Introduductions, and goal



  • daniat
    daniat Posts: 123 Member
    Hi Michelle,

    Welcome. Congratulations on your weight loss. Wow, I wish I had "met" you in the fall when I was floundering and desperately trying to hold on to "1200 cals is 1200 cals"

    Keep up the good work!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hey, everyone! I'm not a mom (well, a dog-mom!) but I just started keto today. I'm 28 and go to school full time and work nights as a bar tender.

    Just started keto today! SO nervous and excited!

    Here's a copy/paste of my intro to r/keto on reddit. The info's still good!

    Hey, ladies and gents.

    I'm a 28/f full-time student and bar tender in the southeast USA. I lost 80 lbs. in 2011 using myfitnesspal to count calories and have maintained that loss (with no variation) since then. I still have 40 lbs. to lose to get to a healthy weight (120) for my height (5'2"). So, after about a year of lurking on r/keto, I've become convinced to give it a go!

    My boyfriend is currently trying to GAIN weight (he's 135 at 5'10" with a boxing background and has always been thin/lean) and grocery shopping was one of the things with which we've struggled. I feel like I can finally buy the same foods for both of us while he just gets to add fruits and starches to his meals.

    I'm really excited and a little nervous. Been denying myself fatty meats, cheddar and full-fat anything for a couple of years now that it's a little strange to now focus on them! But I love those foods, so ::cheers::!

    I just wanted to quickly introduce myself and say that I'll be researching in much further depth now.

    Starting with the following (just went grocery shopping!):
    bacon (lots and lots of bacon)
    extra-sharp cheddar
    ribeye steaks
    73/27 ground hamburger
    avocado (to use sparingly)
    tomato (to use even more sparingly)
    eggs (two dozen!)
    greek yogurt* (to be strained of whey for labna)
    heavy cream (for mousses and ice creams)
    dark chocolate (also for the above desserts)
    splenda (")
    pork rinds (for "nachos" and snacking) ...I'm probably forgetting some things but I hope I am on the right track!

    Will be utilizing our local butcher from here on out, as his weekly specials are insanely cheap ($35 for 10+ lbs. of meat) and full of good, local, grass-fed cuts.

    That's pretty much my intro! I'm going to research my *kitten* off and want to thank you all in advance for any suggestions.

    *I know that greek yogurt is not keto, however I've read that the live active cultures consume some of the carbs and the rest can be strained out so I am going to try it.
  • daniat
    daniat Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Mckay,
    Welcome. Your list sounds great. Good luck on your journey. Would be great if you shared any useful tidbits that you find while researching
  • eatingafterdark
    eatingafterdark Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I have four children ages 3,4,8, and 10. I have lost weight with Atkins before, after my second son. I do tons better with less then 20 grams of carbs daily. It's so funny that you said you're a "taster" am I. I love to taste what I've just made the kids! Not a good plan when you are trying for less carbs! Thanks for starting the introductions! ~Mari
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Hello all!

    My name is Lisa, I'm 27 and am happily married to an awesome, supporting man. We don't have children yet, but want some very soon, which is what helped kickstart the weight loss journey I'm on right now.

    I started doing low carb recently and noticed I feel better and not as congested as I do when I consume a lot of starchy carbs/refined sugars.

    I'm new to the Keto way and will surely be looking into it as it seems to be similar to low carb.

    Good luck to everyone one this journey and I hope we get to know each other better :)

    xo Lisa
  • dc729
    dc729 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome, Lisa. Everyone on here is very supportive and willing to help each other with support, recipes etc.
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    Wow, I can't believe I never got around to introducing myself here. How rude! ;-) Well, hello everyone, I'm Cheryl. I'm a married mother of six (one hubby, two kids, one kid-in-law, and two cats), and grandma to an 8 mo. old baby girl. Yes, they all live with me. I also work a second full-time job outside the home as a legal assistant.

