April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    Pendlay rows are rapidly becoming my least favourite lift, 30kg again, used the smaller bar so I could put 15kg on each side but that is still slightly low, counting it as 55544 as didn't get right to my chest by the end.

    Sorry... what bar are you using if you're putting 15kg on each side? because mens oly bar is 20kg and womens oly bar is 15kg, so if you're putting 15kg on each side you're adding 30kg to the bar weight and therefore not doing your lifts at 30kg but possible 45 or even 50?

    I don't know if you're gym is different or it was a typo? But i've never come across a bar that weight 0kg :)

    Ooh that is interesting I was told it weighed 10kg!! Will check... Maybe I'm more BAMF than I realised lol!

    edited to say.. phoned the gym, yes the short bar is 15kg not 10 - I think the one I used in that hotel a few weeks ago was 10, which in my head was the same as the short one at the gym. d'oh! guess it's time to amend my Pendlay rows figures then.. 45kg not 40, 99lb!! wasn't atrocious so will stick at that next time and see if I can get it better. deary me!
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member

    Pendlay rows are rapidly becoming my least favourite lift, 30kg again, used the smaller bar so I could put 15kg on each side but that is still slightly low, counting it as 55544 as didn't get right to my chest by the end.

    Sorry... what bar are you using if you're putting 15kg on each side? because mens oly bar is 20kg and womens oly bar is 15kg, so if you're putting 15kg on each side you're adding 30kg to the bar weight and therefore not doing your lifts at 30kg but possible 45 or even 50?

    I don't know if you're gym is different or it was a typo? But i've never come across a bar that weight 0kg :)

    Ooh that is interesting I was told it weighed 10kg!! Will check... Maybe I'm more BAMF than I realised lol!

    edited to say.. phoned the gym, yes the short bar is 15kg not 10 - I think the one I used in that hotel a few weeks ago was 10, which in my head was the same as the short one at the gym. d'oh! guess it's time to amend my Pendlay rows figures then.. 45kg not 40, 99lb!! wasn't atrocious so will stick at that next time and see if I can get it better. deary me!

    I'm glad I didn't come off as snarky as I re-read it and thought oh no that could be read as though I'm being a b****!!

    But hey... 45kg!!! Nice one :) I'm at 42.5 today and I don't know how I'm going to do it!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ah, no, didn't read as snarky, but then I'm one of those Pollyanna, glass-half-full, assume the best unless proved wrong, people are in here to support me types, (also was reading on my phone in the car with the kids waiting for holiday club to open!).

    I appreciate you putting me on the right path to BAMFishness :)

    and when I get some video of me squatting I will appreciate you pulling no punches too!
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    ah, no, didn't read as snarky, but then I'm one of those Pollyanna, glass-half-full, assume the best unless proved wrong, people are in here to support me types, (also was reading on my phone in the car with the kids waiting for holiday club to open!).

    I appreciate you putting me on the right path to BAMFishness :)

    and when I get some video of me squatting I will appreciate you pulling no punches too!

    That is total BAMF! I wish I was lifting more than I realised haha!! But to me all the upper body stuff is such a struggle so I'm sure I'd notice any amount of extra weight!

    I'm still yet to post a squat video, but my boyf is also doing a 5x5 programme and he's pretty well equipped to judge me which he does on a regular basis (at my request - i think i ask him every session.......) so unless his eyes fall out I probably wont post but I am not nearly well equipped enough to judge on form! haha!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Cheers everyone!

    Cheers yourself! Sounds like you're very active doing fun things! The awesome thing about lifting is that you can fit it around your life and still reap the benefits. I really love that.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Hi Gwyn, welcome! Glad you shared what you are up to. You inspired me.

    Happy belated birthday fisherlassie!!

    Congrats on all the BAMF-ing you all are doing!

