Let's have some laughs - Benefits of being single



  • Shananigans_
    Shananigans_ Posts: 785 Member
    This is making me laugh/depressed lol.
    I'm fairly new to being single but am appreciating some things such as:
    -not having to be a mother to a 40 year old man, pay your own damn bills, wash your own clothes etc etc
    -not having someone looking over my shoulder and questioning where I'm going
    -cooking exactly what I want for dinner
    -not having to wear a ton of clothes to prevent getting attacked in bed
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Not getting dragged from the sports bar to go shopping for housewares or furniture . lol
  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    My choice of music, all the time.
    Out the door time reduced from 90 minutes to 9
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    My choice of music, all the time.
    Out the door time reduced from 90 minutes to 9

    Choice of music is a great one. My last ex made fun of some of my musical choices so I stopped listening to certain bands around him. And I don't have to listen to his annoying punk music. lol
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    Great Post - Now that I only have 4 Alimony payments left I can say the best thing about being single is I finally got the Mustang GT that I wanted since High School....plus all the other stuff eveyone else said....
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    I don't have to share my cookies
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Making my own decisions!

    And I have a new found love for flirting. ;)
  • crissy_percival
    crissy_percival Posts: 2,447 Member
    i get to flirt ;)
  • maggiekcm
    maggiekcm Posts: 8
    My choice of music, all the time.
    Out the door time reduced from 90 minutes to 9

    Some of us women are able to shower, fix makeup and hair, get dressed, and be out the door in under 30 minutes! Its a talent.
  • Apogree
    Apogree Posts: 12 Member
    1.) Crappy movie marathons. :)
    2.) I can put veggies in my dishes again
    3.) I don't have to pick anyone up every time because they're too broke due to poor decisions to buy a car of their own.
    4.) I have a better sleep pattern and love to wake up early without having to creep around the apartment until noon.
    5.) No more feeding of the ego as he fishes for compliments, so I'm only responsible for my own happiness!
    6.) Long bubble baths without interruption.
    7.) I get to work on my flirting skills now!
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I don't have to wait until my next paycheck to pay the bills that were due in this paycheck because I never know how much of MY salary is going to be left be her (who refuses to have a job) for me to pay bills.

    Heck, just being able to handle my money how I want to.
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    Being able to satisfy oneself in bed without having a second person think that is an invitation/requirement to include them. Was that nicely phrased? LOL

  • UsernameStillLoading
    UsernameStillLoading Posts: 299 Member
    My choice of music, all the time.
    Out the door time reduced from 90 minutes to 9

    Some of us women are able to shower, fix makeup and hair, get dressed, and be out the door in under 30 minutes! Its a talent.

    My record is 5 minutes....my average is 10 minutes.
  • UsernameStillLoading
    UsernameStillLoading Posts: 299 Member
    You can talk to yourself without anyone thinking you're crazy.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    Not having someone spoil Walking Dead or Game of Thrones while watching it. This is a BIG ONE for me!
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    Benefit of been single is I don't always have to shower......

    Im joking, I don't do that anyway.....lol :P
  • jac_84
    jac_84 Posts: 128 Member
    being OCD about cleaning and putting things away without dealing with someone elses non-ocd tendancies lol
  • Catfriend25
    Not having a boyfriend, knowing he is physically attracted to other women, this is actually the reason why I've chosen to stay single for life
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Nobody wanting me to go massively into debt on houses and minivans and childcare.

    Its been a recurring theme in my relationships:. They always seem to want to go SPEND SPEND SPEND, and get stuck under mortgage payments and reproduction.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Control of the remote.