    I am new to keto, but not new to low carb. I managed a few years back to lose a lot of weight on low carb and dropped 2 pant sizes, but the cravings were very hard to deal with and control and I eventually fell off the low carb wagon and gained back almost all of the 41 lbs I had lost. As an added bonus, my Type 2 Diabetes was way out of control. In June, 2012, my doctor upped my Metformin prescription to the highest dosage she could give me and, even so, in December, 2012, my A1C was even higher than before and she told me that I needed to come back in 3 months and have it together or I would need to start taking insulin as she couldn't give me any more medication than I was already taking. (She's been monitoring my Type 2 for 15 years so she knows I can control it with diet if I try.) Naturally, I spent January and February in a carb overload of emotional eating. The day after President's Day Weekend I knew it was my final chance as I was supposed to go back in for testing in a week!

    I came across Dana Carpender's new Fat Fast Cookbook which led me to research the ketogenic diet and I started immediately. I hoped to delay my labwork untl the end of March, but my doctor's office called me to remind me that I needed to come in (they weren't letting me slack off anymore). So after only two weeks on a keto diet I headed in to get my fasting labwork done. My fasting glucose went from 139 to 117 and my A1C went from 7.4 to 6.7. Over the years, I usually average a 6.5, which my doctor considers well-managed as far as Diabetes goes.

    I am so blown away by these results after only two weeks of eating keto, not to mention the fact that I have virtually no cravings like I did before. OK, so I did have a hard time last weekend when my family brought multiple bags of chips into the house, but I didn't eat even one of them. Honestly, if I could buy the Doritos seasoning, I would never need to buy another bag of Doritos ever again. That stuff is like crack. Mmmmmmm.

    So for now I am enjoying my improved blood sugar readings and just focusing on making it a habit to record my food and find new and interesting keto foods/recipes to try. I'm still trying to be patient with myself as it seems I am one of those lucky people who do not instantly lose lots of weight on a keto diet while eating a crazy amount of calories. So I have to watch my calories in order to lose weight. The weight comes off slowly, and I keep reminding myself that at least it's coming off, but it is frustrating some days.

    I am looking forward to interacting with low carb/keto people here on MFP and sharing lots of knowledge, encouragement, ideas and recipes. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.

  • Hi! My name is Jane. I'm a 31 y.o. mom to a beautiful toddler. Currently, I weigh 129 lbs. and I need to drop to 102 in the next couple of months. I hate that I'm considered obese (with 35.5% body fat). I love to eat and hate exercising (bad combo), but I'm hoping to get close to my target weight with keto. But I have a problem letting go of rice, pizza and pasta. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to see where this diet goes! :)
  • xtennant
    xtennant Posts: 6
    Hi! My name is Sandy and I am 42. I have been eating low carb since 1/2/13. I was diagnosed with diabetes in Dec and so far I have lost 38 lbs since Jan. I started at 229 and now weigh 191. I still have a way to go but at least I feel like I'm going in the right direction. I try to stay under 25 carbs a day and would love some new food ideas!!
  • Hi everyone.

    My name is Janet and I started doing the Ketogenic diet a couple weeks ago. So far I'm liking the results and that its real easy to stick to the food plan and say no to carbs. I joined this group in hopes of finding some new delicious things to eat or new ways to eat current foods and to see whats in store for me on my keto diet in the long run. Also this is the longest diet I have ever been on as I found all the others I've tried I ended up failing at.
  • mariluciarose
    mariluciarose Posts: 9 Member
    Hi my name is Marie, I am 42 and a mom of 5 with varying ages (22-3). I have done low carb before with success but didn't stick with it long enough. This my 2nd try at MFP I had a bad experience prior with very negative and down right rude people. I'm always hearing rave reviews about MFP so I figured I'd give it one more try and hopefully this time around I'll find all those great people I've heard about . I restarted my low carb plan 3 months ago and I am very excited to participate and share this journey with you all. :bigsmile:

    Start weight 300lbs. (3 months ago)

    Current weight 275 (as of Friday)

    My goal is 120 (gonna do it with a goal of 10 pounds at a time)
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Good Morning!

    LOL I just seriously laughed out loud. I AM A TASTER TOO. I actually laid in bed last night wondering if there were enough calories etc in the little tastes of my sons delicious dinners! They do add up im sure, Im going to have to make an allowance or cut it out because Im on day 6 and haven't budged a pound despite all-day concentration on what and when im eating.

