What are you reading currently?



  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. At first I thought I wa going to hate it, but it has turned into an absolute tresure.
  • Regirl21
    Regirl21 Posts: 3
    I just finished "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult. I couldn't put it down, it was a great story although a little sad. Now I'm reading "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn. So far, so good! :)
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    finished Heart Shaped Scars by T.W. Vanderneck and gave it 5 stars.
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    Finished the Book Thief, on to Water For Elephants.
  • whitcris2
    @Geerunz I LOVED The Book Thief. I sobbed at the end. :)

    I'm currently reading Healing Our World in an Age of Aggression by Dr. Mary Ruwart and Fat Chance by Dr. Robert Lustig. I usually read literature and fiction, but thought I'd give these a try since they were recommended by family {both science lovers}.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Room by Emma Donoghue.

    Really powerful, my heart was pounding in fear at places. Extremely readable. Can't say that I am "enjoying" it, per se, beause it is dark, really dark, but I cannot put it down.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    Room, by Emma Donoghue.

    It's written from the perspective of a 5 year old. It takes about 100 pages to get sucked into the book (I really was lost and didn't understand everything, and then it all came together). But it was recommended by a friend. So, if you could get past the style of writing, and the fact that you might have to reread the first 100 pages because you were too ADD to pay attention, I would recommend.

    Last book I read was Sarah's Key. About a girl who escapes the concentration camp and is worried because she locked her brother in a secret room when the Nazis came for her family. It starts out in present day and jumps back and forth between the past. GOOD read.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    Room by Emma Donoghue.

    Really powerful, my heart was pounding in fear at places. Extremely readable. Can't say that I am "enjoying" it, per se, beause it is dark, really dark, but I cannot put it down.

    I like the darkness. How do you get past the style of writing?
  • mstyer2790
    mstyer2790 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm reading the new Jodi Piccoultm book- The Storyteller.

    Can't seem to put it down! It's pretty captivating. :heart:
  • IAM125lbs
    IAM125lbs Posts: 235 Member
    I've almost finished "Lamb" by Christopher Moore. Tripping off Biff. Funny read.
  • Pwrpuff83
    Pwrpuff83 Posts: 92
    The Science of Discworld. Its blowing my mind. And physics is HARD.
  • Strangelyinsane
    Strangelyinsane Posts: 120 Member
    I've almost finished "Lamb" by Christopher Moore. Tripping off Biff. Funny read.

    One of my favorite all time books. I laughed out loud many times! I've also read "A Dirty Job" by Christopher Moore and loved it as well.
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    Bleak House by Charles ****ens.

    Started it at Christmas as I thought it would be all cosy Victorian London. It's my first ****ens read apart from A Christmas Carol, and I have to say it is very, very slow and not quite like I thought it would be. Still, when I start a book I have my own little rule that I must finish it!

    Edit: Hahaha can't believe MFP automatically censored ****ens!
  • beccahel
    beccahel Posts: 12 Member
    Fathers and Sons - Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev

    Just like other Russian novels I have read, am finding it slow going but interesting. At least it is short enough that I won't be reading it for months.
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    "You don't have to be evil to work here, but it helps" By Tom Holt. Love this guy for light relief from research at Uni. If you want immature, snorting, belly laughs then anything by this guy is gold!!!
  • geerunz
    geerunz Posts: 163 Member
    Finished Water for Elephants on Tuesday and have now started Wool by Hugh Howey.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Just finished Calculated in Death by J.D. Robb this morning at the gym. Looking forward to starting The Book of Summers by Emylia Hall. My understanding is that most of the book is set in Hungary and I'm excited to learn more about a country I know little about.
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    Just finished 'The Things They Carried' by Tim O'Brien. Now I'm listening to 'Tenth of December' by George Saunders on audiobook. :-)
  • Erin959
    Erin959 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm reading 'Killing Floor' by Lee Child, which is the first of the Jack Reacher novels. I'm fairly certain they made this into a film with Tom Cruise which I find hilarious. Tom Cruise is one of the shortest actors around and the character in the book is about 6"4 lol
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    Now I'm onto 'Sweet Tooth' by Ian McEwan. Tenth of December on audiobook was great and narrated by Saunders himself. :-)