm not real sure if I'm hypo or hyper. They all say that you lose weight once you start the medicine. To be honest, I've not seen any weight change, UNLESS I am really on a committed diet or fitness routine. Everytime I go in, the doc says my number is normal.

    Anyway, I just found this site today, so I'm new and still learning my way around. Found this group and thot I'd join.