    I looked over my records and It's been a month of lifting every other day and I am feeling it throughout my body. So I decided to take two days off, do two sessions at 75%, take another two days off, then resume progressing.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    First failure today since I started! 75lbs OHP - 5-5-5-4-5. After the set of 4, I took a full 5 minutes rest before the last set. The last couple reps probably weren't too pretty, but I made it. I think I'll probably be able to make it through next time, but I'll probably need to get some fastenal washers for OHP from here on out.

    And I'm so glad there's only one set of deadlifts. I officially lifted more than my body weight today (155)!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    that is amazing! a way to go before I deadlift bodyweight lol!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    cleo that OHP is amazing!!! Congratulations! and Congratulations on your deadliest!! Wow!! more than body weight!!! Incredible!

    iwood, 99lb!! You are awesome!

    Gwyn, you are STRONG!!! I do aikido too!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I'm a newbie to SL. I started yesterday. I had been following NROL4W, but decided to stop for a few reasons. My husband is doing SL and loves it, he has great results. I didn't feel I was getting that much stronger with NROL4W, plus the workouts were too long to fit into my life.

    So, even though I have only done this once, I loved it. I know I am going to become stronger and hopefully lose some of the fat thats hiding my growing muscles.
    I'm looking forward to my next workout tomorrow, although I know I am going to hurt after the squats!!!!!
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    First failure today since I started! 75lbs OHP - 5-5-5-4-5.

    5x5 at 75 on OHP is no joke. Good job.
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I do aikido too!

    Very cool!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Cleo - wow. 75 lbs? That's great.

    Welcome to new folks and recently emerged lurkers!

    Gwyn, you may be my new role model. Seriously, all the stuff you do is amazing!

    Today was a good day for finding my limits. Obviously my squat form has some issues, so going to back off from 100 to 85 and get that stuff fixed.
    Failed on my 15th and 25th reps for OHP at 65, so holding there another week.
    Did well on my deadlift, 145. Needed a 15-20 second rest between lifts though, so I may stay there another week too.

    Small NSV, though: None, and I mean none, of my summer clothes fit - they are all too big, even the shorts I never wore because they were too small when I bought them! Looks like some thrift storing/Old Navy shopping is in order - don't want to spend a lot of money, because hopefully I'll keep shrinking!

    Sounds like the small person is having a hard time getting ready for bed, so I better go help Bobby. Have a great night, all.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Hello all my strong friends-

    A day late posting. Last night was workout A

    Squats- 75lbs
    Bench 57.5 Lbs
    Rows- 80 lbs

    Threw in some side bends with the kettlebell and some overhead triceps thingies with the bell(Rough day at work and my mind isn't processing anything). Side bends always make my sides so sore, but for some sadistic reason I love the way it feels lol.

    I never thought I would be excited about losing knee fat. Yes knee fat! I noticed last night I don't have such a bulge over my knee cap now. And in my new profile pic, my double chin is disappearing! Now if my thighs and butt would follow suit, all would be right in my world.

    Welcome to all the new folks!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Gwyn - your numbers are awesome!!

    Rachietuk - Welcome!

    Cleo - Awesome OHP!

    kirabob - Congrats on the NSV!!! Invest in a belt! I felt like I was buying new pants every month for a little bit and a belt let me skip sizes.

    Well, had another bad squat day yesterday. Didn't even get past warm-up so I am going to work on figuring this hip flexor thing out with body weight. I think I am leaning towards it being a compression/nerve issue. I have strength and it hurts at the bottom of the squat when my hip is pressing close to my quads. Also, pigeon pose is GREAT when I have the left leg back, but it causes the same problem when I have the right leg back and the left leg forward. I played around with some body weight squats today and was able to find a sweet spot where there was no pain. So I'm going to work on hitting that spot every time and once muscle memory takes over go back and start at the bar again. I may need to look at doing a high bar squat to keep my hip to quad angle up. But finding the sweet spot is progress!