    I know I need to relax a bit and it will get easier and Im working on that :smile:

    My name is Sarah and Im a 40 yr old mom of a 12 yr old and 7 yr old boy. I have never had weight issues, per se, until the last 7 months or so. Ironically, since my 40th birthday, the pounds have been piling on. ( 40 pounds )

    I discovered a very keto-friendly and delicious treat last night:

    3 TBSP Heavy Cream/Whipping Cream ~ Whip with beater then drop a drop or two of MIO ( The squirt drops ) I used lemonade.
    It was heavenly :happy: and perfect for an after dinner sugar fix !
  • Hi my name is Lisa. I am a 34 year mom told a 2 year old girl. Last year I decided to make a change my eating habits. I've tried traditional healthy diets, vegetarianism and a regular exercise routine. My best weight loss results came with keto ,but I fell off the wagon last Halloween. I am ready to make the change again and am looking for support from my fellow ketoers :)
  • Hi, :smile:

    My name is Kristen. I'm almost 45 and I have a 6 year old and a 4 year old. Late start, I know!

    I have been diagnosed hypothyroid since my oldest was a baby, but I know my tests were off before, that and I probably had thyroid issues since I was a teen (because I always had big, inexplicable weight changes):noway:

    I lost 25 pounds on WW years ago but I got really sick after that, about 10 on Atkins and felt great, 40 pounds on Atkins+calorie counting+plus crazy exercise (twice) and for the last 5 years I've been screwing around Jillian Michaels, half-assed Paleo, detox diets, smoothies, and "so-called a healthy diet/behavior modification" which has led to a 10-15 pound GAIN. Okay, not literally screwing around with Jilian, and I do like her books, but I just don't lose on when eating oatmeal, fruit, or starchy vegs.

    When it comes to my kids foods, I am a taster too! it's the worst.

    Planning to do keto, aiming for about 1500 calories and less than 25g of carb a day, not going overboard on protein, either.

    This is my third day, I have lost about 3 pounds and was ravenous the first two days. Today was easier, but I have migraine!

    Would love to share meal ideas and recipes! Good luck to you all!
  • Hi! I wanted to introduce myself. Hopefully this group is still active. It's the first one I've joined at MFP.

    I'm Dawn and have two sons, 11 and 7. And since several of you have mentioned baking, I have to point out that as I type, I'm warming up the oven to bake cookies for the delayed Valentine's parties at my sons' school today. I have to get them there by 1 p.m.. I'm making Red Velvet cookies with cream cheese filling. If I can do it without tasting, I will consider it a miracle. Ha! I just had a great idea! If I can get through making these cookies, I'm going to reward myself with a new workout outfit using the Kohl's cash I was saving. ; )

    Anyway, I hope to meet some other Keto Mamas and support each other. Would love to learn what some of your favorite family friendly Keto recipes are, too!
  • ebatzar
    ebatzar Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Elayna. I am a working mom of a two year old daughter. It's hard to find the time to get in all that exercise and eat well now that I'm headed into my 40s. I've been working to lose all the baby weight and have found that a ketogenic diet works best for me. Just need some help finding new ways to eat low carb. Happy to share recipes, encouragement, and exercises to keep motivated.

    Can't wait to meet fellow keto mommas.
  • mauribelarmino
    mauribelarmino Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm a 31 year old mom of a five year old :)

    I work full time, and I'm in nursing school. So my workout time is very limited. I needed a eating plan that was somewhat easy to follow so I started keto about a month ago.

    I haven't lost much weight yet, but it's also not my first foray in low carb so I wasn't expecting a huge change right away. Also, I finally started concentrating on hydration and that seems to have gotten things going.

    I aim for 1750 cals a day... That with all the walking I do at work seems to be a nice balance. Only problem is I hardly ever meet that goal because I'm just not hungry anymore lol. I'm always satisfied. Now I'm averaging 1300 gross cals a day... I'm going to give it another month then see about upping my calories somehow....

    My goal is below 35 carbs. I go over more than I'd like but it's still under 60. I wish I could skip artificial sweeteners but....