    I did get to hit 105 on bench press for 3 sets, but then backed down to 100 for the last two sets when I started to lose form and figured if I didn't I would be doing a roll of shame at some point :laugh: I also hit 105 on the rows. I'm going to sit there for a few more times to keep form under control. Tomorrow is workout B so I'll be staying at 70 for OHP since my form was crap last time and then I will be at 155 for deadlifts for 2 or 3 sets to make up for the lack of heavy squats.

    Happy lifting everyone!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Kira, Awesome NSV!!! Clothes that are too big!! very cool!!

    Nice to see you Rach

    Soos you look beautiful!

    Jstout, Your lifts are awesome!! I am so sorry you are having squat pain. I still have the butt pain when I squat and it is seriously depressing. You sound like you have it all under control though! I should follow your lead.

    I used my 45 lb plates for the first time today on deadlifts!! It is so exciting! I stayed the same on all the lifts but it was very exciting to use big plates!! The hardest part was getting them on and off!

    Squats: 135 lb
    OHP: 70
    DL: 155
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    I used my 45 lb plates for the first time today on deadlifts!! It is so exciting! I stayed the same on all the lifts but it was very exciting to use big plates!! The hardest part was getting them on and off!

    ^^so true. The worst part of dead lifts is loading the big plates on. No, I take that back. The worst part is unloading them when you're done.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member

    I used my 45 lb plates for the first time today on deadlifts!! It is so exciting! I stayed the same on all the lifts but it was very exciting to use big plates!! The hardest part was getting them on and off!

    ^^so true. The worst part of dead lifts is loading the big plates on. No, I take that back. The worst part is unloading them when you're done.

    Definitely. I leave mine on the bar in the hopes that hubby wil unload and rack, no such luck so far.

    @Lassie-WTG on the "big girl" plates. Very exciting! And very BAMF!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member

    I used my 45 lb plates for the first time today on deadlifts!! It is so exciting! I stayed the same on all the lifts but it was very exciting to use big plates!! The hardest part was getting them on and off!

    ^^so true. The worst part of dead lifts is loading the big plates on. No, I take that back. The worst part is unloading them when you're done.

    Definitely. I leave mine on the bar in the hopes that hubby wil unload and rack, no such luck so far.

    @Lassie-WTG on the "big girl" plates. Very exciting! And very BAMF!

    LOL I had to take like a 5 minute break after my deadlifts were done before I unloaded the bar. Some guy came up and asked how much longer I would be using the rack, so then I finally dragged myself over to unload them. Shoulda conned him in to doing it for me, but I figure all that weight moving is part of the burn.
  • Imadarkswan
    Imadarkswan Posts: 113 Member
    SL session 17 yesterday and after the day I had I sure was ready to get to the gym and let off some steam.

    Workout Weights were
    Squats 125 - I think my form is starting to get a little wonky at this weight but oh it felt good to do it.
    Bench 75 - no assistance needed but it was a bit difficult
    Barbell Row - 85 - these were a bit heavy as well.
    I am not sure if everything wss so heavy because I had a difficult day or if I am just getting to the point where it is just effin heavy for me!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I had to use dumbbells this morning for a modified version of workout b because I'm still out of town for work....so only have the hotel gym to work with. UGH!

    I haven't trained with dumbbells in at least 5 months and it did not go as expected! I am still feeling like I worked out, so I suppose that's a good thing. Oh well, at least this will give me a better idea of what I should do for lifting next time I'm out of town!
  • Fiesty1006
    Fiesty1006 Posts: 95 Member
    Last night seemed to be a successful workout B.

    Squat: 100lbs
    OHP: 60lbs
    Deadlift: 100lbs

    MH has started going to the gym with me this week. He's not really sure what he wants to do... so, his "routine" is a little random... But, hey, at least he's there. I suggested SLs, but he has no interest in it.

    He took a video for me to check my squat form last night.... Then his phone crashed... and lost the video. Ugh. I was too tired to do it again just for video...lol.. so, guess we'll do it Friday.

    I find myself getting excited and mentally counting how long it will be until I get to use the next big plate (25, 35, 45) - instead of adding up the smaller plates (2.5, 5, 10) to equal what I need. I was excited to use the 25lb plates Monday... Now I'm eyeing the 35lb plates in eager anticipation... :-)
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Does anyone else struggle with just one particular lift? Squats are my nemesis.

    I finished the first 12 weeks with a squat of 125, 3 x 5, and was feeling good about that. Took a week off from lifting, and this week I nearly died at 110 3 x 5 and then FAILED last night at 115 (554). Wtf? I've been very careful with diet and rest, so I feel like it must be my form. I'm now back to watching tons of videos and reading Starting Strength, but I can't figure it out. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and have hubby video me.:explode:

    My upper body lifts are actually increasing, though. Benched 88 last night, and rowed 80, both PRs (and I could have done more) And I deadlifted 170 on Sunday. (which I'm totally proud of as I weigh 140). But why oh why won't my squats get better? :sad:
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Lifting day today is canceled. I slipped going down the stairs to get the dog food and landed on my left arm. I can barely type (or feed myself, which may be a good thing!). It's murder when I move my hand or fingers. Ugh....not happy:( Might still try to get some squats in, but maybe should do some cardio instead.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Oh no! I hope you heal quickly! Ice, ice, ice!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @macy Oh no! Maybe see a doctor?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Does anyone else struggle with just one particular lift? Squats are my nemesis.

    I finished the first 12 weeks with a squat of 125, 3 x 5, and was feeling good about that. Took a week off from lifting, and this week I nearly died at 110 3 x 5 and then FAILED last night at 115 (554). Wtf? I've been very careful with diet and rest, so I feel like it must be my form. I'm now back to watching tons of videos and reading Starting Strength, but I can't figure it out. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet and have hubby video me.:explode:

    My upper body lifts are actually increasing, though. Benched 88 last night, and rowed 80, both PRs (and I could have done more) And I deadlifted 170 on Sunday. (which I'm totally proud of as I weigh 140). But why oh why won't my squats get better? :sad:

    Taking a week off makes squats hell for msot people. I think its that you get a lot of otherwise unused bits like your hipflexors tighten up again. Don't worry - you'll be fine in another day or two. Next time you want a week break I'd recommend doing some light weight squats during it, like 50-60% your work weight, just to keep things lubricated and warm.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Oh yeah and its pretty normal to have a 'problem' lift -- in the beginning it will rotate. you'll fight with your squats for a while, figure out some super minor form adjustment and then it'll be great for a while, then during that time you'll start to struggle with something else.

    Long term though, everyone has one lift that's a little stronger than the others and one that's a little weaker.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Taking a week off makes squats hell for msot people. I think its that you get a lot of otherwise unused bits like your hipflexors tighten up again. Don't worry - you'll be fine in another day or two. Next time you want a week break I'd recommend doing some light weight squats during it, like 50-60% your work weight, just to keep things lubricated and warm.

    Actually, this explains a lot . . . . including why my hipflexors are on fire. Thank you so much!!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm a newbie to SL. I started yesterday. I had been following NROL4W, but decided to stop for a few reasons. My husband is doing SL and loves it, he has great results. I didn't feel I was getting that much stronger with NROL4W, plus the workouts were too long to fit into my life.

    So, even though I have only done this once, I loved it. I know I am going to become stronger and hopefully lose some of the fat thats hiding my growing muscles.
    I'm looking forward to my next workout tomorrow, although I know I am going to hurt after the squats!!!!!
    I'm a newbie also. Started Monday and Friday will be my 2nd A. I also was doing a NROL but the original (I have done NROL4W also) and I agree they are too long and some of the moves a little too fancy. I like SL's becuse it keeps it simple. Welcome and friend me if you'd like since we're close to the same starting time.